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- [From ] Rj Schack [REC'D] [SENT] [MSG 4827 OF 4990]
- [To ] Jeff Johansen [Reply To 4823] [Has Reply 4843]
- [Date ] 19 Jun 92 05:06:10
- [Subject ] Caps Lock Question
- -> The other day I was thinking of a neat programming idea and was
- -> wondering if any one here has seen such a beast or might wish to
- -> write one. Here goes... I turn my Amiga on (or reboot it) and
- -> press my CapsLock key so the red light comes on. Somewhere in
- -> or after Statup-Sequence a program senses I have done this and
- -> executes a pre-determined program or script.
- ---------- [cut here] ----------
- /* CapsWarn.c - by Rj Schack - placed in the public domain.
- SAS/C 5.10b: lc -O capswarn.c
- Blink 5.10b: blink lib:c.o capswarn.o lib lib:lc.lib lib:amiga.lib
- define __main=__tinymain sc sd nd
- */
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <devices/keyboard.h>
- int CXBRK(void) { return(0); }
- int chkabort(void) { return(0); }
- main()
- {
- struct IOStdReq *KeyIO;
- struct MsgPort *KeyMP;
- char *KeyMatrix;
- char ReturnCode = 0;
- if (KeyMP = CreatePort(NULL, NULL))
- {
- if (KeyIO = CreateExtIO(KeyMP, sizeof(struct IOStdReq)))
- {
- if (!(OpenDevice("keyboard.device", NULL, KeyIO, NULL)))
- {
- if (KeyMatrix = AllocMem(20, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- KeyIO->io_Command = KBD_READMATRIX;
- KeyIO->io_Data = KeyMatrix;
- KeyIO->io_Length = 20;
- DoIO(KeyIO);
- if (KeyMatrix[12] & (1 << 2))
- ReturnCode = 5;
- FreeMem(KeyMatrix, 20);
- }
- CloseDevice(KeyIO);
- }
- DeleteExtIO(KeyIO);
- }
- DeletePort(KeyMP);
- }
- exit(ReturnCode);
- }
- ---------- [end here] ----------
- Example script usage:
- ---------- [cut here] ----------
- dev:path/CapsWarn
- if warn
- echo "CapsLock key is active."
- endif
- ---------- [end here] ----------
- Source is sparse with no casting for brevity over nets. You'll
- get warnings, but it should compile okay. I would've uuencoded it
- (as an executable), but I prefer to deal with source code. If you
- can't compile it, I can put the source/executable up on 42. BTW,
- it's only tested under v37.
- - RjS
- --- Star-Net v1.0
- * Origin: Phila Amiga Users Group 215-551-1485/6113 (1:273/50.0)