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- /*
- * Name: MG 2a Amiga console device virtual terminal display Last
- * Edit: 29-Nov-87 mic@emx.cc.utexas.edu Created: 19-Apr-86
- * mic@emx.cc.utexas.edu
- *
- * Drives the Amiga console device display. The code is basically like the
- * termcap driver in that it uses the console device scrolling region. It
- * also has some hacks to manage the console device colors. The latest hack
- * is to inform the terminal I/O driver when we intend to do an escape
- * sequence; this allows the terminal I/O driver to turn off the cursor
- * without breaking up the sequences, leading to a garbled screen.
- */
- #undef MANX
- #undef LATTICE
- #include "compiler.h"
- #include "change_color.h"
- #include "mode_fg.h"
- #include "mode_bg.h"
- #include "mode_rendition.h"
- #include "text_fg.h"
- #include "text_bg.h"
- #include "text_rendition.h"
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <devices/console.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <graphics/clip.h>
- #include <graphics/view.h>
- #include <graphics/rastport.h>
- #include <graphics/layers.h>
- #include <graphics/text.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #ifndef MANX
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #endif
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #undef TRUE
- #undef FALSE
- #include "def.h"
- #ifdef ANSI
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- #define BEL 0x07 /* BEL character. */
- #define ESC 0x1B /* ESC character. */
- #define LF 0x0A /* Linefeed character */
- #define CSI 0x9B /* Command Sequence Introducer */
- extern int ttrow;
- extern int ttcol;
- extern int tttop;
- extern int ttbot;
- extern int tthue;
- int tceeol = 3; /* Costs, ANSI display. */
- int tcinsl = 17;
- int tcdell = 16;
- short mode_rendition = MODE_RENDITION, /* set standard colors */
- text_rendition = TEXT_RENDITION, text_fg = TEXT_FG + 30, text_bg = TEXT_BG + 40, mode_fg = MODE_FG + 30, mode_bg = MODE_BG + 40;
- #else /* colors are hard-coded */
- #define mode_rendition MODE_RENDITION
- #define text_rendition TEXT_RENDITION
- #define text_fg (TEXT_FG + 30)
- #define text_bg (TEXT_BG + 40)
- #define mode_fg (MODE_FG + 30)
- #define mode_bg (MODE_BG + 40)
- #endif
- #ifdef LATTICE_50
- static char a;
- #endif
- #ifdef LATTICE
- asciiparm(int);
- #else
- asciiparm();
- #endif
- ttnowindow();
- ttwindow();
- /*
- * Initialize the terminal when the editor Initialize the virtual terminal.
- * Set the console device's top edge below the front-to-back gadgets, to
- * avoid garbage when scrolling.
- */
- ttinit()
- {
- ttputc(CSI);
- asciiparm(TOP_OFFSET);
- ttputc('y');
- }
- /*
- * Clean up the terminal, in anticipation of a return to the command
- * interpreter. This is a no-op on the Amiga, since the window is deleted
- * anyway.
- */
- tttidy()
- {
- }
- /*
- * Move the cursor to the specified origin 0 row and column position. Try to
- * optimize out extra moves; redisplay may have left the cursor in the right
- * location last time!
- */
- ttmove(row, col)
- {
- if (ttrow != row || ttcol != col) {
- ttnflush(8); /* flush if buffer too full */
- ttputc(CSI);
- asciiparm(row + 1);
- ttputc(';');
- asciiparm(col + 1);
- ttputc('H');
- ttrow = row;
- ttcol = col;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Erase to end of line.
- */
- tteeol()
- {
- ttnflush(2); /* flush if not enough room to fit in buffer */
- ttputc(CSI);
- ttputc('K');
- }
- /*
- * Erase to end of page.
- */
- tteeop()
- {
- ttnflush(12); /* flush (but only if not enough room for seq */
- ttputc(CSI);
- asciiparm((tthue == CTEXT) ? text_rendition : mode_rendition);
- ttputc(';');
- asciiparm(text_fg);
- ttputc(';');
- asciiparm(text_bg);
- ttputc('m');
- ttputc(CSI); /* clear to end of display */
- ttputc('J');
- }
- /*
- * Make a noise.
- */
- ttbeep()
- {
- ttputc(BEL);
- ttflush();
- }
- /*
- * Convert a number to decimal ascii, and write it out. Used to deal with
- * numeric arguments.
- */
- asciiparm(n)
- register int n;
- {
- if (n > 9)
- asciiparm(n / 10);
- ttputc((unsigned char) ((n % 10) + '0'));
- }
- /*
- * Insert a block of blank lines onto the screen, using a scrolling region
- * that starts at row "row" and extends down to row "bot". Deal with the one
- * line case, which is a little bit special, with special case code.
- */
- ttinsl(row, bot, nchunk)
- {
- if (row == bot) { /* Funny case. */
- if (nchunk != 1)
- panic("ttinsl: nchunk != 1");
- ttmove(row, 0);
- tteeol();
- return;
- }
- ttmove(1 + bot - nchunk, 0);
- if (nchunk > 0) {
- ttwindow(row, bot);
- ttnflush(4); /* don't break the sequence */
- ttputc(CSI);
- asciiparm(nchunk);
- ttputc('T'); /* Scroll scrolling region down */
- ttnowindow();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Delete a block of lines, with the uppermost line at row "row", in a screen
- * slice that extends to row "bot". The "nchunk" is the number of lines that
- * have to be deleted. It's really easy with the console device scrolling
- * region.
- */
- ttdell(row, bot, nchunk)
- {
- if (row == bot) { /* One line special case */
- ttmove(row, 0);
- tteeol();
- return;
- }
- if (nchunk > 0) {
- ttwindow(row, bot);
- ttnflush(4); /* don't break esc. sequence */
- ttputc(CSI);
- asciiparm(nchunk);
- ttputc('S'); /* Scroll scrolling region up */
- ttnowindow();
- }
- ttrow = HUGE;
- ttcol = HUGE;
- ttmove(bot - nchunk, 0);
- }
- /*
- * This routine sets the scrolling window on the display to go from line
- * "top" to line "bot" (origin 0, inclusive). The caller checks for the
- * pathalogical 1 line scroll window that doesn't work right on all systems,
- * and avoids it. The "ttrow" and "ttcol" variables are set to a crazy value
- * to ensure that ttmove() actually does something.
- */
- extern struct Window *EmW; /* The window MG uses */
- ttwindow(top, bot)
- {
- if (tttop != top || ttbot != bot) {
- ttnflush(10); /* Flush if necessary */
- ttputc(CSI); /* Home cursor */
- ttputc('H');
- ttputc(CSI); /* Set top offset */
- asciiparm(TOP_OFFSET + top * FontHeight(EmW));
- ttputc('y');
- ttputc(CSI);
- asciiparm(bot - top + 1); /* Set page length */
- ttputc('t');
- ttrow = HUGE; /* Force cursor reset */
- ttcol = HUGE;
- tttop = top; /* Save region state */
- ttbot = bot;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Switch to full screen scrolling
- */
- ttnowindow()
- {
- ttnflush(10); /* Flush if necessary */
- ttputc(CSI); /* Home cursor */
- ttputc('H');
- ttputc(CSI); /* Set top offset to normal */
- asciiparm(TOP_OFFSET);
- ttputc('y');
- ttputc(CSI); /* Set page length to nrow */
- asciiparm(nrow);
- ttputc('t');
- ttrow = HUGE; /* Make cursor unknown. */
- ttcol = HUGE;
- tttop = HUGE;
- ttbot = HUGE;
- }
- /*
- * Set the rendition of the mode line by selecting colors from the following:
- * 0 -- plain text 1 -- bold-face 3 -- italic 4 -- underscore 7 -- inverse
- * video Certain of these selections may be less than appealing :-)
- */
- ttmode(f, n)
- {
- register int s;
- char buf[2];
- if (!(f & FFARG)) {
- if ((s = ereply("Set mode line rendition (0-7): ",
- buf, sizeof(buf))) != TRUE)
- return (s);
- n = atoi(buf);
- }
- if (n < 0 || n > 7)
- return (FALSE);
- mode_rendition = n; /* store the color */
- sgarbf = TRUE;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Set the rendition of the text area. Most of these selections will be less
- * than appealing :-]
- */
- tttext(f, n)
- {
- register int s;
- char buf[2];
- if (!(f & FFARG)) {
- if ((s = ereply("Set text rendition (0-7): ",
- buf, sizeof(buf))) != TRUE)
- return (s);
- n = atoi(buf);
- }
- if (n < 0 || n > 7)
- return (FALSE);
- text_rendition = n; /* store the color */
- sgarbf = TRUE;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Set foreground color for entire window to a value between 30 and 37, which
- * corresponds to the arguments 0-7. This requires a total refresh, which
- * sets up the screen.
- */
- textforeground(f, n)
- {
- register int s;
- char buf[2];
- if (!(f & FFARG)) {
- if ((s = ereply("Text foreground color (0-7): ",
- buf, sizeof(buf))) != TRUE)
- return (s);
- n = atoi(buf);
- }
- if (n < 0 || n > 7)
- return (FALSE);
- text_fg = n + 30;
- sgarbf = TRUE;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Set background color for entire window to a value between 40 and 47
- * inclusive.
- */
- textbackground(f, n)
- {
- register int s;
- char buf[2];
- if (!(f & FFARG)) {
- if ((s = ereply("Text background color (0-7): ",
- buf, sizeof(buf))) != TRUE)
- return (s);
- n = atoi(buf);
- }
- if (n < 0 || n > 7)
- return (FALSE);
- text_bg = n + 40;
- sgarbf = TRUE;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Set foreground color for entire the mode line
- */
- modeforeground(f, n)
- {
- register int s;
- char buf[2];
- if (!(f & FFARG)) {
- if ((s = ereply("Mode line foreground color (0-7): ",
- buf, sizeof(buf))) != TRUE)
- return (s);
- n = atoi(buf);
- }
- if (n < 0 || n > 7)
- return (FALSE);
- mode_fg = n + 30;
- sgarbf = TRUE;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Set background color for the mode line
- */
- modebackground(f, n)
- {
- register int s;
- char buf[2];
- if (!(f & FFARG)) {
- if ((s = ereply("Mode line background color (0-7): ",
- buf, sizeof(buf))) != TRUE)
- return (s);
- n = atoi(buf);
- }
- if (n < 0 || n > 7)
- return (FALSE);
- mode_bg = n + 40;
- sgarbf = TRUE;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Set the current writing color to the specified color. Watch for color
- * changes that are not going to do anything (the color is already right) and
- * don't send anything to the display.
- */
- ttcolor(color)
- register int color;
- {
- if (color != tthue) {
- ttnflush(12); /* Flush if necessary */
- if (color == CTEXT) { /* Normal video. */
- ttputc(CSI); /* Reset to 0 */
- ttputc('m');
- ttputc(CSI); /* Set text style */
- asciiparm(text_rendition);
- ttputc(';');
- asciiparm(text_fg);
- ttputc(';');
- asciiparm(text_bg);
- ttputc('m');
- } else if (color == CMODE) { /* Standout mode */
- ttputc(CSI); /* Reset to 0 */
- ttputc('m');
- ttputc(CSI); /* Set standout mode */
- asciiparm(mode_rendition);
- ttputc(';');
- asciiparm(mode_fg); /* Use mode line colors */
- ttputc(';');
- asciiparm(mode_bg);
- ttputc('m');
- }
- tthue = color; /* Save the color. */
- }
- }
- /*
- * This routine is called by the "refresh the screen" command to try and
- * resize the display. The new size, which must be deadstopped to not exceed
- * the NROW and NCOL limits, is stored back into "nrow" and "ncol". Display
- * can always deal with a screen NROW by NCOL. Look in "window.c" to see how
- * the caller deals with a change. On the Amiga, we make the Intuition
- * terminal driver do all the work.
- */
- ttresize()
- {
- setttysize();
- }