home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Sneaker.zrx
- * Written by David N. Junod
- *
- * This is an incomplete program used to help make sneaker networks a
- * little more efficient.
- *
- */
- /* For Demo Purposes... */
- Info("S:",info.)
- IF info.DiskState="WRITE_PROTECTED" THEN PersistVol="ENV"
- ELSE PersistVol="S"
- SrcWild="#?.(c|h|asm|i)"
- /******************************/
- /* User Interface Description */
- /******************************/
- /* Application Data */
- 'zInterface Sneaker Hotkey="ctrl f1" FrontScreen PersistFile='||PersistVol||':Sneaker.zdb'
- 'zImage Magnify Width=11 Height=9 Depth=1 Data="3E006300C180C180C18063003EC000E00060"'
- /* Main Window */
- 'zWindow Main Label="Sneaker (Hotkey=Ctrl-F1)" Open Centered Vertical CloseEvent ChildMaxWidth'
- 'zMenu Project'
- 'zObject Button AboutM Label="About..." Key="?" Cause="zDoMethod About Open"'
- 'zObject Line'
- 'zObject Button Hide Label="&Hide" Cause="zDoMethod Sneaker Deactivate"'
- 'zObject Button Quit Label="&Quit" SelectEvent'
- 'zEndMenu'
- 'zMenu Settings'
- 'zObject Button SetM Label="&Prefs..." Cause="zDoMethod Settings Open"'
- 'zEndMenu'
- 'zGroup Horizontal'
- 'zObject Button Freshen Label="&Freshen..." SelectEvent'
- 'zObject Button Show Label="&Show" SelectEvent'
- 'zObject Button SetB Label="&Prefs..." Cause="zDoMethod Settings Open"'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zObject Line'
- /* I shouldn't have to do the FILL switch in the next two objects, but for some
- * reason the software is requiring it! */
- 'zObject ListView Names NumColumns=20 NumLines=10 Order=Ascend ReadOnly Fill'
- 'zObject Line'
- 'zObject TextDisplay Status Fill'
- 'zEndWindow'
- /* About Window */
- 'zWindow About Label="About Sneaker" ChildMaxWidth Centered NoClose'
- 'zGroup Horizontal Alignment=Center'
- 'zFill'
- 'zGroup Vertical'
- 'zObject StdI Image Which=Information'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zGroup Vertical ChildMaxWidth'
- 'zObject TextDisplay A0 Justification=Center Value="Sneaker 0.00001 (2-Aug-94)" NoBorder'
- 'zObject TextDisplay A1 Justification=Center Value="Copyright © 1994 ITS, Inc." NoBorder'
- 'zObject TextDisplay A2 Justification=Center Value="Written by David N. Junod" NoBorder'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zObject Line'
- 'zGroup Horizontal Justification=Center'
- 'zObject Button AOK Label="&OK" Cause="zDoMethod About Close"'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zEndWindow'
- /* Warning Window */
- 'zWindow Warning Label="Sneaker Warning" ChildMaxWidth Centered NoClose Blocking'
- 'zGroup Horizontal Alignment=Center'
- 'zFill'
- 'zGroup Vertical'
- 'zObject StdI Image Which=Exclamation'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zGroup Vertical ChildMaxWidth'
- 'zObject TextDisplay W0 Justification=Center NoBorder Value="Freshen will set the archive"'
- 'zObject TextDisplay W1 Justification=Center NoBorder Value="bit for all files that match"'
- 'zObject TextDisplay W2 Justification=Center NoBorder Value=""'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zObject Line'
- 'zGroup Horizontal'
- 'zObject Button WOK Label="&OK" SelectEvent'
- 'zObject Button WCancel Label="&Cancel" Cause="zDoMethod Warning Close"'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zEndWindow'
- /* Settings Window */
- 'zWindow Settings Label="Sneaker Settings" Vertical ChildMaxWidth Centered NoClose'
- 'zGroup Vertical Alignment=Right'
- 'zGroup Horizontal ChildMaxHeight NoMargX'
- 'zObject TextEntry TrnDir Persist DropEvent Label="Floppy:" MaxChars=64 NumColumns=32 Value="DF0:" ChangeEvent'
- 'zObject ButtonG TrnDirS Glyph=Magnify UpEvent'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zGroup Horizontal ChildMaxHeight NoMargX'
- 'zObject TextEntry SrcDir Persist DropEvent Label="Source:" MaxChars=255 NumColumns=32 Value="M:"'
- 'zObject ButtonG SrcDirS Glyph=Magnify UpEvent'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zGroup Horizontal ChildMaxHeight NoMargX'
- 'zObject TextEntry Prog Persist DropEvent Label="Executable:" MaxChars=255 NumColumns=32 Value="M:Game"'
- 'zObject ButtonG ProgS Glyph=Magnify UpEvent'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zObject Line'
- 'zGroup Horizontal'
- 'zObject Button SSave Label="&Save" SelectEvent'
- 'zObject Button SCancel Label="&Cancel" SelectEvent'
- 'zEndGroup'
- 'zEndWindow'
- 'zEndInterface'
- /* Turn everything on */
- 'zDoMethod Sneaker Activate'
- /**************/
- /* Event Loop */
- /**************/
- /* Wait for something to happen */
- 'zWaitForEvent stem.'
- /* Do something with the event */
- /**************/
- /**************/
- /**************/
- Halt:
- Quit_Select:
- Sneaker_Quit:
- Error:
- SAY "Must be run within zrx"
- SAY "Error" RC "at line" SIGL " (errnum="zErrNum")"
- Main_Close:
- 'zDoMethod Sneaker Deactivate'
- Return 0
- /*******************/
- /*******************/
- TrnDir_Drop:
- /* This should somehow figure out the floppy unit!! */
- Parse var stem.value first '|' last
- 'zSetAttr TrnDir Value' first
- Return 0
- TrnDir_Change:
- /*
- 'zGetAttr TrnDir Value'
- TempDriveName=RESULT
- SAY Info(TempDriveName,info.)
- SAY info.Name info.UnitNumber info.DiskType
- */
- Return 0
- TrnDirS_Change:
- 'zGetAttr TrnDir Value'
- 'zRequest Directory Label "Select Transfer Drive" Value "'result'"'
- 'zSetAttr TrnDir Value' RESULT
- Return 0
- SrcDir_Drop:
- Parse var stem.value first '|' last
- 'zSetAttr SrcDir Value' first
- Return 0
- SrcDirS_Change:
- 'zGetAttr SrcDir Value'
- 'zRequest Directory Label "Select Source Drawer" Value "'result'"'
- 'zSetAttr SrcDir Value' result
- Return 0
- Prog_Drop:
- Parse var stem.value first '|' last
- 'zSetAttr Prog Value' first
- Return 0
- ProgS_Change:
- 'zGetAttr Prog Value'
- ProgName=RESULT
- 'zGetAttr SrcDir Value'
- ProgName=RESULT
- 'zRequest File Label "Select Executable" Value "'ProgName'" ShowPattern Pattern="~(#?.#?)"'
- 'zSetAttr Prog Value' result
- Return 0
- SSave_Select:
- 'zDoMethod Settings Save'
- 'zDoMethod Settings Close'
- Return 0
- SCancel_Select:
- 'zDoMethod Settings Restore'
- 'zDoMethod Settings Close'
- Return 0
- /***************/
- /***************/
- Freshen_Select:
- 'zGetAttr SrcDir Value'
- 'zSetAttr W2 Value' AddPart(RESULT,SrcWild)
- 'zDoMethod Warning Open'
- Return 0
- WOK_Select:
- 'zDoMethod Warning Close'
- /* Lock the display so that nothing can happen */
- 'zDoMethod Sneaker Lock'
- 'zGetAttr SrcDir Value'
- SrcDirectory=RESULT
- statMsg="Setting archive bit in directory" SrcDirectory
- 'zSetAttr Status Value='statMsg
- /* What command do you want to hear */
- cmd="protect" AddPart(SrcDirectory,SrcWild) "+a quiet"
- address command cmd
- /* Clear the list view */
- 'zSetAttr Names Items=""'
- /* Unlock the display */
- 'zSetAttr Status Value="Files freshened"'
- 'zDoMethod Sneaker Unlock'
- Return 0
- Show_Select:
- /* Lock the display so that nothing can happen */
- 'zDoMethod Sneaker Lock'
- /* Clear the list view */
- 'zSetAttr Names Items=""'
- /* Build the search string & show what's going on */
- 'zGetAttr SrcDir Value'
- SrcDirectory=RESULT
- statMsg="Scanning Directory" SrcDirectory
- 'zSetAttr Status Value='statMsg
- SrcDirectory=AddPart(SrcDirectory,SrcWild)
- /* Get the directory */
- CALL ExAll(SrcDirectory,dirstem.)
- /* Place the results of the directory search into the listview */
- cnt=0
- DO i = 0 TO (dirstem.count - 1)
- IF SUBSTR(dirstem.i.protection,4,1)="-" THEN DO
- 'zDoMethod Names Add' dirstem.i.filename
- cnt = cnt + 1
- /* Provide some feedback on how many files we found */
- IF cnt=1 THEN statMsg="Found 1 file"
- ELSE statMsg="Found" cnt "files"
- 'zSetAttr Status Value='statMsg
- /* Unlock the display */
- 'zDoMethod Sneaker Unlock'
- Return 0