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Text File | 1994-09-09 | 85.2 KB | 2,515 lines |
- This file is generated automatically from the product info files
- included in this tree.
- ==========
- AmigaWorld 3.1 Database of information of all countries
- A database program that contains information about every
- country on Earth. It enables you to have a look at the data
- of one country, or to compare several ones. Among other things
- it displays location, capital, area, population, languages,
- currency and the flag of each country. Other features are
- information on international organizations and map display.
- AmigaWorld is very easy to handle, and you can choose between
- English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Swedish, Danish and
- Finnish output. New features include map display and text information
- about continents.
- Author: Wolfgang Lug
- Translators: Guido Alfani, Bo Arnholm, Olivier Bogros, David Gaussinel,
- Ruud Hoekzema, Mika Leinonen, Yves Salingue and Casper Thomsen.
- Path: biz/dbase/AmigaWorld/
- ==========
- bBaseIII 3.01 Easily stores and retrieves information.
- An easy to use, versatile, yet full featured database program.
- Search or sort on any field, print mailing labels, (un)delete
- records, mail merge, get reports in many formats, scramble files,
- flag records, and more. Fields are user-configurable, so bBase
- can be used to keep track of addresses, tape or video collections,
- recipe files, or anything else you can think of - one program does
- it all! This is V3.01, an update to V2.1. The main improvement
- is more fields.
- Author: Robert Bromley
- Path: biz/dbase/bBaseIII/
- ==========
- DataMasterDEMO 1.01 Demo version of a powerful database prog
- Data Master is a very powerful database program for an average user.
- It should be usable on any Amiga and it's multi-tasking friendly.
- This is the FreeWare version of this LicenceWare program and below is a
- list of some features of the program.
- - 5 field types (string, integer, float, type (selection) and
- boolean)
- - maximum of 256 fields in one record
- - maximum of 99999 records in a database
- - maximum length of a string field 255 characters
- - there can be up to 256 alternative texts in a type field
- - sorting based on maximum of 8 fields
- - searching for a text string
- - searching for the specified record (filter)
- - possibility to make any kind of form, and print, save or show it
- - possibility to compare records graphically
- Author: Teemu Sipilä
- Path: biz/dbase/DataMasterDEMO/
- ==========
- db 2.2 Small and fast database program
- db is a small and fast database program that the author wrote after
- having tested numerous other PD database programs and always finding
- something lacking or irritating. They might have had dozens of features
- not found in db, but they lacked font sensitivity and a standard GUI
- look and OS 3.0 behavior.
- A partial list of db's features include:
- o Dynamic memory handling. Number of records and fields only
- limited by free memory.
- o GadTool based, gives a standard look and feel.
- o Mouse and keyboard driven.
- o User definable fields and layout.
- o Multiple views of the same database.
- o Commodore's Clipboard for flexible interaction with other programs.
- o AppWindow -just drag and drop database icons on db to load.
- o Online MenuHelp -Press HELP key when selecting a menu item.
- o Font sensitivity.
- o ARexx
- o ASL requesters for flexible loads and saves.
- o Localized
- o Dial numbers using a modem
- o WB and Shell usage with Commodore's template parsing
- o Fast and flexible find function using AmigaDOS patterns.
- o Filter function.
- o Fast and flexible sort function. Multiple sort orders can be
- specified.
- o 'Export View' and two standard ASCII export features.
- o Automatic ASCII import (tab-separated ASCII)
- Author: David Ekholm
- Path: biz/dbase/db/
- ==========
- IntuiDex 1.0 Mailing list manager
- Easy to use club membership database and mailing list manager.
- Features:
- - 1000 records per database
- - Sort by six different fields:
- last name, first name, ZIP,
- member number, city, and
- expiration date
- - Print five different types of output:
- mailing labels, complete data list,
- phone lists, game stickers, and
- merge files for word processors
- - Uses Preferences printers
- - Dials phone automatically with Hayes compatible modems
- - On-line AmigaGuide help
- - Most data field names are configurable
- - Data is stored in ASCII files- export and import data from other
- database software!
- Author: Jeffery C. May
- Path: biz/dbase/IntuiDex/
- ==========
- UPSey 1.01 Translates zip codes to UPS zones
- UPSey will translate ZIP Codes to UPS Zones. UPSey is a commodity that
- is available to you from any program, just press the Control Alt and the
- 'u' keys at the same time. UPSey requires a text file, called a 'database'
- to operate. One such database is provided. If you send parcels from an
- area other than San Diego, you will have to write an area-specific
- database. Complete instructions for writing the database are included in
- the amigaguide documentation
- Author: Will Bow, Colin Thompson
- Path: biz/misc/UPSey/
- ==========
- FTPcdrom 2.11 Simulate FTP session for CD-ROM access
- This utility is designed for use with a BBS so that a user can attach
- to the current CD in your CD-ROM drive and use it to grab files.
- It safely allows a user to move around in the sub-directories and grab
- files. A user can read the text descriptions and examine the archives.
- This is a bug fix to version 2.10 which did not compare files properly
- when using wildcards.
- The Amiga Zone BBS (609)953-8159, the primary support BBS.
- Author: Tony Preston
- Path: comm/bbs/FTPcdrom/
- ==========
- Citadel Space Empire 6.25 Space Empire STDIO Door
- This is Space Empire based on the original CNET door by Jon Radnof.
- This is the Citadel version of that door with many many new features
- and enhancementes! This door is donationware. You may send any
- donation you wish to recieve the registration key.
- In Space Empire, you compete with up to 25 other players attempting
- to control the universe and become the glorious Space Lord. The
- route is difficult and there are many enemies along the way(usually
- the other players...:). This is a economic and strategy game of
- intense warfare. You must balance the economic needs of your Empire
- along with your military ones. Keep your people happy, feed them,
- and make sure you do the same for you military and you will be just
- starting to scratch the surface of this complex military game.
- This is a STDIO BBS door that can be run with Citadel, DLG, or any
- BBS program that supports that door type. This door was originally
- written for Citadel BBSes but has also become fairly popular with
- DLG sysops.
- Citadel is a Freeware BBS program that is a port from the IBM Citadel.
- It supports file up/down loads, networking, public, private, hidden,
- and anonymous message areas. Citadel is a Room based BBS.
- The full source for Citadel and its utilities is available from
- The Amiga Zone BBS (609)953-8159, the primary support BBS.
- Author: Tony Preston, original door by Jon Radnof
- Path: comm/bbs/SpaceEmpire/
- ==========
- ListSERV 3.0 Maintains electronic mailing lists
- Demo version of a program to maintain electronic mailing lists
- Author: Peter Simons
- Path: comm/mail/ListSERV/
- ==========
- INetUtils 1.3 Internet Utilities for the Amiga
- INetUtils is a series of programs designed to allow an Amiga running AS-225
- beta 2.0 software (i.e., socket.library capable) or AmiTCP 2.2 (or above) to
- interact and operate as fully functioning members of an IP network, including
- the global InterNet.
- INetUtils is freely distributable.
- The utility programs consist of:
- SMTPd : an SMTP daemon
- SMTPpost : an SMTP posting program
- SMTPExpand : an SMTP aliases expanding program
- NNTPpost : an NNTP posting program
- NNTPXfer : an NNTP article transfer program
- newgroup : a maintenance program for use with NNTP
- GetActive : an NNTP active file transfer program
- AmiPOP : a POP message handler
- Sabot : A newmail activity program
- a NNTPd is in development, but is not included in this archive.
- The following man pages are included:
- SMTPd.man
- SMTPpost.man
- SMTPExpand.man
- NNTPpost.man
- NNTPxfer.man
- GetActive.man
- and describe the operation of each program.
- To install INetUtils, see the document named INSTALL included in this
- archive.
- For basic help in getting SMTPd running, the following script is also
- included:
- StartSMTPd
- which is heavily commented.
- AmiPOP and Sabot were developed by Scott Ellis (sellis@ucssun1.sdsu.edu)
- and all communication regarding them should be directed to him. Separate
- documentation regarding them is included in the AmiPOP and Sabot archives.
- To properly utilize the NNTP capability requires an NNTP aware newsreader
- and a mailreader. The 'G' package is presented to meet this need.
- GRn is Gadtools Read News, which can properly read and post with articles
- via NNTP directly or read with the local directory setup by NNTPXfer, and
- post directly using NNTPpost. Documentation is available in AmigaGuide
- format (GRn.guide).
- GMail, Gadtools Mail, is still in development, and is not included in this
- archive.
- AmigaELM and the DMail from AmigaUUCP are quite satisfactory for reading mail.
- Author: Michael B. Smith
- Path: comm/net/INetUtils-AmiTCP/
- ==========
- INetUtils 1.3 Internet Utilities for the Amiga
- INetUtils is a series of programs designed to allow an Amiga running AS-225
- beta 2.0 software (i.e., socket.library capable) or AmiTCP 2.2 (or above) to
- interact and operate as fully functioning members of an IP network, including
- the global InterNet.
- INetUtils is freely distributable.
- The utility programs consist of:
- SMTPd : an SMTP daemon
- SMTPpost : an SMTP posting program
- SMTPExpand : an SMTP aliases expanding program
- NNTPpost : an NNTP posting program
- NNTPXfer : an NNTP article transfer program
- newgroup : a maintenance program for use with NNTP
- GetActive : an NNTP active file transfer program
- AmiPOP : a POP message handler
- Sabot : A newmail activity program
- a NNTPd is in development, but is not included in this archive.
- The following man pages are included:
- SMTPd.man
- SMTPpost.man
- SMTPExpand.man
- NNTPpost.man
- NNTPxfer.man
- GetActive.man
- and describe the operation of each program.
- To install INetUtils, see the document named INSTALL included in this
- archive.
- For basic help in getting SMTPd running, the following script is also
- included:
- StartSMTPd
- which is heavily commented.
- AmiPOP and Sabot were developed by Scott Ellis (sellis@ucssun1.sdsu.edu)
- and all communication regarding them should be directed to him. Separate
- documentation regarding them is included in the AmiPOP and Sabot archives.
- To properly utilize the NNTP capability requires an NNTP aware newsreader
- and a mailreader. The 'G' package is presented to meet this need.
- GRn is Gadtools Read News, which can properly read and post with articles
- via NNTP directly or read with the local directory setup by NNTPXfer, and
- post directly using NNTPpost. Documentation is available in AmigaGuide
- format (GRn.guide).
- GMail, Gadtools Mail, is still in development, and is not included in this
- archive.
- AmigaELM and the DMail from AmigaUUCP are quite satisfactory for reading mail.
- Author: Michael B. Smith
- Path: comm/net/INetUtils/
- ==========
- MUIAdt 1.3 Aminet frontend for AmigaDOS
- GUI-based utility that allows you to connect to one of several Aminet
- sites, browse the RECENT files, and download the files of interest.
- Author: Jem Atahan
- Path: comm/net/MUIAdt/
- ==========
- GRn 2.1 GUI'ed UUCP, C News, and NNTP newreader.
- GRn is Gadtools Read News, a Gadtools-based newsreader for the Amiga, running
- Release 2.0 or above. Some special features are available on higher releases.
- GRn supports locally stored news (via AmigaUUCP, C News, or NNTPxfer) and
- NNTP in a variety of ways (AS225r2, AmiTCP 2.2 or above, DNet, AUW and direct
- connection via serial.device or serial clone).
- GRn 2.1 is an update to GRn 2.0. Several new features have been added, and
- several bugs have been fixed. Refer to GRn.guide for detailed information on
- operating GRn. The file INSTALL tells you how to install GRn (sorry, Installer
- script didn't happen).
- Significant changes between GRn 2.0 and GRn 2.1:
- New Features:
- + AmiTCP is now supported
- + AUW is now supported
- + ReplyPrefix configuration variable added
- + GRnSaveDir configuration variable added
- + MODEID=SCREENMODE argument added
- + When GRn opens a Custom Screen, it now sets AutoScroll.
- + New GRn icon
- + Use the system busy pointer on v39 and up
- + NOSCAN only applies to the scan at startup
- + Add From: header to all news and mail created
- (NOTE: this requires a fixed postnews for AmigaUUCP.)
- + LAST=SUBSCRIBELAST argument added
- + Keyboard shortcuts for the article list were added
- + UserShells are now supported for all external programs (this
- means they can be AmigaDOS scripts, AREXX programs, etc.)
- + eXtract command added
- + A Distribution header is no longer added by default, unless an
- article being replied to had one
- Bug Fixes:
- + serial.device input no longer busy-loops
- + NNTP articles are not retrieved a second time for Save, Print,
- Reply, Forward, etc.
- + You may now "Mark" an article as UNREAD, even when it is the
- only article in a newsgroup
- + GRn now works better with tin
- + Refresh of borders on v37 and v38 is complete
- + The proper detailpen is now used in the subscription window
- + Requestors are now draggable
- + Subject/From headers over 512 characters will no longer cause
- GRn to write over memory it does not own
- + No longer allow cancellation of arbitrary articles
- + Properly close socket.library if NNTP server connection failed.
- + Large fonts will not mess up the subscribe window any longer
- + The last article in a newsgroup may be marked as unread.
- + On v39 and above, mouse and keyboard movements are dealt with
- correctly, when both are used to adjust a listview.
- + "Followup-To: poster" is now honored
- + The HOSTNAME argument is no longer treated as a synonym for the
- NNTPSERVER argument.
- Author: Michael B. Smith
- Mike Schwartz
- Path: comm/news/GRn/
- ==========
- Term 4.0 Very nice terminal program.
- A telecommuncations program designed for use with any Commodore-Amiga
- computer running Kickstart 2.04 or higher. Its features include:
- * Fast built-in VT-220 terminal emulation
- * Support for custom terminal emulation modules following the `XEM
- 2.0' standard
- * Operates in any display environment, supports all screen display
- modes
- * Support for file transfer modules following the `XPR' standard
- * File- and printer-capturing functions
- * Review-buffer support
- * Powerful phone book and dialing functions
- * `Amiga User Interface Style Guide' conformant user interface
- * Online-help (requires AmigaGuide package)
- * Built-in `ARexx' interface
- * File upload list, which permits selecting the files to be
- transferred before the upload is started.
- * Login script learn mode.
- * Built-in keyword/response parser which makes it possible to have
- `term' respond to BBS prompts and such with the user name,
- password, etc. without having to program the ARexx interface.
- * Interface for external programs to rendezvous with `term', taking
- over serial I/O processing (such as `HydraCom').
- Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
- Path: comm/term/Term/
- ==========
- SNMA 1.95 680x0/6888x amiga macro assembler
- SNMA is a conditional 680x0/688x macro assembler for the Amiga. It
- supports most common directives, generates Amiga object-files and
- executables. It is used mainly from the shell. Arexx port.
- New features: can produce executables (+ short reloc32)
- RS and FO directives
- + bug fixes
- Author: Samu Nuojua
- Path: dev/asm/SNMA/
- ==========
- Cursor 1.7 Compiler for AmigaBASIC programs
- A compiler for AmigaBASIC-programs. Includes a simple editor
- which can control the compiler. Runs with Kickstart 1.2 or
- later with 512K RAM. Binary only
- Author: Jürgen Forster
- Path: dev/basic/Cursor/
- ==========
- Date 33.088 Library to help you calculate dates
- A collection of routines for calculating dates.
- I have included 52 routines like checking for a leap-year
- or calculating the Easter-Sunday! Have a look at this :)
- Requires ONLY an ANSI-C-Compiler or a C++ Compiler - this
- means that you could use the C-Source on ALL (I hope)
- computer-systems!!!
- Author: Kai Hofmann
- Path: dev/c/Date/
- ==========
- HCE 1.0 Integrated environment for Sozobon C
- A new release of the HCC Sozobon C Compiler from AmigaLibDisk 508.
- Now has a Text Editor front end which uses intuition menus and
- gadtools gadgets. Can do common editor commands such as Cut/Copy/
- Insert/Print/Find/Replace. Can also do basic file commands such as
- Copy/Delete/Makedir/Assign/Rename. Can handle all processes required
- to make an executable program. Can recompile itself and complete
- source is provided. Includes, own version of Amiga.lib, Original HCC
- C libraries with bug fixes and enhancements, standard include files,
- documentation, and everything required to make your own C programs.
- Author: HCE by Jason Petty
- Based upon HCC 2.0 by Sozobon Limited, amiga port and improvements by
- Detlef Wuerkner
- Path: dev/c/HCE/
- ==========
- Enforcer 37.62 Tool to monitor illegal memory access.
- A tool to monitor illegal memory access for 68020/68851, 68030, and
- 68040 CPUs. This is a completely new Enforcer from the original idea
- by Bryce Nesbitt. It contains many new and wonderful features and
- options and no longer contains any exceptions for specific software.
- Enforcer can now also be used with CPU or SetCPU FASTROM or most any
- other MMU-Kick- start-Mapping tool. Major new output options such as
- local output, stdout, and parallel port. Highly optimized to be as
- fast as possible.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- Path: dev/debug/Enforcer/
- ==========
- AmigaE 3.0a An Amiga specific E compiler
- E is a powerful and flexible object oriented / procedural / unpure
- functional higher programming language, mainly influenced by languages
- such as C++, Ada, Lisp etc., and Amiga E a very fast compiler for it,
- with features such as speed of >20000 lines/minute on a 7 Mhz amiga,
- inline assembler and linker integrated into compiler, large set of
- integrated functions, great module concept with v39 includes as
- modules, flexible type-system, quoted expressions, immediate and typed
- lists, low-level and object polymorphism, exception handling,
- inheritance, data-hiding, methods, multiple return values, default
- arguments, register allocation, fast memory management, unification,
- LISP-Cells, and much much more...
- Author: Wouter van Oortmerssen
- Path: dev/e/Amiga_E/
- ==========
- MUI 2.2 Create and maintain user interfaces.
- MUI is an object oriented system to create and maintain graphical user
- interfaces. From a programmers point of view, using MUI saves a lot of
- time and makes life much easier. Thinking about complicated terms like
- window resizing or font sensitivity is simply not neccesary.\n
- On the other hand, users of MUI based applications have the ability to
- customize nearly every pixel of a programs interface according to their
- personal taste.\n
- This distribution is interesting for both, users and programmers. Please
- have a look at the supplied demo programs and at the documentation to
- see what MUI has to offer.\n
- MUI is an SASG (Standardized Amiga Shareware Group) product.
- Author: Stefan Stuntz
- Path: dev/gui/MUI/
- ==========
- Amiga Turbo Modula-2 V1.0d New compiler for use with all Amigas
- This is a freely distributable demonstration version of a (PIM4) Modula-2
- development system. Amiga Turbo Modula-2 consists of:
- A compiler(M2C), a link utility(M2L), an error lister(M2E),
- and a program builder(M2B).
- Interface modules for V40 of the AmigaOS & corresponding linker library,
- ANSI C standard library definitions as well as those from PIM.
- The compiler reads source code in a single pass which means fast
- compilation. Internally however it performs several passes over each
- procedures statement sequence in order to generate fast and compact code.
- Typically, generated code is 25% smaller & 75% faster than the ($200)
- commercial Amiga Modula-2 compiler used for the initial bootstraps.
- Amiga Turbo Modula-2 is a new compiler developed for use with all Amigas.
- Its most notable features are:
- o Interface modules for V40 of the Amiga operating system.
- o Sun Modula-2 like DEFINITION FOR C MODULE's allow access to
- ANSI C standard library functions.
- o Fast single pass compilation with extremely accurate error diagnostics.
- o High quality code generation.
- Code is typically 75% faster than code generated by the (ETH derived)
- commercial compiler used for the initial bootstrap, the drystone
- benchmark runs over twice as fast.
- o Residentable code support (64K global variable limit).
- o Includes a system builder (no messing about with makefiles).
- o Low shareware fee, 25 pounds sterling or 40 US dollars.
- Author: Amritpal Mann
- Path: dev/m2/Modula/
- ==========
- FlexCat 1.3 Creates catalogs & source to handle them
- FlexCat is a tool to create catalogs and the source to handle them,
- similar to CatComp, KitCat or MakeCat. The main advantage of FlexCat
- is that you determine what source you want and what programming
- language. This is done by using template files, so-called source
- descriptions. Included are templates for Assembler, C, C++, E and
- Oberon, Modula-2 and an example of using catalogs in OS2.0. Source,
- french, german, italian, spanish and schwaebisch, catalogs and docs in
- english, german and spanish are included.
- Author: Jochen Wiedmann
- Path: dev/misc/FlexCat/
- ==========
- MYSTRIP 1.0 Strip symbol/debug hunks from executable
- This little program tries to strip all symbol and debug hunks from
- an AmigaDOS EXECUTABLE. It DOES NOT WORK on gcc object (.o,.a) files !
- As GCC adds many symbol (and debug) infos even to the AmigaDOS
- executable and there ist actually no debugger around, that could use
- these informations, it's probably a good idea to remove these infos.
- They don't carry ANY information, the executable needs to be run.
- Author: (null)
- Path: dev/misc/MYSTRIP/
- ==========
- Oberon-A 1.4ß A freely-distributable Oberon-2 compiler
- Oberon-A is a freely-distributable Oberon-2 compiler. Oberon-2 is a
- modern object-oriented language designed by Niklaus Wirth, the creator
- of Pascal and Modula-2, and Hanspeter Mössenböck. Oberon-A is an
- implementation of the language for the Amiga computer, ported from a
- compiler written by Niklaus Wirth.
- Author: Frank Copeland
- OEL by Johan Ferreira
- Path: dev/obero/Oberon-A/
- ==========
- Palette 1.01 Oberon-2 module to display palette
- Palette displays a palette window on any screen. You just have to
- supply a Screen-Pointer and Palette will adjust itself to the screen.
- It is fontsensitiv and depthsensitiv. Incorporating of this module
- will require only one command in your main program.
- Author: Daniel Amor
- Path: dev/obero/Palette/
- ==========
- CacheIt 1.0 Small floppy-caching commodity
- I don't use floppy disks very often. But when I used them I was
- bored by the slow speed.
- To get rid of this, I wrote CacheIt. CacheIt is a small floppy-
- caching commodity that hardly doesn't take up any memory when no
- disks are in drive and gives a great speed up for your floppies.
- Another requirement for CacheIt was, that it would free its memory
- when the system needs it. This is done by a low memory handler.
- It works fantastically: I worked a lot with disks and my system
- was down at 10 KB Chip and 10 KB FastMem, when I tried to start
- a terminal program.
- No problem: CacheIt released as much track buffers as necessary
- and the terminal program started!
- CacheIt works with DD and HD floppy drives.
- Author: Stefan Hochmuth
- Path: disk/cache/CacheIt/
- ==========
- AmiCDROM 1.12 ISO-9660 standard CDROM filesystem
- AmiCDROM is a CDROM disk filing system for the Commodore Amiga.
- It supports the ISO-9660 standard, the Rock Ridge Interchange
- Protocol and the Macintosh HFS format.
- The CDROM drive is mounted as a DOS device (e.g. CD0:). You can
- access files and directories on a CDROM disk by the usual syntax,
- e.g. "type cd0:foo/readme.txt".
- Author: Frank Munkert
- Path: disk/cdrom/AmiCDROM/
- ==========
- ManageCDPics 1.0 A program to manage all your pictures
- A GUI-Based cataloger that allows you to create "picture-databases"
- and easily view the pictures.
- Author: Markus Hillenbrand
- Path: disk/cdrom/ManageCDPics/
- ==========
- SAC 1.1 Search and extract files from CDROM.
- SAC was designed to make getting data from the Aminet CDROM 2/94 an easier
- task. You enter a search pattern (all dos.library patterns are supported)
- and SAC scans 'AMINET_0294:Index' for matching entries. The result is then
- displayed in AmigaGuide format, and you may view the readme files or even
- unpack the desired archive with a single mouse click (SAC recognizes
- different types of archives). SAC can be run from both Workbench and CLI.
- Author: Ralph Seichter
- Path: disk/cdrom/SAC/
- ==========
- SCDPlayer 1.2 Very small CDPlayer commodity
- A tool for easily playing CD Audio. It's also a commodity. Popup on
- public screen w/hotkey, jump to another, keyboard short-cuts...
- Font-adaptive.
- Author: Pascal Rullier
- Path: disk/cdrom/SCDPlayer/
- ==========
- Dfrags 3.12 Reports on FS errors and fragmentation
- This utility will report on the file and bitmap fragmentation
- plus will do a 100 % check on the file system. Currently, the
- OFS and FFS are supported, not the caching and International
- FS.
- The Amiga Zone BBS (609)953-8159, the primary support BBS.
- Author: Tony Preston
- Path: disk/misc/Dfrags/
- ==========
- TrackdiskPrefs 1.0 Adjust various trackdisk.device params.
- Trackdisk Prefs is a new preferences editor that will allow the user
- to adjust the various parameters present in the Trackdisk_Public_Unit
- structure. These parameters includes the Step Delay, the Settle
- Delay, the Calibrate Delay, the Retries limit, and the NoClick flag.
- The package consist of two executables: the first one that will stay
- in background, doing the same kind of job as IPrefs for the
- Trackdisk.device preferences, and a new preferences editor.
- Author: Eric Sauvageau
- Path: disk/misc/TrackdiskPrefs/
- ==========
- DiskSalv2 11.31 Disk repair, salvage, and undelete util
- A disk repair, salvage, and undelete utility for all standard disk
- devices and file system types. Has a full Intuition interface and
- runs from Workbench or Shell. It can fix most problems in-place, and
- can reverse a partial or QUICK format. It can copy out from disks
- that can't be fixed due to physical damage, with a destination going
- to any AmigaDOS disk device or pipe (eg, TAPE:). In English, locale
- catalogs included for Danish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian,
- Finnish, and Swedish, short manuals in English and Swedish.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- Path: disk/salv/DiskSalv2/
- ==========
- Im3.0FormsDoc ?.? Helpful docs, Imagine 3.0's Forms Editor
- The complete text of an article that the author wrote for 3D Artist
- magazine about the Imagine 3.0 Forms Editor. Very informative and
- useful for Imagine users.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: docs/help/Im3.0FormsDoc/
- ==========
- AmigaFAQ 94.07.20 Amiga "Frequently Asked Questions" (Eng)
- Lists some frequently asked questions and trys to give answers. Its
- intention is to help new users and to reduce the amount of news that most
- experienced users don't like to read anymore. Sections on Hardware,
- Software, Programming, Applications, Graphics and more. Formatted in plain
- ascii, AmigaGuide, DVI, html, and texinfo. Drawer also contains some useful
- text files on ftp sites, newgroups, hardware tips and one on the history of
- the amiga.
- Author: Jochen Wiedmann
- Path: docs/misc/AmigaFAQ/
- ==========
- AmigaFAQg 94.07.14 Amiga "Frequently Asked Questions" (Ger)
- Lists some frequently asked questions and trys to give answers. Its
- intention is to help new users and to reduce the amount of news that most
- experienced users don't like to read anymore. Sections on Hardware,
- Software, Programming, Applications, Graphics and more. Formatted in plain
- ascii, AmigaGuide, DVI, html, and texinfo. Drawer also contains some useful
- text files on ftp sites, newgroups, hardware tips and one on the history of
- the amiga.
- Author: Jochen Wiedmann
- Path: docs/misc/AmigaFAQg/
- ==========
- RRIP ?.? Rock Ridge / System Use Sharing Protocol
- The anxiously awaited new, 1.12 versions of the System Use Sharing Protocol
- and the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol are now available for review and
- comment. The documents are available through anonymous ftp at ftp.ossi.com
- in /pub.
- The documents are available in both MS Word 6 format (*.doc) and Postscript
- format (*.ps). Otherwise, the file names should be self-explanatory. The
- files are called: rrip112.doc, rrip112.ps, susp112.doc, and susp112.ps.
- If you have comments or constructive criticism of these new versions of the
- specifications, please feel free to respond to cdfdf@ymi.com. We are trying
- to get these documents to ballot as an IEEE standard soon, so we would
- appreciate prompt response. We hope to review all the responses at the next
- working group meeting on August 26, 1994, so any responses we gather by end
- of business of August 24 will be considered at that meeting.
- Author: Andrew Young
- CDFSF WG Chair
- President, Young Minds, Inc.
- Path: docs/misc/RRIP/
- ==========
- Archy's Adventure MiniDash 2.00 C-64 style Boulderdash clone (Better)
- This is old C-64 style Boulderdash clone, AdvancedMiniDash, and here
- is many new great features, like bombs, magic walls, arrows, etc.
- And full editor, what allows to use all features.
- Author: Arto "Archy" Niskanen
- Path: game/misc/AdventureMiniDash/
- ==========
- Atoms 2 1.34 New game of Atoms. Works with NTSC.
- Written from scratch by a different author than the other atoms game
- on Aminet. Works with NTSC screens, and is icon driven.
- Additionally, there are 2 versions included:
- New_Atoms: The basic atoms game, only it looks better. (:
- Nuclear_Atoms: Faster, but doesn't show the changes (except for
- explosions) until the beginning of the next turn.
- Author: Jesse McClusky
- Path: game/misc/Atoms2/
- ==========
- AXlife 1.0 Amiga port of Xlife 2.0
- AXlife is based on Xlife, the definitive life program, which runs
- under the X-Windows graphical interface (which overlays UNIX). AXlife
- incorporates an Amiga-specific interface, but the basic generation
- code remains the same as in Xlife 2.0. AXlife can also read files
- produced by Al Hensel's IBM PC program 'Life', which has a very
- similar format. The most important feature of Xlife (and AXlife) is
- that, unlike most life programs, it does not limit the pattern to the
- size of the screen. Xlife does not think in terms of a rectangular
- grid, but instead considers the pattern to be composed of 8x8 boxes
- containing active life elements. This allows Xlife to cope with
- arbitrarily large patterns (up to a maximum size of 2^32 by 2^32 (2^32
- = 4,294,967,296)). AXlife comes with a large (219) library of example
- patterns.
- Author: David Kinder, Jon Bennett
- Path: game/misc/AXlife/
- ==========
- Planetfall 2.00 Great Lunar Lander Type Game
- 2 Levels of a great lunar lander type game game, with nice sounds
- and fun action. This is the 68000 and 68020 version. If you have an 030
- oe 040, then get that version. Tested on a Stock A1200, an 040 A3000,
- a 1/2 chip, 2 Fast A500, and an 030 A2000. Hard Drive Installable.
- To install on HD, Assign "planetfall:" to wherever you put it.
- Author: George Lancaster
- Path: game/misc/PlanetFall/
- ==========
- The Dungeons of Moria 1.2.0 Single player dungeon simulation.
- The game of moria is a single player dungeon simulation. A
- player may choose from a number of races and classes when creat-
- ing a character, and then `run' that character over a period of
- days, weeks, even months, attempting to win the game by defeating
- the Balrog which lurks in the deeper levels.
- The player will begin his adventure on the town level where he
- may acquire supplies, weapons, armor, and magical devices by bar-
- tering with various shop owners. After preparing for his adven-
- ture, the player can descend into the dungeons of moria where
- fantastic adventures await his coming!
- Before beginning your first adventure, you should read this docu-
- ment carefully. The game of moria is a complicated game, and
- will require a dedicated player to win.
- Author: The original version of Moria was written in VMS/Pascal by
- Robert Alan Koeneke, Jimmey Wayne Todd, Gary McAdoo, and
- others at the University of Oklahoma. This version was
- written by Jim Wilson at the University of California,
- Berkeley, and released with minor revisions by David Gra-
- biner at Harvard University.
- Path: game/role/CWMmoria/
- ==========
- The Ice Princess 1.4 Non-graphical interactive fiction game
- Demo version of an interactive novel. You are an 18 year old orphan
- who meets the love of his life on Christmas Eve. A fairy-tale story
- for both young and grown-up children. The improved parser now works
- faster.
- Author: Rüdiger Hanke
- Path: game/role/IcePrincess/
- ==========
- TimelessEmpire 1.4 Non-graphical interactive fiction game
- Demo version of a classic fantasy interactive fiction game with an
- excellent parser that comes close to Infocom quality. The game allows
- you to control five characters with different abilities.
- Author: Rüdiger Hanke
- Path: game/role/TimelessEmpire/
- ==========
- Deluxe Galaga 2.3 Game based on the game StarBattle
- You are in control of a small starfighter, and your mission is
- to protect the earth from alien attackers. When you start, your
- ship have limited supply of bullets and are moving a bit to slow,
- but by shooting the aliens you can collect the falling bonuses and
- get all sorts of weapons, extra speed and a lot of other goodies!
- Author: Edgar M. Vigdal
- Path: game/shoot/Deluxe_Galaga/
- ==========
- DynamiteWar 2.0 Tiny game for 2-5 players.
- A tiny game for 2-5 players who fight against each other.
- It is similar to the commercial Dynablaster or Bomberman,
- except a 1-player mode is not available. On the other hand,
- there are a great number of extras. To win the game, one
- player has to disintegrate all other players by exploding
- bombs.
- Author: Andre Wiethoff
- Path: game/shoot/DynamiteWar/
- ==========
- RoachFarm 1.0 Game based on traditional logic puzzle
- Congratulations on your new job as head shipping clerk in the roach
- division at Insect Fun Inc. As you know, Insect Fun Inc. offers a full
- line of recreational insect experimentation and observation kits including
- its popular Roach Farm Fun Kit. Your job is to fill test tubes with live
- roaches in preparation for shipping so that eager Roach Farm customers may
- stock their farms with livestock. During your work day, you are presented
- with test tubes of varying sizes, each containing an arbitrary number of
- roaches. They arrive from the breeding centers this way (center workers
- tend to scoop up random numbers of roaches). You are then presented with
- an invoice form which lists the quantities of roaches that customers have
- ordered. The first roach quantity on the invoice is for the tube on the
- top, the second quantity is for the tube second from the top, and so on.
- Your problem is that you can't move each roach individually from
- one tube to another. Insect Fun Inc. ships only the strongest Brazilian
- cockaroaches, so you don't want to pick them out by hand for fear that they
- will escape. To move the roaches, you must connect the tube that you want
- to move roaches from (the source tube) to the tube that you want to move
- roaches to (the destination tube) with a flexible hose. By shaking the
- source tube slightly, the roaches are coaxed into moving out into the hose
- and then into the destination tube. As you can see, roaches will therefore
- keep moving from one tube to the other until either the destination tube is
- full or the source tube is empty. Use the mouse pointer to direct activity
- on the computer screen. Click on the source tube and then on the
- destination tube. Keep doing this until the proper quantities of roaches
- are in each of the test tubes.
- Author: Lucas Swineford
- Path: game/think/RoachFarm/
- ==========
- UChess 2.89 Nicely done Amiga port of GNU chess
- A powerful version of the program GnuChess version 4PL66 for the Amiga.
- Plays a very strong game of chess. Code has been rewritten and data
- structures reorganized for optimal efficiency on 32 bit 68020 and
- better Amiga systems. Eval/search and clock enhancements from
- original gnu port.
- Fully multitasking, automatically detects and supports 640X480X256
- color AGA mode machines, and does not at any time BUSY wait. Supports
- a variety of standard features such as load, save, edit board,
- autoplay, swap sides, force move, undo, time limits, hints, show
- thinking, and a supervisor mode that will allow two humans to play
- with the computer acting as a "supervisor".
- Author: FSF
- Roger Uzun (amiga port + many enhancements)
- Path: game/think/UChess/
- ==========
- POVControl 1.0 Set POV parameters using GUI interface.
- POV Control is a utility that can set the parameters of the Persistence Of
- Vision 2.x raytracer from the POV Team, only by using an intuition
- interface.
- All the beginners to POV would appreciate it, because this kind of software
- hasn't existed on the Amiga until now. For the intermediate users of POV
- and for all the other, POV Control would certainly made them save time.
- Author: Nicolas Mougel
- Path: gfx/3d/POVControl/
- ==========
- SIRDS_GEN 3.8 Single Image Random Dot Stereogram genr.
- Single-Image-Random-Dot Stereogram generator. SIRDSs are "real"
- three-dimensional pictures. The dots (which seem random) are calculated
- in such a way that if you focus "behind" the picture (monitor,etc), you
- will see a 3D pic with a real feeling of "depth". This version features:
- Function plotting, and viewing as SIRDS; Free choice of screen-mode;
- Scaling of the picture; Should run on Graphics cards too (not much tested,
- but Picasso II is working); Automatic correction of the eyewidth to the
- displaymode; Uses datatypes for reading the picture; 32-bit color
- functions used; Uses a symmetric algorithm; Generation of "SIS" possible;
- Flimmering, various settings possible, 3 different pattern-modes and more!
- Author: Michael Mutschler
- Path: gfx/3d/SIRDS_GEN/
- ==========
- PSFonts ?.? 14 type1 fonts for Imagine spline editor
- Since the release of Imagine 2.9 last November, along with 3.0 a couple of
- months ago, it has been a little difficult finding Type I Postscript fonts
- that'll work in Imagine's Spline editor. The reasons for this are varied.
- Typically, PS fonts in the Amiga domain have been processed with Gold
- Disk's Font Manager or some other utility for use in DTP applications.
- Also, these later versions of Imagine have been compiled on a PC and ported
- to the Amiga. Some of the PS fonts have way too much detail and curves,
- causing the Spline editor to return an error, or the object comes in as an
- axis only.
- So I set upon a quest of sorts, downloading Type I Postscript fonts from
- various nets and BBSs, and seeing which ones would load into Imagine.
- Naturally I cannot claim that the fonts in this archive represent the
- majority available to the Amiga user (at least, I sure hope not!), but they
- have all been tested and work just fine in 3.0, and presumably, 2.9.
- They all are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain. You will
- need to play with them a little, checking for duplicate points and coplanar
- edges. But they do look very nice when rendered. These are the .pfb files
- only, just put them in your PSFonts directory and you're ready to go
- (rtfm). In any event, have fun, and keep on rendering!
- Also included is a 16 color HiRes IFF of a rendered example of each of the
- fonts.
- Author: Unknown, submitted by Bill Graham
- Path: gfx/3dobj/PSFonts/
- ==========
- Dinovr2 ?.? Imagine raytrace anim of dinosaur
- This is an Imagine 3.0 raytrace of a velociraptor based dinosaur moving
- its' head and opening its' jaws.
- Author: Andrew Nunn
- Path: gfx/anim/Dinovr2
- ==========
- FanAnimHAM6 ?.? An Imagine 3.0 Bones animation
- An Imagine 3.0 Bones animation.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: gfx/anim/FanAnimHAM6
- ==========
- FruitMorph ?.? 368x482x6 750 frame anim, morphing fruit
- A 750 frame HAM6 animation of morphing fruit, 368x482x6. Needs 6Mb to run.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: gfx/anim/FruitMorph
- ==========
- HendrixECS ?.? HiRes animated tribute to Jimi Hendrix.
- A HiRes animated tribute to Jimi Hendrix done with Lissa, and Imagine 3.0.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: gfx/anim/HendrixECS
- ==========
- Pteradactyl ?.? Pteradactyl in flight
- This is a small quarter-screen HAM Interlace test animation of a pteradactyl
- in flight flapping its wings, opening its mouth and turning its head from
- side to side. It shows the use of the Bones feature in Imagine V3.0 to
- articulate once static objects. It could be easily made to wiggle its feet,
- blink its eyes, and even land and hop with very little effort. The test anim
- was done at quarter-screen to keep the size down. I suggest using ViewTek
- at F7 speed for viewing.
- Author: Ted Stethem
- Path: gfx/anim/pteradactyl.anim
- ==========
- TMonsterGray3Anim ?.? Hires 8 color grayscale imagine 3.0 anim
- A hires 8 color grayscale animation done with Imagine 3.0.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: gfx/anim/TMonsterGray3Anim
- ==========
- GIFKit 1.0 Visually crop, resize, flip, rotate GIFS
- A GIF tool kit. Allows you to do visual crops, resizing, flips and
- rotates of GIF images. The programs fits the images on a 640x400x2
- screen so that even 1280x800 GIFs' can be manipulated without using
- large amounts of chip ram.
- Author: Milt Henderson
- Path: gfx/conv/GIFKit/
- ==========
- PicCon 2.50 Programmers Image converter
- PicCon is a program to aid developers of Amiga software for including
- graphical images in their own programs.\n\n
- In a full featured GUI you are able to cut out any portion of a loaded
- picture and save it back to disk in a variety of formats. Supported formats
- include: ordinary bitplanes, interleaved bitplanes, chunkypixels,
- blittermasks, Amiga sprites, IFF ILBMs, workbench icons,
- Super Nintendo/Famicom and Sega Megadrive/Genesis charactersets and lots
- of variations on these main formats.\n
- You can also save the picture's palette in a variety of formats, including
- ordinary raw 4, 8, or 32 bits-per-gun, Amiga copperlists, IFF ILBM and more.\n
- All saves can be done in either binary, as linkmodules (objectfiles), or in
- sourcecode (assembler, C, E or Pascal).\n\n
- The pictures which contain your images can be stored in IFF ILBM or any
- format you've got datatypes' support for as the datatypes.library supplied
- with OS3.0 is used (if present) by PicCon. RAW images and workbench icons
- can also be loaded (for e.g. reediting), and PicCon also supports loading
- and handling of standard IFF ANIMs.\n\n
- Some simple (but, in this context, useful) imageprocessing tools have been
- included in PicCon, like pen remapping, palette compression, size and depth
- scaling and palette fitting. Other features that have proved very handy for
- time-saving purposes are the "gridsave", "autocrop" and "autoscan" functions.
- The "autoscan" function makes it possible to process a whole picture full
- of images in one operation. The "gridsave" feature lets you save hundreds
- of e.g. maptiles for backgroundgraphics in a game in a single command.\n\n
- Author: Morten Eriksen
- Path: gfx/conv/PicCon/
- ==========
- MainActor 1.54 A modular animation package
- MainActor is a modular animation package which is able to
- create/edit/time/play animations (of any size) of the provided
- animation modules. Modules included in this release :
- IFF-Anim3/5/7/8/Brush/J, FLI, FLC, DL, AVI. You also have a great
- number of functions for animation proccessing. MainActor is also able
- to read and write Picture Modules : IFF, PCX, GIF, WB-ICON. You can
- associate sound effects to every frame of your animations. Support
- for the Picasso-II, Retina, Merlin and EGS cards is integrated.
- Author: Markus Moenig
- Path: gfx/edit/MainActor/
- ==========
- CloudsAGA 1.15 Creates random clouds in AGA resolutions
- This program creates randomly clouds which you might use in
- your paint program, as a texture in a ray tracing program or
- as a background for your workbench. Uses all AGA-resolutions.
- Now supports sizes 1024x1024 and 2048x2048.
- Author: Daniel Amor
- Path: gfx/misc/CloudsAGA/
- ==========
- PaletteMerger 1.0 Merges two palettes together.
- This utility merges two palette files together, useful especially for
- large palettes (256 colors). You can easily merge two 128-color
- palettes to one 256-color palette.
- Author: Rüdiger Hanke
- Path: gfx/misc/PaletteMerger/
- ==========
- TextDemo 5 3D Dungeon with shading; AGA/ECS (020+).
- This demo enables you to walk through a 3D dungeon. All walls are
- realtime texturemapped and shaded. The ECS version uses 64 colors.
- The AGA version uses 256 colors.
- Author: John Hendrikx
- Path: gfx/misc/TextDemo/
- ==========
- ZGIF_DRVR 1.0 Driver interface for the ZGIF GIF viewer
- A driver interface for the ZGIF GIF image viewer. Can also
- be used with FASTGIF, VIEWTEK, etc. Allows you to view up to 400
- GIFs' with the click of a mouse button. Ideal for previewing
- the hundreds of GIFs' that come on a CDROM. Binary only
- Author: Milt Henderson
- ZGif by Michael Zucchi
- Path: gfx/show/ZGIF_DRVR/
- ==========
- MathPlot 2.13 A function plotter with lin/log support
- A function plotter with lin/log plot, a complete KS 2.0 interface,
- and ARexx support. Needs Kickstart/WorkBench 2.0 and mtool.library
- (included).
- Author: Rüdiger Dreier
- Path: misc/math/MathPlot/
- ==========
- PowerCalc 1.51 Optimized WB 2D graphing calculator
- A workbench 2D graphing calculator optimized for 68040 systems. It
- basically graphs functions of the form y=f(x). The program features
- grab and drag type realtime scrolling, just click with the left mousebutton
- on the graph paper and drag the page around to view different areas of the
- graph.
- Author: Roger Uzun
- Path: misc/math/PowerCalc/
- ==========
- ASpringies 1.0 An interactive mass and spring simulator
- ASpringies is a simulator which allows you to interactively create
- and edit a system of masses and springs. The parameters of the masses
- and springs (such as mass elasticity and spring K) as well as those of
- the surrounding system (such as air viscosity and gravity) can be
- changed. These systems can be loaded and saved into a file.
- I guess you could use ASpringies for real work, but it's really
- intended to be a time waster.
- Author: Torsten Klein
- Path: misc/misc/ASpringies/
- ==========
- DDLI 3.41 A personality indicator like the MBTI
- The DDLI asks you a series of multiple choice questions in order to
- determine your psychological type (life pattern). It measures for the same
- sixteen psychological types as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) does:
- ISFJ, ISFP, ISTJ, ISTP. These are based on four sets of preferences:
- Extraversion vs. Introversion, iNtuition vs. Sensing, Feeling vs. Thinking,
- and Judging vs. Perceiving. The DDLI has many features that make it easy
- to use: It lets you change your answers; It lets you save your answers and
- resume later; It lets you skip questions and get back to them; And it
- tabulates all the results for you. It also has feautures that the MBTI
- doesn't have: It asks you to rank each of your answers; And It asks
- questions that measure for preferences that the MBTI doesn't directly
- measure for.
- Author: Fergus Duniho
- Path: misc/misc/DDLI/
- ==========
- cP 4.3 Data plotting program for 2D data
- A data plotting program capable of plotting two dimensional data in both
- linear or log space. The program runs from either the CLI or Workbench.
- There is no limit to the number of points that the program can load except
- the amount of ram on your system. There is also no limit to the number of
- sets. cP creates a public screen, so you can open other applications on
- its' screen. This version of cP also sports an AREXX interface for almost
- any function.
- Author: Chris Conger
- Path: misc/sci/cP/
- ==========
- GFFT 1.12 FFT spectrum analysis of sample files
- GFFT is an FFT-based spectrum analysis program with many features. By
- operating from stored sample data files, it offers higher resolution
- and/or accuracy than real-time analyzers. It accepts 8, 12, or 16-bit
- data in in IFF 8SVX, AIFF, and AVR formats, or in unformatted files,
- and can accept data points entered through a console in floating
- point.\n
- GFFT can be operated from either a Workbench GUI or from a CLI in
- interactive or batch modes. It has built-in help facilities for all
- operating modes with a 170+ Kb help file.\n
- GFFT can produce high quality spectrum plots on screen, plotter, or
- printer, or save to Postscript or TeX files, or output spectral data
- in text form to a console or file. (GNUPLOT, a separate program by
- other authors, is required for plotting features. GFFT is designed to
- invoke and control GNUPLOT automatically.) It can plot in 2D
- (Amplitude vs Frequency), or 3D (Amplitude vs Frequency vs Time). It
- allows the selection of logarithmic X and/or Y axes, the dB scaling of
- X, and arbitrary 3D rotation. GFFT can show multiple spectra in the
- same plot, or append spectral data bands from earlier sessions.\n
- GFFT provides 8 selectable FFT window types, including Blackman-Harris
- 92 dB. It can apply a special weighting for pink noise testing.
- Smoothing, calibration, ranging, and quantization are also available.
- There are no arbitrary limits to the number of frequency bins or
- smoothing points, or to the length of data which can be analyzed.
- Author: Charles P. Peterson
- Path: misc/sci/GFFT/
- ==========
- MN3A 1.2 An antenna design program
- An antenna design program used to calculate currents, impedance,
- and fields of wire antennas. The wires may contain lumped-constant
- loads. Environment may be free space or various groundtypes. SWR
- may be plotted and the number of wires and segments is now limited
- only by available RAM. Binary only.
- Author: Jim Martin
- Path: misc/sci/MN3A/
- ==========
- Units 1.0 Convert among many units (UNIX `units')
- Gives you conversion factors (or allows you to directly convert by
- including quantity) between *MANY* different types of units. You
- may wish to know for example, how many millimeters are in an
- astronomical unit (heaven forbid!), or how many meters/second in
- a furlong/fortnight (ditto!). Expandable by adding your own unit
- types to the conversion file (...like there aren't enough already ;)
- Author: Adrian Mariano, modified and compiled by Ron Charlton for Amiga
- Path: misc/sci/Units/
- ==========
- SoundMachine 1.5 Loads,saves, & plays various sound files
- Allows you to load, save, and play various sound file formats
- including RAW, IFF, VOC, and WAV. Two versions are included:
- one with an Intuition interface and a smaller CLI version.
- Very useful for those who frequent BBS's and have access to
- these type of sound files. New version supports stereo WAV,
- and 16-bit files and more configurability.
- Author: Syd L Bolton, Legendary Design Technologies
- Path: mus/edit/SoundMachine/
- ==========
- MPMaster 2.0 Transmit/Receive MIDI samples
- A useful MIDI program that enables to transmit/receive samples via MIDI
- between the Amiga and any MIDI device that supports the MIDI Sample Dump
- Standard format (such the Yamaha SY85 synthesizer). It has a WorkBench
- interface, can play samples and all settings of the sample can be modified
- before transmission. Includes a diagram to build a very small MIDI
- interface. Distributed in two languages: English and Spanish. Binary
- only.
- Author: Antonio J. Pomar Rosselló
- Path: mus/midi/MPMaster/
- ==========
- MusicWeb 1.2 MIDI Processing - Graphic-diagram
- An extensible, interactive, graphic-diagram environment for building
- configurations of elements to manipulate MIDI event streams. Modules with
- specific functions can be `plugged together' by placing icons in a diagram
- and linking them in the desired configuration; paths may branch and join to
- form a two-dimensional network. This is an early release, with a limited
- set of modules -- including an 8SVX `instrument' -- intended for real-time
- performance.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- Path: mus/midi/MusicWeb/
- ==========
- Pro-Wizard 2.0 Convert many music formats to Protracker
- Pro-Wizard is a multi-converter for Amiga music files packed with tools
- like NoisePacker, ProPacker, ProRunner, and so on... It converts all
- these weird formats in the standard Protracker format!
- New Features in this V2.0 :
- - Written in * 100% Assembler *!
- - User-friendly : mouse / gadgets / menus / keyboard!
- - XPK-libraries support.
- - Multi-Select allowed in the Loading requester!!
- - File-Ripper !!!!!
- - 12 new formats ----> 40 recognized formats!
- - Possibility to enable/disable each format.
- - Palette requester, Screen Mode requester, Save Prefs.
- - Graphic User Interface!
- - Recognition help inside the program (VIEW function)!
- - Iconify function!
- Author: Nicolas "Gryzor" FRANCK
- Path: mus/misc/Pro-Wizard/
- ==========
- DSound 1.50 Play 8SVX samples off hard drive.
- DSound is an 8SVX sound sample player that plays samples
- directly off a hard drive, without having to load an entire
- sample into memory first, making it possible to play samples
- of any length even under limited memory conditions. This
- version fixes some bugs and adds a display to the DSound
- window that shows the length of the sample and the amount
- played so far, both in minutes::seconds format.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- Path: mus/play/DSound/
- ==========
- JukeBox 2.83 GUI-based audio CDROM disk player
- A program to play compact digitial audio discs by emulating
- a graphical user interface similar to common CD players. Supports
- various vendor's SCSI-CDROM-player, CDTV and A570. It provides a
- command line oriented, fully programmable ARexx user interface,
- as well.
- Author: Franz-Josef Reichert
- Path: mus/play/JukeBox/
- ==========
- OctaMEDPlayer 5.12 Player for songs made with OctaMED
- Standalone player program for playing songs made with OctaMED. Can load
- sng+samples-format and MMD0/MMD1-modules made with MED V2.10 or later, or
- any version of OctaMED. Can play standard four channel Amiga songs, MIDI
- songs, 5 to 8 channel OctaMED songs, and multi-modules. Has a nice 2.0
- look and works fine under 2.0 as well as 1.3.
- Author: Teijo Kinnunen and AMIGANUTS UNITED
- Path: mus/play/OctaMEDPlayer/
- ==========
- Bent ?.? An insane Imagine/Mathvision rendering.
- An insane Imagine and Mathvision rendering by Bill Graham, in jpeg format.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: pix/bill/Bent.jpg
- ==========
- BillsLounge ?.? A rendering of a bizarre bar scene.
- It's been said that every man would like to own his own
- bar. Well, here is Bill's, as a jpeg image.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: pix/bill/BillsLounge.jpg
- ==========
- Chamber3 ?.? An insane Imagine/Mathvision rendering.
- An insane Imagine and Mathvision rendering by Bill Graham, in jpeg format.
- Author: Bill Graham
- Path: pix/bill/Chamber3.jpg
- ==========
- MagicExpansion 1.3 Useful expansions for MagicWB and MUI
- MagicExpansion is a package with lots of expansions for MagicWB by
- Martin Huttenloher and MUI (MagicUserInterface) by Stefan Stuntz.
- Author: Johannes Beigel
- Path: pix/icon/MagicExpansion/
- ==========
- TrevsWBPix ?.? Set of MagicWB patterns, etc
- Excuse me, but I'm too lazy to write very much so...
- The original archive contains this text file, a prefs drawer (with 16 magic workbench images in the
- patterns drawer, a presets drawer, and the env-archive drawer), a piece of a startup-sequence in the
- s: dir, and a rand command in the c: dir., as well as two sample pictures grabbed from my WB.
- Author: Trevor Morris
- Path: pix/icon/TrevsWBPix/
- ==========
- Crygirl.jpg ?.? Cyrstal Girl picture by Corinna
- Crystal Girl is a composite of my sister and some art I created
- independently.
- Author: Corinna Cohn
- Path: pix/misc/crygirl/
- ==========
- SIRDS-Images ?.? 51 Single Image Random Dot Stereograms.
- An archive of 51 miscellaneous Single Image Random Dot Stereograms.
- Have you walked through a mall lately? These days, as you wander past
- most of the poster shops, there will be a large group of people
- staring at the same poster with surprisingly weird expressions on
- their faces. Some will be in the initial stages of denial or
- rejection---they will be concentrating, some slowly rocking their
- heads backwards and forwards, searching for an image that they have
- never seen before. Others will be grinning from ear to ear, pointing
- at the poster, chuckling with their friends that a member of their
- group hasn't seem them yet. "Come on Bill, come on!", they cry and as
- Bill gets increasingly more frustrated he concentrates harder and
- harder, until finally (if he's lucky) he sees a true 3D image, without
- the need for special glasses or equipment.
- These pictures are known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms
- (SIRDS), or Single Image Stereograms (SIS) depending on whether the
- picture contains random dots as a base for the 3D effect, or a
- repetitive pattern. Unfortunately, each commercial company has
- labelled them differently. Shop owners generally don't know what you
- mean, unless you say "Hollusion" or one of the many other specific
- names.
- (Description from SIRDS-FAQ by Stuart Inglis)
- Author: Miscellaneous
- Path: pix/misc/SIRDS-Images/
- ==========
- VahlenkampArt ?.? Small selection of HAM/HAM8 artwork
- The files in this archive:
- Landscape.pic 320x400x6
- RainbowWeb.pic 784x454x8
- RGB.pic 784x454x8
- SpaceTemple.pic 640x400x8
- VortexTemple.pic 784x454x8
- are a small selection of HAM/HAM8 artwork I created with DeluxePaint
- IV AGA and Genesis. These pictures are freely redistributable, so feel
- free to copy them. However, they must not be sold for profit without
- my permission.
- Author: Henning Vahlenkamp
- Path: pix/misc/VahlenkampArt/
- ==========
- SL9HSTPics ?.? 19 jpeg's of SL9 impacts from Hubble ST
- In Jul 1994, fragments of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impacted on
- Jupiter. Here are 19 high quality jpeg images of the results of those
- collisions, as captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Most images
- also have text files that describe exactly what the image is.
- Author: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team
- Path: pix/sl9/SL9HSTPics/
- ==========
- Baldwin ?.? Aladdin 4D raytrace, Baldwin grand piano
- This is a render I did while learning to use Aladdin 4D - I mostly
- wanted an image in which i could experiment with lense flare. This is,
- accordingly, a fairly simple image, with a grand piano sitting in the
- middle of a featureless expanse of wooden floor. There are two versions
- included, a 1280x1024x24 JPEG version and an 800x600 HAM8 version.
- Author: Steve Koren
- Path: pix/trace/Baldwin/
- ==========
- Chunli03.jpg ?.? Chun Li doing spinning bird kick
- Raytraced JPEG - Chun Li doing spinning bird kick
- Author: Tom Woof
- Path: pix/trace/Chunli03/
- ==========
- Cobra.jpg ?.? Bell Cobra helicopter over Water
- The Scene shows a Bell Cobra type fighting helicopter over a bump
- mapped, quite realistic Water surface.
- Pink
- Author: bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
- Path: pix/trace/Cobra/
- ==========
- DinoVR.jpg ?.? Imagine dinosaur in desert scene
- This is an Imagine 3.0 raytrace of a velociraptor based dinosaur, in
- a desert landscape.
- Author: Andrew Nunn
- Path: pix/trace/DinoVR/
- ==========
- earth.jpg ?.? Topographic bumpmapped earth
- Shows a sphere color mapped with a topographic map of the earth with
- the usual colors (shades of blue for below Zero, green, yellowish to
- brown for increasing heights) and bump mapped using a greyscale image
- of the same data. To add a little ambience I added a second sphere
- with turbidity to simulate a (way too thick!) atmosphere. This image
- is not meant to look like the earth in space, but I like it anyway.
- Pink
- Author: bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
- Path: pix/trace/Earth/
- ==========
- SharkBait.jpg ?.? Imagine objects underwater in VistaPro
- Test render of what can be done with the combination of
- VistaPro 3.0 and Imagine 3.0 ... using Opalpaint extensively
- Author: kpetlig@halcyon.com
- Path: pix/trace/SharkBait/
- ==========
- Stereo ?.? Ray traced picture of a Stereo System.
- Ray traced picture of a stereo system in AGA 256.
- Author: James Lanteigne
- Path: pix/trace/Stereo/
- ==========
- AGW 1.02 GUI editor to create AmigaGuide files.
- AmigaGuide Writer (AGW) is a program that allows you to create quickly
- and easily AmigaGuide format files from a text file. AGW (currently)
- does not allow you to edit the text, rather you create the text in any
- text editor and then import the text into AGW as a Node.\n
- Currently AGW supports the following AmigaGuide commands: DATABASE,
- ALINK, RX, RXS, and SYSTEM. More commands will be added in the
- future.
- Author: David McPaul
- Path: text/hyper/AGW/
- ==========
- MultiIndicator 2.0 Shows ASCII, binary, AmigaGuide docs
- MI shows ASC-files (with or without ESC-sequences and Tabs), binaries
- and AmigaGuide documents (if an external Guideindicator is available)
- MI decides automatically whether to use the ASC-, HEX- or Guide-
- indicator.
- Main features:
- - configurable
- - supports XPK and PowerPacker
- - localization
- - font sensitive
- - AREXX-Port
- - AppIcon
- - print files
- - patternsearching
- New features:
- - AppWindow
- - print area
- - rezizeable
- - saveable windowsize
- - SysIHack compatible :-)
- Author: Andreas Baum
- Path: text/show/MultiIndicator/
- ==========
- detex 1.0 Strip TeX commands from TeX files
- Port of unif Detex.
- Detex removes TeX commands to get a text file. Useful to use with a
- speller like ispell or fspell.
- Author: LACOMBE Bruno
- Path: text/tex/detex/
- ==========
- AppPP 1.1 AppIcon/GUI for crunch/decrunch with PP
- A crunching program made to avoid loading Powerpacker or another utility
- like that everytime you have one or several files to crunch or decrunch.
- It has an AppIcon and a Gadtools graphical user interface which makes it
- easy to configure and to use. Especially made to be used from WBStartUp.
- Author: Patrick Burnand
- Path: util/app/AppPP/
- ==========
- DropnAct 1.0 An AppIcon for easy data file handling
- Drop'n Act installs an AppIcon on your Workbench. When you
- drop a file on this icon, Drop'n Act will analyze it and
- act according to the type of the file, e.g. show a picture,
- play a piece of music, extract an archive, etc.
- Author: Rüdiger Hanke
- Path: util/app/DropnAct/
- ==========
- UUxT 3.0a CLI/GUI-based UUEncoder/UUDecoder
- UUxT is a full featured UUencode/decoder with the following features:
- o File splitting when encoding for easy mailing/posting.
- o Batch decoding. (You can decode many files at once, as well as
- split files without joining them. UUxT also has wildcard support.)
- o Batch encoding. You can encode multiple files into one text file.
- o Automatically skips over mail headers and other junk that can end
- up inencoded files.
- o Ability to LhA compress files for you, and then uuencode the
- resulting compressed file, all in one step, thus saving you time.
- You can also decode and de-LhA in one step.
- UUxT also comes with UUxT-GUI 2.0, a full featured workbench interface for
- UUxT. UUxT-GUI 2.0 now supports all of UUxT 3.0's features including
- batch encoding, decoding, etc.
- Author: Asher Feldman
- Path: util/arc/UUxT/
- ==========
- MagicWord 1.1 Utility for word replacement and macros
- MagicWord is a universal utility for word replacement and macros.
- Other than special solutions in editors and wordprocessors, MagicWord
- works with nearly every wordprocessor, editor and any other utility.
- Instead of recording macros for every application, it is easier to
- record the macros once with MagicWord for you'll be able to use them
- with future applications too. The use of MagicWord is only limited by
- the ideas of the user. This versatility can be used especially by
- replacing words. So you can let MagicWord type your address simply by
- typing \adr in any application. MagicWord can also be used as a
- little data base because you get access to information by typing
- keywords. The access is done rather quick by hashing.
- Author: Urs Fleisch
- Path: util/boot/MagicWord/
- ==========
- Arq 1.83 A "Requestor Improver" (understated!)
- Replaces the standard system requesters with nice animated
- requesters which you can also attach different sounds to.
- Also includes "upd" a small sound sample player daemon.
- Author: Martin Laubach
- Graphics by Peter Wlcek
- upd by Jonas Petersson
- Path: util/cdity/Arq/
- ==========
- MagicCX 1.0 Great modular commodity system
- MagicCX is the definite commodity/system enhancer for any Amiga running
- OS 2.x or better. It is a very powerful and flexible system.
- - It incorporates many, many features known from other
- commodities, while offering new, unseen features
- - External preferences program allows full control over
- MagicCX
- - It offers a special module design, known from Workbench.
- You may install/use modules/functions by simply dragging them
- to a Modules directory, if not used, move them to a storage
- directory.
- - Offers ModulesManager program for Users of OS 3.x and up
- - Comes with manuals in English and German
- - Localized under OS 2.1 and up. English, German translations
- available
- - Utilizes Installer for installing MagicCX to your system
- - Compact system installation. Only a few files will be spread
- around your system. All others are kept in a single directory
- - Only basic functions (window activation and such) are built
- into the main program. The remaining features were put into
- external modules
- - MagicCX comes with 18 (for now) different modules you may
- choose from.
- - Flexible blanker system with two internal blankers and 8
- (for now) external blanker modules
- - Utilizes powerful gadget layout library
- - Plenty of features, take a look.
- Author: Kai Iske
- Path: util/cdity/MagicCX/
- ==========
- TeleBASE 2.614 Phone/addr database w/caller id & print
- TeleBASE is a database for addresses and phone numbers. It will
- dial your modem for you, print envelopes, labels, and phone lists.
- TeleBASE will also receive Caller ID messages with the appropriate
- hard/firmware. A full featured ARexx port is also included.
- WB2.0 Commodity. Tested w/Supra's 32bis modems.
- Author: Scott Rogerson
- Path: util/cdity/TeleBASE/
- ==========
- BPTools 1.1 Some BridgePort tools for the Amiga side
- A collection of BridgePort tools for use on the Amiga side. JDIR will
- read JDISK directories. MAKEJD will create JDISKS. READJD and WRITEJD
- will read and write to JDISKs'. READJD and WRITEJD are approximately
- ten times faster than AREAD and AWRITE. Binary only.
- Author: Milt Henderson
- Path: util/cli/BPTools/
- ==========
- DoIcon 1.0 Icon information and manipulation tool
- DoIcon is yet another icon tool, but it's designed for quick shell-usage
- and is perfect to use it together with DirOpus or any similar tool.
- Features:
- - Displaying and manipulation of icon related values (eg. Tooltypes)
- - Converting icons to 8 bit-planes
- (For icons which are not displayed correctly on >8 color WBs)
- - Remapping icon colors (1.x style <-> 2.x/3.x style)
- - Recursively delete all ".info"-files (the old 1.x drawer-infos)
- Author: Lars 'SFX' Eilebrecht
- Path: util/cli/DoIcon/
- ==========
- MayFlower ?.? A collection of misc cli/script programs
- A collection of miscellaneous cli and script file programs the author
- has maintained over the years. All programs previously released have
- had minor/major improvements done to them. Some programs will now work
- with the SPAT script file when working with wild character matching, and
- some programs will work in resident mode.
- Author: Stephen D Childers
- Path: util/cli/MayFlower/
- ==========
- msplit 1.3 Utility to split large files
- Utility to split large files into several smaller ones in order
- to put them onto a floppy disk and recover the large file on
- another system. Optimized for speed and memory usage. Including
- executables for Amiga, MS-DOS, Sun Sparc, Convex, Vax-VMS,
- Acorn Archimedes, DEC-Station(ULTRIX) and sourcecode in ANSI-C.
- Author: Rene Tschirley
- Path: util/cli/msplit/
- ==========
- Sort 1.30 Sorts ASCII-Files, many features
- A cli-based text file sort utility. Includes options for:
- Ascending/descending sort; Case-sensitivity; Delete empty
- lines; Delete multiple occurences of same line; Overwrite
- input file; Sort and write file in reverse order of input.
- Includes both English and German binaries.
- Author: Rüdiger Werner
- Path: util/cli/Sort/
- ==========
- Sploin 1.79 Powerful file splitter/joiner. UNIX comp
- Sploin is a highly configurable file splitter and joiner. Can extract any
- number of bytes from anywhere in a file, separate a file in two (with header
- skiping), split a file in smaller ones (specifying the number of chunks or the
- size of each) with optional auto-truncation to MS-DOS 8.3 chars limitation,
- and joining with various ways of specifying the files. The major feature is
- it's ability to split a big file into smaller ones, and then automatically
- joining them together later. Can be compiled on practically all UNIX and VMS
- systems (thus ideal for bringing home huge archives freshly FTPed).
- Author: Yves Perrenoud
- Path: util/cli/Sploin/
- ==========
- SASC_GoldED 1.1 Embeds GoldED into SAS/C(++) Environment
- Two AREXX scripts for embedding GoldED into the SAS/C(++)
- environment. The first invokes SMAKE or SC from within
- GOLDED and collects the errors and warnings using SCMSG.
- The second script is executed when someone clicks on an
- error/warning in the SCMSG window and positionates the
- cursor on the line with the error. When the file in which
- the selected error occured is not loaded into GoldED the
- file is loaded in an new window before positionating the
- cursor.
- Author: Roland Schwingel
- Path: util/edit/SASC_GoldED/
- ==========
- ReqTools 2.2c Very useful shared requester library
- A standard Amiga shared runtime library which makes it a lot quicker
- and easier to build standard requesters into your programs. Designed
- with CBM's style guidelines in mind, so that the resulting requesters
- have the look and feel of AmigaDOS 2.0. Includes a demo and glue/demo
- sources.
- Author: Nico Francois
- Path: util/libs/ReqTools/
- ==========
- EClock 1.0 Clock appears on any Screen
- An upgrade of "Clock V2.2", EClock is a simple Clock program but
- with the handy feature that you can "snapshot" the clock to stay with
- any screen or it can be free to pop to the frontmost screen automatically.
- An unlimited number of alarm times can be set, which can simply put up
- a requester or cause some program to run in background. Hourly chimes
- can also be made to run a program (I.E. a sound sample player). Uses
- locale.library with OS2.1+.
- Author: Bernd Grunwald
- Path: util/misc/EClock/
- ==========
- IRMaster 2.6 Replace IR remote controls with Amiga.
- Software/hardware project to control devices with an infra-red remote
- control (tv set, cd player etc.) with the amiga. Using the IR-editor
- you can build a remote control and learn the IR commands. The
- projects are launched by the IR-runner. That means you can control
- e.g. your tv set from the Workbench.
- Author: Jürgen Frank
- Michael Watzl
- Path: util/misc/IRMaster/
- ==========
- MCalc 1.4 Powerful MUI-based calculator
- MUIProCalc is a MUI-based calculator much like Jimmy Yang`s
- Calc 3.0. It still lacks the plotter, but it offers a quite
- flexible history facility for inserting previously entered
- expressions. Different output formats offered and plenty of
- functions the user may choose from. Furthermore the look
- of the calculator may be customized. ARexx Port for ease of
- calculating from within an editor. Some functions are able to
- return TeX compatible output. Results or inputs may be copied
- to the Clipboard.
- MUIProCalc comes with a fancy GUI you may configure to your
- needs. Function gadgets may be flipped through using pages
- so that they don`t eat up too much of space. MUIProCalc
- supports an input/output history you may configure so that
- you may re-insert previously entered expressions/results.
- History entries may be copied to a userdefiniable clipboard
- unit. It features various display/output bases such as decimal,
- hexadecimal, octal, and binary and of course calculation sizes
- ranging from 8 Bit to 32 Bit width. Angles may be displayed as
- radians or degrees. MUIProCalc offers an ARexx port you may
- use to calc expressions externally. These commands are able
- to return TeX compatible output such as "1\cdot 10^{-5}". It
- comes with two example scripts for use with CED Pro.
- Author: Kai Iske
- Path: util/misc/MCalc/
- ==========
- MUISpeechToy 0.01 Speechtoy clone using MUI 2.0 interface.
- MUI-Speechtoy was written as a test application for MUI-Builder,
- written by Eric Totel and MUI, written by Stefan Stuntz. It contains
- only some primitive features that can be changed.
- Author: Andreas Jung
- Path: util/misc/MUISpeechToy/
- ==========
- Remind 1.32 Reminds you of important dates.
- Calender programs are plentiful for the Amiga, you can always find another
- program sitting on a board which tells you what you are doing today. However
- I feel none of the programs I have tried actually are useful and easy to
- read.
- The good thing about remind is that it contains all the information in one
- window, including what you need to do today, what you need to do within
- several days, and what you have to do for the rest of the year. The user
- interface has been remarked on by several people for its clarity.
- Its compact, completely configurable (well nearly), and its free.
- Completely and utterly free, all I ask is that you send me some e-mail to
- say that you are using the program.
- Author: Richard Ambridge
- Path: util/misc/Remind/
- ==========
- TimeGuardian 1.0 Package to start events at certain times
- TimeGuardian is a program package with which you can easily start
- events, that have to be done at certain times or dates on your
- computer. You also can write log files to disk, where you can see when
- your computer was switched on.
- Author: Gerri Körner
- Path: util/misc/TimeGuardian/
- ==========
- VMem 1.0 Virtual Memory system w/memory emulation
- Release 1 VIRTUAL MEMORY SYSTEM for ALL Amigas with WB2 or
- above (requires programs to be specially written for it,
- though.) Incorporates "memory emulation" to allow chip mem
- to act as FAST mem,etc. Includes a Preferences program in
- Workbench 2+ style. Complete with programming header files,
- AutoDocs(tm), and an example program with source. The rest
- of the package is Binary only.
- Author: Lee Braiden
- Path: util/misc/VMem/
- ==========
- VMM 2.0 Virtual memory for Amigas w/68030/68040
- VMM is a virtual memory manager for any Amiga with a 68030 or 68040
- processor. Up to 128 MB of virtual memory is available to all processes
- just like physical memory. Paging can be done either to a dedicated
- partition, a file or a so-called pseudo-partition. The paging buffer
- can be specified as a fixed amount or dynamically allocated.
- - VMM now runs on the 68030.
- - VMM installs itself as a commodity with hotkey support.
- - Pseudo-partitions which combine the speed of a dedicated partition
- and the flexibility of a file have been added.
- - Bugs in IO handling code fixed.
- Author: Martin Apel
- Path: util/misc/VMM/
- ==========
- WindowDaemon 1.9 Extended control to intuition windows
- Window Daemon gives extended control to intuition windows and screens
- through HotKeys and Arexx. In addition there is better workbench drawer
- manipulation, you can close the current drawer window when opening another
- drawer, and when closing a drawer can open its parent automatically.
- Using a hotkey you can manage the task priority owning the current window
- and even suspend the task. Also the active window can be brought to the
- front or pushed to the back by simply holding down both mouse buttons.
- Author: David Swasbrook
- Path: util/misc/WindowDaemon/
- ==========
- InfraRexx 1.3 Use Amiga as infrared remote controller.
- The InfraRexx software along with the InfraJoy hardware serve as an
- ARexx-infrared interface, so your Amiga becomes a remote control
- unit. Also, the other way around, you can control your Amiga using
- a common infrared remote control unit.
- Author: Leon Woestenberg
- Jeroen Steenblik
- Path: util/rexx/InfraRexx/
- ==========
- ZedREXX 1.0c Easily add GUI to any REXX script.
- ZedREXX provides users with the ability to quickly and easily build a
- graphical user-interface into any of their REXX scripts. ZedREXX
- syntax is structured, simple and easy to read. Common GUI techniques
- are implemented in the command host instead of in the REXX script,
- making the run- time speed and response time of a ZedREXX script
- similiar to the same application written in C. This is an evaluation
- copy of a commercial program, registration is required for continued
- use.
- Author: David N. Junod
- Path: util/rexx/ZedREXX/
- ==========
- AntiCicloVir 2.2a Link/File/BB/Validator/Memory virus elim
- A link virus detector and exterminator. Also detects other types of
- viri. This version recognizes: 180 Bootblock, 28 File, 15 Link,
- 7 Disk-Validator, 11 Trojans, and 14 Bombs. Automatically checks each
- inserted disk for boot block and disk-validator viruses. Can scan all
- files of a specified directory for known link viruses, and constantly
- monitors memory and system vectors. Now public domain and includes
- source in assembler.
- Author: Matthias Gutt
- Path: util/virus/AntiCicloVir/
- ==========
- VirusChecker 6.43 A memory/file/bootblock virus detector
- A virus checker that can check memory, disk bootblocks, and all disk files
- for signs of most known viruses. Can remember nonstandard bootblocks that
- you indicate are OK and not bother you about them again. Includes an ARexx
- port, supports SHI's Bootblock.library. By using this library and its
- brainfile you have the ability to add new Bootblock viruses as SHI releases
- new brainfiles.
- Author: John Veldthuis
- Path: util/virus/VirusChecker/
- ==========
- VT 2.67 A comprehensive virus utility package.
- A very good virus checker, however all the documentation is in
- German.
- Author: Heiner Schneegold
- Path: util/virus/VT/
- ==========
- AIFF_dt 1.5 DataType for AIFF/AIFC sound files
- A DataTypes class which permits reading and playing of AIFF
- and AIFC format sound files which are very common on Apple
- Macintosh machines.
- Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
- Path: util/wb/AIFF_dt/
- ==========
- AmigaEyes ?.? Displays two eyes that follow pointer
- This small program displays two eyes that follow the mouse pointer in the
- WorkBench screen. This eyes can wink from time to time and go to sleep if
- the user doesn't move the mouse for a user defined lapse of time.
- Thre is two versions, one for no-interlaced screen and the other one for
- interlaced screen.
- Author: Stéphane Poirier
- Path: util/wb/AmigaEyes/
- ==========
- CXHandler 1.5 CXHandler V1.5 is an Exchange clone
- CXHandler V1.5 is an Exchange clone
- Author: Martin Stengle & Bernd Jessel
- Path: util/wb/CXHandler/
- ==========
- DisplayMode 1.18 Screenmode preferences clone
- Screenmode preferences clone, controlable via keys and is font sensitive.
- Author: Martin Stengle
- Path: util/wb/DisplayMode/
- ==========
- DropIt! 0.98 Start programs by dropping icons.
- DropIt! has been written in order to make the "exploration" of the
- public domain disks easier. More often than not, those disks contain
- numerous files which examination needs the use of quite a lot of
- different utilities (ILBM reader, text viewer, archive utility, ...).
- DropIt! enables you to do this automatically.
- To this end, it opens when it is started an icon on the Workbench
- screen on which you can put another icon. The type of the file is
- then recognized automatically and the associated program (chosen by
- the user) started (an ILBM reader for an image for instance).
- Author: Jean-Yves Oberlé
- Path: util/wb/DropIt!/
- ==========
- FontPrefs 2.12 Font preferences clone
- Alternative to the standard font preferences program.
- Author: Martin Stengle
- Path: util/wb/FontPrefs/
- ==========
- ForceIcon 1.6 Substitute Icon images and positions
- ForceIcon is an utility mainly for users of CDRom drives or users of
- networking software capable of sharing devices and icons. Since one
- can not snapshot the position of a volume`s icon (on read only media),
- nor replace it by a user-defined one, I wrote this utility. ForceIcon
- allows you to set the position of a disk`s icon and/or replace it by a
- different image/icon which doesn`t have to be a disk.info file. All
- types of ".info" files may be selected. Special features include
- inheritance of device specific settings, specifying the root drawer`s
- size/position and display flags/modes.
- Author: Kai Iske
- Path: util/wb/ForceIcon/
- ==========
- MacSND_dt 1.2 DataType for Mac "snd" resource data
- A DataTypes class which permits reading and playing of
- Apple Macintosh "snd " resource sound data, such as system
- beeps.
- Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
- Path: util/wb/MacSND_dt/
- ==========
- MIA 1.2 Manipulates many icons at once
- Mass Icon Alter (MIA) allows manipulation of many icons all at once.
- It can change any of the following icon and file attributes: Stack
- size, date/time, comment, default tool, tool types (append or replace),
- images, icon type, protection bits, and Workbench's default icons.
- MIA runs as an Application Icon, Application MenuItem, normal graphical
- user interface, or from an AmigaDOS shell. Installer script and
- AmigaGuide help manual are included.
- Author: Boyd Edmondson
- Path: util/wb/MIA/
- ==========
- PictIcon 0.8 Scales pictures into icons. os3.x only
- Allows pictures to be dropped onto an appicon. Will then load the
- pictures using datatypes.library and scale them into icons.
- Many options to customize how the scaled picture icons will look.
- Allows frames/backgrounds and size text (built in fonts, tho)
- Uses many of Iconian's routines, so if you've seen Iconian, you'll
- know what to expect.
- New to version 0.8:
- o Allows error-diffusion dithering with full control of type, level,
- and amount.
- o Adds an AppItem to Workbench's tool menu.
- o Status window has percentage indicators below progress bar.
- o Better variety of sample icons.
- Author: Chad Randall
- Path: util/wb/Picticon/
- ==========
- PictureClock 39.72 Full-screen analog clock on top of a pic
- PictureClock is a clock like the ones you see on TV between programs.
- It takes any datatype-supported picture as a background and any
- datatype- supported sound for a 'chime' sound every half hour.
- Kickstart 3.0 (V39) or higher and datatypes.library V39 are required.
- Author: Maarten ter Mors
- Path: util/wb/PictureClock/
- ==========
- PST 1.0a Public Screen creation tool
- autoscroll (via ASL Screen Mode Requester)
- Allows complete control of all Public Screen-related features,
- such as "Default Public Screen", "Pop to Front", and "Shanghai".
- Tested OK using the Enforcer.
- Extremely compatible with the KreuzerSoft series of graphics
- programs (Fractal, LyapunovSpace, Terrain, PaletteTool, etc.)
- but is NOT in anyway restricted to usage with them.
- Put differently, this is a general-usage tool.
- Author: Timothy B. Kreuzer
- Path: util/wb/PST/
- ==========
- ScreenTool 1.0 Switch between screens using hotkeys.
- On the MS-DOS´en you have the keyboard shortcut CTRL-TAB to cycle
- between the applications, and the CTRL-ESC shortcut to view all
- running applications in a requester.
- With ScreenTool you have the MS-Windows CTRL-ESC function on your
- Amiga. You get a requester with all available screens - so you have a
- tool to handle comfortable all open screens.
- ScreenTool is not a Commodity, because it is very small - and so it is
- fast enough by starting from the disk. By activating with FKey you
- can start a lot of tools with the keyboard, without using any
- additional RAM.
- So ScreenTool will save your CPU and RAM!
- Author: Klaus Muckenhuber
- Path: util/wb/ScreenTool/
- ==========
- StickIt2 2.00 Computerized "PostIt Note" type reminder
- StickIt2 is a replacement for the good ol' Post-It note. It allows
- you to stick notes on your screen which will be displayed every time
- you reboot; useful to remind you of things to do.
- StickIt version 2.00 supports the following features:
- * StickIt2 can have up to 100 notes in use at any time.
- * StickIt2's notes can be in any colour.
- * StickIt2's notes can use any font in any colour, size and style.
- Each note can have its own font.
- * StickIt2's notes are directly editable (like typing text into a
- word processor).
- * StickIt2's notes are resizable using a discrete hidden resize
- gadget.
- * StickIt2's notes can open on any public screen.
- * StickIt2 runs as a commodity.
- * StickIt2 uses the system clipboard.
- * StickIt2 can be run from either Workbench or the CLI with full
- tooltype support in both cases.
- * StickIt2 has a font sensitive GadTools interface designed with the
- excellent "The Designer". See Credits.
- * StickIt version 2.00 is only 7k larger than StickIt-1.03.
- The limits imposed by the program are:
- * The note may only contain 4k of text (just over 4,000 characters).
- * The title bar may only contain 128 characters of text.
- Author: Andy Dean
- Path: util/wb/StickIt2/
- ==========
- TimeEvent 1.0 Preference Editor v1.0 for cron programs
- With the TimeEvent Preference Editor you can control the execution times
- of a list of programs. You can popup a requester to remind you of a
- special date, start a backup every week or let your computer fetch your
- email during the night, because of the lower rates. As with the System
- Preference Editors, there has to be an additional program to perform the
- settings made with TimeEvent. This program is called cron and it runs
- in the background. (not included!)
- Author: Alexander Lazarevic
- Path: util/wb/TimeEvent/