Fresh Fish 6
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Text File
1,526 lines
HCE version 1.0
C Compiler envirenment for the Amiga
by Jason Petty.
Table of Contents
Disk Contents .............................. L30
Installation ............................... L188
Getting Started ............................ L239
Text Handling .............................. L292
File Requester ............................. L385
Menus ...................................... L442
Gadget Bar ................................. L771
Compiler ....................................L816
Compiler Options ........................... L893
Optimizer Options .......................... L1026
Assembler Options .......................... L1104
Linker Options ............................. L1170
Preferences ................................ L1337
Key Short Cuts ............................. L1417
Improvements ............................... L1503
(ZC) below = came from the ZC distribution, from Fish disk 314.
(HCC) ..... = came from the HCC distribution, from Fish disk 508.
(PDC) ..... = came from the PDC distribution, from Fish disk 351.
(info) ..... = An '.info' icon file exists with the same name.
(Disk) HCE:
Drives_1 (info) - Install Hce to a single drive amiga.
Drives_2 (info) - Install Hce to a two drive amiga.
HD0 (info) - Install Hce to a hard drive amiga.
Hce_1MB (info) - Run Hce on a 1MB amiga from workbench.
Hce_1MB.script - script used by above.
Hce_2MB (info) - Run Hce on a 2MB amiga from workbench.
Hce_2MB.script - script used by above.
LibSource.LZH - Source to the C libraries in compressed form.
Readme.doc (info) - Copyrights, Requirments and Introduction.
(Dir) bin/
HCE (ME/HCC) - The main Compiler/Editor program.
TOP (HCC) - Optimizer
A68K (HCC) - Assembler
BLINK (HCC) - Linker
(Dir)(ZC) include/clib/
ar.h - Archive header format
basepage.h - Definitions for basepage header
ctype.h - Character classification and conversion
errno.h - System error codes
limits.h - Max size definitions for types
macros.h - Commonly used macros
math.h - Prototypes and definitions for math.lib
setjmp.h - Structure required for setjmp(),longjmp()
stddef.h - Standard definitions.(included by stdio.h)
stdio.h - Prototypes and definitions for stdio.lib
stdlib.h - Prototypes and definitions for misc.lib
string.h - Prototypes for string.lib
time.h - Time/Date related definitions.(misc.lib)
types.h - Type definitions.(VOID,ulong,ushort etc)
(Dir) Install/
Drives1.script - Used by Drives_1. see above.
Drives2.script - Used by Drives_2. see above.
HardDrive0.script - Used by HD0. see above.
(Dir) (ME/ZC/PDC) lib/
Ami.lib - Kickstart release 2.04 Version of Amiga.lib
Math.lib - Library interface to Motorola fast floating
point library supplied by Commodore.
Misc.lib - Contains main.c,envirenment.c etc.
Stdio.lib - Standard I/O functions, printf,scanf etc.
String.lib - Many string related functions.
begin.o - Startup code.
(Dir) s/
Script files for startup and system-configuration file
for after installation.
(Disk) HceSrc:
(Dir)(info) HCE/
HCE.LL - Link List used by Hce to link Hce.
Readme.1st (info) - Copyright.
Readme.doc (info) - Explanation on how to make Hce.
(Dir) HCC/
Source code to the compiler.
Hcc.CL - Compile List.
(Dir) HCE/
Source code to the editor.
Hce.CL - Compile List.
(Dir)(info) Top/
Readme.doc (info) - Explanation on how to make Top.
Top.LL - Link List used by Hce to link Top.
(Dir) Source/
Source code to the optimizer.
(Disk) LibSrc:
Readme.1st (info) - Copyright.
(Dir) c/
(Dir)(info) AmigaLib/
AmigaLib.LL - Link List of Kick 2.04 FD files used
by Hce to make Kick2.04 Amiga.lib
Readme.doc (info) - Explanation on how to make the
Amiga library.
(Dir) extras/
(Dir) Source/
Extra source code files required by
the amiga lib.(PDC)(updated).
Extra.CL - Compile List.
FD2Stubs + doc
(Dir) LIBR/
Script files to help make Amiga.lib.
(Dir) STUBS/
Stubs produced from FD1.3 files.
(Dir)(info)(ZC) clib/
Readme.doc (info) - Explanation on how to make the
libraries listed below.
(Dir) crt/
begin.a - Program startup code.
(Dir) math/
Maths library source.
Math.LL - Link list.
(Dir) misc/
Misc library source.
(Dir) stdio/
Stdio libarary source.
(Dir) string/
String library source.
(Disk) D&E:
HceSource.LZH - Source code to Hce/Top in compressed form.
(Dir)(info) Docs/
HCE.doc (info)(ME) - How to use Hce.
LIB.doc (info)(ME/ZC) - How to use the C libraries.
A68K.doc (info)(HCC) - How to use the Assembler.
Blink.doc (info)(HCC) - How to use the Linker.
CompilerBugs.doc (info)(HCC) - Known compiler bugs.
Bug_Report.doc (info)(ME) - How to report bugs.
Top.doc (info)(HCC) - How to use the optimizer.
(Dir)(info) Examples/
Readme.doc (info) - Explanation on how to make examples.
(Dir)(info) AMIGA/
(Dir)(info) BALLS/ moving spheres demo
(Dir)(info) DARKDEMO/ copper demo
(Dir)(info) POOLS/ simple pools predictor
(Dir)(info) CLIB/
(Dir)(info) CCheck/ tests C source for errors
(Dir)(info) Cflow/ tests C src function flow
(Dir)(info) Tests/ tests for HCC compiler
There are three Icons on the 'HCE:' disk to help you Install HCE,
these are as follows:
Install HCE to a single drive Amiga. (Requires 1 spare floppy)
This script will copy your Workbench disk, strip the copy down,
Install HCE, and then rename the copy, HCE.
Install HCE to a 2 drive Amiga. (Requires 2 spare floppies)
This script will copy your Workbench disk, strip the copy down, Install
part of HCE, and then rename the copy, HCE.
Then formats a disk called 'HceTools' and Installs the rest of HCE.
Install HCE to a Hard Drive. (Requires that you boot from Workbench,
and that Workbench is installed to your Hard Drive)
This script will Install HCE to the Workbench disk on your hard drive and
takes up around 550K of drive space.
note: this script has not been tested and could fail!.
Make your own WorkDisk(s)
If you decide not to use the Install routines provided then you
should put the following or similar in your Startup-Sequence:
(note: 'SYS' is an example)
; Common place for program files.(HCE,TOP,BLINK,A68K etc)
Assign >NIL: BIN: SYS:bin
; Tell Linker were the Libraries are, and the Compiler where the Includes are
Assign >NIL: LIB: SYS:lib
SetEnv INCLUDE "SYS:include"
; Alternative to SetEnv.
Assign >NIL: INCLUDE: SYS:include
; HCE cannot find the Optimizer,Assembler and Linker without the following:
Path SYS:bin Add
; Stack should be at least:
Stack 10000
After Installing HCE you should test to see if the Installation worked
correctly and also familiarize yourself with HCE.
note: If you have not used a Text Editor or Word Processor before then I
suggest you read the notes on TEXT HANDLING before you begin.
Type the following (exactly as shown) into the Editor Window:
#include <stdio.h>
void main();
void main()
short i;
for(i=1;i <= 10; i++) {
printf("Hello World!\n");
Now click on the 'Compile+O+A+Link' Gadget below the Editor Window.
After a short while the Message 'No-Errors' should appear in the Message
Box. If it did not then either you have made a spelling mistake or a file
or files could not be found. A message should appear indicating which.
If there were no spelling mistakes and the error messsage given indicates
that a file was not found, then faulty Installation could be the problem.
Go through the Installation procedure again and also read the INSTALLATION
text. If you still have problems, then write to me explaining what they
are and I will try and fix them ready for the next release of HCE.
If no errors occured then click on the 'Run' Gadget. The message
'Hello World!' without the quotes should appear Ten times in the
CLI Window. If this is the case then Installation is correct.
You should now atleast read the following texts to get the best from HCE.
If you own a printer then I strongly recomend that you print this Entire
Text Handling
Gadget Bar
Compiler Options
Optimizer Options
Assembler Options
Linker Options
Key Short Cuts
Cursor Movement
The cursor is positioned anywhere in text by first moving the mouse
pointer to the desired location and then clicking on the Left Mouse
Button. You can also move the cursor in any direction by using the
Arrow keys.
Arrow key combinations:
Shift+Up arrow - Move up 10 lines at a time.
Shift+Down arrow - Move down 10 lines at a time.
Shift+Left arrow - Place cursor at beginning of line.
Shift+Right arrow - Place cursor at end of line.
Right-Amiga + T - Place cursor at top of file. If already
at top then place cursor at the bottom.
Right-Amiga + B - Place cursor to beginning of line. If
already at beginning then place to end.
Inserting Text
When you type a character it is inserted at the current cursor location
and the cursor is moved one place to the right. If the line is full the
last character on the current line is moved to the beginning of the next
line to create a space. If however the next line is also full then nothing
will be inserted.
Deleting Text
Backspace Key: Delete the character to the left of the cursor. If the
cursor is at the beginning of the line it is moved to
the end of the previous line. If there was any trailing
characters behind the cursor they are joined to the
end of the previous line.
Delete Key: Delete the character at the current cursor location
moving all characters from the right to the left one
place. If the cursor is at the end of the line, as much
of the next line as will fit is added to the current
Control Key Combinations:
Ctrl+D - Delete entire line cursor is on.
Ctrl+E - Delete line cursor is on from cursor
x position.
Ctrl+S - Delete all spaces between words if cursor
is on a space.
Ctrl+W - Delete all characters until space if cursor
is not on a space.
Ctrl+V - Restore entire line after one of the above.
Ctrl+U - Change character to opposite case and move
the cursor one place to the right.
To change hole or parts of lines to upper or
lower case, first mark them out(See BLOCK-MENU)
and then press either the L or U key.
Escape Key:
This toggles the Editor Window between full and
standard size. If toggled to full size, the Message Box
is lost and the Editor Messages can no longer be seen.
Tab Key:
By pressing the Tab Key the cursor is moved (if possible)
to the next Tab Stop. By pressing Shift+Tab the cursor
is moved backwords to the previous Tab Stop or to the
beginning of line.
The number of character positions to the next Tab Stop can
be changed in the Preferences Window. Default is 8.
The editor has a few restrictions these are as follows:
1) The text window sizes are fixed and unchangeble.
2) You can only open and work with one file at a time.
3) You cannot edit beyond the end of the visible windows width.
This is deliberate, I decided that code is more readable if
each line is always entirely visible.
4) The maximum size that a file can be is 155844 Bytes(152K) or
1998 lines. This should not cause any problems, not many
source files are this big, if they are they should be broken
down into smaller more readable sections anyway.
5) There are no Typeover modes.
See also 'Search/Cursor' Menu.
HCE uses the ASL library V36(or higher) file requester.
On an A1200 the library is located in the libs directory of the
Workbench disk. On other Amigas it may be an internal library.
If it exists on your Workbench disk then you must place it in the 'libs/'
directory of your boot disk. (If you used one of the install Icons I provided
to install HCE then the library will already be on your boot disk).
You can find a more detailed explanation of the file requester in your
Workbench manual, but here's a run down of the most important things anyway:
File selection:
with mouse:
Point to the desired file and double click the left
mouse button to select it, or click on the file
once and then click on the OK gadget. Note the OK
gadget may have a different name depending on what
purpose the file requester was called for.(eg: Load,
with keys:
Use the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll through
the files listed and then press the return key to
select the desired file.
Multiple file selection:
This only applies to some file operations such as delete or copy.
with mouse:
Hold down one of the shift keys then click each
file you want selected with the mouse.
with keys:
No Idea!
with mouse:
To enter a new directory with the mouse click
on the directory once. To get back to the previous
directory click on the Parent gadget.
with keys:
Scroll through the directories with the up and down
arrow keys then press return to enter the directory.
To get back to the previous directory press
Right-Amiga + P.
with mouse:
To list the volumes available with the mouse click
the Volumes gadget.
with keys:
Right Amiga + V.
with mouse:
To exit without selecting a file click on the
Cancel gadget.
with keys:
Right Amiga + C.
About Hce:
Copyright,Author for HCE.
About Hcc:
Copyright,Authors for HCC and TOP.
Clear text buf:
Clears the editor text buffer ready for a new file.
If you have made changes to the current file then a confirmation
requester will appear before proceeding.
First error:
If any error messages were shown and then overwritten during
compile, then this will reshow the first error.
First warning:
If any warning messages were shown and then overwritten during
compile, then this will reshow the first warning.
Opens an intuition window with the following gadgets:
From Line: Set the line number to print from.
To Line: Set the line number to print to.
Print: Print using From Line/To Line.
Print All: Print entire source.
For printing to work correctly, you should install the correct
printer driver to the Devs/Printers directory on your boot disk.
Opens a new CLI window and places HCE behind the Workbench Screen.
Requires for the 'CLI' file to be in the System directory of your
boot disk and also for the 'Shell-Startup' file to be in the S
directory of your boot disk (If not present,copy from WB disk).
To get HCE back from behind the Workbench screen press the depth
gadget (Top Right of screen) or press Left-Amiga + M.
Program size:
After creating an executable file this will show it's name and
size in the message box.
Exit from HCE and return to the CLI.
Load. (c/a-source):
Load a C or Assembler source code file.
An ASL filerequester will pop up (see FILE REQUESTER notes),
just double click on the file you want to load.
Maximum file size is 1998 lines.
HCE can also be used as a normal ASCII editor so you are
not restricted to just loading and saving source code files.
This document was written with HCE.
Load. (append....):
Same as above except the new file is appended to the current file.
Load. (lock......):
Same as, 'Load (c/a-source)' except that the directory the file
was selected from becomes the current directory.
Save. (c/a-source):
Save C or Assembler source code file.
If you have not given your file a name then the save as requester
will appear, enter the new file name in the 'File' draw, and
select Save. You must add the appropriate '.c' or '.a'
suffix yourself.
Save. (as........):
Save under a new name (see above save).
Compile only (test):
Invoke the internal compiler HCC and test either the file
present in the editor buffer or test all source code files
listed in the 'Compile List' buffer (C or Assem files, if list)
or do both at the same time. Which depends on the compilers
'Compile' option.(See, COMILER-OPTIONS)
If any errors are encounted the first five are listed in the
message box and compilation is stopped. The editor will
automatically scroll to or near the first offending line.
You can go to or near any of the lines which caused an error
by holding down one of the Shift keys and pressing 'F1' through
to 'F5'. To recall the first error message press Right Amiga+E.
To recall the first warning message press Right Amiga+W.
To stop compilation, press the 'Esc' gadget and wait, it
may take a short while before stopping, deppending on what
part of the compilation was taking place at the time.
You can also test sections of code by first marking them out
with the mouse or keys. (See MENUS, 'BLOCK-MENU')
Always make the directory containing the C or Assembler source
code files the current directory.(See MENUS, 'Other' and MENUS
No output files are left after a test.
Compile + Optimize:
Does the same things as 'test' above but also optimizes each
file. The output files are placed in the 'Quadfile Device' which
is set in the Compiler Options window. Default is the Ram Disk.
This option is mainly for people who want to improve the
optimizer (TOP) and need to inspect its output.
You can delete all output files that the optimizer produces by
pressing the 'Cleanup' gadget under the editor window.
Compile + Opt + Assemble:
Does the same things as above but also Assembles.
The output path for each file assembled is determined by
'Outpath',(See ASSEMBLER OPTIONS). Default is the Ram Disk.
The Compiler and Optimizer output files are cleaned up for you.
You can delete the assemblers output files (if not wanted) by
pressing the 'Cleanup' gadget.
Compile + Opt + Assem + Link:
Does the same things as above but also Links all object files
into an executable. The executables name and path can be set in
the Linker options window. If you do not choose a name then the
default name is taken from the first file compiled and the
destination is taken from the assemblers 'Outpath'. So if the
file was called 'open.c' and the 'Outpath' was 'RAM:' then the
executables name would be 'RAM:open'.
All cleaning up is done for you. If you want to delete the
executable press Right Amiga + D.
Assemble this file:
Call the external assembler A68K and assemble the current editor
file. If the message 'Assembler file error!' appears in the
message box, either A68K could not open the file for input or
the file contains errors. Pressing Left-Amiga + M toggles HCE
behind or infront of the workbench screen (same as depth gadget).
You will need to do this to see the assembler error messages in
the CLI (alternatively you could set the verbose flag, See
After making changes, you must resave the source file before
assembling.If you do'nt the changes will go unoticed.
The default place to assemble a file is the Ram Disk, this can
be changed, See ASSEMBLER OPTIONS 'Outpath'.
Assemble compiled:
If you have Compiled + Optimized one or more files, this will
do the next stage and Assemble them. All Compiled+Optimized
files are cleaned up for you. You can delete the Assembled
files (if not wanted) with the 'Cleanup' gadget.
Assemble selected:
Assemble a file selected with the ASL filerequester.
Assemble + Link:
Same as 'Assemble compiled' but also Links the object files into
an executable. All cleaning up is done for you.
For more info on linking, See LINK-MENU, 'Link (a/l/b)'.
Link (a/l/b):
Link object files into an executable.
Either link all files last assembled, all files entered into
the linkers Link List gadget or both. Which depends on the
linkers 'Link' cycle gadget (See LINKER OPTIONS).
The executables name and path can be set in the Linker options
window. If you do not choose a name then the default name is
derived either from the first file in the last assembled list
or from the first file in the Link List. If you select the
link both option from the linker options window then the first
name in the last assembled list is used. The default destination
path is taken from the assemblers 'Outpath' gadget.
If you want to delete the executable press Right Amiga + D.
Link selected:
Link a single object file selected with the ASL file requester
into an executable.
Link list:
Link all files listed in the Linkers Linklist gadget to an
executable.(this overides the 'Link' linker gadget).
Run Linked:
After linking a file you can test it by selecting this.
HCE is placed behind the workbench screen, the program is run,
and either a pause will occur or you will have to press a key
(any key) or mouse button to return to the editor again.
The preferences 'Run' cycle gadget decides which.(so see prefs).
If an error occured during the test then a message will appear
in the message box. (Run, key short cut: Right-Amiga + K).
Run an executable selected with the file requester.(see above)
Lock this path:
If you load a source code file into the editor this makes
the directory or device it was loaded from the current directory.
Lock df0:
Make the Root directory of a disk in the internal drive the
current directory.
Make a device or directory selected with the file requester the
current directory.
Copy file(s):
The file requester will pop up, select the destination device or
directory first, then select the file or files to be copied to
the destination.(For multiple selection, See FILE REQUESTER)
Delete Linked:
After linking and testing an executable file, you can
remove it with this. (Key short cut: Right-Amiga + D).
Delete directory or file(s) with the file requester.
Select desired file(s) with mouse or keys and click the
'Delete' gadget. If deleting a directory, type its name into the
'File' draw (important!) and press the return key (don't add '/').
(For multiple file selection, See FILE REQUESTER)
Make directory:
Make a directory with the file requester.
Click into the 'File' draw, type the new directory name,
press the return key or select the OK gadget.
Assign device:
Does the same job as the 'Assign' cli command.
First enter the name of the device(with or without ':') to be
assigned and press the return key, then enter the path (with or
without '/') the device is to be assigned to and press the
return key.
This version of assign does not require for the device to be
assigned to be present for the assign to be successful.
Rename (v/d/f):
Rename a Volume, Directory or File.
1) After the file requester appears click on the
volume gadget and select a volume name with
the mouse or arrow keys. Then click on the
OK gadget or press the return key.
2) Type the new volume name in the small requester
which appears in the middle area of the editor
window, and press the return key.
1) After the file requester appears select the
directory to be renamed with the mouse or
arrow keys. Then click on the OK gadget or
press the return key.
2) Type the new directory name in the small
requester which appears in the middle area
of the editor window, and press the return key.
1) After the file requester appears select
the file to be renamed with the
mouse or arrow keys. Then click on the
OK gadget or press the return key.
2) Type the new file name into the 'File' draw
when the file requester reappears. Then either
click on the OK gadget or press the return key.
Switch to marking out mode.(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + M).
Use the arrow keys to mark out the text to be Cut or Copied.
You can also mark out text with the mouse. Point the mouse
pointer to the place where you wish to start marking, hold down
the left mouse button and move in the direction to be marked.
Releasing the left mouse button signifies end of block.
The limit for a block is 198 lines.
Cancel marking, and restore highlighted text.
(Key short cuts: Right-Amiga + H, or just the H key on its own).
After marking out a block this will cut it to the internal
buffer. See 'Mark'.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + X)
After marking out a block this will copy it to the internal
buffer. See 'Mark'.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + C)
This will insert from the current cursor location what was
previously cut or copied.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + I)
Send contents of the block buffer to the Printer.
Must have previously Cut/Copied.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + P)
Search towards the end of file, starting one character beyond the
current cursor location for the next occurance of the specified
string. When the string is found it is highlighted and the
cursor is placed onto the first character of the string.
To set case sensitivity see 'Find/Replace' below.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + F)
Find next:
Find the next occurance of a string specified by 'Find?', or by
'Find/Replace'.(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + N).
Search towards the end of file, starting one character beyond the
current cursor location for the next occurance of the specified
string. If the string is found you can press one of the following
keys which will be listed in the message box:
G - Replace all occurances of the search string with the
replacement string.(Global)
R - Replace this occurance and go to the next.
N - Skip this occurance and go to the next.
Q - Quit.
When searching for a string the default is to make no distinctions
between upper or lower case. To change this, set the case
sensitive gadget to 'YES'.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + R)
B/End of line:
Place cursor to the beginning of line,if already there then place
to the end.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + B)
B/End of file:
Place cursor to the beginning of file,if already there then place
to the end.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + T)
Jump to line:
Place cursor to the specified line number.
Just enter the line number and press return.
The gadget bar is a thin strip of gadgets under the editor window and is
provided mainly as a short cut to some of the most important menus.
Test one or more C/Asm source files for errors.
This is the same as the 'Compile only(test)' menu item, so see this
for details. (Key short cut: 'F1')
Compile, Optimize and Assemble one or more C/Asm source files.
Same as the 'Compile + Opt + Assemble' menu item.
(Key short cut: 'F3')
Compile, Optimize, Assemble and Link one or more C/Asm source files.
Same as the 'Compile + Opt + Assem + Link' menu item.
(Key short cut: 'F5')
Link one or more object files into an executable. (Key short cut: 'F1')
(See LINK menu, 'Link (a/l/b)')
Run a previously linked executable file.
Same as the 'Run Linked' menu item.
(Key short cut: Right-Amiga + K)
This will attempt to stop the compiling process or what ever process
is taking place at the time.
If Compiling:
Compilation will be stopped as soon as it is safe
enough to do so. If the compiler for example is
reading many nested include files, it is not always
possible to stop without closing these files and
returning from the nest.
If Optimizing, Assembling or Linking:
You can not stop the Optimizer, Assembler or Linker
once they have been called, so pressing the Escape
gadget during one of these will only stop the next
program from being called.
This is used in conjunction with the Compile, Assemble and Link Menus
(so see these) and is used to delete unwanted output files.
The Sozobon-C compiler is a complete implementation of the C language as
defined by Kernighan & Ritchie and prevailing practice.
It was originally ported from the ATARI ST by Sozobon Limited to
Fish disk 171. Since then various versions have appeared in the public
domain under different names, such as ZC and NorthC. The version which is
built into 'HCE' is the 'HCC-V2.0, Amiga-V1.1' version by Detlef Wurkner'
(Fish disk: 508) which has many advantages over previous versions.
(can recompile itself, registerize variables, switch between 16 and 32 bit
for 'int' and 'unsigned', and more).
The compiler understands the following key words:
char 1 8
short 2 16
int 4/2 32/16
unsigned 4/2 32/16
long 4 32
double 4 32
float 4 32
void 0 0
note: 'int' and 'unsigned' sizes depend on the
compiler flag 'Int & Unsigned'.
enum union struct switch
do while for goto
break continue case default
if else extern return
sizeof asm chip far
__chip __far __LINE__ __FILE__
note: '__chip' acts the same as 'chip' and '__far' as 'far'.
Currently the 'far' keyword does nothing but is implemented to save you from
having to make changes to files before they can be compiled. Files I have
tried which require this key word have worked fine without it anyway.
The chip keyword will force Data and Bss hunks to chip memory for the
file it is defined in, and should only be defined once.
(See OPTIMIZER OPTIONS for where to use)
#define, #undef, #include, #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif
The HCC compiler does not conform to the ANSI standard but does have some
ANSI support (Libraries, header files etc).
I plan to for the next release of HCE to implement the most important
things such as function prototyping and missing keywords.(don't get your
hopes up though, this is no small task!).
[c] below = Cycle gadget.
[s] ..... = String gadget.
[b] ..... = Button gadget.
When this flag is set all the menus or gadgets related
to compiling will only compile the file present in the
Editor (eg: 'Compile only', 'Compile + Optimize' etc).
The file in the Editor must be a C source code file.
This flag is the default.
When this flag is set all the menus or gadgets related
to compiling will only compile the files present in
the 'Compile List' string gadget.
(see 'Compile List' notes below)
When this flag is set all the menus or gadgets related
to compiling will do both 'FROM-EDITOR' and 'FROM-LIST'.
Print out various debug information to the CLI.
This is only for people who want to improve the
compiler. You will have to recompile all the compiler
source code files with the DEBUG flag set to get this
to work. Entering a letter from 'a' to 'z' determines
what type of information will be shown.
Define Symbol,[s]:
Define a symbol as if it were in a C source code
file (eg: #define DEBUG 1). The '#define' keyword is not
required, so to define the Symbol 'DEBUG' for example
just type 'DEBUG' without the quotes.
The symbol will stay defined until deleted from the
Undefine Symbol,[s]:
Undefine a symbol in a C source code file,
(eg: #undef DEBUG). The '#undef' keyword is not
required, so to undefine the Symbol 'DEBUG', just type
'DEBUG' without the quotes.
The symbol will stay undefined until deleted from gadget.
If the symbol was a built in symbol such as AMIGA or
AMIGADOS then the symbol will stay permanently undefined.
Include Dir List,[s]:
Give the compiler a list of extra devices or directories
to search for include files. Currently you can only
enter one directory between compilations which is then
added to the compilers internal directory/device list.
If you want to save a device or directory path to HCE's
configuration file then you must save it as soon as it
is entered or before you compile.(see PREFERENCES)
Quadfile Device,[s]:
Set the place where the temporary (quad) files go, such
as the compiler and optimizer output files. It also
determines such things as where libraries are created.
The default device is the 'Ram Disk:'.
If you do not have much memory (eg: 1MB) then you should
use a disk drive or a hard drive as the quad file device.
Keep Quad,[c]:
keep the temporary (quad) files. This option is
mainly for people who want to inspect the
output files of the compiler and optimizer.
Delete temporary files.
Int & Unsigned,[c]:
32 BIT:
Make 'int' and 'unsigned' 32 BIT.(default)
16 BIT:
Make 'int' and 'unsigned' 16 BIT.
Always free memory after compiling.(Default)
Keep memory and use on next compile.
This can greatly enhance compilation speed and is
best used if compiling more than one file.
Compile List,[s]:
This holds a list of upto 55 file names (depending on
length) which are to be either compiled or assembled.
Assembler files are recognised by either a '.a' or
'.asm' suffix. C files can be any name which doesn't
end with an Assembler suffix.
To use the list see 'Compile' notes above.
Dupe List,[b]:
This copies a list of files (if exist) from the
'Link List' string gadget (See 'Linker Options') to
the 'Compile List' gadget. The suffix for each file name
is changed to a '.c' suffix.
Check List,[b]:
Check if all files in the 'Compile List' exist either in
the current directory or at the assemblers 'OutPath'.
(See 'Assembler Options').
Clear List,[b]:
Clear the 'Compile List'. If the list wasn't empty then
a conformation requester will apear.
Disk To List,[b]:
Get all files ending with a certain pattern and place
them into the 'Compile List' string gadget. If the
'Compile List' string gadget wasn't empty then the new
names are appended to the already existing ones.
Simply enter the path of the files into the file
requester drawer and then click on the OK gadget.
(also see 'Pattern' below)
Enter a pattern or patterns for 'Disk To List'.
Each pattern is separated either by '+' or ' '.
(eg: .c+.a+.asm or .c .a .asm)
Load Compile List,[b]:
Load a previously saved 'Compile List' file.
(Compile list files have a '.CL' suffix).
When loading a compile list file the following
are changed:
1) 'Compile List' gadget.
2) 'Define Symbol' gadget.
3) The assemblers 'OutPath' gadget.
Save Compile List,[b]:
Save a 'Compile List' file.
If you do not add a '.CL' suffix then one is added
for you.
The following are saved to a compile list file:
1) 'Compile List'
2) 'Define Symbol'
3) The assemblers 'OutPath'.
Leave compiler options and return to the editor.
[c] below = Cycle gadget.
[b] ..... = Button gadget.
Print detailed debugging information to the CLI.
This is only for people who want to improve the optimizer.
Do nothing.
Show changes made from optimizing.
Also show authors names and copyright.
Do nothing.
Branch Reversal,[c]:
Do branch reversals.
Turn branch reversals off.
Loop Rotation,[c]:
Do loop rotations.
Turn loop rotations off.
Peephole Optimization,[c]:
Do peephole optimization.
This slows the optimizer down considerably when working on
large functions. You can either break the functions down into
smaller sections,be patient,or turn peephole optimization off.
Turn peephole optimization off.
Variable Registerizing,[c]:
Do variable registerizing.
If possible, make an auto variable use one of the amigas
Turn variable registerizing off.
No change of Stack-Fixups,[c]:
Do no change of stack fixups.(for debug)
Do nothing.
Data-Bss to Chip,[c]:
Force Data and Bss hunks to chip memory.
You can use the keyword 'chip' or '__chip' once anywhere
in a file instead, then the compiler will set this flag
automatically and will also unset it (if required)
on next file.
UWORD chip my_image[] =
__chip UWORD my_image[] =
Use public memory.(any type of memory available).
Leave optimizer options and return to the editor.
For more information on the optimizer, see 'TOP.doc'.
[c] below = Cycle gadget.
[s] ..... = String gadget.
[b] ..... = Button gadget.
Symbol table to Object,[c]:
Write symbol table entries (hunk_symbol) to the object
module for the use of symbolic debuggers.
Do nothing.
Write Equate File,[c]:
Write a file under the same name as the file being
assembled but with an '.equ' suffix, and write to it all
'EQU's found.
Do nothing.
Place HCE behind the workbench screen and tell the assembler
to display each line number as it assembles.
When done bring HCE back to the the front again.
This determines where each file is to be assembled.
The default place is the 'Ram Disk:'.
Include Header File,[s]:
Include a header file as if it were in a source code file.
Include Directory List,[s]:
Give a list of paths to be searched for include files.
Each path is seperated by a comma.
Example: df0:include,df1:include,DH0:my_includes
Create Listing File,[s]:
Create a listing file under specified name.
Disable Optimization,[c]:
Stop all object code optimizations.
Do all object code optimizations.
Display Hashing Stats,[c]:
Display hashing statistics at the end of assembly.
You must use Verbose (or use Left-Amiga + M) with this,
else you will see nothing.
Do nothing.
Display debug information in the CLI.
You must use Verbose (or use Left-Amiga + M) with this,
else you will see nothing.
This is only for people who want to improve the Assembler.
example: 100,200 ,Lists lines 100 to 200.
Exit assembler options and return to the editor.
For more information on the assembler, see 'A68K.doc'.
[c] below = Cycle gadget.
[s] ..... = String gadget.
[b] ..... = Button gadget.
[t] ..... = Check box gadget.
Link all files last assembled.(default)
This is used with the following:
1) 'Compile + Opt + Assem + Link' menu item.
2) 'Comp+O+A+Link' gadget.(does same as above)
3) 'Assemble + Link' menu item.
4) 'Link (a/l/b)' menu item.
The object files are cleaned up for you unless you
set the compilers 'Keep Quad' gadget.
Link all files listed in the linkers 'Link List' gadget.
This affects the same menu items and gadgets as above.
The Object files are not deleted when using a Link List.
Link all files last assembled (eg: 'Compile + Opt +
Assemble', 'Assemble compiled' etc) with all files
listed in the 'Link List' gadget. If you did not give
your new program a name then the default name will be
derived from the first file in the last assembled list.
This is done by removing the '.o' suffix. If this list
is empty then the first file name in the 'Link List'
is used. If the file to be used for the default program
name has no suffix, then a '.exe' suffix is added.
All object files from the last assembled list
are cleaned up (unless compilers 'Keep Quad' gad is set).
The object files listed in the 'Link List' are always
Startup Object,[s]:
This specifies the name+path of the startup object.
Maths Library,[s]:
This specifies the name+path of the maths library.
This decides whether the maths library is to be linked
or not.
Other Libraries,[s]:
This holds a list of the common C libraries, (stdio.lib,
string.lib etc). If you make your own C libraries then they
can be added to this list.
This decides the name+path of a linked program. If this
is left blank then a default name will be used.
(see 'Link' above).
Place HCE behind the workbench screen. Print information
about each pass in the CLI. When done bring HCE back to
the front agian.
Set linkers SMALLDATA flag.
Set linkers SMALLCODE flag.
Link List,[s]:
This holds a list of upto 55 file names (depending on
length) and is used for the following:
1) To hold names of object files to be linked into an
2) To hold names of object files to be joined into a library.
3) To hold names of 'FD' files which are to made into a
4) To hold object and 'FD' file names to be made into a
(see 'Link' above and also 'Link' menu).
Dupe List,[b]:
This copies a list of files (if exist) from the
'Compile List' gadget (See 'Compiler Options') to
the 'Link List' gadget. The suffix for each file name
is changed to a '.o' suffix.
Check List,[b]:
Check all files in the 'Link List' exist either in
the current directory or at the assemblers 'OutPath'.
(See 'Assembler Options').
Clear List,[b]:
Clear the 'Link List'. If the list wasn't empty then
a conformation requester will apear.
Disk To List,[b]:
Get all files ending with a certain pattern and place
them into the 'Link List' string gadget. If the
'Link List' string gadget wasn't empty then the new
names are appended to the already existing ones.
Simply enter the path of the files into the file
requester drawer and then click on the OK gadget.
(also see 'Pattern' below)
Enter a pattern or patterns for 'Disk To List'.
Each pattern is separated either by '+' or ' '.
(eg: .o+.fd or .o .fd)
Load Link List,[b]:
Load a previously saved 'Link List' file.
(Link list files have a '.LL' suffix).
When loading a link list file the following
are changed:
1) The 'Link List' gadget.
2) The maths library 'use' gadget.
3) The 'OutName' gadget.
Save Link List,[b]:
Save a 'Link List' file.
If you do not add a '.LL' suffix then one is added
for you.
The following are saved to a link list file:
1) The 'Link List'.
2) The maths library 'use' gadget.
3) The 'OutName' gadget'.
Library Name,[s]:
Hold library name+path for 'FD To Lib' and 'List To Lib'
gadgets below.
FD To Lib,[b]:
Create a new C library from either FD files, Object
files or a mixture of both.
The FD/Object file names should be entered into
the 'Link List' gadget. This list of files is treat
the same as any other other 'Link List' except it is
only to be used by the 'FD To Lib' and 'List To Lib'
gadgets.(the linker cannot link FD files!)
When an FD file is encounted in a 'Link List'
the following is done:
1) The FD file is translated into many stub files.
2) One stub file per function found.
3) '#private' functions are ignored.
4) Each stub is assembled and appended to a temporary
library, which has a similar name to the FD file.
5) When the FD file is done the temp lib is appended
to the final library who's name and path is
set in the 'Library Name' gadget.
6) Cleanup temporary files.
When an Object file is encounted in a 'Link List,'
it is appended directly to the final library.
note: A library can be made from upto 55 files,
depending on whether all names will fit into
the 'Link List' gadget.
The stub files and temperary libs are created at the
path set by the assemblers 'Outpath' option. This
path defaults to the 'Ram Disk:' and should be
changed (if not already) to a disk drive
or hard drive if you are low on memory.
If you want to examine the files which wrere produced
while making a library then set the Compilers
'Keep Quad' gadget to 'YES'.
List To Lib,[b]:
Currently this does the same as 'FD To Lib'.
Exit linker options and return to the editor.
[c] below = Cycle gadget.
[s] ..... = String gadget.
[i] ..... = Integer gadget.
[b] ..... = Button gadget.
[p] ..... = Colour Palette gadget.
[sl] .... = Slider gadget.
The first preferences gadget has no name and is the
Colour palette gadget. This gadget allows you to select upto
8 colours from HCE's 16 colour palette.
The red green and blue slider gadgets allow you to mix colours
selected from the Colour Palette gadget.
Set Pen Colour,[b]:
This will change the editors text colour to the currently
selected palette colour.
Set Paper Colour,[b]:
This will change the editors background colour to the currently
selected palette colour.
Set Mark Colour,[b]:
This will change the editors marking out colour to the currently
selected palette colour.
This decides how many character positions the cursor is to move
for each press of the tab key.(default is 8)
After creating then running an executable this
will cause a small pause before returning to
the editor.(default)
After creating then running an executable this
will wait for a key press(any key) or left mouse
button before returning to the editor.
If you have changed any of the above gadgets and have not
left the preferences window, then this gadget will cancel
the changes.
Load Default Config,[b]:
This will load the default configuration file which is loaded
on HCE's startup. The default config is searched for in the
following places:
1) The current directory.
2) The 'devs/' directory of the bootdisk.
3) The 's/' directory of the bootdisk.
Save Default Config,[b]:
This will save changes made to HCE, to the default config
file which was loaded on HCE's startup. If there was no
default config file then a new config file is written to the
'devs/' directory of your bootdisk.
All of HCE's Cycle and String gadgets are saved to the
'hce.config' file except the following:
1) 'Compile' cycle gadget - 'Compiler-options'.
2) 'Compile List' string gadget - 'Compiler-options'.
3) 'Pattern' string gadget - 'Compiler-options'.
4) 'Link' cycle gadget - 'Linker-options'.
5) 'Link List' string gadget - 'Linker-options'.
6) 'Pattern' string gadget - 'Linker-options'.
7) 'Library Name' string gadget - 'Linker-options'.
8) Find window string gadget
9) Find/Replace string gadgets
Load Other,[b]:
Load a configuration file saved with 'Save Other'.
Save Other,[b]:
Same as 'Save Default Config' except you choose the file name.
Leave preferences.
Function Keys:
F1 - Compile only(test)
F2 - Compile + Optimize
F3 - Compile + Opt + Assemble
F4 - Compile + Assem List
F5 - Compile + Opt + Assem + Link
F6 - Assemble this file
F7 - Assemble compiled
F8 - Assemble selected
F9 - Assemble + Link
F10 - Link (a/l/b)
Shifted Function Keys:
Shift+F1 - Go to or near first error in (editor) C source file
Shift+F2 - ............. second error ........................
Shift+F3 - ............. third error .........................
Shift+F4 - ............. fourth error ........................
Shift+F5 - ............. fifth error..........................
Right-Amiga + ?:
Right-Amiga + E - Reprint first error in message box.
Right-Amiga + W - Reprint first warning in message box.
Right-Amiga + / - Open preferences window.
Right-Amiga + 1 - Show new executables name and size.
Right-Amiga + Q - Quit with query.
Right-Amiga + L - Load a source code file.
Right-Amiga + O - Append a source code file.
Right-Amiga + S - Save a source code file.
Right-Amiga + V - Save a source code file under a new name.
Right-Amiga + K - Run Linked.
Right-Amiga + D - Delete Linked.
Right-Amiga + M - Mark block.
Right-Amiga + H - Hide block.
Right-Amiga + X - Cut block.
Right-Amiga + C - Copy block.
Right-Amiga + I - Insert block.
Right-Amiga + P - Print block.
Right-Amiga + F - Find.
Right-Amiga + N - Find Next.
Right-Amiga + R - Find/Replace.
Right-Amiga + B - Place curs to beginning or end of line.
Right-Amiga + T - Place curs to beginning or end of file.
Right-Amiga + J - Place curs to specified line.
Control Key + ?:
Ctrl + O - Open optimizer options-window.
Ctrl + C - Open compiler options-window.
Ctrl + A - Open assembler options-window.
Ctrl + L - Open linker options-window.
Ctrl + S - Delete all spaces between words if under a space.
Ctrl + W - Delete all characters until space if on a char.
Ctrl + E - Delete from current x cursor position to end of line.
Ctrl + D - Delete enter line.
Ctrl + V - Undelete a line, deleted by S,W,E or D above.
Ctrl + U - Change char under cursor to opposite case.
Escape Key:
This toggles the Editor window between full and standard sizes.
note: If toggled to full size important messages may not be seen!.
When in marking out mode the following can be done in addition to
the normal block functions:
1) Part or hole of a line can be toggled between upper and
lower case using the 'U' and 'L' keys as long as the
cursor is still on that line.
2) If you have made a function in a file which contains many
functions but do not want to recompile the hole file to test
it, then you can mark out the function and select the
'Test' gadget.
You can also mark and test most parts of a C source file as
long as that part to be tested does not require any global
Here's a list of some of the things I would like to see in the next
release of HCE:
1) Calculator.
2) Some ANSI support added to the compiler.
3) Own file requester.
4) The ability to load precompiled header files.
5) A faster version of the optimizer.
If you have any good ideas for HCE then write to me:
Jason Petty
32 Balder Road
Cleveland. TS20 1BE.
I cannot reply to all letters but will do my best.
Have fun with HCE!.