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- Excuse me, but I'm too lazy to write very much so...
- The original archive contains this text file, a prefs drawer (with 16 magic workbench images in the
- patterns drawer, a presets drawer, and the env-archive drawer), a piece of a startup-sequence in the
- s: dir, and a rand command in the c: dir., as well as two sample pictures grabbed from my WB.
- The s: dir just shows a piece of a s-s which I use to get random backdrops (it's pretty self
- explainatory :)
- prefs:wbpattern prefs:presets/wbpattern`c:rand 1 12`.pre use
- The c: dir contains a randomizer written by Troy Morehouse, which is required by the s-s script. Rand
- will take a first and a second number and randomize your images between the two intervals. The way I
- work the process is to use the WBPattern prefs and save a preset for each picture I want to
- randomize (in my case: wbpatternX.pre), and then simply call that prefix with wbpattern in the s-s
- with the randomized portion in "tilde quotes," as shown above (if in doubt, just cut and paste the
- piece of this s-s into yours and copy the presets I've included into your prefs:presets drawer).
- And the patterns dir which I keep in the prefs: drawer contains about 16 pics (of which I personally
- only use the first 12).
- I DID draw all of these however, very few are from my own imagination...Amy the Squirrel and some
- other Cat Lady (by Eric Schwartz), Cool World's Holly Wood (?), and some other pix which I've gotten
- from somewhere and then fixed them up and made them Magic Workbench "compatable."
- If you want to make your own, here's how I do it...first I find a pic I like (go figure), scan or
- digitize it (if it isn't already an image), then run it through ADPro with the 8 color magic workbench
- palette locked...TWICE! (once with Floyd dithering on, and then a second with it off. The reason: some
- parts of the pick will look good dithered, and others won't, so I pick pieces out of each to make the
- final image). Next spend anywhere from a couple of days to a week or more fixing the image up (hand
- antialiasing, dithering...). One tip: sometimes it's easiest to just trace the outline of the pic out
- in DPaint (which I use to draw the images, with a little pre-ADPro help from OpalPaint), and then
- fill in the detail from scratch (it depends on the complexity of the image).
- Finally the crap about keeping the archive in tact...blah, blah, blah:
- Distribute this archive how you like: in pieces if you like, or a collection of corrupted images
- without this text...whatever.
- Money: don't want any...enjoy them (God knows you won't get anything else in life for FREE!) If you
- like these just say HI! (or give me some of your cool pix).
- Copyright? okay would you believe these are copywritten?...!? :)
- Enjoy,
- Trevor M.
- P.S. Thanx for magic workbench Martin Huttenloher