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250 lines
; VMM Installer script by Torsten Ebeling
(set @app-name "VMM")
(welcome " Welcome to the VMM installation\n\n"
" Virtual Memory for Amigas with a 68030 or 68040\n\n"
" Copyright 1993/94 by Martin Apel\n\n"
"Novice installs everything except the developer files.\n"
"Advanced installs everything without confirmation.\n"
"Expert installs everything with confirmation of all actions.\n")
(if (= 0 @user-level)
(set install_level %1101)
(set install_level (askoptions (prompt "What do you want to install ?")
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "VMM" "Library (includes VMM)" "Documents" "Icons")))
(set def_help "\n\nIf you need more help, please refer to \"VMM.guide\"\n\n")
(set my_level @user-level)
(if (BITAND %0011 install_level)
; Set user mode to NOVICE
(user 2)
;get destination directory for "VMM"
(set vmmdest
(askdir (prompt "Select the directory where you want to put the VMM executable.")
(help "This should be a directory where you can easily access VMM "
"via Workbench or CLI/Shell." def_help
(default "work:")
(set @default-dest vmmdest)
(set vmmtacked (tackon vmmdest "VMM"))
; ask, if we want to overwrite the old VMM if it exists
(if (= 1 (exists vmmtacked))
(set old_version (getversion "l:VMM-Handler"))
(set old_ver (/ old_version 65536))
(set old_rev (- old_version (* old_ver 65536)))
(set new_version (getversion "l/VMM-Handler_4K"))
(set new_ver (/ new_version 65536))
(set new_rev (- new_version (* new_ver 65536)))
(if (= 0 (askbool (prompt "\nYou have already installed VMM "
old_ver "." old_rev
".\nDo you wish to overwrite it with VMM "
new_ver "." new_rev " ?\n")
(help def_help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(choices "Yes" "No")))
(exit "VMM not installed.")
; Set user mode to EXPERT
(user my_level)
; detect the pagesize (4K or 8K)
(set pagesize (run "ShowPageSize"))
(if (BITAND %01 pagesize)
(set sizestr "4K")
(if (BITAND %10 pagesize)
(set sizestr "8K")
(set pagesize (askchoice (prompt "\nPlease select the pagesize:\n\n"
" ShowpageSize detected a pagesize of "
sizestr ".\n")
(help def_help @askchoice-help)
(choices "4K pagesize" "8K pagesize")
(default (- pagesize 1)))
; copy the new VMM file to the destination directory
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMM to %s." vmmdest))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source "")
(choices "VMM" "VMMStat")
(dest vmmdest)
; copy the .info files
(if (BITAND %1000 install_level)
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMMStat to %s." vmmdest))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(source "")
(choices "VMM.info" "VMMStat.info")
(dest vmmdest)
; copy the new VMM-Handler file to l: and rename it as "VMM-Handler"
(set handler_name (cat "l/VMM-Handler_" sizestr))
(copyfiles (prompt "\nCopying VMM-Handler to l:.")
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source handler_name)
(dest "l:")
(newname "VMM-Handler")
; ask, if we want to overwrite the old preferences file
(if (= 1 (exists "envarc:VMM.prefs"))
(if (= 0 (askbool (prompt "\nYou have already installed a preferences file.\nDo you wish to overwrite it ?\n\n")
(help def_help @askbool-help)
(default 0)
(choices "Yes" "No")))
; then
(set overwrite 0)
; else
(set overwrite 1)
(if (= 1 overwrite)
; copy the new preferences file to env: and envarc:
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMM.prefs to env:\n"))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source "env/VMM.prefs")
(dest "env:")
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMM.prefs to envarc:\n"))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source "env/VMM.prefs")
(dest "envarc:")
(if (BITAND %0010 install_level)
(copylib (prompt ("\nCopying VMM.library to libs:."))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source "libs/VMM.library")
(dest "libs:")
(if (exists ("fd:") (noreq))
; then
(set fd_dir "fd:")
; else
(set fd_dir
(askdir (prompt "Select the directory where you want to put the fd file.")
(help def_help @askdir-help)
(default "WORK:")
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMM_lib.fd to " fd_dir "."))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source "fd/VMM_lib.fd")
(dest fd_dir)
(if (exists ("lib:") (noreq))
; then
(set lib_dir "lib:")
; else
(set lib_dir
(askdir (prompt "Select the directory where you want to put the lib file.")
(help def_help @askdir-help)
(default "WORK:")
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMM_lib.lib to " lib_dir "."))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source "lib/VMM_lib.lib")
(dest lib_dir)
(if (BITAND %0100 install_level)
;get destination directory for "VMM.guide"
(user 2)
(set vmmdocs
(askdir (prompt "Select the directory where you want to put\nthe documents and guides.")
(help "This should be the directory where you normally put your guides.\n\n"
def_help @askdir-help)
(default "WORK:")
(user my_level)
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMM.guide to " vmmdocs "."))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(optional "oknodelete")
(optional "askuser")
(source "doc")
(choices "VMM.guide" "VMM_lib.doc")
(dest vmmdocs)
(if (BITAND %1000 install_level)
(copyfiles (prompt ("\nCopying VMM.guide to %s." vmmdocs))
(help def_help @copyfiles-help)
(source "doc")
(choices "VMM.guide.in