home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Welcome to ForceIcon v1.6. This is a short description on how to use
- the program and how to configure it. ForceIcon is a utility mainly
- written for users of CDRom drives or networking software of any kind.
- Have you ever tried to Snapshot the disk icon (Disk.info) or tried
- to replace the disk icon of a CDRom? Well, if not, do not even try,
- CDRom drives are read only media (how come). This is where ForceIcon
- comes to use. You may tell ForceIcon which volumes/devices to
- snoop/trace for forcing absolute positions or images. Furthermore you
- may set the window`s size/position and flags for viewing.
- ForceIcon is (C) 1993/94 Kai Iske, GiftWare
- The Prefs program uses MUI; MUI is (C) Stefan Stuntz
- MUI version 2.0 or higher (internal version 7) is required
- The drawer and document icons were taken from the MagicWB
- distribution. MagicWB was created by Martin 'XEN' Huttenloher. The
- icons are distributed with kind permission by the author. Furthermore
- the main program`s and the prefs program`s icons were created by
- Martin. Thank`s!
- Copyright
- *********
- You are allowed to copy and spread this program but only if you do
- not make any commercial profit out of the program itself and all
- supported files. The source of ForceIcon is considered teachware and
- the author claims the right to be the only one to produce and release
- new versions of ForceIcon. Public Domain vendors are not allowed to
- sell ForceIcon for more than the price of a regular disk, which should
- not be higher than 5 Dollars.
- ForceIcon is GiftWare, so if you like it and you you want to express
- your feelings, feel free to send me anything you think of being suited.
- Postcards, cookies, money, simply anything ;)
- Guarantee
- *********
- The author does not give any guarantee that the program ForceIcon
- works perfectly. The program was tested and it is used every day,
- anyway nobody is perfect and that is why I can not take the
- responsibilty for any damages occured during the usage of ForceIcon.
- Evolution/Overview
- ******************
- When I bought my CDRom drive I found out that the Workbench chooses
- quite stupid positions for icons with no absolute position (from my
- point of view). Furthermore some CDRom publishers do not seem to care
- for good looking disk icons (again, from my point of view; if they even
- supply one). Since I could not snapshot the supplied icon, nor replace
- it with one of my icons, I thought it would be a good idea to have an
- utility which does the "snapshotting" or "replacment". This was when
- ForceIcon came to live.
- ForceIcon allows the user to select positions for his/her Disk.info
- files, either device dependant or volume dependant, ie. ForceIcon will
- either monitor all volumes inserted into a device, or just those
- specified by the user. It is also possible to override the settings for
- a device if you specify the name of a volume, too. Volumes may
- 'inherit' specifc settings of the corresponding device entry (as long
- as you`ve defined an entry for the device). Furthermore you may set the
- root drawer`s window size/position and display modes/flags.
- Installing ForceIcon
- ********************
- NOTE: ForceIcon (both programs) must have a stack of 8192
- bytes or more (more recommended)
- Installing ForceIcon is not that hard. Simply copy the main program
- (found in the WBStartUp drawer of this archive) and it`s icon to the
- SYS:WBStartUp drawer, or place it somewhere else and start ForceIcon
- from within your S:User-StartUp file. I suggest you better start
- ForceIcon from within S:User-StartUp, so that ForceIcon may apply all
- patches before Workbench is loaded. If you do start it from
- S:User-StartUp then you`d better not copy it to
- SYS:WBStartUp ;)
- When starting from within S:User-StartUp issue the following line :
- Run <NIL: >NIL: ForceIcon
- If you want to quit the main program, simply start it again, or
- select 'Quit' from the Prefs program.
- Using the "SNAPNOTIFY" commandline option/ToolType you may set the
- way ForceIcon should notify you on a successful SnapShot. You may issue
- three different values for "SNAPNOTIFY", which are "0" for no
- notification, "1" for a DisplayBeep()-Style Beep, "2" for a requester.
- Now copy the Prefs program and it`s icon to a suitable location
- (like SYS:Prefs). The Prefs program may be found in the Prefs
- drawer of this archive.
- You may configure ForceIcon Prefs using the following
- ToolType/Commandline option.
- Due to the fact that the Prefs program uses MUI to create it`s
- UserInterface, it is quite memory consuming. That`s why I added
- this switch, which will cause the Prefs program to flush memory on
- exit, thus removing all the libraries etc.pp not needed anymore
- resulting in more free memory.
- This option may be used within the icon`s ToolType field or on the
- Commandline.
- Using ForceIcon; Preferences program
- ************************************
- NOTE 1: If you have a disk without any Disk.info file on it,
- you have to use an alternative image for the device/volume, if you want
- to position the icon or change the window or anything similar. If you
- don`t substitute the "image" there won`t be no way for ForceIcon in
- doing anything.
- NOTE 2 (AmiCDROM): AmiCDROM version < 1.9 had/has severe
- problems regarding ACTION_INHIBIT and Assigns. Please don`t pass me a
- note that something weird happens when using ForceIcon in conjunction
- with AmiCDROM. It`s a problem with the AmiCDROM handler. More recent
- versions than 1.9 of AmiCDROM should solve that problem.
- If you have installed the AmigaGuide(C) document you may retrieve
- online-help by pressing HELP in one of the windows. The main window is
- divided into three sensitive areas. The left ListView part, the right
- ListView part and the remaining parts of the window. Pressing help in
- either of them will bring up a different page of the document, ie. it`s
- a context sensitive HELP facility.
- From within the main window you may configure ForceIcon to suit your
- needs and disks. The main window is divided into two parts.
- The entries within the Listview gadgets show volumes/devices.
- Devices will be drawn in black, whilst Volumes will be drawn in white.
- The five gadgets at the bottom of the window are to be used as
- follows:
- Save
- Will copy the current settings to ENV:ForceIcon_prefs.iff
- and to ENVARC:ForceIcon_prefs.iff, thus leading to
- permanent storage of your settings. The Prefs program will quit.
- Use
- Will copy the current settings to ENV:ForceIcon_prefs.iff, thus
- leading to temporary storage. The Prefs program will quit.
- About
- Displays about notices
- Hide
- Will close all windows and quit the Prefs program.
- Quit
- Will close all windows and remove ForceIcon (main program) from
- memory.
- Left ListView and buttons
- =========================
- The ListView gadget labeled 'Used volumes/devices' at the left side
- of the window shows all devices/volumes ForceIcon will act on. This is
- the list of entries you may edit. Double clicking on an entry from the
- list will bring up the edit window so you may edit the selected entry
- (see EditEntry).
- Every time an entry is added to the list, the list will be sorted,
- so that volumes are shown first. This is due to the fact, that volumes
- have a higher priority over devices, so that you may force a volume`s
- icon to an other position than the position specified for the device,
- the volume was mounted from.
- Below there are three buttons for editing, these are :
- Edit entry...
- Same as double clicking on an entry from the list. It will bring
- up the edit window with all the data of the selected entry (see
- EditEntry).
- Copy entry...
- This will let you copy the selected entry with all the settings
- that come with it. The manual input window will pop up asking for
- a new name for the copied entry, so that no doubles will be added
- to the list (see ManualInput). ForceIcon will reject to accept
- doubles.
- Remove entry
- Simple, I guess. This one will remove the selected entry from the
- list of used devices/volumes. Note: There will be no warning;
- just a delete.
- Right ListView and buttons
- ==========================
- This ListView gadget labeled 'Available volumes/devices' keeps a
- list of all available volumes/devices currently known to the system. If
- a device handler wasn`t launched before the prefs program was launched,
- the device won`t show up in this list, ie. if you mount some devices
- with 'Mount=0' then the device won`t show up as long as it hasn`t been
- accessed. You may double click on an entry in order to copy it to the
- 'Used volumes/devices' ListView (see Left part). Again, there are
- three gadgets below that ListView, which are :
- Add entry
- This will act as if you have double clicked on an entry from the
- list. It will copy the selected entry to the 'Used
- volumes/devices' list, as long as it wasn`t added before, ie. you
- may not have more than one instance of an entry in that list.
- Add manually...
- If a volume/device isn`t mounted yet, you may add it`s name
- manually using the manual input window (see ManualInput).
- Rescan list
- Will cause ForceIcon to re-scan the list of available
- volumes/devices in order to update the list of the ListView
- gadget. This might be of use, when a volume/device gets mounted
- after you`ve opened the main window.
- Edit an entry
- -------------
- This is the window containing all the gadgets to customize an entry.
- There are 16 gadgets which will be explained more in detail now.
- For 'IconPos', 'Use Icon', 'Use window' and 'Use flags' there are
- three modes available. I will explain the meaning of these mode now, so
- that nobody misses anything:
- Ignore
- This is simple. Settings for such a group will be simply ignored.
- Use
- If a specific group is set to 'Use' the group`s settings will be
- used for the entry.
- Inherit
- This is a more sophisticated mode. For volume entries it let`s you
- specify that the entry should inherit the settings of the
- corresponding device for that group, ie. you don`t have to
- copy/reset all settings for volumes of a specific device. Simply
- inherit some settings.
- Example: Assume you have an entry for the device CD0:. This entry
- will use a different icon position and icon image. Now let`s
- assume you have a CD-Rom you want no icon image substitution for.
- So create a volume entry and set the icon image to 'Ignore' while
- setting the icon position to 'Inherit'. This way the icon position
- of the original Disk.info will be set to what you have specified in
- the device entry, whilst the image won`t be changed; the original
- image will pop up.
- NOTE 'Inherit' is only of use for volume entries. Device
- entries will act as if 'Ignore' is set when you specify 'Inherit'.
- Now to the gadgets themselves
- Volume
- This is the String gadget containing the volume`s/device`s name.
- Simply edit it, if you want to change the name of the monitored
- entry. Patterns for the name may be used as well (see WildCards,
- for more).
- Type
- Allows you to change the type of entry you are editing. You may
- choose between 'Volume' and 'Device'.
- IconPos
- Using this gadget you may tell ForceIcon to 'patch' the position
- of the entry`s Disk.info file. If selected you may use the
- Position window or the Integer gadgets to determine the position
- of the icon. If not selected, the position of the selected entry`s
- Disk.info file will be set to NO_ICON_POSITION so that Workbench
- may choose a suitable location for it.
- CurrentX / CurrentY
- These Integer gadgets may be used to manually set the icon`s
- position. They will be updated if you move the position window.
- These gadgets won`t be active as long as you don`t specifiy
- 'IconPos'
- Position
- Using this gadget you may open the position window, a small window
- which may be moved around your Workbench in order to determine the
- position of the icon. This gadget won`t be available as long as
- you don`t specify 'IconPos'
- Use Icon
- If you want to substitute the Disk.info of an entry, check 'Use
- Icon' and you may select an alternative Icon file.
- Icon
- Using this String gadget you may set the name of an alternative
- icon which should be used in place of the original Disk.info file.
- This one can only be used as long as 'Use Icon' is active. The
- GetFile gadget at the right of the String gadget may be used to
- select an icon file using a FileRequester. Any sort of icon may
- be used. You are not restricted to use DRAWER or DISK type icons.
- Anything else will do it. ForceIcon will expand the loaded icon
- accordingly.
- Use window
- If you don`t like the original position/size of the volume`s
- window, you may check this gadget in order to specify a new
- position and size for the window.
- Left, Top, Width, Height
- These Integer gadgets specify the position/size of the window to
- use for the entry. The contents of the gadgets will be updated if
- you move/size the 'Drawer window'
- Window
- Using this Cycle gadget you can open/close the (demo) Drawer
- window, you may move around the screen and resize. This gadget
- won`t be available as long as you don`t set 'Use window'
- Use flags
- You probably know the 'Show' and 'View by' menu entries from the
- 'Window' menu of your Workbench. These flags specify how to
- display the contents of a drawer window. If you check this gadget,
- you may select any possible combination from the 'Flags' gadget,
- which will then be used for the window. NOTE: This function
- uses undocumented features of the OS. I can not guarantee that
- this function will work with future versions of the OS.
- Flags
- Select any combination for the 'Show' and 'View by' flags.
- Manual input
- ------------
- This window is used to manually add a new name to the list of used
- devices/volumes or if you try to copy an entry. A window will pop up
- containing a String gadget and a Cycle gadget.
- The String gadget may be used to enter the new device`s/volume`s
- name. You may of course enter a pattern for a device`s/volume`s name
- here (see WildCards, for more).
- To determine the type of entry you are editing, use the Cycle gadget
- underneith the String gadget. You may choose between 'Device' and
- 'Volume'. This step is necessary because ForceIcon has to know how to
- deal with the entry.
- Using wildcards
- ---------------
- For a device`s/volume`s name you may enter a pattern for the ease of
- setting up definitions for several drives using a single entry. All
- standard AmigaDOS wildcards are supported. Please consult your user`s
- manual to find out which they are and how to use them.
- Here are some examples:
- For setting all volumes/devices which start with "ABC" and end up
- with "XYZ" you`ll enter
- If you want all devices/volumes but the ones which end up with XYZ
- you`ll enter
- ~(#?XYZ)
- Say you have several devices starting with FF followed by a number
- which indicates the unit number (like FF0: for example). You`ll enter
- FF?
- That`s all about it. Simple, isn`t it? This way you won`t have to
- add dozens of entries with all the same settings to the list, thus
- reducing the size of the list and the time to create it.
- Using "Snapshot" on Icons
- *************************
- You may even use "Snapshot" from the "Icons" menu of your workbench
- to add entries to the list of monitored entries. Simply select an icon
- of the volume you would like to add to the list or the entry you want
- to update. Then select "Snapshot".
- NOTE 1: You have to enter the Preferences program in order to
- save the changes.
- NOTE 2: "Snapshot" only works for volumes which either have
- been added to the list of entries before, or if the volume/device in
- question is write-protected. Otherwise, ForceIcon would intercept all
- attempts to capture positions of any Disk.info file written, so you
- wouldn`t be able to snapshot "normal" icons anymore. For imported
- devices, you have to add the new entry manually.
- Notes on MagicWB
- ****************
- As stated above some icons were taken from the MagicWB distribution,
- created by Martin 'XEN' Huttenloher. Most of you might already know
- MagicWB. If so, you may skip this part. This is only for newbies.
- MagicWB is a special set of icons, fonts and patterns for an 8 color
- Workbench, which will give a very impressive and professional look to
- your Workbench. Due to the fact that MagicWB icons rely on an 8 color
- Workbench and a special set of color settings you might have noticed
- that the icons look kind of strange on your normal setup.
- I strongly recommend that you get hold of MagicWB. It`s simply great.
- Whom I must say 'thank you'
- ***************************
- I would like to thank the following people
- Martin Taillefer
- For answering several questions
- Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- For suggestions and beta-testing
- Ralph Babel
- For suggestions on how to implement device dependancy and for
- pointing me to a "bug".
- Henning Schmiedehausen
- Who sent in the diffs for the changes he made on ForceIcon
- Christopher A. Wichura
- For plenty of suggestions
- Stefan "stuntzi" Stuntz
- For MUI and the nice 'Nasen' phone calls
- Martin 'XEN' Huttenloher
- For the special ForceIcon icons and for MagicWB. Furthermore for
- the nice chats (Nase, Bauch)...
- My girlfriend
- Who accepts what I`m doing
- ...and all the others I forgot
- How to obtain updates
- *********************
- ForceIcon will be available on ADS, FRAS, FTP, and Fred Fish disks
- (CDs) as soon as there is a new release available.
- How to contact the author
- *************************
- If you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports or anything else
- you want to tell me, you may contact me under one of these addresses.
- Either use normal snail mail:
- Kai Iske
- Brucknerstrasse 18
- 63452 Hanau
- Germany
- Tel.: +49-(0)6181-850181
- or reach me using electronical mail
- USENET: kai@iske.adsp.sub.org
- INTERNET: iske@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
- FIDO: Kai Iske, 2:244/6302.11
- We got to do a commercial, now, kids. See you after these messages
- ******************************************************************
- Well, as you are reading this documentation, I want to point you to
- some other programs I wrote:
- MagicCX 1.0
- MagicCX is the definite commodity/system enhancer for any Amiga
- running OS 2.x or better. It is a very powerful and flexible
- system. It incorporates many, many features known from other
- commodities, while offering new, unseen features. External
- preferences program allows full control over MagicCX. It offers a
- special module design, known from Workbench. You may install/use
- modules/functions by simply dragging them to a Modules directory,
- if not used, move them to a storage directory. Offers
- ModulesManager program for Users of OS 3.x and up. Comes with
- manuals in English and German. Localized under OS 2.1 and up.
- English, German translations available. Utilizes Installer for
- installing MagicCX to your system. Compact system installation.
- Only a few files will be spread around your system. All others are
- kept in a single directory. Only basic functions (window
- activation and such) are built into the main program. The
- remaining features were put into external modules. MagicCX comes
- with 18 (for now) different modules you may choose from. Flexible
- blanker system with two internal blankers and 8 (for now) external
- blanker modules. Utilizes powerful gadget layout library.
- KCommodity 2.5a
- Multifunctional commodity for OS 2.0 and up. Includes
- window-activator, time-display in several modes and formats, alarm
- function, KeyStroke-Clicker, time to environment, Window/Screen
- cycling, LeftyMouse, ESC-Key can close Windows, Revision Control
- System, telefone bill calculator, Screen-/Mouse-Blanker, Mapping
- of german "Umlauts", PopUp Shell, AppIcon support, LeftyMouse, user
- definable HotKeys. Fully controllable via ARexx-Port,Exploding
- Windows, Screen Dimmer, Mouse accelerator. It incorporates the
- features of several smaller tools in one whole with a "User
- Interface Style Guide" compliant GUI in order to let the user have
- a simple control panel for all the functions. It comes as three
- different programs in order to minimize size. These programs are:
- The main program (running all the time), the Prefs program (for
- setting up KCommodity; only launched on demand, thus reducing
- memory usage), and a special Screen grabber type program which
- will be launched as soon as you hit a specific HotKey. Using this
- grabber you may copy Screen/Winodow contents to a gfx-capable
- printer or even to an IFF-ILBM file. KCommodity is completely
- localized to nearly every language supported by the system and
- even comes with a new language file for suomi.
- MUIProCalc 1.4
- MUIProCalc is a MUI-based calculator much like Jimmy Yang`s Calc
- 3.0. It still lacks the plotter, but it offers a quite flexible
- history facility for inserting previously entered expressions.
- Different output formats offered and plenty of functions the user
- may choose from. Furthermore the look of the calculator may be
- customized. ARexx Port for ease of calculating from within an
- editor. Some functions are able to return TeX compatible output.
- Results or inputs may be copied to the Clipboard.
- MUIProCalc comes with a fancy GUI you may configure to your needs.
- Function gadgets may be flipped through using pages so that they
- don`t eat up too much of space. MUIProCalc supports an
- input/output history you may configure so that you may re-insert
- previously entered expressions/results. History entries may be
- copied to a userdefiniable clipboard unit. It features various
- display/output bases such as decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and
- binary and of course calculation sizes ranging from 8 Bit to 32
- Bit width. Angles may be displayed as radians or degrees.
- MUIProCalc offers an ARexx port you may use to calc expressions
- externally. These commands are able to return TeX compatible
- output such as "1\\cdot 10^{-5}". It comes with two example
- scripts for use with CED Pro.
- Move 1.10
- This is not just another Move command it features more: Recursive
- directory movements (including creation of destination dir),
- pattern support, and command line flags like those known from e.g.
- C:Rename...and many, many more
- Man 1.12
- This is a simple MAN command, known from UNIX systems. The
- advantage is, that it recognizes .guide files to be AmigaGuideĀ©
- documents. MAN then uses a different viewer in order to display
- the AmigaGuideĀ© document. Furthermore MAN recognizes TeX-DVI
- files as well, using a different viewer to display them. You may
- configure MAN using environment variables.
- Touch 1.4
- Touch is another Unix style Touch command for the Amiga. For every
- given file (including patterns) it will set the time and date to
- the current system time and date. If a given file does not exist
- it will be created then, just the way Unix Touch handles non
- existent files.
- BreakName 37.0
- BreakName is an addition to the well known C:Break command. It may
- break CLI processes by issuing either the complete path+filename,
- or simply the filename of the process to break. Useful for
- breaking from within scripts
- All these programs may be found on AmiNet or on Fish Disks/CDs.
- Program history
- ***************
- Revision V1.6
- --------------
- created on Tuesday, 31.05.94 00:36:05 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Freitag, 19.08.94 00:59:59 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Using ForceIcon you may even "SnapShot" Disk icons now.
- Use SnapShot and then select SAVE from the Prefs program
- -*- changed on Donnerstag, 18.08.94 19:31:04 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - No more quit requesters will be shown
- (Requested by : Bernhard Moellemann)
- -*- changed on Donnerstag, 18.08.94 19:12:10 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - You may now even enter relative coordinates (relative to
- Workbench Screen`s width/height) for the icon`s position.
- This is accomplished through negative values for
- IconX/IconY
- (Requested by : Bernhard Moellemann)
- -*- changed on Donnerstag, 18.08.94 18:46:52 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - IconPosition window is smaller now
- (Requested by : Bernhard Moellemann)
- -*- created on Tuesday, 31.05.94 00:36:05 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Sort routine could create enforcer hits!
- Revision V1.5
- --------------
- created on Wednesday, 13.04.94 15:15:29 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Tuesday, 24.05.94 15:02:04 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Width/Height for Drawer window were handled the
- wrong way. (Swapped)
- (Reported by : Juergen Zeschky)
- -*- changed on Tuesday, 24.05.94 14:59:44 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - The Drawer window wasn`t updated, when one changed the
- Integer gadgets
- -*- changed on Tuesday, 24.05.94 14:58:44 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - When opening the Position window, it`s position was always
- set to the position which was specified when the EditEntry
- window was opened, thus no intermediate changes were
- reflected. Same applied to the Drawer window
- (Reported by : Michael 'Mick' Hohmann)
- -*- changed on Wednesday, 13.04.94 15:25:11 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Added note about AmiCDROM 1.9 to the docs
- (Suggested by : Manuel Fischer)
- -*- changed on Wednesday, 13.04.94 15:21:25 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Added note to docs about disks not containing a Disk.info
- file. READ THIS!
- -*- created on Wednesday, 13.04.94 15:15:29 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Position window wasn`t moved, when user changed the
- contents of the integer gadgets (IconX/IconY)
- Revision V1.4
- --------------
- created on Saturday, 19.02.94 01:27:31 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Thursday, 24.03.94 16:43:23 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - EditEntry window`s cycle gadgets (IconPos, UseIcon etc..)
- are volume type senstive now, ie Ignore,Use,Inherit will be
- available when Type is set to "Volume", while Ignore and
- Use are available when editing a device.
- (Suggested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Wednesday, 23.03.94 12:49:17 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Inheritance of device settings is individually controlled
- for every entry through a cycle gadget, so that you may
- tell which items to inherit and which to ignore, or use.
- (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Tuesday, 22.03.94 23:19:46 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - You may now force Window size/position and flags
- (display flags)
- (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Tuesday, 22.03.94 18:32:58 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - The ListViews will show volumes in white color now, so
- that you may distinguish whether an entry is a Volume or a
- Device
- -*- changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 17:58:56 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Diskobject for Iconify Gadget will obtained from the
- program`s icon
- -*- changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 17:52:54 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Added online-help support
- -*- changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 17:17:15 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Made behaviour of obtaining settings from a device entry
- for a volume entry switchable from ToolTypes/commandline
- options.
- -*- changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 16:24:58 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - ForceIcon will use memory pools for allocations now.
- -*- changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 16:23:41 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - For volumes, for which some flags aren`t set (like IconPos or
- UseIcon) ForceIcon will take the settings of the device
- the volume resides in as long as it is a) defined and b)
- the missing flag is set there.
- (Suggested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 15:43:18 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - DiskChanges on startup protected by Semaphore
- (Suggested by: Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 15:42:06 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - LoadPrefs() protected by Semaphore
- (Suggested by: Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Thursday, 17.03.94 18:24:44 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - If you quit the EditEntry window using "OK", ForceIcon_Prefs
- will send a disk change to the device in question...
- - Improved semaphore locking mechanism. Chris didn`t like it,
- so I changed it, even though I can`t see his point (for now)
- (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Wednesday, 16.03.94 22:23:30 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Added FlushMemory switch/tooltype
- - Only devices in the list (or their volumes) will get a
- disk change on startup now
- (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Wednesday, 16.03.94 22:22:13 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Added server prefs concept. ForceIcon is a simple program
- now, w/o any GUI. A seperate Prefs Editor has been added
- (using MUI) to configure ForceIcon.
- - Rearrangement of List after editing an entry didn`t work
- -*- changed on Saturday, 12.03.94 19:32:33 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Again changed the routine for getting the list of available
- volumes/devices
- (Suggestions by : Ralph Babel)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 12.03.94 19:31:48 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Didn`t convert a string to upper-case before calling
- ParsePatternNoCase(). This has to be done for OS 37
- Systems.
- (Reported by : Christopher A. Wichura)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 12.03.94 14:23:12 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Added special code to check for block mounted devices.
- (Supplied by : Christopher A. Wichura. Thanks Chris)
- -*- changed on Thursday, 10.03.94 14:23:11 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - When adding a new item to the list, another entry could
- loose the settings for the IconPos gadget. This was due to a
- bug in the sorting routine. Fixed
- (Reported by : Mark 'TheMug' Rose)
- -*- changed on Thursday, 10.03.94 14:02:35 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Patterns for Volumes and Devices supported now
- -*- changed on Sunday, 06.03.94 17:38:53 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - When launched ForceIcon will now make all connected disks
- disk change, in order to reposition the icons. This way you
- may launch ForceIcon from within your WBStartUp now
- (Requested by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
- -*- changed on Sunday, 06.03.94 17:20:31 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Enforcer Hit for illegal Locks fixed
- (Changed by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
- - Windows will pop up on default PubScreen now
- (Changed by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
- -*- changed on Sunday, 27.02.94 17:52:56 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - More security checks when removing patches
- (Requested/Changed by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
- -*- created on Saturday, 19.02.94 01:27:31 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - ForceIcon didn`t clone all of the window`s flags
- - For some icon-substitutes, ForceIcon didn`t clone anything
- (Reported by : Michael 'Mick' Hohmann)
- Revision V1.3
- --------------
- created on Sunday, 02.01.94 15:31:32 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Code cleanup
- - Partial rewrite of docs
- Revision V1.2
- --------------
- created on Tuesday, 07.12.93 18:10:09 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Entries may be copied now
- Revision V1.1
- --------------
- created on Tuesday, 02.11.93 23:11:14 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Saturday, 27.11.93 02:12:59 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Recompiled using SAS 6.50
- -*- changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 18:14:21 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - ForceIcon will adopt the orig. window position and size now.
- (Suggested by : Michael 'Mick' Hohmann and me)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 18:03:08 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Icons weren`t positions as set with the Position window.
- (Reported by : Michael 'Mick' Hohmann)
- - Misleading explanation removed from docs
- (Reported by : Michael 'Mick' Hohmann)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 17:33:51 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - The X/Y coordinates may be set manually, now.
- (Requested by : Michael 'Mick' Hohmann)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 17:24:20 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Edit Entry window`s gadget used 'I' twice
- (Reported by : Michael 'Mick' Hohmann)
- -*- changed on Thursday, 11.11.93 18:43:27 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - You may now tell ForceIcon not to patch the position, but
- rather let WB chose a good place. (Good when importing
- volumes via network)
- -*- changed on Tuesday, 02.11.93 23:23:00 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - ListView gadgets weren`t adjusted for OS 2.x. - Should check
- for OS 2.x sometime ;)
- (Reported by : Bernhard Moellemann)
- - Changed needed Versions of some libraries from 37 to 36
- -*- created on Tuesday, 02.11.93 23:11:14 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - If there wasn`t a filename for the Icon-File the
- FileRequester sometimes showed a weird Drawer-Name
- (Reported by : Dirk Federlein)
- Revision V1.0
- --------------
- created on Wednesday, 20.10.93 17:19:27 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Thursday, 28.10.93 17:35:28 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Suggestions for device dependancy by Ralph Babel
- - Bug "found" by Ralph Babel
- - Pos window used to open on default pubscreen, not on WB.
- (Reported by : Bernhard Moellemann)
- -*- created on Wednesday, 20.10.93 17:19:27 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- --- Initial release ---