home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Auto: smake ForceIcon
- */
- /* $Revision Header built automatically *************** (do not edit) ************
- **
- ** © Copyright by GuntherSoft
- **
- ** File : SnakeSYS:CPrgs/Utils/ForceIcon.c
- ** Created on : Wednesday, 20.10.93 15:55:50
- ** Created by : Kai Iske
- ** Current revision : V1.0
- **
- **
- ** Purpose
- ** -------
- ** - Forces Disk Icons to a specified position.
- ** Usefull for CD-Rom users
- **
- ** Revision V1.0
- ** --------------
- ** created on Wednesday, 20.10.93 15:55:50 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- ** --- Initial release ---
- **
- *********************************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Routines for this module */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static struct FIconSema *FindFIconSema(void);
- static void RemoveFIconSema(struct FIconSema *FIconSema);
- static ULONG __saveds __asm MyGetIcon(register __a0 UBYTE *Name, register __a1 struct DiskObject *DObj, register __a2 struct FreeList *FList, register __a6 struct Library *IconBase);
- static ULONG __saveds __asm MyPutIcon(register __a0 UBYTE *Name, register __a1 struct DiskObject *DObj, register __a6 struct Library *IconBase);
- static ULONG __asm DoForce(register __a0 UBYTE *Name, register __a1 struct DiskObject *DObj, register __a2 struct FreeList *FList, register __a6 struct Library *IconBase);
- static BOOL StoreIconPos(struct DiskObject *Icon);
- static ULONG __saveds __asm MyLock(register __d1 UBYTE *Name, register __d2 ULONG Mode, register __a6 struct DosLibrary *DOSBase);
- static BOOL OpenAll(void);
- static void CloseAll(void);
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Functions of files included */
- /**********************************************************************/
- // LoadPrefs.h
- static void LoadPrefs(struct FIconSema *FIconSema);
- // VolList.h
- static BOOL GetDevVolList(struct List *VolList);
- static BOOL GetDosEntries(struct List *VolList, ULONG Mode);
- static void FreeDevVolList(struct List *VolList);
- static void SortList(struct List *VolList, BOOL DisplayType);
- static void SortPartialList(struct List *VolList, UWORD Left, UWORD Right);
- static APTR GetListEntry(struct List *List, WORD EntryNum);
- static BOOL MyStrCmp(char *FromName, char *ToName);
- // Error.h
- static void __stdargs DisplayError(LONG ErrCode, ULONG Arg1, ...);
- // PoolVec.h
- static APTR AllocVecPool(struct FIconSema *FIconSema, ULONG Size);
- static void FreeVecPool(struct FIconSema *FIconSema, APTR Addr);
- // CheckToolTypes.h
- static void CheckToolTypes(struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg);
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Library bases */
- /**********************************************************************/
- struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- struct DosLibrary *DOSBase = NULL;
- struct Library *IconBase = NULL;
- struct Library *UtilityBase = NULL;
- struct Library *IFFParseBase = NULL;
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* "No-StartUp vars" */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static const char _VER[] = "\0$VER: ForceIcon "REVISION" ("REVDATE")\0";
- char _ProgramName[] = "ForceIcon";
- LONG _OSERR = 0;
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Our variables */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static ULONG __asm (*OldGetIcon)(register __a0 UBYTE *, register __a1 struct DiskObject *, register __a2 struct FreeList *, register __a6 struct Library *);
- static ULONG __asm (*OldPutIcon)(register __a0 UBYTE *, register __a1 struct DiskObject *, register __a6 struct Library *);
- static ULONG __asm (*OldLock)(register __d1 UBYTE *, register __d2 ULONG, register __a6 struct DosLibrary *);
- static ULONG __asm (*CheckGetIcon)(register __a0 UBYTE *, register __a1 struct DiskObject *, register __a2 struct FreeList *, register __a6 struct Library *);
- static ULONG __asm (*CheckPutIcon)(register __a0 UBYTE *, register __a1 struct DiskObject *, register __a6 struct Library *);
- static ULONG __asm (*CheckLock)(register __d1 UBYTE *, register __d2 ULONG, register __a6 struct DosLibrary *);
- static struct FIconSema *FIconSema = NULL; // Pointer to our rendezvous semaphore
- static LONG SnapNotify = 2; // How to notify a snap
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* This is our main program */
- /**********************************************************************/
- ULONG __saveds main(void)
- {
- struct Process *MyProc;
- struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg = NULL;
- // Get SysBase
- SysBase = *((struct ExecBase **)0x4L);
- // Get address of our process
- MyProc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- // Determine where we were started from
- if(!MyProc->pr_CLI)
- {
- WaitPort(&MyProc->pr_MsgPort);
- WBenchMsg = (struct WBStartup *)GetMsg(&MyProc->pr_MsgPort);
- }
- // Don`t run under OS < 37
- if(((struct Library *)SysBase)->lib_Version >= 37)
- {
- // Open libraries
- if(OpenAll())
- {
- // Prefs Program there ???
- if((FIconSema = FindFIconSema()))
- {
- // Check ToolTypes
- CheckToolTypes(WBenchMsg);
- Disable();
- // Patch icon.library functions
- OldGetIcon = (ULONG *)SetFunction(IconBase, -0x0000002a, &MyGetIcon);
- OldPutIcon = (ULONG *)SetFunction(IconBase, -0x00000030, &MyPutIcon);
- // Patch dos.library functions
- OldLock = (ULONG *)SetFunction(DOSBase, -0x00000054, &MyLock);
- Enable();
- // Ok, patches placed.
- // Make all connected drives diskchange
- {
- struct List ChangeList;
- ObtainSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- NewList(&ChangeList);
- // Create list of connected devices
- if(GetDosEntries(&ChangeList, LDF_VOLUMES))
- {
- struct DosList *DList;
- struct VolEntry *ThisEntry,
- *ListEntry;
- struct DevProc *DevProc;
- char DevName[130];
- BOOL FoundDev,
- DoDskCh;
- while((ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)RemHead(&ChangeList)))
- {
- FoundDev = FALSE;
- DoDskCh = FALSE;
- // Find name of device this volume resides in
- if((DList = LockDosList(LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- while((DList = NextDosEntry(DList, LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- if(ThisEntry->DriverTask == DList->dol_Task && !FoundDev)
- {
- setmem(DevName, 130, 0);
- strncpy(DevName, ((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name) + 1), *((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name)));
- FoundDev = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Found corresponding device ???
- if(FoundDev)
- {
- // Check whether to diskchange
- ListEntry = (struct VolEntry *)FIconSema->VolumeList.lh_Head;
- while(ListEntry->Link.ln_Succ && !DoDskCh)
- {
- if(ListEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_DEVICES)
- DoDskCh = (MyStrCmp(ListEntry->VolName, DevName) == 0);
- else
- DoDskCh = (MyStrCmp(ListEntry->VolName, ThisEntry->VolName) == 0);
- ListEntry = (struct VolEntry *)ListEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- }
- if(DoDskCh)
- {
- strcat(DevName, ":");
- if(ThisEntry->DriverTask && (DevProc = GetDeviceProc(DevName, NULL)))
- {
- if(TypeOfMem(DevProc->dvp_Port))
- {
- }
- FreeDeviceProc(DevProc);
- }
- }
- }
- FreeVecPool(FIconSema, ThisEntry);
- }
- }
- ReleaseSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- }
- // Wait for termination
- while(!QuitIT)
- {
- ULONG MySig;
- // User snapped icon?
- {
- if(FIconSema->PrefsTask)
- Signal(FIconSema->PrefsTask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F);
- if(SnapNotify == 2)
- else if(SnapNotify == 1)
- DisplayBeep(NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- // Ok, we are to quit
- QuitIT = TRUE;
- Disable();
- // Try to re-install old vectors
- CheckGetIcon = SetFunction(IconBase, -0x0000002a, OldGetIcon);
- CheckPutIcon = SetFunction(IconBase, -0x00000030, OldPutIcon);
- CheckLock = SetFunction(DOSBase, -0x00000054, OldLock);
- if((CheckGetIcon != &MyGetIcon) || (CheckPutIcon != &MyPutIcon) || (CheckLock != &MyLock))
- {
- QuitIT = FALSE;
- // Re-install patches created by someone else
- SetFunction(IconBase, -0x0000002a, CheckGetIcon);
- SetFunction(IconBase, -0x00000030, CheckPutIcon);
- SetFunction(DOSBase, -0x00000054, CheckLock);
- }
- Enable();
- if(!QuitIT)
- {
- if(CheckGetIcon != &MyGetIcon)
- DisplayError(ERR_PATCH, (ULONG)"GetIcon()", NULL);
- else if(CheckPutIcon != &MyPutIcon)
- DisplayError(ERR_PATCH, (ULONG)"PutIcon()", NULL);
- else if(CheckLock != &MyLock)
- DisplayError(ERR_PATCH, (ULONG)"Lock()", NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- RemoveFIconSema(FIconSema);
- }
- }
- // Close libs
- CloseAll();
- // Send back WBStartUp Message
- if(WBenchMsg)
- {
- Forbid();
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)WBenchMsg);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Functionreplacements */
- /**********************************************************************/
- void chkabort(void){;}
- void __stdargs _XCEXIT(LONG Val){;}
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* My new GetIcon function */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static ULONG __saveds __asm MyGetIcon(register __a0 UBYTE *Name, register __a1 struct DiskObject *DObj, register __a2 struct FreeList *FList, register __a6 struct Library *IconBase)
- {
- struct Process *MyProc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- ULONG RetVal;
- // Calling process a real process and is it Workbench ?
- if((MyProc->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Type == NT_PROCESS) && !strcmp(MyProc->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name, "Workbench"))
- {
- if(!stricmp(Name, "Disk"))
- RetVal = DoForce(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- else
- RetVal = OldGetIcon(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- }
- else
- RetVal = OldGetIcon(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- return(RetVal);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* My new PutIcon function */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static ULONG __saveds __asm MyPutIcon(register __a0 UBYTE *Name, register __a1 struct DiskObject *DObj, register __a6 struct Library *IconBase)
- {
- struct Process *MyProc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- ULONG RetVal;
- // Calling process a real process and is it Workbench ?
- if((MyProc->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Type == NT_PROCESS) && !strcmp(MyProc->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name, "Workbench"))
- {
- if(!stricmp(Name, "Disk"))
- {
- if(!StoreIconPos(DObj))
- RetVal = OldPutIcon(Name, DObj, IconBase);
- else
- {
- Signal(FIconSema->ServerTask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D);
- RetVal = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- RetVal = OldPutIcon(Name, DObj, IconBase);
- }
- else
- RetVal = OldPutIcon(Name, DObj, IconBase);
- return(RetVal);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Main forcement routine */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static ULONG __asm DoForce(register __a0 UBYTE *Name, register __a1 struct DiskObject *DObj, register __a2 struct FreeList *FList, register __a6 struct Library *IconBase)
- {
- struct FileLock *Dir;
- struct DosList *DList;
- char *VolName,
- *DevName = NULL,
- *IconName;
- BPTR MyLock,
- CheckLock;
- LONG Left,
- Top,
- WinWidth,
- WinHeight,
- WinFlags;
- WORD WinX,
- WinY;
- ULONG RetVal = 0;
- BOOL Found = FALSE,
- UseAltIcon,
- UseIconPos,
- UseWindow,
- UseFlags;
- // Get our semaphore
- ObtainSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- // Get buffers
- if((VolName = AllocMem(130, MEMF_CLEAR)) && (DevName = AllocMem(130, MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- // Switch to current dir
- MyLock = CurrentDir(NULL);
- Dir = (struct FileLock *)BADDR(MyLock);
- DList = (struct DosList *)BADDR(Dir->fl_Volume);
- // Get name of volume inserted
- strncpy(VolName, ((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name) + 1), *((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name)));
- // Reset current dir
- CurrentDir(MyLock);
- // Get Name of Device
- if((DList = LockDosList(LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- while((DList = NextDosEntry(DList, LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- if(Dir->fl_Task == DList->dol_Task)
- strncpy(DevName, ((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name) + 1), *((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name)));
- }
- }
- // Really to load from ROOT ???
- if(!(CheckLock = ParentDir(MyLock)))
- {
- // Do we have patches waiting ???
- if(!IsListEmpty(&FIconSema->VolumeList))
- {
- struct VolEntry *ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)FIconSema->VolumeList.lh_Head;
- do
- {
- // This one to patch ???
- if(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_DEVICES && !MyStrCmp(ThisEntry->VolName, DevName))
- Found = TRUE;
- else if(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_VOLUMES && !MyStrCmp(ThisEntry->VolName, VolName))
- Found = TRUE;
- else
- ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- } while(!Found && ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ);
- // Object to be patched ?
- if(Found)
- {
- // Set vars for icon substitution
- UseAltIcon = (ThisEntry->UseAlt == MODE_USE);
- IconName = ThisEntry->IconName;
- // Set vars for icon placement
- UseIconPos = (ThisEntry->IconPos == MODE_USE);
- Left = ThisEntry->Left;
- Top = ThisEntry->Top;
- // Set vars for window settings
- UseWindow = (ThisEntry->UseWin == MODE_USE);
- WinX = ThisEntry->WinX;
- WinY = ThisEntry->WinY;
- WinWidth = ThisEntry->WinWidth;
- WinHeight = ThisEntry->WinHeight;
- // Set vars for window flags
- UseFlags = (ThisEntry->UseFlags == MODE_USE);
- WinFlags = ThisEntry->WinFlags;
- // This entry a volume and are we allowed to obtain settings from device ???
- if(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_VOLUMES)
- {
- struct VolEntry *DevEntry = (struct VolEntry *)FIconSema->VolumeList.lh_Head;
- BOOL FoundMyDev = FALSE;
- // Search for device-entry corresponding to volume
- while(DevEntry->Link.ln_Succ && !FoundMyDev)
- {
- if(DevEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_DEVICES && !MyStrCmp(DevEntry->VolName, DevName))
- FoundMyDev = TRUE;
- else
- DevEntry = (struct VolEntry *)DevEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- }
- // Got a device entry for this volume ???
- if(FoundMyDev)
- {
- // Use alternative icon for volume ???
- if(ThisEntry->UseAlt == MODE_INHERIT)
- {
- // no, use one for device entry ???
- // If so, set pointer to new iconname
- if(DevEntry->UseAlt == MODE_USE)
- {
- UseAltIcon = TRUE;
- IconName = DevEntry->IconName;
- }
- }
- // Use alternative position for volume ???
- if(ThisEntry->IconPos == MODE_INHERIT)
- {
- // no, use one for device entry ???
- // if so, set vars
- if(DevEntry->IconPos == MODE_USE)
- {
- UseIconPos = TRUE;
- Left = DevEntry->Left;
- Top = DevEntry->Top;
- }
- }
- // Use settings of window ???
- if(ThisEntry->UseWin == MODE_INHERIT)
- {
- // no, use one for device entry ???
- // if so, set vars
- if(DevEntry->UseWin == MODE_USE)
- {
- UseWindow = TRUE;
- WinX = DevEntry->WinX;
- WinY = DevEntry->WinY;
- WinWidth = DevEntry->WinWidth;
- WinHeight = DevEntry->WinHeight;
- }
- }
- // Use settings of flags
- if(ThisEntry->UseFlags == MODE_INHERIT)
- {
- // no, use one for device entry ???
- // if so, set vars
- if(DevEntry->UseFlags == MODE_USE)
- {
- UseFlags = TRUE;
- WinFlags = DevEntry->WinFlags;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Alternative icon ???
- if(UseAltIcon)
- {
- char *EndPtr;
- // Check for name and remove extension
- strcpy(VolName, IconName);
- strlwr(VolName);
- if((EndPtr = strstr(VolName, ".info")))
- {
- BPTR TestLock;
- setmem(VolName, 130, 0);
- strncpy(VolName, IconName, (EndPtr - VolName));
- // Try to get supplied name
- if((TestLock = Lock(IconName, ACCESS_READ)))
- {
- UnLock(TestLock);
- // Try to read in this icon
- if(!(RetVal = OldGetIcon(VolName, DObj, FList, IconBase)))
- RetVal = OldGetIcon(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- else
- {
- BOOL GotData = FALSE;
- // Ok, we`ve loaded a new icon, so set appropriate flags ;)
- if(DObj->do_Type == WBTOOL || DObj->do_Type == WBPROJECT)
- {
- // Try to set drawerdata for tool and project icons
- if((DObj->do_DrawerData = AllocMem(sizeof(struct DrawerData), MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- GotData = TRUE;
- }
- else
- GotData = TRUE;
- if(GotData)
- {
- struct DrawerData *DDat = DObj->do_DrawerData;
- // Fill in structure
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.LeftEdge = ThisEntry->LeftEdge;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.TopEdge = ThisEntry->TopEdge;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.Width = ThisEntry->Width;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.Height = ThisEntry->Height;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.DetailPen = 255;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.BlockPen = 255;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.MinWidth = 90;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.MinHeight = 40;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.MaxWidth = 0xffff;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.MaxHeight = 0xffff;
- DDat->dd_NewWindow.Type = WBENCHSCREEN;
- DDat->dd_CurrentX = ThisEntry->CurrentX;
- DDat->dd_CurrentY = ThisEntry->CurrentY;
- DDat->dd_Flags = ThisEntry->Flags;
- DDat->dd_ViewModes = ThisEntry->ViewMode;
- // A Ok, set new type of icon
- DObj->do_Type = WBDISK;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- RetVal = OldGetIcon(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- }
- else
- RetVal = OldGetIcon(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- }
- else
- RetVal = OldGetIcon(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- if(RetVal)
- {
- struct Screen *WBScreen = LockPubScreen("Workbench");
- // Patch position ???
- if(WBScreen)
- {
- // Do so
- DObj->do_CurrentX = ((UseIconPos) ? (Left < 0 ? WBScreen->Width + Left : Left) : NO_ICON_POSITION);
- DObj->do_CurrentY = ((UseIconPos) ? (Top < 0 ? WBScreen->Height + Top - WBScreen->BarHeight - 1 : Top - WBScreen->BarHeight - 1) : NO_ICON_POSITION);
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL, WBScreen);
- }
- // Use window ???
- if(UseWindow)
- {
- DObj->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.LeftEdge = WinX;
- DObj->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.TopEdge = WinY;
- DObj->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.Width = WinWidth;
- DObj->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.Height = WinHeight;
- }
- // Set Flags ???
- if(UseFlags)
- {
- DObj->do_DrawerData->dd_Flags = (WinFlags > 3 ? 2 : 0);
- DObj->do_DrawerData->dd_ViewModes = (WinFlags > 3 ? WinFlags - 3 : WinFlags + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- UnLock(CheckLock);
- }
- if(VolName)
- FreeMem(VolName, 130);
- if(DevName)
- FreeMem(DevName, 130);
- // No entry found and not the orig. icon read -> use supplied name
- if(!Found && !RetVal)
- RetVal = OldGetIcon(Name, DObj, FList, IconBase);
- // Release that fine semaphore
- ReleaseSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- return(RetVal);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* My new Lock routine */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static ULONG __saveds __asm MyLock(register __d1 UBYTE *Name, register __d2 ULONG Mode, register __a6 struct DosLibrary *DOSBase)
- {
- struct Process *MyProc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- struct FileLock *Dir;
- struct DosList *DList;
- char *VolName,
- *DevName = NULL,
- *IconName;
- BPTR MyLock,
- CheckLock;
- ULONG RetVal = NULL;
- BOOL Found = FALSE,
- UseAltIcon;
- // Get buffers
- if((VolName = AllocMem(130, MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC)) && (DevName = AllocMem(130, MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- {
- // Calling process a real process and is it Workbench ?
- if((MyProc->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Type == NT_PROCESS) && TypeOfMem(MyProc->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name) && !strcmp(MyProc->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name, "Workbench"))
- {
- // Trying to load a Disk.info ???
- if(TypeOfMem(Name) && !stricmp(Name, "Disk.info"))
- {
- // Get my semaphore
- ObtainSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- // Switch to current dir
- MyLock = CurrentDir(NULL);
- Dir = (struct FileLock *)BADDR(MyLock);
- DList = (struct DosList *)BADDR(Dir->fl_Volume);
- // Get name of volume inserted
- strncpy(VolName, ((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name) + 1), *((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name)));
- // Reset current dir
- CurrentDir(MyLock);
- // Get Name of Device
- if((DList = LockDosList(LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- while((DList = NextDosEntry(DList, LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- if(Dir->fl_Task == DList->dol_Task)
- strncpy(DevName, ((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name) + 1), *((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name)));
- }
- }
- // Really load from ROOT ?
- if(!(CheckLock = ParentDir(MyLock)))
- {
- // Do we have patches waiting ???
- if(!IsListEmpty(&FIconSema->VolumeList))
- {
- struct VolEntry *ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)FIconSema->VolumeList.lh_Head;
- do
- {
- // This one to patch ???
- if(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_DEVICES && !MyStrCmp(ThisEntry->VolName, DevName))
- Found = TRUE;
- else if(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_VOLUMES && !MyStrCmp(ThisEntry->VolName, VolName))
- Found = TRUE;
- else
- ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- } while(!Found && ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ);
- // Object to be patched ?
- if(Found)
- {
- // Set vars for icon substitution
- UseAltIcon = (ThisEntry->UseAlt == MODE_USE);
- IconName = ThisEntry->IconName;
- // This entry a volume and are we allowed to obtain settings from a device ???
- if(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_VOLUMES)
- {
- struct VolEntry *DevEntry = (struct VolEntry *)FIconSema->VolumeList.lh_Head;
- BOOL FoundMyDev = FALSE;
- // Search for device-entry corresponding to volume
- while(DevEntry->Link.ln_Succ && !FoundMyDev)
- {
- if(DevEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_DEVICES && !MyStrCmp(DevEntry->VolName, DevName))
- FoundMyDev = TRUE;
- else
- DevEntry = (struct VolEntry *)DevEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- }
- // Got a device entry for this volume ???
- if(FoundMyDev)
- {
- // Use alternative icon for volume ???
- if(ThisEntry->UseAlt == MODE_INHERIT)
- {
- // no, use one for device entry ???
- // If so, set pointer to new iconname
- if(DevEntry->UseAlt == MODE_USE)
- {
- UseAltIcon = TRUE;
- IconName = DevEntry->IconName;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // If an alternative icon is to be used
- // lock this one, otherwise lock Disk.info
- if(UseAltIcon)
- {
- struct DiskObject *OldDiskObject;
- WORD OldLeft = 50,
- OldTop = 50,
- OldWidth = 400,
- OldHeight = 100;
- LONG OldCurrentX = 0,
- OldCurrentY = 0;
- ULONG OldFlags = 0x0;
- UWORD OldViewMode = 1;
- if(!(RetVal = OldLock(IconName, Mode, DOSBase)))
- RetVal = OldLock(Name, Mode, DOSBase);
- else
- {
- // Get original Disk.info file, in order to obtain
- // the correct window position and size
- strcat(DevName, ":Disk");
- if(!(OldDiskObject = GetDiskObject(DevName)))
- {
- strcat(VolName, ":Disk");
- OldDiskObject = GetDiskObject(VolName);
- }
- if(OldDiskObject)
- {
- OldLeft = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.LeftEdge;
- OldTop = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.TopEdge;
- OldWidth = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.Width;
- OldHeight = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_NewWindow.Height;
- OldCurrentX = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_CurrentX;
- OldCurrentY = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_CurrentY;
- OldFlags = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_Flags;
- OldViewMode = OldDiskObject->do_DrawerData->dd_ViewModes;
- FreeDiskObject(OldDiskObject);
- }
- ThisEntry->LeftEdge = OldLeft;
- ThisEntry->TopEdge = OldTop;
- ThisEntry->Width = OldWidth;
- ThisEntry->Height = OldHeight;
- ThisEntry->CurrentX = OldCurrentX;
- ThisEntry->CurrentY = OldCurrentY;
- ThisEntry->Flags = OldFlags;
- ThisEntry->ViewMode = OldViewMode;
- }
- }
- else
- Found = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- UnLock(CheckLock);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- }
- }
- }
- if(VolName)
- FreeMem(VolName, 130);
- if(DevName)
- FreeMem(DevName, 130);
- if(!Found)
- RetVal = OldLock(Name, Mode, DOSBase);
- return(RetVal);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Store icons position of the info file */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static BOOL StoreIconPos(struct DiskObject *Icon)
- {
- struct FileLock *Dir;
- struct DosList *DList;
- struct VolEntry *ThisEntry;
- char *VolName;
- BPTR MyLock,
- CheckLock;
- BOOL Found = FALSE,
- RetVal = FALSE,
- Created = FALSE,
- IsReadOnly = FALSE;
- // Get our semaphore
- ObtainSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- // Get buffers
- if((VolName = AllocMem(130, MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- // Switch to current dir
- MyLock = CurrentDir(NULL);
- Dir = (struct FileLock *)BADDR(MyLock);
- DList = (struct DosList *)BADDR(Dir->fl_Volume);
- // Get name of volume inserted
- strncpy(VolName, ((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name) + 1), *((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name)));
- // Reset current dir
- CurrentDir(MyLock);
- // Get Name of Device
- if((DList = LockDosList(LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- while((DList = NextDosEntry(DList, LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ)))
- {
- if(Dir->fl_Task == DList->dol_Task)
- {
- struct InfoData __aligned InfoData;
- // Get information about drive
- if(DoPkt(Dir->fl_Task, ACTION_DISK_INFO, MKBADDR(&InfoData), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
- {
- // Is drive write protected?
- if(InfoData.id_DiskState == ID_WRITE_PROTECTED)
- IsReadOnly = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Really to load from ROOT ???
- if(!(CheckLock = ParentDir(MyLock)))
- {
- // Do we have patches waiting ???
- if(!IsListEmpty(&FIconSema->VolumeList))
- {
- ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)FIconSema->VolumeList.lh_Head;
- do
- {
- // This one to patch ???
- if(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_VOLUMES && !MyStrCmp(ThisEntry->VolName, VolName))
- Found = TRUE;
- else
- ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- } while(!Found && ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ);
- }
- // Object to be patched found? If not, create new entry (VOLUME)
- if(!Found)
- {
- // Clear pointer
- ThisEntry = NULL;
- // Device really is READONLY?
- if(IsReadOnly)
- {
- // Try to create new entry
- if((ThisEntry = AllocVecPool(FIconSema, sizeof(struct VolEntry))))
- {
- // Fill in structure and set flag
- ThisEntry->Link.ln_Name = ThisEntry->VolName;
- ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type = LDF_VOLUMES;
- strcpy(ThisEntry->VolName, VolName);
- Created = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Got an entry?
- if(ThisEntry)
- {
- struct Screen *WBScreen = LockPubScreen("Workbench");
- // Got screen?
- if(WBScreen)
- {
- // Created new entry? Add to list
- if(Created)
- AddHead(&FIconSema->VolumeList, (struct Node *)ThisEntry);
- // Set vars for icon placement
- ThisEntry->Left = Icon->do_CurrentX;
- ThisEntry->Top = Icon->do_CurrentY + WBScreen->BarHeight + 1;
- ThisEntry->IconPos = MODE_USE;
- RetVal = TRUE;
- // Unlock screen
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL, WBScreen);
- }
- else
- {
- // Failure and created entry?
- // Free memory associated
- if(Created)
- FreeVecPool(FIconSema, ThisEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- UnLock(CheckLock);
- }
- if(VolName)
- FreeMem(VolName, 130);
- // Release that fine semaphore
- ReleaseSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- return(RetVal);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Open libraries */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static BOOL OpenAll(void)
- {
- if(!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 37)))
- {
- DisplayError(ERR_OPEN, (ULONG)"intuition.library", 37);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if(!(DOSBase = (struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary("dos.library", 37)))
- {
- DisplayError(ERR_OPEN, (ULONG)"dos.library", 37);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if(!(IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library", 37)))
- {
- DisplayError(ERR_OPEN, (ULONG)"icon.library", 37);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if(!(UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", 37)))
- {
- DisplayError(ERR_OPEN, (ULONG)"utility.library", 37);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if(!(IFFParseBase = OpenLibrary("iffparse.library", 37)))
- {
- DisplayError(ERR_OPEN, (ULONG)"iffparse.library", 37);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if(!(AslBase = OpenLibrary("asl.library", 36)))
- {
- DisplayError(ERR_OPEN, (ULONG)"asl.library", 36);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Close libraries */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void CloseAll(void)
- {
- if(AslBase)
- CloseLibrary(AslBase);
- if(IFFParseBase)
- CloseLibrary(IFFParseBase);
- if(UtilityBase)
- CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- if(IconBase)
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- if(DOSBase)
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)DOSBase);
- if(IntuitionBase)
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Now include the LoadRoutine and the VolumeList routine */
- /**********************************************************************/
- #include "LoadPrefs.h"
- #include "VolList.h"
- #include "Error.h"
- #include "Rendezvous.h"
- #include "CheckToolTypes.h"
- #include "PoolVec.h"