home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define BSTRADDR(bstr) ((char *)((((ULONG)bstr)<<2)+1))
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Get device and volume lists */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static BOOL GetDevVolList(struct List *VolList)
- {
- NewList(VolList);
- VolList->lh_Type = 0;
- if(GetDosEntries(VolList, LDF_DEVICES))
- {
- if(GetDosEntries(VolList, LDF_VOLUMES))
- {
- SortList(VolList, FALSE);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Collect available volumes */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static BOOL GetDosEntries(struct List *VolList, ULONG Mode)
- {
- struct DosList *DList;
- struct VolEntry *NewEntry;
- BOOL RetVal = TRUE;
- // Lock DOS-List of Volumes
- if((DList = LockDosList(Mode|LDF_READ)))
- {
- // Loop for all entries
- while(RetVal && (DList = NextDosEntry(DList, Mode|LDF_READ)))
- {
- // Alloc memory for new entry
- if((NewEntry = AllocVecPool(FIconSema, sizeof(struct VolEntry))))
- {
- // Add to list
- AddTail(VolList, (struct Node *)NewEntry);
- NewEntry->Link.ln_Name = NewEntry->VolName;
- NewEntry->Link.ln_Type = Mode;
- NewEntry->DriverTask = DList->dol_Task;
- VolList->lh_Type++;
- strcpy(NewEntry->VolName, ((char *)BADDR(DList->dol_Name) + 1));
- }
- else
- RetVal = FALSE;
- }
- // Unlock DOS-List again
- UnLockDosList(Mode|LDF_READ);
- }
- // Now remove devices not being of block mounted type
- if(!IsListEmpty(VolList))
- {
- struct Process *MyProc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- struct VolEntry *DelEntry;
- char DevName[134];
- APTR OldPtr;
- BPTR TestLock;
- BOOL RemoveEntry;
- Forbid();
- OldPtr = MyProc->pr_WindowPtr;
- MyProc->pr_WindowPtr = (void *)-1;
- Permit();
- NewEntry = (struct VolEntry *)VolList->lh_Head;
- do
- {
- DelEntry = NewEntry;
- NewEntry = (struct VolEntry *)NewEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- RemoveEntry = FALSE;
- if(DelEntry->Link.ln_Type == LDF_DEVICES)
- {
- RemoveEntry = TRUE;
- if(DelEntry->DriverTask)
- {
- strcpy(DevName, DelEntry->VolName);
- strcat(DevName, ":");
- if((TestLock = Lock(DevName, ACCESS_READ)))
- {
- RemoveEntry = FALSE;
- UnLock(TestLock);
- }
- else if(IoErr() != 209)
- RemoveEntry = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if(RemoveEntry)
- {
- Remove(DelEntry);
- FreeVecPool(FIconSema, DelEntry);
- VolList->lh_Type--;
- }
- } while(NewEntry->Link.ln_Succ);
- Forbid();
- MyProc->pr_WindowPtr = OldPtr;
- Permit();
- }
- if(!RetVal)
- DisplayError(ERR_NOTALL, NULL);
- return(RetVal);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Release Volume-Nodes */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void FreeDevVolList(struct List *VolList)
- {
- struct Node *DelNode;
- while((DelNode = RemHead(VolList)))
- FreeVecPool(FIconSema, DelNode);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Sort the complete list of devices/volumes */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void SortList(struct List *VolList, BOOL DisplayType)
- {
- UWORD First, Last;
- if(DisplayType)
- {
- First = LDF_VOLUMES;
- }
- else
- {
- First = LDF_DEVICES;
- }
- // Sort partial lists within one list
- if(!IsListEmpty(VolList))
- {
- struct VolEntry *ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)VolList->lh_Head;
- UWORD NumEntries = VolList->lh_Type;
- UWORD Left = 0, Right = 0;
- // Find boundaries of first type of entries
- while(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == First && NumEntries)
- {
- Right++;
- NumEntries--;
- ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- }
- // Sort`em
- if(Left < Right)
- {
- SortPartialList(VolList, Left, Right);
- Left = Right;
- }
- // Look for second type of entries
- while(ThisEntry->Link.ln_Type == Last && NumEntries)
- {
- Right++;
- NumEntries--;
- ThisEntry = (struct VolEntry *)ThisEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- }
- // Sort`em
- if(Left < Right)
- SortPartialList(VolList, Left, Right);
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Sort partial list, either devices or volumes */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void SortPartialList(struct List *VolList, UWORD Left, UWORD Right)
- {
- UWORD i, j;
- // This is a simply Insertion Sort
- // I don`t think that there will be too many entries,
- // so this algorithm will do it. (IMHO)
- for(i = Left + 1; i < Right; i++)
- {
- struct VolEntry Spare, *CheckEntry;
- j = i;
- Spare = *((struct VolEntry *)GetListEntry(VolList, i));
- CheckEntry = (struct VolEntry *)GetListEntry(VolList, j - 1);
- while(j > Left && stricmp(CheckEntry->VolName, Spare.VolName) > 0)
- {
- struct VolEntry *RightEntry = (struct VolEntry *)CheckEntry->Link.ln_Succ;
- strcpy(RightEntry->VolName, CheckEntry->VolName);
- strcpy(RightEntry->IconName, CheckEntry->IconName);
- RightEntry->Left = CheckEntry->Left;
- RightEntry->Top = CheckEntry->Top;
- RightEntry->UseAlt = CheckEntry->UseAlt;
- RightEntry->IconPos = CheckEntry->IconPos;
- RightEntry->UseWin = CheckEntry->UseWin;
- RightEntry->WinX = CheckEntry->WinX;
- RightEntry->WinY = CheckEntry->WinY;
- RightEntry->WinWidth = CheckEntry->WinWidth;
- RightEntry->WinHeight = CheckEntry->WinHeight;
- RightEntry->UseFlags = CheckEntry->UseFlags;
- RightEntry->WinFlags = CheckEntry->WinFlags;
- j--;
- CheckEntry = (struct VolEntry *)CheckEntry->Link.ln_Pred;
- }
- CheckEntry = (struct VolEntry *)GetListEntry(VolList, j);
- strcpy(CheckEntry->VolName, Spare.VolName);
- strcpy(CheckEntry->IconName, Spare.IconName);
- CheckEntry->Left = Spare.Left;
- CheckEntry->Top = Spare.Top;
- CheckEntry->UseAlt = Spare.UseAlt;
- CheckEntry->IconPos = Spare.IconPos;
- CheckEntry->UseWin = Spare.UseWin;
- CheckEntry->WinX = Spare.WinX;
- CheckEntry->WinY = Spare.WinY;
- CheckEntry->WinWidth = Spare.WinWidth;
- CheckEntry->WinHeight = Spare.WinHeight;
- CheckEntry->UseFlags = Spare.UseFlags;
- CheckEntry->WinFlags = Spare.WinFlags;
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Get an entry from a list */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR GetListEntry(struct List *List, WORD EntryNum)
- {
- struct Node *ThisEntry = NULL, *CheckEntry;
- // Search list for entry
- if(!IsListEmpty((struct List *)List) && EntryNum >= 0)
- {
- CheckEntry = List->lh_Head;
- while(CheckEntry->ln_Succ && EntryNum)
- {
- CheckEntry = CheckEntry->ln_Succ;
- EntryNum--;
- }
- if(!EntryNum)
- ThisEntry = CheckEntry;
- }
- return(ThisEntry);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Simple pattern match StrCmp function */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static BOOL MyStrCmp(char *FromName, char *ToName)
- {
- char UpperFrom[132];
- char Pattern[270];
- strcpy(UpperFrom, FromName);
- strupr(UpperFrom);
- if(ParsePatternNoCase(UpperFrom, Pattern, 270) != -1)
- return((BOOL)(!MatchPatternNoCase(Pattern, ToName)));
- return((BOOL)(stricmp(FromName, ToName) != 0));
- }