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Text File
1,061 lines
Quickfile v3.1 copyright 1992-1994 by Alan Wigginton
I accept no liability for any loss or damage resulting from the use of
this program. Users must evaluate the program and decide its usefulness
for their own purposes.
QuickFile is not Public Domain, however it can be freely distributed
provided all documentation and sample files are included unchanged.
QuickFile is a flexible, flat file database. It uses random access with
indexing for fast access to records. Files can be larger than available
ram, but as much of the file as possible is kept in ram to reduce disk
accesses. Features include:
- Multiple indexes with unique and non-unique keys
- Character, date, integer, floating point and calculation data types
- Up to 250 characters per field and 250 fields per record.
- Form and list style displays and reports.
- Unlimited number of views of each file.
- Sort over any number of keys, ascending and descending order.
- Search operators include Like, Equal, Between, Sounds Like, Not Like
and Not Equal.
- Fields can be added, changed, or deleted at any time.
- ASCII export/import
- ulti column label printing.
- Multi-level grouping and totalling
- Any number of open windows
- Online context sensitive AmigaGuide help
System Requirements
Any Amiga computer with 512K or more RAM
Workbench 2.04 or later
QuickFile is written in C using DICE version 3.0.
====== CONDITIONS OF USE =====
This version of the program is free, but please let me know if you find it
useful - a postcard would be great.
Donations of money, stamps, software etc will be gratefully accepted. If
you require bug fixes or support, please send $20.00 to the address below.
Overseas users please use International money order or bank draft - not
personal cheques. Any cash currency is OK, but send it at your own risk.
Alan Wigginton
23 Carissa Street
Queensland 4128
I need feedback. Please let me know if you find it useful or I will assume
I am wasting my time.
WARNING. QuickFile is a random access data base that buffers records in
memory. Failure to exit the program properly after updates are
made will result in lost updates.
ALWAYS exit the program before a reboot or power off.
DO backup your files regularly. When backing up a data base make
sure you backup all of the files - definition, data and indexes.
To install QuickFile to a hard disk or floppy, drag the QuickFile icon to
the drawer of your choice. If you want to use the AmigaGuide help system,
copy QuickFile.guide to the same directory. To install AmigaGuide
doubleclick on the InstallAmigaGuide icon.
Icons are not generated by the program. Sorry, but if you want them you
will have to create them yourself.
===== About Views ======
Views allow you to display data from a file in different ways. There are
two basic types FORM and LIST.
Each view has its own field titles, positions and lengths, window size and
report details. Once you have a view set out the way you want it, you can
save it for future use.
The Define View requester is used to select or change the fields included
in a view. The positions of fields on a form can be changed by dragging
them around with the mouse.
When you open a file, QuickFile looks for a view called filename.VIEW. To
automatically use your favourite view, save it as filename.VIEW in the
same directory as the data base.
If you want to keep things simple and are happy with the default view, you
need not define a view at all.
Views are typically used to print labels, export or import selected fields
or print lists containing only selected fields.
=========== Keyboard ===================
The following keys are available when the cursor is not in a string
gadget (Press return to de-activate a string gadget):
RETURN Same as OK button
ESC Same as CANCEL button
HELP Displays help text using AmigaGuide.
The following keys can be used in string gadgets:
TAB Move to next field
Shift-TAB Move to previous field
Down arrow Move to next field
Up arrow Move to previous field
Return De-activate string gadget
right Amiga-X Erase all text in the gadget (as does Control-X)
right Amiga-Q Restores the text that was present before you
changed it.
Shift-left arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the field.
Shift-right arrow Moves the cursor to the end of the field.
Shift-Del Erases all characters from the cursor to the end of
the gadget.
Shift-Backspace Erases all characters to the left of the cursor.
============== MAIN WINDOW =================
===== Form Display ======
The FORM DISPLAY shows a single record per screen in the format specified
by the current view.
Field positions can be changed by dragging fields around the window with
the mouse.
To add or delete fields, change field titles or displayed lengths, press
the VIEW button;
===== List Display ======
The LIST display shows as many records as will fit in the window with a
single line per record.
To update a record double click on it with the left mouse button
Before using the Modify or Delete buttons, select a record using a single
press of the left mouse button.
===== Buttons =====
GoTo finds a record by key value using the current index. This makes
access extremely fast, even on large files.
You only need to enter enough of the key to identify the record you
want, but you must start at the first key field.
Allows you to modify the current record. The horizontal scroll gadget
can be used to scroll the display and access fields that do not fit in
the window.
Displays a blank form for you to enter values for a new record.
The Copy button will copy the contents of the previous record. This is
useful if you are entering records with similar values in some fields of
each record. Warning - it replaces anything currently on screen.
Press Cancel (or ESC) to return to Browse mode. NB When Cancel is
pressed any values displayed on the screen will be lost. Press Insert
to insert the record, then Cancel.
Deletes the current record. A requester is displayed to confirm.
Once the record has been deleted you cannot get it back.
Toggles the current view between FORM and LIST formats.
Pressing the VIEW button displays the Define View requester with the
current view.
===== Scrolling =====
Scrolling is controlled by two slider type gadgets.
Vertical Slider
This controls movement through the file and works in the usual way.
Scrolling may also be done using the up and down arrow keys for a
single record, or the shifted keys for a full screen.
Horizontal Slider
If there are more fields than will fit in the current window, this
can be used to display the next group of fields.
===========PROJECT MENU ===================
Opens a new file in a new window.
Opens a new file, replacing the file in the current window.
Writes all updated blocks and indexes to disk.
Writes all updated records and indexes to disk and closes the file and
window. Closing the last window will exit the program.
Creates a new file from the current file. Indexes for the new file are not
created - they will be built when you first open the new file.
Opens a new window for you to define a new file.
Displays the file definition panel for you to alter the current file
definition. Note that the data and any updated views are saved first.
Writes all, or selected, records to an ASCII file for exchanging data with
other applications such as word processors, other data bases etc. The
order and length of the fields in the export file is determined by the
current view. Before doing the export, you may need to create a new view
to give the record layout you want. See export section for details.
Loads records from an ASCII file into your data base. The sequence