Labels:text | screenshot | font | black and white | document OCR: PageStream3 Toolbar New: Create a new document. Open: Open an existing document. Save: Save the current document. Print: Print the current document. × Cut: Cut the selected text or objects. Copy: Copy the selected text or objects. Paste: Paste the clipboard contents. Erase: Delete the selected text or objects. Undo: Undo the last action. Redo: Redo the last undone action. Link: Link existing text frames. Unlink: Break the link between linked text frames. Paragraph: Set the paragraph formatting. Tab: Set the tab stops. Line/Fill: Set the line, fill and color of text or objects. Facing Pages: View and edit two pages side-by-side. Edit Page: Edit the page setup and choose the master page. 1/- Go to Page: Choose a page to view and edit. Previous Page: View and edit the previous page. Next Page: View and edit the next page. 100% Custom Scale: Set the view magnification. Execute and edit PageStream macros. Access the online help system.