Fresh Fish 8
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/* */
/* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
/* */
/* Book: ACM Graphics Amiga C Club */
/* Chapter: Copper Tulevagen 22 */
/* File: CopperDraw.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
/* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
/* Date: 92-04-15 */
/* Version: 1.00 */
/* */
/* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* */
/* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
/* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
/* */
/* Copper Draw is an extremely useful utility when you want */
/* to create Copper lists. You have at all time full control */
/* over what you are doing and you will immediately see how */
/* your copper list changes as you modify it. */
/* */
/* Copper Draw was written to be as easy as possible to use, */
/* and is fully amigaized. It can create copperlists for all */
/* colour registers, and when you quit the program will */
/* automatically write the copper list in C code that can */
/* be included and compiled together with your programs. */
/* */
/* CopperDraw is using linked lists and can therefore handle */
/* as many copper instructions as you want. All memory and */
/* other resources are (of course) returned when the program */
/* terminates, and the program follows all rules. */
/* */
/* This program is a part of the "Amiga C Encyclopedia", the */
/* largest C collection of information, programs, examples, */
/* and utilities for the Amiga. I have spend more than four */
/* years on writing and improving these manuals, and with */
/* your help I can continue to make it even better! */
/* */
/* See file "CopperDraw.doc" for complete instructions. */
I am sorry but this file is only available for registered
The registration fee is only £30, $60, SEK 300, or similar
amount in your own currency (price includes everything). The
Amiga C Encyclopedia is the largest collection of documents,
examples and utilities in C for the Amiga and it is still among
the cheapest manuals. But this is not all, a registered owner
will also get:
1. Two disks containing the last parts of the encyclopedia.
The disks will be sent by first class air mail.
2. Registration card for the Amiga C Club (ACC).
3. Immediate information about updates.
4. Updated versions of the encyclopedia for only the cost of
disks plus postage and packing.
5. Assistance with digitizing colour pictures and sampling
sound effects.
6. Unlimited help with your C programs. You never have to be
alone with your problems.
7. The right to use parts of the manual in your own
commercial/non-commercial programs/articles.
Can any other manual give you all this???
The simplest way of paying is to include the money in a letter
in cash. US dollar bills, English pounds or Swedish SEK are
preferred, but all currencies are accepted. You can also send
the money as a "Postal Money Order", ask your local bank or
post office. Please do not use cheques. It is sadly extremely
expensive to cash a foreign cheque here in Sweden.
If you live in Scandinavia you can send the money to "Svenska
Post Girot, postgiro konto: 641 88 30 - 3, betalnings-
mottagare: Datra".
Please send the registration fee together with your complete
address to:
Datra, Amiga C Club
Anders Bjeri
Tulevagen 22
181 41 LIDINGO
I have worked for more than four years now with this
encyclopedia, and with your help I can continue to improve it.
Happy programming!!!