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$RCSfile: HardBlocks.mod $
Description: File system identifier blocks for hard disks
Created by: fjc (Frank Copeland)
$Revision: 3.2 $
$Author: fjc $
$Date: 1994/08/08 00:46:36 $
$VER: hardblocks.h 36.3 (23.8.91)
Includes Release 40.15
(C) Copyright 1985-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Oberon-A interface Copyright © 1994, Frank Copeland.
This file is part of the Oberon-A Interface.
See Oberon-A.doc for conditions of use and distribution.
MODULE HardBlocks;
** $C- CaseChk $I- IndexChk $L+ LongAdr $N- NilChk
** $P- PortableCode $R- RangeChk $S- StackChk $T- TypeChk
** $V- OvflChk $Z- ZeroVars
IMPORT E := Exec;
** File System identifier blocks for hard disks
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file describes blocks of data that exist on a hard disk
* to describe that disk. They are not generically accessable to
* the user as they do not appear on any DOS drive. The blocks
* are tagged with a unique identifier, checksummed, and linked
* together. The root of these blocks is the RigidDiskBlock.
* The RigidDiskBlock must exist on the disk within the first
* rdbLocationLIMIT blocks. This inhibits the use of the zero
* cylinder in an AmigaDOS partition: although it is strictly
* possible to store the RigidDiskBlock data in the reserved
* area of a partition, this practice is discouraged since the
* reserved blocks of a partition are overwritten by "Format",
* "Install", "DiskCopy", etc. The recommended disk layout,
* then, is to use the first cylinder(s) to store all the drive
* data specified by these blocks: i.e. partition descriptions,
* file system load images, drive bad block maps, spare blocks,
* etc.
* Though only 512 byte blocks are currently supported by the
* file system, this proposal tries to be forward-looking by
* making the block size explicit, and by using only the first
* 256 bytes for all blocks but the LoadSeg data.
* optional block addresses below contain $ffffffff to indicate
* a NULL address, as zero is a valid address
RigidDiskBlockPtr * = CPOINTER TO RigidDiskBlock;
RigidDiskBlock * = RECORD
id * : E.ULONG; (* 4 character identifier *)
summedLongs * : E.ULONG; (* size of this checksummed $tructure *)
chkSum * : LONGINT; (* block checksum (longword sum to zero) *)
hostID * : E.ULONG; (* SCSI Target ID of host *)
blockBytes * : E.ULONG; (* size of disk blocks *)
flags * : E.ULONG; (* see below for defines *)
(* block list heads *)
badBlockList * : E.ULONG; (* optional bad block list *)
partitionList * : E.ULONG; (* optional first partition block *)
fileSysHeaderList * : E.ULONG; (* optional file system header block *)
driveInit * : E.ULONG; (* optional drive-specific init code *)
(* DriveInit(lun,rdb,ior): "C" stk & d0/a0/a1 *)
reserved1 * : ARRAY 6 OF E.ULONG;
(* set to $ffffffff *)
(* physical drive characteristics *)
cylinders * : E.ULONG; (* number of drive cylinders *)
sectors * : E.ULONG; (* sectors per track *)
heads * : E.ULONG; (* number of drive heads *)
interleave * : E.ULONG; (* interleave *)
park * : E.ULONG; (* landing zone cylinder *)
reserved2 * : ARRAY 3 OF E.ULONG;
writePreComp * : E.ULONG; (* starting cylinder: write precompensation *)
reducedWrite * : E.ULONG; (* starting cylinder: reduced write current *)
stepRate * : E.ULONG; (* drive step rate *)
reserved3 * : ARRAY 5 OF E.ULONG;
(* logical drive characteristics *)
rdbBlocksLo * : E.ULONG; (* low block of range reserved for hardblocks *)
rdbBlocksHi * : E.ULONG; (* high block of range for these hardblocks *)
loCylinder * : E.ULONG; (* low cylinder of partitionable disk area *)
hiCylinder * : E.ULONG; (* high cylinder of partitionable data area *)
cylBlocks * : E.ULONG; (* number of blocks available per cylinder *)
autoParkSeconds * : E.ULONG; (* zero for no auto park *)
highRDSKBlock * : E.ULONG; (* highest block used by RDSK *)
(* (not including replacement bad blocks) *)
reserved4 * : E.ULONG;
(* drive identification *)
diskVendor * : ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
diskProduct * : ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
diskRevision * : ARRAY 4 OF CHAR;
controllerVendor * : ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
controllerProduct * : ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
controllerRevision * : ARRAY 4 OF CHAR;
reserved5 * : ARRAY 10 OF E.ULONG;
END; (* RigidDiskBlock *)
idNameRigidDisk * = 5244534BH; (* 'RDSK' *)
rdbLocationLimit * = 16;
rdbLast * = 0; (* no disks exist to be configured after *)
(* this one on this controller *)
rdbLastLun * = 1; (* no LUNs exist to be configured greater *)
(* than this one at this SCSI Target ID *)
rdbLastTID * = 2; (* no Target IDs exist to be configured *)
(* greater than this one on this SCSI bus *)
rdbLsatTID * = rdbLastTID; (* typo *)
rdbNoReselect * = 3; (* don't bother trying to perform reselection *)
(* when talking to this drive *)
rdbDiskID * = 4; (* rdbDisk... identification valid *)
rdbCtrlrID * = 5; (* rdbController... identification valid *)
(* added 7/20/89 by commodore: *)
rdbSynch * = 6; (* drive supports scsi synchronous mode *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------*)
BadBlockEntryPtr * = CPOINTER TO BadBlockEntry;
BadBlockEntry * = RECORD
badBlock * : E.ULONG; (* block number of bad block *)
goodBlock * : E.ULONG; (* block number of replacement block *)
END; (* BadBlockEntry *)
BadBlockBlockPtr * = CPOINTER TO BadBlockBlock;
BadBlockBlock * = RECORD
id * : E.ULONG; (* 4 character identifier *)
summedLongs * : E.ULONG; (* size of this checksummed $tructure *)
chkSum * : LONGINT; (* block checksum (longword sum to zero) *)
hostID * : E.ULONG; (* SCSI Target ID of host *)
next * : E.ULONG; (* block number of the next BadBlockBlock *)
reserved * : E.ULONG;
blockPairs * : ARRAY 61 OF BadBlockEntry;
(* bad block entry pairs *)
(* note [61] assumes 512 byte blocks *)
END; (* BadBlockBlock *)
idNameBadBlock * = 42414442H; (* 'BADB' *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------*)
PartitionBlockPtr * = CPOINTER TO PartitionBlock;
PartitionBlock * = RECORD
id * : E.ULONG; (* 4 character identifier *)
summedLongs * : E.ULONG; (* size of this checksummed $tructure *)
chkSum * : LONGINT; (* block checksum (longword sum to zero) *)
hostID * : E.ULONG; (* SCSI Target ID of host *)
next * : E.ULONG; (* block number of the next PartitionBlock *)
flags * : E.ULONG; (* see below for defines *)
reserved1 * : ARRAY 2 OF E.ULONG;
devFlags * : E.ULONG; (* preferred flags for OpenDevice *)
driveName * : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* preferred DOS device name: BSTR form *)
(* (not used if t