Fresh Fish 8
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Text File
402 lines
* *
* (C)opyright 1992-93 *
* *
* by Tomi Blinnikka *
* *
* Don´t try to understand the code *
* *
* Version 0.01 05/07/1992 *
* *
* BUGS: UpDays should've been long not word *
* *
* Version 1.00 10/08/1992 *
* *
* BUGS: Gave things like '0 day' *
* *
* Version 1.01 13/08/1992 *
* *
* Version 1.02 22/08/1992 *
* *
* Version 1.03 02/02/1993 *
* *
* BUGS: Enforcer hit on logout *
* *
* Version 1.04 14/02/1993 *
* *
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
INCLUDE "libraries/dosextens.i"
INCLUDE "XREF:2.0.xref"
INCLUDE "XREF:exec.xref"
INCLUDE "XREF:dos.xref"
section UpTime,CODE
openlib Dos,ShutDown_Out
bsr GetSysTime
bsr CheckUpTime
lea.l CLTemplate1,a0
move.l a0,d1
lea.l CLArray1,a0
move.l a0,d2
clr.l d3
lib Dos,ReadArgs
move.l d0,RDArgs1
beq NoRDArgs
tst.l ActionLogin
bne DoParse
tst.l ActionLogout
beq Information
DoParse: move.l TTYPointer,a2
cmp.l #$00,a2
beq ArgMissing ;We still need the TTY!
cmp.b #'c',(a2) ;Check for console
bne DoParse2
move.b #'c',CurrentTTY
bra DoParse3
DoParse2: cmp.b #'0',(a2) ;Check for 'real' TTY
bcs BadNumber
cmp.b #'9',(a2)
bhi BadNumber
move.b (a2),CurrentTTY
DoParse3: move.l UserPointer,a2
tst.l ActionLogout
bne DoParse6 ;has a bug was 3.1
cmp.l #$00,a2
beq ArgMissing
DoParse3.1: lea.l TTYUser,a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l #10,a1 ;changed! was 20
DoParse4: cmp.b #'A',(a2)
bcs DoParse5
cmp.b #'z',(a2)
bhi DoParse5
move.b (a2)+,(a0)+
cmp.l a0,a1 ;copy only 10 characters!
bne DoParse4
DoParse5: clr.b (a0)+
tst.l ActionLogout
bne DoParse6
tst.b TTYUser
beq ArgMissing
;Complete requested action
DoParse6: tst.l ActionLogin
bne Login
tst.l ActionLogout
bne Logout
;Get system time
;Uptime equals (System time - NUT_timeval)
;Try to read ENV:NUT_login + ENV:NUT_TTYX
;Loop 0 - 9
;try reading ENV:UT_loadavg
Information: bsr GetUpTime
bsr DoTTYTest
bsr GetLoadAvg
cmp.w #1,Users
bne CheckUsrNum1
lea.l SingleString1,a0
move.l a0,UsersString
CheckUsrNum1: bsr Format
lea.l UpTimeText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l LoadAvgBuf,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l EndText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
Login: tst.l ActionLogout
bne TooManyArgs
sub.l a1,a1
lib Exec,FindTask
move.l d0,a0
move.l $8c(a0),TTYTaskNum
cmp.b #'c',CurrentTTY
bne Login1
lea.l UpTimeConsole,a0
bra Login2
Login1: move.b CurrentTTY,TTY
lea.l UpTimeTTY,a0
Login2: move.l a0,d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown
move.l d0,d4
move.l d0,d1
lea.l DateTime1,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #4*4+20,d3 ;info + username
lib Dos,Write
move.l d4,d1
lib Dos,Close
bra ShutDown
Logout: tst.l ActionLogin
bne TooManyArgs
cmp.b #'c',CurrentTTY
bne Logout1
lea.l UpTimeConsole,a0
bra Logout2
Logout1: move.b CurrentTTY,TTY
lea.l UpTimeTTY,a0
Logout2: move.l a0,d1
lib Dos,DeleteFile
bra ShutDown
CheckUpTime: lea.l UpTimeName,a3
move.l a3,d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
tst.l d0
beq CheckUpTime2
move.l d0,d4
move.l d0,d1
lea.l UpTimeBuf,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #3*4,d3
lib Dos,Read
move.l d4,d1
lib Dos,Close
CheckUpTime2: move.l a3,d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
tst.l d0
beq CheckUpTime3
move.l d0,d4
move.l d0,d1
lea.l DateTime1,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #3*4,d3
lib Dos,Write
move.l d4,d1
lib Dos,Close
move.l DateTime1,UpTimeBuf
move.l DateTime1+4,UpTimeBuf+4
move.l DateTime1+4,UpTimeBuf+4
CheckUpTime3: rts
GetSysTime: lea.l DateTime1,a0
move.l a0,d1
lib Dos,DateStamp
move.l DateTime1+4,d0
divu.w #60,d0
move.w d0,Hours
swap d0
move.w d0,Minutes
;GetSystime has already got the current time for us
GetUpTime: move.l UpTimeBuf,d0
move.l DateTime1,d1
sub.l d0,d1
move.l d1,UpDays
move.l UpTimeBuf+4,d0
move.l DateTime1+4,d1
sub.l d0,d1
bmi GetUpTime3
GetUpTime1: divu.w #60,d1
move.w d1,UpHours
swap d1
move.w d1,UpMinutes
GetUpTime2: rts
GetUpTime3: move.l UpTimeBuf+4,d0
move.l DateTime1+4,d1
add.l #1440,d1
sub.l d0,d1
sub.l #1,UpDays
cmp.l #1,UpDays
bne GetUpTime1
lea.l SingleString1,a0
move.l a0,DaysString
bra GetUpTime1
DoTTYTest: lea.l UpTimeConsole,a0
move.l a0,d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
tst.l d0
beq DoTTYTest1
move.l d0,d1
add.w #1,Users
lib Dos,Close
DoTTYTest1: move.b #'0',TTY
DoTTYTest2: lea.l UpTimeTTY,a0
move.l a0,d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
tst.l d0
beq DoTTYTest3
move.l d0,d1
add.w #1,Users
lib Dos,Close
DoTTYTest3: cmp.b #'9',TTY
beq DoTTYTest4
add.b #1,TTY
bra DoTTYTest2
DoTTYTest4: rts
GetLoadAvg: lea.l LoadAvgName,a0
move.l a0,d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
tst.l d0
bne GetLoadAvg2
GetLoadAvg1: move.l #'N/A,',LoadAvgBuf
move.l #' N/',LoadAvgBuf+4
move.l #'A, ',LoadAvgBuf+8
move.l #'N/A ',LoadAvgBuf+12
move.b #$00,LoadAvgBuf+16
GetLoadAvg2: move.l d0,d4
move.l d0,d1
lea.l LoadAvgBuf,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #19,d3
lib Dos,Read
cmp.l #19,d0
beq GetLoadAvg3
bsr GetLoadAvg1
GetLoadAvg3: move.l d4,d1
lib Dos,Close
Format: lea.l fstrl1,a0 ;HEX->ASCII
lea.l Hours,a1 ;Start of information
lea.l PutChProc,a2
lea.l UpTimeText1,a3 ;Destination
lib Exec,RawDoFmt
ShutDown: move.l RDArgs1,d1
beq ShutDown9000
lib Dos,FreeArgs
ShutDown1000: closlib Dos
ShutDown_Out: move.l #RETURN_OK,d0
lib Dos,SetIoErr
bra NoRDArgs
BadNumber: move.l #ERROR_BAD_NUMBER,d1
lib Dos,SetIoErr
bra NoRDArgs
TooManyArgs: move.l #ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGS,d1
lib Dos,SetIoErr
; bra NoRDArgs ;CAREFUL HERE!!
NoRDArgs: lib Dos,IoErr
move.l d0,d1
clr.l d2
lib Dos,PrintFault
bra ShutDown
Printer: printa a0
PutChProc: tst.b d0
beq PutChProc_OUT
move.b d0,(a3)+
PutChProc_OUT: rts
;Structures & reservations
RDArgs1: dc.l 0
ActionLogin: dc.l 0
ActionLogout: dc.l 0
TTYPointer: dc.l 0
UserPointer: dc.l 0
;Options, Settings and other stuff
CurrentTTY: dc.b 0
Kludge_1000: dc.b 0 ;FILL FILL FILL
Hours: dc.w 0
Minutes: dc.w 0
UpDays: dc.l 0
DaysString: dc.l PluralString1
UpHours: dc.w 0
UpMinutes: dc.w 0
Users: dc.w 0
UsersString: dc.l PluralString1
PluralString1: dc.b 's,',0
SingleString1: dc.b ', ',0
LoadAvgName: dc.b "ENV:UT_loadavg",0
UpTimeName: dc.b "ENV:NUT_timeval",0
UpTimeConsole: dc.b "ENV:NUT_console",0
UpTimeTTY: dc.b "ENV:NUT_ttyp"
TTY: dc.b 0,0
;Error strings etc...
;Information & other strings
ds.w 0
CLTemplate1: dc.b "LOGIN/S,LOGOUT/S,TTY/K,USER/K",0
dc.b "$VER: Uptime 1.04 (14.2.93) (C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka 1993",0
fstrl1: dc.b " %02.2d:%02d up %ld day%s %02.2d:%02.2d, %2.2d user%s load average: ",0
UpTimeText1: dcb.b 100,0
EndText1: dc.b 13,10,0
ds.w 0
DateTime1: dc.l 0 ;days past 1978
dc.l 0 ;mins past 00:00
dc.l 0 ;ticks past min
TTYTaskNum: dc.l 0 ;pr_TaskNum
TTYUser: dcb.b 20,0 ;user on this tty
TTYReal: dcb.b 20,0 ;users' real name
UpTimeBuf: dcb.b 3*4,0 ;read NUT_timeval here
LoadAvgBuf: dcb.b 20,0 ;read UT_loadavg here