Fresh Fish 8
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65 lines
Current version: SimCheat 1.06 (C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka 1991
Version Date Description
1.07 15200 03/10/91 Added some size. Updated version number to
1.07. Uploaded to MITS.
1.06 11632 01/05/91 Problem with program name not fixed. Rework-
ed whole help-system (you'll most likely see
it in my other programs also). File size
grew a lot though, so if you don't play PoC,
save version 1.04. New optimization needed,
_not_ done in this version.
1.05 ---- --/05/91 Added stuff for Ports of Call. Thinking about
renaming again. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION.
1.04 7456 01/05/91 Optimized code. Size from version 1.03 (7732)
to version 1.04 (7556) dropped quite a bit!
(Don't forget that I ADDED stuff to the pro-
gram also...) Added ability to handle quotes.
This means you can have spaces in your file-
names. Fixed some CSHELL bugs still in code.
Added version number into CLI help text.
Fixed menus by 1 pixel :)
BUGS: Unknown.
1.03 7732 30/04/91 Fixed bug that stopped program from working
with CSHELL. Added some error texts and added
NIL: so the texts go there if run from WB.
Changed icon a little bit.
1.02 7720 27/04/91 Fixed bug that crashed program when run from
28/04/91 the WB and the map was in a directory (!)
29/04/91 and not in the root. Fixed font bug. Added
Zoom gadget for 2.0. Fixed bug that caused
Workbench to think it has lots and lots of
visitor windows (_LVOUNLOCKPUBSCREEN =
_LVOLOCKPUBSCREEN). Added text after the
change has been made (so you don't start
wondering why isn't anything happening,
when its actually been done already...)
Checked the docs.
1.01 6984 26/04/91 Added some Workbench stuff. Now added an
27/04/91 icon to the program. Fixed little bug that
stopped CHEAT! (from menus) from working the
first time it was selected. Updated docs.
1.00 6320 19/04/91 Added a dollar sign into the window. Fixed bug
that stopped program from working through the
DOS-interface. Tested program also with 68000.
Changed string gadget border from image to
real border. Checked the documents. Added
check for files when using the DOS-interface.
Changed name from SimCCheat to SimCheat.
Added font stuff, so when 60-column mode set
in prefs, the texts come out OK.
0.00a- 6144 18/04/91 Wrote the program. Included DOS- and Intuition
0.99a interface, possibility to change amount of
money for city, tested with 68020, KS 1.3/2.0.