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========================== Contents of Disk 360 ==========================
This is disk 360 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
and news. This is Matt's version for the Amiga, based
on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news
code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by Matt to
make fixes and add enhancements. This is version 1.06D,
an update to version 1.03D on disk 313. Includes source.
Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
========================== Contents of Disk 361 ==========================
This is disk 361 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Brush_4D Converts IFF images into Sculpt 4D object format. Works
with any IFF image, including HAM & Extra Halfbrite.
Convert brushes in full color, with optional wrap, to 3D
shapes. Also includes optimization routine.
Version 1.00, shareware, binary only.
Author: Bruce Thomson
FileMaster A file editor like NewZap or FedUp, which allows you to
manipulate bytes of a file. You may also change the file
size or execute a patch. Version 1.20, update to version
on disk number 298, includes source in assembly.
Author: Roger Fischlin
TextPaint Version 0.97 of the Ansi editor. Several significant
enhancements and bug fixes since the release of version
0.90 on disk number 346. Binary only.
Author: Oliver Wagner
Turn An interesting board game with the simplicity of checkers
yet requiring the "move-lookahead" of a good chess player.
Binary only.
Author: Peter Handel
XColor-Lib Link library with a full-fledged color requestor along with
several color functions like copy, spread, exchange, antique
black & white, etc. to aid in creating your own custom
color requestors. Contains several demos along with include
files for C, AmigaBasic, DevPac Assember and KickPascal.
Author: Roger Fischlin
========================== Contents of Disk 362 ==========================
This is disk 362 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ArchEdge Intuition interface for several of the more popular
archiving utilities such as ARC, ZOO, LHARC and PAK.
Includes an "Auto-Pad" function that will automatically
add some morsels for the modem. Version 1.5, includes
assembly source.
Author: Robert Lang
Fenster A program which can operate on windows owned by another
program, to close them, change their size, refresh gadgets,
move the window to the background, etc. This is version
2.2, an update to version 2.1 on disk 305. Includes
source in assembly.
Author: Roger Fischlin
Strategic, "RISK" style game for up to four players.
Based in the ancient times of Rome, Athens, Alexandria
and Carthago. Binary only, shareware ($10), with C source
available from the author. Version 1.50E.
Author: Roland Richter
KeyMenu Allows fast, easy access to pull-down menus from the keyboard
without having to remember all the special amiga key sequences
Version 1.01, binary only.
Author: Rainer Salamon
MemRoutines Some "plug-compatible" replacements for the Lattice C
functions memcpy(), memcmp(), and memset(). Unlike the
Lattice functions that deal with data one-byte at a time,
these versions deal with longword chunks, which can improve
performance of Amigas equipped with a 68020 or 68030.
Includes source in assembly.
Author: Robert Broughton
PUZZ Very nice implementation of the sliding-block-puzzle concept.
Good graphics and the ability to create your own puzzles
using an IFF ILBM file and a text file. Includes source and
several sample puzzles. Version 1.0.
Author: Martin Round
Rubik Another 3D Rubik's cube solver independantly authored from
the version on disk #285. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Martin Round
sMOVIE A smooth scrolling text displayer, useful for creating
video titles, slide show intros, etc. Includes source.
Author: Martin Round
========================== Contents of Disk 363 ==========================
This is disk 363 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BootBase Another bootblock save/restore utility. Includes
an auto-compare function. Includes source.
Author: Steven Lagerweij
LabelPrint3.5 A program that allows you to easily print labels for
your disks. This is version 3.5, an update to version
3.0 from disk 277. Shareware, binary only (source
available from author).
Author: Andreas Krebs
MigaMind A small WorkBench "Master-Mind" type game. Includes
Author: Ekke Verheul
PLW Phone-Line-Watcher. For users of Hayes compatible modems.
Monitors the serial port and records all incoming calls.
Current version only allows remote user to receive a
predetermined message, login, and leave a reply. Possible
updates will allow them access to AmigaDos. Version 1.1,
binary only.
Author: Christian Fries
RandSam Plays random soundsamples at random times, with random
volume, random cycles, and a bit random period. It will
definitely catch the attention of the unsuspecting Amiga
user (particularly one that has the stereo turned up!) when
a lion suddenly roars as they're typing away on their
favorite word processor! User modifiable start-up
configuration file. Include source and some sample sounds.
Author: Steven Lagerweij
SampleScanner By-passes the Amiga Dos file system and scans a disk directly,
block by block, for sound samples. Allows you to "hear" the
disk as it is being scanned. If a sample is found, it can
be saved to disk for editing, direct use, etc.
Author: Steven Lagerweij
WO An intuition-based address book that allows saving of
data in normal or password-encoded form. Version 1.0,
includes partial source, (password encoding routines not
Author: Heinzelmann
========================== Contents of Disk 364 ==========================
This is disk 364 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Aniptrs2 Some more animated pointers to choose from to "liven"
up your display environment. Binary only.
Author: Bob McKain, pointer animation program by Tim Kemp
DPFFT Update to version on disk number 324. DPFFT includes
the ability to plot a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the
data, customized amplitude and phase spectrum, prewhitening
capability, and a Welch window for spectral smoothing.
Version 2.2, binary only.
Author: A. A. Walma
Iconaholism A selection of some very nice looking icons designed for
an 8-color WorkBench. Includes script files to view the
icons in their intended colors.
Author: R.G.Tambash
MemLook Similar to "MemFlick" on disk #206. For lack of a better
explanation, it gives sort of a graphical view of your
machine's entire memory area. Features memory guage and
controllable scrolling speed via the cursor keys.
Version 1.1B, binary only, source available from author
Author: Thomas Jansen
SNAG_Pointers Results of the Southern Nevada Amiga Groups (SNAG)
first animated pointer contest.
Authors: Various, pointer animation program by Tim Kemp
========================== Contents of Disk 365 ==========================
This is disk 365 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Badger Reminder program for your startup-sequence. Badger will
open a window and display any important events that are
'due'. Badger will not bother you if there is nothing to
report. Events are entered via menu and prompts. Binary
only, shareware.
Author: George Kerber
DmeAsm A utility for those who use Matt Dillon's Dme editor and
HighSoft's DevPac Assembler. DmeAsm is a C