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Amiga Catalog Translation file  |  1994-10-11  |  14KB  |  650 lines

  1. ## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX)
  2. ## codeset X
  3. ## language X
  4. MsgMenuProject
  5. ; Project
  6. MsgProjectNewGame
  7. ; New Game
  8. MsgProjectStartGame
  9. ; Start Game
  10. MsgProjectSolveForMate
  11. ; Solve for Mate ...
  12. MsgProjectStopGame
  13. ; Stop Game
  14. MsgProjectSaveGame
  15. ; Save Game ...
  16. MsgProjectSaveMovelist
  17. ; Save Movelist ...
  18. MsgProjectPrintMovelist
  19. ; Print Movelist ...
  20. MsgProjectGiveUp
  21. ; Give Up ...
  22. MsgProjectOfferRemis
  23. ; Offer Draw ...
  24. MsgProjectAbout
  25. ; About ...
  26. MsgProjectQuit
  27. ; Quit
  28. MsgMenuPlayers
  29. ; Players
  30. MsgPlayersHumanHuman
  31. ; Human-Human
  32. MsgPlayersHumanAmiga
  33. ; Human-Amiga
  34. MsgPlayersAmigaHuman
  35. ; Amiga-Human
  36. MsgPlayersAmigaAmiga
  37. ; Amiga-Amiga
  38. MsgMenuTime
  39. ; Time
  40. MsgTime10Secs
  41. ; 10 Secs
  42. MsgTime20Secs
  43. ; 20 Secs
  44. MsgTime30Secs
  45. ; 30 Secs
  46. MsgTime1Min
  47. ; 1 Min
  48. MsgTime2Mins
  49. ; 2 Mins
  50. MsgTime3Mins
  51. ; 3 Mins
  52. MsgTime5Mins
  53. ; 5 Mins
  54. MsgTime10Mins
  55. ; 10 Mins
  56. MsgTime30Mins
  57. ; 30 Mins
  58. MsgTime1Hour
  59. ; 1 Hour
  60. MsgTime3Hours
  61. ; 3 Hours
  62. MsgTime8Hours
  63. ; 8 Hours
  64. MsgTime12Hours
  65. ; 12 Hours
  66. MsgTime24Hours
  67. ; 24 Hours
  68. MsgTimeInfinite
  69. ; Infinite
  70. MsgTimeCustom
  71. ; Custom ...
  72. MsgTimeEqual
  73. ; Equal ?
  74. MsgTimeFull
  75. ; Full ?
  76. MsgMenuThinklist
  77. ; Thinklist
  78. MsgThinklistRefresh
  79. ; H\x00Refresh
  80. MsgThinklistRefreshSort
  81. ; S\x00Refresh & Sort
  82. MsgThinklistShowOldList
  83. ; Show old List
  84. MsgThinklistShowOldListSorted
  85. ; Show old List sorted
  86. MsgThinklistShowBestChain
  87. ; C\x00Show best Chain
  88. MsgThinklistBeepIfUpdated
  89. ; Beep if updated ?
  90. MsgThinklistShowSorted
  91. ; Show sorted ?
  92. MsgThinklistUpdateDisplay
  93. ; Update Display
  94. MsgThinklistUpdateDisplayIfChanged
  95. ; If changed ?
  96. MsgThinklistUpdateDisplayAutomatic
  97. ; Automatic ?
  98. MsgThinklistUpdateDisplayNoUpdate
  99. ; No Update ?
  100. MsgThinklistRefreshIf
  101. ; Refresh if
  102. MsgThinklistRefreshIfComputersTurn
  103. ; It's Computer's turn ?
  104. MsgThinklistRefreshIfYourTurn
  105. ; It's Your turn ?
  106. MsgThinklistUpdateMoveChain
  107. ; Update MoveChain
  108. MsgThinklistUpdateMoveChainBestMove
  109. ; Best Move ?
  110. MsgThinklistUpdateMoveChainCurrentMove
  111. ; Current Move ?
  112. MsgThinklistUpdateMoveChainNoUpdate
  113. ; No Update ?
  114. MsgMenuDisplay
  115. ; Display
  116. MsgDisplayShowMovelist
  117. ; Show Movelist
  118. MsgDisplayShowThinking
  119. ; Show Thinking
  120. MsgDisplayShowMoveChain
  121. ; Show MoveChain
  122. MsgDisplayRotate
  123. ; Rotate
  124. MsgDisplayRotate90p
  125. ; 90+
  126. MsgDisplayRotate180
  127. ; 180
  128. MsgDisplayRotate90m
  129. ; 90-
  130. MsgDisplayChangeColors
  131. ; Change Colors ...
  132. MsgDisplayChangeColorsWhiteStonesA
  133. ; White Pieces A
  134. MsgDisplayChangeColorsWhiteStonesB
  135. ; White Pieces B
  136. MsgDisplayChangeColorsBlackStonesA
  137. ; Black Pieces A
  138. MsgDisplayChangeColorsBlackStonesB
  139. ; Black Pieces B
  140. MsgDisplayChangeColorsWhiteSquaresA
  141. ; White Squares A
  142. MsgDisplayChangeColorsWhiteSquaresB
  143. ; White Squares B
  144. MsgDisplayChangeColorsBlackSquaresA
  145. ; Black Squares A
  146. MsgDisplayChangeColorsBlackSquaresB
  147. ; Black Squares B
  148. MsgDisplayChangeColorsBoardBorder
  149. ; Board-Border
  150. MsgDisplayChangeColorsBoardText
  151. ; Board-Text
  152. MsgDisplayChangeColorsRectangle
  153. ; Rectangle
  154. MsgDisplayChangePatterns
  155. ; Change Patterns ...
  156. MsgDisplayChangePatternsWhiteStones
  157. ; White Pieces
  158. MsgDisplayChangePatternsBlackStones
  159. ; Black Pieces
  160. MsgDisplayChangePatternsWhiteSquares
  161. ; White Squares
  162. MsgDisplayChangePatternsBlackSquares
  163. ; Black Squares
  164. MsgDisplaySetupMode
  165. ; Setup Mode ?
  166. MsgDisplayCoordinates
  167. ; Coordinates ?
  168. MsgDisplayChessClock
  169. ; Chess Clock ?
  170. MsgDisplaySquareframes
  171. ; Squareframes
  172. MsgDisplaySquareframesWhite
  173. ; White ?
  174. MsgDisplaySquareframesBlack
  175. ; Black ?
  176. MsgDisplayChangeScreen
  177. ; Change Screen ...
  178. MsgDisplayScreenfont
  179. ; Screenfont ...
  180. MsgDisplayTextfont
  181. ; Textfont ...
  182. MsgMenuSetUp
  183. ; Set Up
  184. MsgSetUpLoadGame
  185. ; O\x00Load Game ...
  186. MsgSetUpFirstMove
  187. ; F\x00First Move
  188. MsgSetUpNextMove
  189. ; N\x00Next Move
  190. MsgSetUpPreviousMove
  191. ; P\x00Previous Move
  192. MsgSetUpLastMove
  193. ; L\x00Last Move
  194. MsgSetUpReplay
  195. ; Replay Game ...
  196. MsgSetUpClearBoard
  197. ; Clear Board
  198. MsgSetUpBuildUp
  199. ; Build Up
  200. MsgSetUpReset
  201. ; Reset
  202. MsgSetUpWhitesTurn
  203. ; White's turn
  204. MsgSetUpBlacksTurn
  205. ; Black's turn
  206. MsgMenuConfig
  207. ; Config
  208. MsgConfigLoad
  209. ; Load ...
  210. MsgConfigSave
  211. ; Save
  212. MsgConfigSaveAs
  213. ; Save As ...
  214. MsgConfigLastSaved
  215. ; Last Saved
  216. MsgConfigResetToDefaults
  217. ; Reset to defaults
  218. MsgMenuExtras
  219. ; Extras
  220. MsgExtrasStoreThisPos
  221. ; 1\x00Store this Pos.
  222. MsgExtrasRestoreOldPos
  223. ; 2\x00Restore old Pos.
  224. MsgExtrasSetWhitesAggr
  225. ; Set White's Aggr. ...
  226. MsgExtrasSetBlacksAggr
  227. ; Set Black's Aggr. ...
  228. MsgExtrasValuation
  229. ; V\x00Valuation
  230. MsgExtrasBreak
  231. ; B\x00Break
  232. MsgExtrasUndoLastMove
  233. ; U\x00Undo last Move
  234. MsgExtrasRedoTheMove
  235. ; R\x00Redo the Move
  236. MsgExtrasPause
  237. ; Pause
  238. MsgExtrasSetTaskPri
  239. ; Set Task Pri. ...
  240. MsgExtrasCreateIcons
  241. ; Create Icons ?
  242. MsgExtrasUseOpenings
  243. ; Use Openings ?
  244. MsgExtrasTeaching
  245. ; Teaching ?
  246. MsgExtrasSound
  247. ; Sound ?
  248. MsgExtrasPlayMode
  249. ; PlayMode
  250. MsgExtrasPlayModeReduce
  251. ; Reduce ?
  252. MsgExtrasPlayModeExtend
  253. ; Extend ?
  254. MsgExtrasPlayModeEstimate
  255. ; Estimate ?
  256. MsgExtrasPlayModeStrategy
  257. ; Strategy ?
  258. MsgExtrasRandom
  259. ; Random
  260. MsgExtrasRandom0
  261. ; 0\x00
  262. MsgExtrasRandom25
  263. MsgExtrasRandom50
  264. MsgExtrasRandom100
  265. ; 100
  266. MsgExtrasRandomCustom
  267. ; Custom ...
  268. MsgExtrasBlinken
  269. ; Blinken
  270. MsgExtrasBlinken0
  271. ; 0\x00
  272. MsgExtrasBlinken1
  273. ; 1\x00
  274. MsgExtrasBlinken3
  275. ; 3\x00
  276. MsgExtrasBlinken5
  277. ; 5\x00
  278. MsgMenuOpenings
  279. ; Openings
  280. MsgOpeningsAddThisGame
  281. ; Add this Game ...
  282. MsgOpeningsDeleteActual
  283. ; Delete actual
  284. MsgOpeningsDeleteByName
  285. ; Delete by name ...
  286. MsgOpeningsDumpToFile
  287. ; Dump to File ...
  288. MsgOpeningsSaveAllEntries
  289. ; Save all Entries
  290. MsgPawnKnightBishopRookQueenKing
  291. ; \x20NBRQK
  292. MsgCaptureChar
  293. MsgSimpelMoveChar
  294. MsgCheckChar
  295. MsgCheckmateChar
  296. MsgSpaceChar
  297. ; \x20
  298. MsgSmallRochade
  299. ; \x200 - 0
  300. MsgBigRochade
  301. ; \x200-0-0
  302. MsgEnPassant
  303. ; e.p.
  304. MsgWhiteIsCheckmate
  305. MsgBlackIsCheckmate
  306. MsgWhiteIsStalemate
  307. MsgBlackIsStalemate
  308. MsgWrongKingNumber
  309. ; Wrong number of kings on board !
  310. MsgCanBeatYourKing
  311. ; I can beat your king !
  312. MsgColumnsText
  313. ; abcdefgh
  314. MsgColumnsBoard
  315. ; abcdefgh
  316. MsgRows
  317. ; 12345678
  318. MsgRegularGame
  319. ; (Regular Game)
  320. MsgArtificalGame
  321. ; (Artifical Game)
  322. MsgFile
  323. ; File:\x20
  324. MsgGameComment
  325. ; Comment:\x20
  326. MsgChessOpenings
  327. ; Chess-Openings:
  328. MsgWhite
  329. ; White:\x20
  330. MsgBlack
  331. ; Black:\x20
  332. MsgModuleMemoryHalt
  333. ; Dangerous unexpected error in module Memory\nError-Number:
  334. MsgModuleMemoryStrange
  335. ; Unexpected error in module Memory\nError-Number:
  336. MsgModuleBoardHalt
  337. ; Dangerous unexpected error in module Board\nError-Number:
  338. MsgModuleBoardStrange
  339. ; Unexpected error in module Board\nError-Number:
  340. MsgModuleBrainHalt
  341. ; Dangerous unexpected error in module Brain\nError-Number:
  342. MsgModuleBrainStrange
  343. ; Unexpected error in module Brain\nError-Number:
  344. MsgGain
  345. ; Gain:\x20\x20
  346. MsgAbort
  347. ; Abort
  348. MsgAcceptRemisBlack
  349. ; Black player:\nDo you accept a draw ?
  350. MsgAcceptRemisWhite
  351. ; White player:\nDo you accept a draw ?
  352. MsgAddedThisOpeningToLib
  353. ; Added this Opening to library
  354. MsgAddOpening
  355. ; Enter name of Opening
  356. MsgAskPublicScreen
  357. ; Name of existing Public Screen ?
  358. MsgBlackGaveUp
  359. ; Black player gave up !
  360. MsgBlackComputerGivesUp
  361. ; Black player (Computer) gives up !
  362. MsgBlackLeadsWith
  363. ; Black leads with\x20
  364. MsgBlackOfferedRemis
  365. ; Black player offered a draw, White accepted !
  366. MsgBlackSquaresColorA
  367. ; Color A for black squares ?
  368. MsgBlackSquaresColorB
  369. ; Color B for black squares ?
  370. MsgBlackSquaresPattern
  371. ; Pattern for black squares ?
  372. MsgBlackStonesColorA
  373. ; Color A for black pieces ?
  374. MsgBlackStonesColorB
  375. ; Color B for black pieces ?
  376. MsgBlackStonesPattern
  377. ; Pattern for black pieces ?
  378. MsgBlackString
  379. ; .\x20Black:\x20
  380. MsgBlankMove
  381. ; ---\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20
  382. MsgBuildupMode
  383. ; Buildup-Mode
  384. MsgBoardIsModified
  385. ; Board is modified !
  386. MsgReplayMode
  387. ; Replay-Mode
  388. MsgPlayMode
  389. ; Playing
  390. MsgPlayingAborted
  391. ; Playing aborted !
  392. MsgCantCloseWindow
  393. ; Can't close Window !
  394. MsgCantCreateIcon
  395. ; Can't create Icon !
  396. MsgCantCreateMenus
  397. ; Can't create Menus !
  398. MsgCantCreateMsgPort
  399. ; Can't create Messageport !
  400. MsgCantDeleteOpening
  401. ; Can't delete Opening !
  402. MsgCantDoThisAction
  403. ; Can't do this action !
  404. MsgCantDumpOpenings
  405. ; Can't dump Openings !
  406. MsgCantGetVisualInfo
  407. ; Can't get Visual Info !
  408. MsgCantLoadConfig
  409. ; Can't load configuration file !
  410. MsgCantLockPubScreen
  411. ; Can't lock Public Screen !
  412. MsgCantMoveStones
  413. ; Can't move pieces !
  414. MsgCantOpenFile
  415. ; Can't open file !
  416. MsgCantOpenTimer
  417. ; Can't open Timer !
  418. MsgCantOpenWindow
  419. ; Can't open Window !
  420. MsgCantPrintMovelist
  421. ; Can't print Movelist !
  422. MsgCantRedoMove
  423. ; No Move to redo !
  424. MsgCantResizeWindow
  425. ; Can't resize Window !
  426. MsgCantSaveConfig
  427. ; Can't save Configuration !
  428. MsgCantSaveG