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VChess 3.1 - A Chess game for Amiga-Computers (OS 2.0+)
© 1993-1994 by Stefan Salewski
All Rights Reserved
Copyright and other legal stuff
VChess is NOT a PD-Program, but Shareware! VChess and all other files of
this package (except the ReqTools.library) are Copyright © 1993-1994 by
Stefan Salewski.
In spite of several tests, no warranty is made that there are no errors in
VChess. YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK. In no case I will be liable
for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting by the use of VChess.
The complete VChess 3.1-Package contains the following files:
File or directory Size Meaning
VChess 107092 Mainprogram, V3.1, © S.Salewski
VChess.doc 55495 English documentation
VChess.dok 71502 German documentation
VChessOpenings 23612 148 Chessopenings
Product-Info 2000 For KingFisher 2.0 or similar tools.
ReqToolsLibrary Dir ReqTools.library V38.1194 © N. Francois
Games Dir Three saved games.
Text Dir A game saved as text file.
Icons Dir Icons for games, text and configurations
Catalogs Dir Catalog for german language
Configs Dir Two configurations
Checkmates Dir A solved mate in 2, and an unsolved one.
Catalog-Translations Dir English, deutsch and empty
Distribution of VChess is only allowed if the following conditions are
All these files must remain unmodified. None of these files may be
distributed on its own, the entire package must be distributed together.
(It is allowed to distribute this package without ReqTools.library,
because I think nearly everybody will have it already, or to replace this
library with a never release.)
(It is allowed to archive these files with archiving-programs like LHA
(© Stefan Boberg) if it is possible to retrieve the files from the archive
in their original state.)
Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
collections, especially in Fred Fish's Amiga FD-Disk Library (including CD
ROM versions of it).
The complete package may be (in archived form) uploaded to Bulletin Board
Systems or FTP servers.
PD-dealers and other people who want to distribute VChess are only allowed
to take money for the floppy disk and copying efforts. Nobody may take
more than $5(US) or DM 5 for the disk with VChess. This is also valid if
there is other software besides VChess on the Disk.
The distribution of VChess in "Software Packages" (more than one disk)
together with other Software is only allowed with my written permission if
the package cost more than US$ 5 or DM 5.
The distribution of VChess on CD-ROM is only allowed if the CD-ROM
contains the contents of FD-Disks (for example Fish 500-1000) or if the
price of the CD-ROM in not greater than US$1 per megabyte. This means,
that nobody may sell a CD-ROM containing VChess and 100 Megabytes of other
software for a price greater than US$100.
Distribution of VChess together with commercial software is forbidden.
Distribution of VChess 3.1 on "Coverdisk" of Computer magazines is only
allowed if the following three conditions are met:
-The price of magazine (including the coverdisk) may not be greater than
-The disk must be freely distributable, so that everybody who bought the
magazine can copy the disk for his friends.
-And the magazine must tell all of the purchasers that the author of
VChess got no money from the magazine.
(The reason why I make such strong restrictions about Coverdisks is as
following: Some magazines copied VChess 2.0 on their coverdisk without
asking me for permission or informing me about it. I think, that somebody
who got VChess from such Coverdisk may think, that I got some money from
the magazine, and he may suppose that it is not so important to pay the
shareware-donation. But of course this is not true. None of these
magazines gave me anything for it. So even people, who got VChess from an
expensive Coverdisk, have to pay their contribution.)
Of course it is reserved for me to forbid single companies or persons the
distribution of VChess.
User of VChess should regard this: An empty Floppy-Disk costs less than
US$1, and copying VChess takes less than two minutes. If you paid more
than US$3 for the disk with VChess, then this was quite expensive. But if
you have paid more than US$5, this was too much. Try to get your money
back, and tell me about it.
What is new in release 3.1 ?
Well, there are many improvements and new features. I can't state all of
them here, so even if you are familiar with release 2.0, it is recommended
to read this documentation carefully. The greatest improvement is the new
window called "Move-Chain". If you now click one an entry in the
"Thinking..."-Window, then you can see the whole movechain in the
"Move-Chain"-Window. Now VChess adapts itself to the user preferred
language using Locale.library if running under OS 2.1+. (Currently
"deutsch" is the only additional language beside the built-in English
language.) I think that the playing-strength in much better now. And this
version of VChess will not need the Garbage-Collector.library.
(Some weeks ago some registered VChess-User got release 3.0 of VChess.
Unfortunately there are a few small bugs in release 3.0, so all people who
got release 3.0 should substitute it with the actual release 3.1.)
(Please note that it is not possible to use old 2.0-datafiles, like
configuration files, saved games or the opening-library with VChess 3.1.)
VChess is written fully in Oberon language, and was developed on an Amiga
3000 using Amiga Oberon V 3.11 (© Fridtjof Siebert). With the help of
OS 2.0, ReqTools.library and Amiga-Oberon, I have produced a compact,
powerful and easy to use program. To run this program, you need an Amiga
with OS 2.0 or greater, and additional the ReqTools.library
(© Nico Francois). If the ReqTools.library is not part of this package,
you can find it for example in the "March/April 1994 FreshFish CDROM"
(New/util/libs Version 2.2) or on the AmigaLibDisk 794 (version 2.1a).
Please note that there exists a Preferences-Editor for ReqTools.library.
You can use this Editor (not part of this package) to modify the behaviour
of the ReqTools.library. VChess needs not much memory. Without the use of
the Opening-library, it may be possible to use VChess on an Amiga with
only 512 K. The normal stacksize of 4096 Byte should be enough too.
Copy, if not already installed, the ReqTools.library to LIBS:. This is
all. Now you can start VChess from Workbench with Double-Click. If you
want to install VChess on your hard disk, it is best to copy the whole
VChess-Drawer to hard disk, because this drawer contains the
Opening-Library and other things. VChess can use Catalog-files to adapt
itself to other languages than English. VChess searches for these
catalogfiles in PROGDIR:Catalogs/language. Where PROGDIR: is the directory
in which VChess resides. If, for example, your preferred system-language
is "deutsch", then VChess will load
"PROGDIR:Catalogs/deutsch/VChess.catalog". You can copy the catalogfile to
LOCALE:catalogs/language, VChess will find it there too, but I think it's
better to leave the catalogfiles in the VChess-Drawer. (You can use VChess
without its VChess-Drawer, but this is not recommendable because many
additional files like the opening-library, saved games, Icons