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Text File | 1994-10-17 | 54.2 KB | 1,229 lines |
- VChess 3.1 - A Chess game for Amiga-Computers (OS 2.0+)
- © 1993-1994 by Stefan Salewski
- All Rights Reserved
- Copyright and other legal stuff
- VChess is NOT a PD-Program, but Shareware! VChess and all other files of
- this package (except the ReqTools.library) are Copyright © 1993-1994 by
- Stefan Salewski.
- In spite of several tests, no warranty is made that there are no errors in
- VChess. YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK. In no case I will be liable
- for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting by the use of VChess.
- The complete VChess 3.1-Package contains the following files:
- File or directory Size Meaning
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VChess 107092 Mainprogram, V3.1, © S.Salewski
- VChess.doc 55495 English documentation
- VChess.dok 71502 German documentation
- VChessOpenings 23612 148 Chessopenings
- Product-Info 2000 For KingFisher 2.0 or similar tools.
- ReqToolsLibrary Dir ReqTools.library V38.1194 © N. Francois
- Games Dir Three saved games.
- Text Dir A game saved as text file.
- Icons Dir Icons for games, text and configurations
- Catalogs Dir Catalog for german language
- Configs Dir Two configurations
- Checkmates Dir A solved mate in 2, and an unsolved one.
- Catalog-Translations Dir English, deutsch and empty
- Distribution of VChess is only allowed if the following conditions are
- fulfilled:
- All these files must remain unmodified. None of these files may be
- distributed on its own, the entire package must be distributed together.
- (It is allowed to distribute this package without ReqTools.library,
- because I think nearly everybody will have it already, or to replace this
- library with a never release.)
- (It is allowed to archive these files with archiving-programs like LHA
- (© Stefan Boberg) if it is possible to retrieve the files from the archive
- in their original state.)
- Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
- collections, especially in Fred Fish's Amiga FD-Disk Library (including CD
- ROM versions of it).
- The complete package may be (in archived form) uploaded to Bulletin Board
- Systems or FTP servers.
- PD-dealers and other people who want to distribute VChess are only allowed
- to take money for the floppy disk and copying efforts. Nobody may take
- more than $5(US) or DM 5 for the disk with VChess. This is also valid if
- there is other software besides VChess on the Disk.
- The distribution of VChess in "Software Packages" (more than one disk)
- together with other Software is only allowed with my written permission if
- the package cost more than US$ 5 or DM 5.
- The distribution of VChess on CD-ROM is only allowed if the CD-ROM
- contains the contents of FD-Disks (for example Fish 500-1000) or if the
- price of the CD-ROM in not greater than US$1 per megabyte. This means,
- that nobody may sell a CD-ROM containing VChess and 100 Megabytes of other
- software for a price greater than US$100.
- Distribution of VChess together with commercial software is forbidden.
- Distribution of VChess 3.1 on "Coverdisk" of Computer magazines is only
- allowed if the following three conditions are met:
- -The price of magazine (including the coverdisk) may not be greater than
- $7(US).
- -The disk must be freely distributable, so that everybody who bought the
- magazine can copy the disk for his friends.
- -And the magazine must tell all of the purchasers that the author of
- VChess got no money from the magazine.
- (The reason why I make such strong restrictions about Coverdisks is as
- following: Some magazines copied VChess 2.0 on their coverdisk without
- asking me for permission or informing me about it. I think, that somebody
- who got VChess from such Coverdisk may think, that I got some money from
- the magazine, and he may suppose that it is not so important to pay the
- shareware-donation. But of course this is not true. None of these
- magazines gave me anything for it. So even people, who got VChess from an
- expensive Coverdisk, have to pay their contribution.)
- Of course it is reserved for me to forbid single companies or persons the
- distribution of VChess.
- User of VChess should regard this: An empty Floppy-Disk costs less than
- US$1, and copying VChess takes less than two minutes. If you paid more
- than US$3 for the disk with VChess, then this was quite expensive. But if
- you have paid more than US$5, this was too much. Try to get your money
- back, and tell me about it.
- What is new in release 3.1 ?
- Well, there are many improvements and new features. I can't state all of
- them here, so even if you are familiar with release 2.0, it is recommended
- to read this documentation carefully. The greatest improvement is the new
- window called "Move-Chain". If you now click one an entry in the
- "Thinking..."-Window, then you can see the whole movechain in the
- "Move-Chain"-Window. Now VChess adapts itself to the user preferred
- language using Locale.library if running under OS 2.1+. (Currently
- "deutsch" is the only additional language beside the built-in English
- language.) I think that the playing-strength in much better now. And this
- version of VChess will not need the Garbage-Collector.library.
- (Some weeks ago some registered VChess-User got release 3.0 of VChess.
- Unfortunately there are a few small bugs in release 3.0, so all people who
- got release 3.0 should substitute it with the actual release 3.1.)
- (Please note that it is not possible to use old 2.0-datafiles, like
- configuration files, saved games or the opening-library with VChess 3.1.)
- Introduction
- VChess is written fully in Oberon language, and was developed on an Amiga
- 3000 using Amiga Oberon V 3.11 (© Fridtjof Siebert). With the help of
- OS 2.0, ReqTools.library and Amiga-Oberon, I have produced a compact,
- powerful and easy to use program. To run this program, you need an Amiga
- with OS 2.0 or greater, and additional the ReqTools.library
- (© Nico Francois). If the ReqTools.library is not part of this package,
- you can find it for example in the "March/April 1994 FreshFish CDROM"
- (New/util/libs Version 2.2) or on the AmigaLibDisk 794 (version 2.1a).
- Please note that there exists a Preferences-Editor for ReqTools.library.
- You can use this Editor (not part of this package) to modify the behaviour
- of the ReqTools.library. VChess needs not much memory. Without the use of
- the Opening-library, it may be possible to use VChess on an Amiga with
- only 512 K. The normal stacksize of 4096 Byte should be enough too.
- Installation
- Copy, if not already installed, the ReqTools.library to LIBS:. This is
- all. Now you can start VChess from Workbench with Double-Click. If you
- want to install VChess on your hard disk, it is best to copy the whole
- VChess-Drawer to hard disk, because this drawer contains the
- Opening-Library and other things. VChess can use Catalog-files to adapt
- itself to other languages than English. VChess searches for these
- catalogfiles in PROGDIR:Catalogs/language. Where PROGDIR: is the directory
- in which VChess resides. If, for example, your preferred system-language
- is "deutsch", then VChess will load
- "PROGDIR:Catalogs/deutsch/VChess.catalog". You can copy the catalogfile to
- LOCALE:catalogs/language, VChess will find it there too, but I think it's
- better to leave the catalogfiles in the VChess-Drawer. (You can use VChess
- without its VChess-Drawer, but this is not recommendable because many
- additional files like the opening-library, saved games, Icons and so on
- belong to VChess.)
- Starting VChess
- The easiest way to start VChess is with a Double-Click on its Icon. But of
- course you can start it from Shell by typing its name and then pressing
- the <Return>-Key. (VChess needs no parameters.) If there is the file
- VChess.config or Configs/VChess.config in the Drawer of VChess, then the
- program uses this file for the startup-configuration, otherwise defaults
- are used.
- First Steps
- Before you go on reading this text, it is better to start VChess now and
- try it out. When the program has started, you can see four windows. The
- big one with the chessboard is the main-window. The other windows are only
- help-windows for showing some information. If one of these four windows is
- active, then you can press the right mousebutton to take a look on the
- Pulldown-Menu. (Don't be sad if the display looks ugly at this time. Many
- things like colours, fonts and screen-resolution can be changed.) Now
- select the menuitem "Config/Reset to defaults" to reset all adjustments to
- defaults. Start the game by selecting "Project/NewGame". Now you play with
- the white pieces against the computer. To move a piece, simply click on it
- with the left mousebutton. (To click means: Move the pointer over the
- chessman, and then press and release the left mousebutton.) Now this piece
- is marked. Now click on the destination-square. If this was a legal move,
- the piece will move from source to destination, and the computer will
- answer with its move. Now it's again your turn, and so on. Don't hesitate
- to test some of the menu-functions. The meaning of most of them should be
- clear, just try it out. Of course you can re-size the windows, or close
- the helpwindows.
- Shareware-Contribution
- I started the development of VChess in summer 1992, and now at the end of
- July 1994 version 3.1 is finally (nearly) finished. I guess, that this
- program took nearly 1500 hours of work till now. I think you can imagine
- how much money the development of this program would have cost a
- software-company, or how much money I could have earned if I had spent
- this time somewhere else. And last not least the costs that the
- development of software causes are not negligeable.
- At the beginning I planed to sell VChess in a commercial way. But because
- even with a commercial distribution it is not secure that the author gets
- a justified amount of money for his work, I decided to distribute VChess
- as Shareware. Shareware means, that the program can be freely copied, so
- that everyone can get it (nearly) free of charge from friends, PD-Dealers
- or by BBS-Systems. But when you like the program, and you want to go on
- using it, you have to send a donation to the author.
- VChess 3.1 is true shareware. This means that there are no restrictions in
- this version. I emphasize this, because many authors have decided to
- release only restricted versions of their software for freely
- distribution. But there are no restrictions in VChess 3.1. This means that
- you can test all functions of VChess, and you don't have to wait many
- weeks after paying the contribution to get the fully functional version
- from the author. And I have the advantage that I save some mailing-work
- and postage.
- So if you like VChess and want to go on using it, please send US$15 or
- DM20 to the following address:
- Stefan Salewski
- Stolper Weg 3
- D-21680 Stade (Germany)
- Please compare this address with the text that you can see if you select
- the menuitem "Project/About". If there are any differences in the
- addresses, this means that somebody has made illegal modifications. In
- this case try to get a clean, unmodified version of VChess. If you live in
- Germany, you can send me a "Verrechnungsscheck" or make an "Überweisung"
- to:
- Stadt-Sparkasse Stade
- Bankleitzahl 24151005
- Kontonummer 823864
- Otherwise I think the best way is if you send me the money in cash. It may
- be possible to send an EuroCheck (only in DM !) or to send me the money by
- postal money order. (But it is impossible for me to cash in foreign
- checks, even if the amount is in DM. I got an check from an English bank
- (DM 20), but I had to send it back because the banks in Stade charge DM 27
- to cash it in.)
- All people, who send me the contribution, will get a postcard or letter
- from me, so that they know that I really got the money. If you should not
- get this notification after six weeks, then something went wrong. (Please
- don't forget to give me your FULL postal address.)
- Playing-Strength
- Of course it is a big difference if you play with a 68000- or
- 68040-processor. On my A3000 I lose most games against the computer, if I
- play with fair conditions. Fair conditions means, that I don't take back
- moves, and that I don't use more thinking-time than the computer. I can't
- make precise statements about it, because I have too many possibilities to
- compare VChess with. The playing-strength of version 2.0 was not very
- great, but I think that in Version 3.1 the playing-strength is not bad.
- The playing-algorithm is completely a development of my own, and I spent
- "only" 600 hours on it. I think that other people thought much more about
- it. The best way is if you test the playing-strength yourself. I think, if
- you lose more than 50% of all games, then the playing-strength is big
- enough for you. Note: If you lost nearly every game, it would be very
- frustrating. Of course, if the playing-strength was very high, it would be
- possible to degrade it artificially. But if you won against the computer,
- you know that the computer have played intentional bad, you would not be
- so glad about your win. If you think that the playing-strength is too low,
- you can tell me. If many people think so, I will try to increase it. For
- my own games the playing-strength is currently big enough.
- The Use of VChess
- After starting VChess, you will see the mainwindow, and perhaps the three
- other windows. The behaviour of the windows is like the windows of the
- Workbench. You can move, re-size and close them. If you close the
- mainwindow, the program will terminate. To move a chessman, simple click
- on it and then on the destination square. (To castle, simple move
- the king. The rook is moved automatically.) If you clicked on a piece, and
- this click was a mistake, just click again on it to delete the selection.
- In the window titled "All Moves" you can see all moves of the current
- game. The algebraic notation is used. "2.Bf1-b5 e7-e5" means, that this
- is the second move, White moved the Bishop from square f1 to square b5,
- and Black moved a pawn from e7 to e5. The letters behind the movenumber
- (2.) have the following meanings:
- P Pawn
- N Knight
- B Bishop
- R Rook
- Q Queen
- K King
- The "P" for a move of a pawn is usually substituted by a space. Some
- special characters are used for special moves: "O - O" or "O-O-O" means
- the small or big rochade (castle). "e.p." indicates the special pawn move
- "En passant". "+" and "#" are used to indicate check and checkmate. "W#"
- means, that White is checkmate, "B#3" means, that Black will be checkmate
- in 3 half-moves. "W*" or "B*" is my own notation if White or Black is
- stalemate.
- The other window titled "Thinking..." shows the valuation of all currently
- possible moves. The numbers on the right side are the valuation of this
- move. The number 100 is equal to the gain of a pawn, -25 is equal to the
- lost of a quarter pawn and so on.
- "3-3 Be4xd5 50" means the following: If the Bishop on square e4 would hit
- the chessman on square d5, this would result in the active player gaining
- of one half pawn. The characters "3-3" describe the deep of thinking, in
- this example three half-moves. (A half-move is a move of a white or a
- black piece.) In this example the computer has calculated for each
- possible move of the active player a move of its opponent, and for each of
- these moves of the opponent again a move of its own. From these three
- half-moves the total gain of this move is calculated, and the computer
- will select the move with the highest total gain. Note that in the average
- a player can make one of 30 possible moves. And for all of these 30
- possible moves there are again 30 moves as a response, and so on. This
- means, if the computer calculates 3 half-moves deep, the computer must
- process 30^3=30*30*30=27000 half-moves. You can think about it as the
- computer building a tree for each possible move. The first half-move is
- the root of a tree, and from this root there are 30 branches to a opposite
- move, and from each opposite move there are again 30 branches to the
- opposite-opposite-moves and so on. Of course such a tree doesn't have to
- be totally symmetric, some branches can be longer (more nodes) and others
- shorter. If an entry begins for example with "3-4", then this means that
- the basic depth of this tree is 3 nodes, but this branch is 4 nodes deep.
- This will occur for example if the third halve-move is a capture. Or
- sometimes you can see entries like "5-3". This means that the basic depth
- of this tree is 5 nodes, but this branch is cut because it looks like a
- bad move.
- The fourth window is called "Move-Chain". If you click on an entry in the
- "Thinking..."-Window, then the movechain of this move is displayed in this
- window. This will help you to understand why the computer thinks that a
- single move is a good or a bad move. The display of this window looks like
- this:
- ------------
- Gain: 40 +3
- Nb8-c6 50
- e4xd5 240
- Qd8xd5 300
- Nf3xe5 70
- ------------
- This means: If the active player made the move "Nb8-c6", his opponent
- would react with e4xd5 and so on. The real gain of the move "Nb8-c6" is
- 50-240+300-70=40. The +3 is a random-number added to the gain, so in the
- "Thinking..."-window the displayed gain is 40+3=43.
- Playing- and Buildup-Mode
- There are two modes: Playing-Mode, and Buildup-Mode. In the Buildup-Mode
- you can move pieces without any restrictions. In Playing-Mode you can do
- only legal moves, and the chess clocks are running. The Buildup-Mode
- contains a special sub-mode, called Replay-Mode. Replay-mode means, that
- there is a game in memory (just played or loaded). In this case you can
- use the menu items "Next Move", "Previous Move" etc. to replay it, and you
- can save the game. If you are in Replay-Mode and modify the board by
- moving pieces, you will go to the plain Buildup-Mode. If you are in the
- plain Buildup-Mode, then you can save only the contents of the board
- without any moves.
- Titleline of the Mainwindow
- The windowtitle is used for displaying various information, for example
- error-reports or the last move. If the computer has done a move, you can
- see in () which opening the computer uses, or the computing-power of the
- computer in moves per second, Mps (really Half-moves).
- Chess clocks
- At the top of the board window you can see three chess clocks. The clock
- on the left displays the total time for the white player, and the clock on
- the right the time for the black player. The clock in the middle shows the
- time for the active player.
- The Menu
- If one of the four windows is active, then you can select one of the
- following functions with the right mousebutton:
- Project
- =======
- "New Game"
- With this item you start a new game. All pieces are built up on their
- initial position, and it is white's turn.
- "Start Game"
- With this item you also start playing, but the pieces stay at there
- former places.
- "Solve for Mate"
- With this item you can activate a special playing-mode: The computer
- will go on thinking until the computer sees a mate or stalemate. A
- Requester will ask you "How many moves to mate ?". Mate in one move
- means, that the active player makes a move, and then his opponent is
- checkmate. This is trivial. Mate in 2 Moves means, that the active
- player makes a move, then his opponent makes any move, and then after
- the second move of the active player the opponent is checkmate. Please
- note: To see a "Mate in N moves", the computer has to calculate 2N+1
- half-moves deep. So, to see a "Mate in 3" the computer has to built a
- tree 2*3+1=7 nodes deep. This will take some time, to solve a "Mate in
- 3" will take some hours on an A4000! An "mate in 4" is nearly
- impossible to find, but "Mate in 2" should take not more than one
- hour. In the Requester you can enter a number between 1 and 4, (for
- example, if you try to solve a chess problem from a Newspaper, and you
- know that it should be an "mate in 2"), or just click on "OK" to start
- searching for a "Mate in 1", then, if not found, for a "Mate in 2" and
- so on. When the computer has found the way to checkmate, he stops the
- game. You can see the moves to mate in the MoveChain-Window.
- "Stop Game"
- Terminates the current game (or solving for mate).
- "Save Game"
- With this function you can save a game, to go on playing it later or
- to analyse it later. You can save it in Buildup-Mode and in
- Playing-Mode. If there is no game in memory, or the board is modified,
- then only the board is saved. Please note the following: Whenever you
- make a saving-operation, like "Save Game" or "Print Movelist", or when
- you add a game to the Opening-Library, then the game is saved only to
- the current position in the game. This means, if you have take back a
- move with "Extras/Undo", then this move is not saved. (This is not a
- restriction, but a feature. So you can prevent saving the last bad
- move of a game. If you wants to save the whole game, just select
- "Setup/Last Move" or "Extras/Redo" from menu before saving.)
- "Save Movelist"
- The actual game is saved as a text file in algebraic notation.
- "Print Movelist"
- The actual game is printed as a text file in algebraic notation.
- "Give Up"
- A Requester will ask you if you really wants to give up. If so, then
- the game will stop, and the default comment to this game will be
- "White/Black gave up".
- "Offer Draw"
- Use this to propose a draw. (The game ended in a draw, neigther side
- won. In german we use the word Remis, I think it's a french word.)
- "About"
- This item displays the address of the author of VChess.
- "Quit"
- Terminates the Program.
- Players
- =======
- "Human-Human"
- Two human players play against each other.
- "Human-Amiga"
- A human player plays with the white pieces against the computer.
- "Amiga-Human"
- The computer plays with the white pieces against a human player.
- "Amiga-Amiga"
- Computer plays against computer.
- Time
- ====
- With this menu you can change the thinking-time of the computer:
- "10 Secs, 20 Secs, 30 Secs"
- Thinking-time is 10, 20 or 30 seconds.
- "1 Min, 2 Mins, 3 Mins, 5 Mins, 10 Mins, 30 Mins"
- Thinking-time is 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 or 30 minutes.
- "1 Hour, 3 Hours, 8 Hours, 12 Hours, 24 Hours"
- Thinking-time is 1, 3, 8, 12 or 24 hours.
- "Infinite"
- The computer calculates until a mate is found.
- "Custom"
- With this function you can enter a custom thinking-time. With the four
- gadgets you can determine if your input is in seconds, minutes or
- hours. If you only press <Return>, then your input is assumed to be in
- seconds.
- "Equal ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer will adapt its thinking time
- to the thinking time of the human player.
- "Full ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer will use the full thinking
- time. Otherwise he will sometimes make his move a little bit earlier.
- (In most cases activating this item means wasting of time.)
- Thinklist
- =========
- "Refresh"
- The computer is always thinking for the active player, even if the
- active player is a human player. If you select this item, then the
- list of all currently possible moves together with their valuation is
- displayed. Of course the valuation may change with time, because the
- computer is thinking deeper and deeper. So if you select this item
- after some time again, the valuation will be not the same. You can
- also select this item if the computer is the active player, to see how
- the computer evaluates the different moves. (In release 2.0 this item
- was called "Help", because usually a human player would use it if he
- didn't know what move he should make.)
- "Refresh & Sort"
- Like "Refresh", but the moves are displayed sorted, best move at the
- top.
- "Show old List"
- This item is similar to "Refresh", but it displays not the current
- (active) list, but the old list containing the last move. Sometimes it
- is necessary to take a look on the old list, for example if the
- computer makes a strange move, and you want to find out why he made
- such a move. If the list containing this strange, last move is not
- visible, then select this item to display it again.
- "Show old List sorted"
- Like "Show old List", but the moves are displayer sorted, best move at
- the top.
- "Show Best Chain"
- Displays the Movechain of the currently best move. (You can use this
- item or "Refresh & Sort" to get help from the computer.)
- "Beep if updated ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer makes an audible beep if the
- Thinklist- or MoveChain-Window is updated.
- "Show sorted ?"
- If this item is marked, then the Thinklist is displayed sorted.
- "Update Display"
- "If changed ?"
- Update Thinklist and Move-Chain whenever there are changes. This may
- slow down the calculating power, because in early states of an
- thinking- process (the first seconds) there are many changes per
- time interval.
- "Automatic ?"
- Update Thinklist and Move-Chain if it is useful, for example after
- 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 Seconds, and then whenever there are changes.
- "No Update ?"
- Only update the display, when the user select
- "Thinklist/Refresh & Sort" or an equal item. The "Move-Chain"-window
- is updated, if the user clicks on an entry in the Thinklist.
- "Refresh if"
- "It's Computer's turn ?"
- Refresh Thinklist and Move-Chain, if the computer is the active
- player.
- "It's Your turn ?"
- Refresh Thinklist and Move-Chain, if a human is the active player.
- "Update MoveChain"
- "Best Move ?"
- Display in the Movechain-Window the best move.
- "Current Move ?"
- Display in the Movechain-Window the current (last calculated) move.
- "No Update ?"
- Don't update the Move-Chain-Window automatically. The "Move-Chain"-
- window is updated, if the user clicks on an entry in the Thinklist.
- Display
- =======
- "Show Movelist"
- The helpwindow, which shows the moves of the current game, is opened
- or brought to the front.
- "Show Thinking"
- This function will open the window, which shows the valuation of all
- currently possible moves, or brings this window in front of other
- windows.
- "Show MoveChain"
- If you select this item, then the window, which displays the movechain
- of a special move, is opened or brought to the front.
- "Rotate"
- "90+, 180, 90-"
- With these items you can rotate the board.
- "Change Colors"
- If you select one of the following eleven items, then a Colour
- requester is opened. Click on the colour, which should be used for the
- drawing. If you use a custom-screen, you can use the sliders to change
- the colour-values. But if you play on a public-screen, its better to
- select only one colour. You can only select one colour at a time. If
- you click on "Ok", then the board is drawn with the selected colour.
- For pieces and squares you can select two colours, A and B. Colour B
- is used for the border of the pieces, and although if the squares are
- not monochrome (pattern).
- "White Pieces A"
- Colour A (inner) of white pieces.
- "White Pieces B"
- Colour B (border and pattern) of white pieces.
- "Black Pieces A"
- Colour A (inner) of black pieces.
- "Black Pieces B"
- Colour B (border and pattern) of black pieces.
- "White Squares A"
- Colour A of white squares
- "White Squares B"
- Colour B of white squares
- "Black Squares A"
- Colour A of black squares
- "Black Squares B"
- Colour B of black squares
- "Board-Border"
- Colour of the border of the board.
- "Board-Text"
- Colour of the text of the board. (1..8, a..h, and chess clocks )
- "Rectangle"
- Colour of the rectangle, which is drawn around a selected piece or
- square.
- "Change Patterns"
- You can select between four different patterns for the squares and
- pieces: Mono (only colour A), points, lines up and lines down.
- "White Pieces"
- Pattern for white pieces
- "Black Pieces"
- Pattern for black pieces
- "White Squares"
- Pattern for white squares
- "Black Squares"
- Pattern for black squares
- If the display looks ugly on your screen, you should try other colours
- and patterns. The defaults look nice on an hires-interlace-screen with
- OS2.0-colours, but if you have to play on a screen with lower
- resolution or different colours, then it's a good idea to try other
- colour-selections and patterns.
- "Setup Mode ?"
- The board gets a border on the left and right side. On this border
- rest some chessmen. In the Buildup-Mode, you can select these pieces
- and use them to build up a position. Also you can move pieces on the
- border to throw them away. In playing-mode the border has no function.
- "Coordinates ?"
- If you turn off coordinates, you have more room for the pieces. But I
- think this is only necessary if you have to play on a screen with very
- low resolution.
- "Chess Clock ?"
- You can turn off the clock. If you have turned off coordinates, clock
- is always turned of too.
- "Squareframes"
- "White ?"
- Draw a frame in colour A around white squares
- "Black ?"
- Draw a frame in colour A around black squares
- "Change Screen"
- With this item you can select if you want to play on the default
- public screen, on a public screen or on a custom screen. If you want
- to play on a public screen, you have to type in its name. If you want
- to play on a custom screen, it is recommendable to use a screen with
- four or eight colours. It is possible to use a screen with only two
- colours, but this will not look very nice. More than eight colours are
- not recommended, because VChess currently doesn't use more than eleven
- different colours. Please keep in mind, that screen resolution and
- number of colours may affect the calculating speed of your computer.
- For example on my A3000 calculating speed is degraded about 50% if I
- use a hires-16-color-screen or Productivity-Mode. Note that parts of
- the pulldown-menu may be invisible if you use a large screenfont and a
- screen with a low horizontal resolution.
- "Screenfont"
- If you play on a custom screen, then you can select a font which is
- used for menus and windowtitles.
- "Textfont"
- With this function you can select a font which is used in the active
- windows. First click in the desired window to make it the active one,
- then select this item. So you can select different fonts for each
- window. (Selection of a proportional font may give strange results.)
- Set Up
- ======
- You can access this menu only if you are in Buildup-Mode, maybe you have
- to select "Project/StopGame" before.
- "Load Game"
- With this function you can load a game, to analyse it or go on playing
- it. For example you can select the item "Next Move" multiple times to
- go to a desired position in a game, and then select
- "Project/StartGame" to start playing from this position. If you have
- loaded a game, then the position is at the beginning of this game. So
- if you want to continue a loaded game, it is necessary to select
- "Last Move" before starting the game. There is a good reason why we
- don't jump to the last move automatically: Maybe you got a solved
- Chesstask on disk, for example a "mate in 3". If you load this
- chesstask, you probably will try to find the solution by yourself
- first. Only if you can't see it, you will use "Next Move" from menu to
- display it.
- "First Move"
- Jumps to the first (really the one before) move of the actual game.
- "Next Move"
- The next move is performed.
- "Previous Move"
- Takes back the last move.
- "Last Move"
- Jumps to the last move of the actual game.
- "Replay Game"
- Replays the actual game from the current position to the last move of
- this game. To replay from the beginning, it may be necessary to select
- "First Move" before. The speed of replay depends on "Extras/Blinken",
- see below. If you make any user-input in the boardwindow during
- replaying, like mouseclick or menu operation, then the replay is
- terminated.
- "Clear Board"
- All pieces are removed from the board.
- "Build Up"
- All pieces are moved to their start-position.
- "Reset"
- Resets a modified board. This is useful, if there is a game in memory
- (just played or loaded), and you have modified the board by moving
- pieces (or changed the active colour with the following two items). In
- this case it is not possible to go on playing this game, to use
- "Next Move", "Previous Move" etc. Instead of pushing back all moved
- pieces, you can use this item to reset the board and active colour.
- "White's turn"
- The white player has to do the next move.
- "Black's turn"
- The black player has to do the next move.
- Config
- ======
- You can save all settings in a configuration-file.
- "Load"
- Loads a configuration and activates it.
- "Save"
- Saves the actual settings as defaults. The program will use these
- settings at the next start. The settings are stored in the file
- VChess.config, or if the drawer Configs exists, in this drawer.
- "Save As"
- With this function you can save additional configurations, which you
- can load and activate again with "Config/Load" .
- "Last Saved"
- This function activates the configuration which was used at the start
- of the program, or which was saved with "Save". This is the file named
- Configs/VChess.config or VChess.config.
- "Reset to defaults"
- Resets all settings to defaults.
- Extras
- ======
- "Store this Pos."
- Stores the current position. You can use this function in Playing- and
- Buildup-Mode. This is very useful, if you try to solve a chess task,
- or to develop new openings or if you are playing letter chess
- (exchanging single moves with a friend by letters, EMail or phone.)
- "Restore old Pos."
- Restores the stored position.
- "Set White's Aggr., Set Black's Aggr."
- With these two items you can change the aggression of the computer. If
- you enter the number N, then this means that the computer will assign
- the pieces of his opponent a new value:
- NewValue:=(RealValue + (RealValue*N/100).
- The values of his own pieces remain unchanged. So, if you entered a
- positive value, then the computer will give the opposite pieces a
- greater value than his own pieces, and will play a more aggressive
- game, maybe he will try to exchange a pawn of his own with a pawn of
- his opponent. If you enter a negative value, then the computer will
- play a less aggressive game, he will try to prevent the exchange of
- equal pieces.
- White's aggression is only important if the computers plays with the
- white pieces. If the computer plays with the black pieces, you have to
- use "Set Black's Aggr.". You will only have to use both items, if the
- computer plays with white and black pieces (Playmode Amiga-Amiga). So
- you can see what happens, if an aggressive computer player plays again
- an un-aggressive computer player.
- "Valuation"
- The computer will evaluate the current position. But this valuation is
- only an approximation, only the pieces on the board and their
- strategic positions are taken into account. It is not regarded if one
- chessman can capture an other chessman, or if a mate will occur after
- some moves.
- "Break"
- With this function you can force the computer to make his move. Useful
- if you are not very patient.
- "Undo last Move"
- With this function you can take back the last move. The chess-rules
- don't allows this, but I think some people will use this function
- sometimes. Of course you can take back many moves by selecting this
- function again and again.
- "Redo the Move"
- The move which you have taken back is again performed.
- "Pause"
- This function stops the chess clocks, and sets the thinking-process to
- a very low priority, so no computing-power is consumed. The break
- automatically ends, if an user input is registered.
- "Set Task Pri."
- With this function you can modify the priority of this program.
- Generally you will not need this function. Because a permanent
- modification of priority is not useful, it is not stored in
- configuration files. At the next start of VChess, the priority will be
- again zero (if started from workbench) or equal to the priority of the
- shell-process (if started from shell). The priority of the
- thinking-process is always one point lower than the priority of the
- main process. So user input is always processed in real-time.
- "Create Icons ?"
- With this item you can select if the program shall create icon for
- saved files. If the program has to make Icons, then one of the
- following icons is copied if it exist, or defaults are used.
- Filetype Used Icon (if it exists)
- ------------------------------------------
- Game "Icons/GameIcon", "GameIcon", "Games/Game1", "Game1"
- Configuration "Icons/ConfigIcon", "ConfigIcon",
- "Configs/VChess.config", "VChess.config";
- Textfile "Icons/TextIcon", "TextIcon", "Text/Text1", "Text1"
- Additional, if using Locale.library, for each filetype there are two
- language-dependant Iconnames. For "deutsch" these are:
- Filetype Icons for deutsch language (if it exists)
- ------------------------------------------
- Game "Spiele/Spiel1", "Spiel1"
- Configuration "Configs/VChess.config", "VChess.config";
- Textfile "Texte/Text1", "Text1"
- "Use Openings ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer will use the
- Opening-library. (Please don't be confused, the Opening-library is not
- a Library like ReqTools.library, but just a collection of openings.)
- The filename of this library is VChessOpenings. This file must reside
- in the same directory as the program VChess (PROGDIR:). (I think there
- is no reason to hide it in sub-directories, or to use more than one
- Opening-library.) Using this library means that the computer needs no
- thinking time for the first moves, and the playing-strength of the
- computer is greater. Of course the library can only be used, if the
- game starts from initial position with white as the active player.
- Note that the opening-library is loaded if playing starts. This means,
- if you deactivate this item before you start playing, the library will
- not be loaded in memory. This will save some memory, so that it may be
- possible to use VChess on Amigas with only 512 K.
- "Teaching ?"
- With this function you can switch on a teaching-mode. If you are
- playing and it is your turn, and you click on a piece, then all
- squares on which the chessman can be moved are marked. This is very
- useful for children learning chess.
- "Sound ?"
- If this item is activated, then a sound is generated when the computer
- makes its move.
- "PlayMode"
- With the following four items you can modify the thinking-process of
- the computer. For normal playing, it is best to let all of these items
- marked. (If you select "Solve for mate", then internally all of these
- items are cleared, but you can't see it.)
- "Reduce ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer will cut some (bad)
- branches of the chess tree to save time. For solving for mate this
- may be harmful, so if you select "Project/SolveForMate" then no
- branches are cut. If you play letter chess, and you give the
- computer some hours for thinking, then it may be useful to de-select
- this item.
- "Extend ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer will extend some branches
- of the chess tree. This is done, if the last node in the tree is a
- capture.
- "Estimate ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer will try to estimate if
- the last nodes in the tree are good or bad moves. (In a given time
- period, the computer can only calculate some half moves deep, for
- example five half moves. In the last half move it may be possible
- for a player to capture a Rook with a Queen. To decide, if this is a
- very good move (win a Rook) or a very bad move (win a rook, but lose
- the queen) the computer has to calculate the next half move of the
- opponent. But there is not enough time to do this, and in the next
- half move there will be with great probability a similar problem. So
- the computer have to cut the movechain, and can only guess or
- estimate if the last move in the chain is a good or bad move.)
- "Strategy ?"
- If this item is marked, then the computer will take into account
- strategy, for example it is generally better if the Knight resides
- in the centre of the board.
- "Random"
- With this item you can make the play of the computer more interesting.
- Principle the computer would do always the same move in the same
- situation, because he calculates the best move. But to the result of
- the calculation a random number is added. With this function you can
- select the upper border of this number. 100 points are equal to the
- (virtual) win of a pawn.
- "0, 25, 50, 100"
- The random value is in the range between zero and 0, 25, 50 or 100.
- If you select "0", then the computer always will do the same move in
- the same situation. If you select "50", then to each calculated gain
- a random number between 0 and 50 is added.
- "Custom"
- With this function you can enter a custom upper boundary for the
- random number. If the boundary is high, then the playing-strength of
- the computer will decrease. But maybe this is what you want.
- "Blinken"
- "0, 1, 3, 5"
- If pieces are moved, they blink a few times. So you can see better
- which move the computer makes. You can select between 0 to 5 blinks.
- This blinking is also used if you have loaded a game and replays it
- with "Replay" or "Next Move".
- Openings
- ========
- With this menu you can modify the opening-library. Most people can
- ignore this menu.
- "Add this Game"
- If you select this item, then the current game is added to the
- opening-library. With this function you can expand the
- opening-library. (To create a new one, just delete the file
- VChessOpenings before starting VChess.) There is only room for 48 half
- moves of a game in the opening-library. If the current game has more
- moves, the remainder is ignored. Of course you can add only regular
- games, this means games started from their initial position and white
- as active player. If you will add an opening from a chess book, it is
- recommended to do it in this way: Select "Players/Human-Human" and now
- "Project/NewGame". Now you can play the opening from the book, and
- then select this item to add it to the library. You have to enter the
- name of this opening, the name may not have more than 32 characters.
- If this name already exists, you will get an error message. Try
- another name. (Currently all names of openings are German names. The
- reason is that I have only German chess books, and it's difficult to
- find good translations for the names.)
- If an opening, which you add to the library is already in this
- library, but with another name, then there are two cases: If the
- opening in the library contains more moves, then an error message is
- displayed and your opening is not saved. But if your opening is
- bigger, then your opening will over write the old one.
- You should only add your own openings (games) to the library if you
- are a very strong player, because an opening should contain only very
- strong moves. If there is only one weak move, then the computer may do
- this weak move and the playing-strength decreases.
- Please note the following: If you want to add new entries to the
- Opening-Library, it is necessary to load the existing library in
- memory before you add new entries. So ensure that the menu item
- "Extras/Use Openings" is on before you select "Project/New Game" to
- enter a new Opening. In this case the existing Opening-Library is
- loaded automatically.
- "Delete actual"
- With this function you can delete the actual opening, this means this
- one which is just used by the computer. This can be useful, if you are
- playing against the computer and notice that the computer uses a wrong
- or weak opening.
- "Delete by name"
- With this function you can delete an opening by name.
- "Dump to File"
- This function writes all openings to a file in algebraic notation. You
- can look at this file with a text viewer, or print it out.
- "Save all Entries"
- If you select this item, then the opening-library is saved. If you
- forgot this, all modifications are lost.
- Now, at the end of this text, some general remarks:
- Errors or bugs in VChess
- I'm sure that there are some small bugs in this version of VChess. Don't
- hesitate to write to me if you find bugs or have comments about VChess.
- But please don't expect a (long) response to each of your short letters. I
- am studying physics, so I don't have much free time to answer your
- letters.
- New releases of VChess
- There are still some things which may be improved. For example by using a
- large Chess-Database, it should be possible to increase the
- playing-strength drastically. So maybe there will be a new version of
- VChess in some time. If this version will be freely distributable again
- then it can be found on great FD-Libraries like the FISH-Library. Of
- course it depends on the Shareware-contributions if or if not the next
- release of VChess will be freely distributable. If I get only very few
- contributions, then it may be necessary to distribute the next release of
- VChess as commercial software. (Till now (30.08.94) only 15 people paid
- there contribution for release 2.0. If this number does not increase
- drastically for release 3.1, then I believe that the next release will not
- be freely distributable.) But in this case all people who has paid their
- contribution will not have to pay more than the difference between the
- shareware-contribution and the price in a software-shop. If for example
- version 4.0 of VChess is sold for $25, then all people who paid there
- contribution will only have to pay $10 for release 4.0.
- But of course I am still hoping that many people will pay their
- contributions, so that all new releases of VChess will be freely
- distributable again.
- VChess and other languages
- It is allowed to make verbatim translations of this documentation or to
- produce new catalog files for other languages. You can distribute these
- translations (together with the VChess-package) in your own country
- without asking me for permission, but please don't make free, shortened or
- buggy translations. You should only make translations, if you are really
- using VChess, so that you can verify your work. (I think no translation is
- better than a bad one.) Making a translation is a lot of work, so it may
- be useful to contact me before starting with the translation. Maybe there
- is already a new release of VChess, or someone else has already made the
- desired translation. If you have produced a really good translation, then
- you can send it to me. Maybe I will add it to the VChess-package.
- By using the Locale.library, VChess can adapt itself to other languages if
- running under OS2.1+. Currently only English and Deutsch are supported.
- But the file VChess.cd is part of this package. So if you have the program
- CatComp (© CBM) (or a FD-Program which works like CatComp) and you know
- how to use CatComp, then you can produce Catalogfiles for your preferred
- language. Although English is the built-in language of VChess, there
- exists an English VChess.ct-file. You can use this (together with CatComp
- and lokale.library) to adapt the English text to your own desire. (Modify
- the VChess.ct-file, use CatComp to create the VChess.catalog-file (Usage:
- CatComp VChess.cd TRANSLATION VChess.ct CATALOG VChess.catalog) and then
- copy the VChess.catalog-file to Catalogs/english/VChess.catalog. If you
- now start VChess again (after a reset), you should get the new text.)
- If you modify Catalog-translations (VChess.ct), or create new
- translations, please note this: If a menu item should get a short-cut,
- insert at the beginning of the text string the letter for the short-cut
- and the characters "\x00". For example, to create a short-cut for the menu
- item "New Game", create this string: "P\x00Fresh Game". This will give the
- item text "Fresh Game" with the short-cut "P" (Play). (This is the way,
- which Nico Francois uses to create short-cuts for ReqToolsPrefs.) The
- advantage is, that you can create Short-cuts for any number of items. But
- be careful, only insert Short-cut-Characters in Item text or Sub-item
- text, but not in other strings! (Unfortunately, there is a little problem:
- If a menu item has no short-cut, and the text is only one character long,
- this may look like an item with a short-cut but no text. To prevent this,
- you can insert an additional space, or append an additional "\x00". So to
- create an item without a short-cut and with the text "1" you can type
- " 1", "1 " or "1\x00". (If the item has a short- cut, then there is no
- problem, you can type for example "1\x001". This will result to an item
- with text "1" and short-cut "1".)) In the Catalog-translations, there are
- some strings which contains vertical bars, "|". These characters have a
- special meaning for ReqTools.library. They divide the text for different
- response-gadgets, so don't delete these characters. If such a string
- contains any number of these characters, the number must remain constant.
- Some strings may contain the characters "%ld". This is used to insert a
- number, so don't delete this. Some strings contain "\x20". This is only a
- space, you may delete it, but this is not recommendable. Some strings must
- have a special length, look at the file VChess.cd to read this length.
- (/6/8) for example means, that the minimum length is 6 characters, and
- maximum length is 8 characters. Some strings contain a "\n". This is only
- to write the following text on a new line.Most strings have no limitations
- in length, but if you create too long strings, it may look ugly.
- And now I hope that you enjoy this game.
- Stefan Salewski, 16 October 1994