Fresh Fish 8
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Text File
318 lines
(procedure setlanguage
; english strings
(if (= @language "english")
(set #CheckInst
(cat "Checking Installationfiles"
(set #NoTE
(cat "The TimeEvent executeable can't be found. "
"A installation without the program makes no sense. "
"Try to get the original archive of TimeEvent 1.0"
(set #MissingFiles
(cat "There are missing files in the archive.\n"
"This are the files that couldn't be found:\n\n"
(set #AskContinue
(cat "\nContinue with installation?"
(set #AskTEDir
(cat "In which directory do you want TimeEvent to be installed?"
(set #AskOldTE
(cat "There is another version of TimeEvent in the directory "
(set #CopyTE
(cat "Copy TimeEvent"
(set #AskDocDir
(cat "Where should I install the Documentation?"
(set #CopyDoc
(cat "Copy Document"
(set #AskLocaleDir
(cat "Where should I install the english catalog file?"
(set #CopyCatalog
(cat "Copy language catalog"
(set #AskCC
(cat "Do you use the program CyberCron?"
(set #AskModify
(cat "Should I add the tooltype\n\n"
"in the CyberCron icon?"
(set #AskCCfile
(cat "Please select the CyberCron executeable"
(set #NoCC
(cat "You have to setup your Cron program, so that it uses the file\n\n"
"as the CronTab. Read the manual to your Cron program to see how this "
"can be achieved. Refer also to the chapter in the TimeEvent "
"documentation, which regards to that topic."
(set #NoToolType
(cat "If you execute CyberCron from the User-Startup script, you have to "
"to the call. You can find more details about the possible cli options "
'in the CyberCron documentation (chapter "Starting CyberCron"). '
"Read also the specific chapter in the TimeEvent documentation."
)) ; end english strings
; deutsche strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #CheckInst
(cat "Überprüfe Installationsdateien"
(set #NoTE
(cat "Das Programm TimeEvent kann nicht gefunden werden. "
"Ohne dieses macht eine Installation wohl wenig Sinn, oder? "
"Versuchen Sie das Originalarchiv von TimeEvent 1.0 zu bekommen."
(set #MissingFiles
(cat "Das Installationsarchiv ist unvollständig.\n"
"Die folgenden Dateien konnten nicht gefunden werden:\n\n"
(set #AskContinue
(cat "\nWeitermachen mit der Installation?"
(set #AskTEDir
(cat "In welchem Verzeichnis soll TimeEvent installiert werden?"
(set #AskOldTE
(cat "Es existiert schon eine Version von TimeEvent im Verzeichnis "
(set #CopyTE
(cat "Kopiere TimeEvent"
(set #AskDocDir
(cat "In welches Verzeichnis soll die Dokumentation kopiert werden?"
(set #CopyDoc
(cat "Kopiere Dokumentation"
(set #AskLocaleDir
(cat "In welches Verzeichnis soll die deutsche Sprachdatei kopiert werden?"
(set #CopyCatalog
(cat "Kopiere Sprachdatei"
(set #AskCC
(cat "Benutzen Sie das Programm CyberCron?"
(set #AskModify
(cat "Soll im CyberCron Pictogramm das Merkmal\n\n"
"eingetragen werden?"
(set #AskCCfile
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie das CyberCron Program aus"
(set #NoCC
(cat "Sie müssen ihr Cron Programm so aufrufen, daß dieses die Datei\n\n"
"als CronTab verwendet. In der Dokumentation zu diesem Programm "
"sollte ersichtlich sein, wie dies zu erreichen ist. Lesen dazu auch "
"das ensprechende Kapitel in der Dokumentation zu TimeEvent."
(set #NoToolType
(cat "Falls Sie CyberCron aus dem User-Startup Skript starten, müssen "
"Sie den Parameter\n\n"
"beim Aufruf ergänzen. Weitere Einzelheiten zu den möglichen "
"Aufrufparametern erfahren Sie in der Dokumentation zu CyberCron "
'(Kapitel "Starting CyberCron"). '
"Lesen Sie dazu auch das ensprechende Kapitel in der Dokumentation "
"zu TimeEvent."
)) ; ende deutsche strings
)) ; end of proc
(procedure checkfiles
(working #CheckInst)
(if (NOT (exists "/Prefs/TimeEvent"))
(abort #NoTE)
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "/Prefs/TimeEvent.info"
(cat "/Doc/" @language ".guide")
(cat "/Doc/" @language ".guide.info")
(set n (+ n 1))
(if (NOT (exists thisfile))
(set missing (cat missing thisfile "\n"))
(if (<> missing <NIL>)
(prompt #MissingFiles missing #AskContinue)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 0)
(set n 0)
(exit (quiet))
(user 2)
(user 1)
(set destdir
(prompt #AskTEDir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Workbench:Prefs")
(set @default-dest destdir)
(exists (cat @default-dest "/TimeEvent") (noreq))
(prompt #AskOldTE @default-dest "\n" #AskContinue)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 0)
(set n 0)
(exit (quiet))
(prompt #CopyTE)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/Prefs/TimeEvent")
(dest @default-dest)
(optional force askuser)
(set docdir
(prompt #AskDocDir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Workbench:Prefs")
(prompt #CopyDoc)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (cat "/Doc/" @language ".guide"))
(newname "TimeEvent.guide")
(dest docdir)
(optional force askuser)
(NOT (= @language "english"))
(set localedir
(prompt #AskLocaleDir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default (cat "LOCALE:Catalogs/" @language))
(prompt #CopyCatalog)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (cat "/Catalogs/" @language "/TimeEvent.catalog"))
(dest localedir)
(optional force askuser)
(prompt #AskCC)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(prompt #AskModify)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 0)
(set CCfile
(prompt #AskCCfile)
(help @askfile-help)
(default "Workbench:WBStartup")
(dest CCfile)
(settooltype "CRONTAB" "ENV:Sys/TimeEvent.prefs")
(message #NoToolType)
(message #NoCC)