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- Path: news.uh.edu!barrett
- From: korczyns@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Joseph Korczynski)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.reviews
- Subject: REVIEW: The A64 Package, version 3.0
- Followup-To: comp.sys.amiga.emulations
- Date: 11 May 1994 19:29:31 GMT
- Organization: The Amiga Online Review Column - ed. Daniel Barrett
- Lines: 241
- Sender: amiga-reviews@math.uh.edu (comp.sys.amiga.reviews moderator)
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <2qrbmr$hv4@masala.cc.uh.edu>
- Reply-To: korczyns@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Joseph Korczynski)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: karazm.math.uh.edu
- Keywords: hardware, emulation, Commodore 64, commercial
- Originator: barrett@karazm.math.uh.edu
- The A64 Package, version 3.0
- This software/hardware combination allows an Amiga computer to
- emulate the ever-popular Commodore 64 ("C64"). It allows you to access
- Commodore 8-bit peripherals such as the 15XX series disk drives and printers
- in order to transfer files to and from the Amiga.
- Name: QuesTronix
- Address: PO Box 340265
- Hartford CT 06134-0265
- Telephone: (203) 666-8260 (9am-5pm EST)
- $59.95 (US). Upgrade from version 2.0: $25.00.
- All programs in The A64 Package are compatible with all Amiga
- models using V1.3 - V3.0 of the operating system and with all
- microprocessors, from the 68000 to the 68040
- Works with all Amiga models.
- Works with all Amiga CPU's from 68000 to 68040.
- 1MB RAM required. 2MB RAM recommended.
- Two floppy drives or a hard disk is recommended.
- A separate adapter cable is required for the Amiga 1000.
- AGA owners will need to enter the Early Startup Menu and
- select Enhanced Chip Set graphics mode.
- 68040 users will have disable copyback mode.
- Works with all AmigaDOS versions from 1.3 to 3.0.
- No copy protection that I am aware of.
- Software installs easily on your hard disk.
- Amiga 4000/040, 2MB Chip RAM, 8 MB Fast RAM
- 1 internal High Density floppy
- Seagate 120 MB IDE internal hard drive
- Seagate 345 MB IDE internal hard drive
- MacroSystems VLAB video digitizer Zorro II card
- Utilities Unlimited EMPLANT Deluxe Mac Emulator Zorro II card
- SyQuest 44MB removable SCSI hard drive
- Chinon SCSI CD-ROM drive
- Maxtor 245 MB SCSI hard drive
- GVP EGS Spectrum Zorro III 24 bit graphics card
- Kickstart 3.0 (V39.106) and Workbench 3.0 (V39.48)
- Installation is very simple. Copy the A64 Package software from the
- supplied disks to your hard drive.
- A script file is included to copy fonts to your FONTS directory and
- a library to your LIBS directory.
- The A64 Package is a hardware and software product. The hardware
- consists of a small box which has a male DB25 and 8 pin DIN connectors along
- with some special circuitry. This box connects to your parallel port and
- allows you to connect Commodore 8-bit serial peripherals such as the 15XX
- series disk drives and printers. NEVER PLUG THE INTERFACE INTO YOUR AMIGA
- WHILE THE AMIGA IS TURNED ON. You could damage your Amiga and peripherals
- by doing so. If you have an Amiga 1000 you will require an additional cable
- specifically made to connect A500/2000 devices to an A1000 parallel port.
- The hardware interface can stay plugged in at all times without interfering
- with any programs on your Amiga as long as they do not use the parallel
- port. If you want to use your parallel port with some other pieces of
- hardware like a printer or digitizer, you must either remove the hardware
- interface and install the other device or use an A-B switch box (Centronics
- parallel with female connectors).
- The software is a collection of Amiga programs which lets you access
- and run C64 software. The main program, A64, is the Commodore 64 emulator.
- The other programs allow you to transfer files between the C64 and Amiga
- disks (with 15XX disk drives).
- After you install The A64 Package and run the A64 program, you will
- notice that the BASIC startup screen is different from that of a real C64.
- This is because the Commodore 64 ROMs (two computer chips located inside a
- real C64 which contain the operating system) are not present in A64. The C64
- ROMs are not included because they are copyrighted by Commodore. The A64
- contains a complete C64 ROM emulation which allows A64 to run most C64
- programs. A64 ROM emulation is very compatible with the C64 ROMs, but there
- may be some C64 programs that will not run because of the lack of real C64
- ROMs. The A64 Package utilities includes a C64 BASIC program which can be
- transferred to a real C64 via a 15XX disk drive connected to the A64
- hardware interface. This program when run on the C64 will dump the C64 ROMs
- to a file which can then be transferred back to the Amiga and used in the
- A64 emulation.
- A64 is a complete Commodore 64 emulator. Sound, graphics, BASIC and
- machine language are all emulated. A64 fully integrates with the Amiga by
- allowing you to use Amiga disk drives, hard drives, ram drives, printers and
- modems.
- A64 operates in two modes: Pause Mode and C64 Mode. When in Pause
- Mode, you have access to the A64 Prefs (preferences) and A64Mon (machine
- language monitor). The current C64 program that A64 is running will be
- paused. Pause Mode gives you complete access to the Amiga system, and
- multitasking is completely functional. The C64 Mode runs the C64 program. In
- C64 mode you do not have access to the Amiga system. Multitasking is not
- disabled, but A64 controls a majority of the Amiga system. To enter Pause
- mode from C64 Mode, press the two ALT keys simultaneously.
- A64 emulation speed will depend on the program you are running and
- the type of microprocessor that your Amiga uses. On 68000 based Amigas, A64
- is not capable of running all programs at usable speed. Accelerated Amigas
- can see emulation speeds over 300%. Most games will not run over 100% no
- matter how fast your Amiga is.
- I've done most of my evaluation of A64 with public domain software.
- I have been able to run everything I can throw at it. I do enjoy browsing
- the ABCUG user group monthly C64 public domain program disk.
- A great deal of effort was spent trying to make the A64 as
- compatible as possible. The biggest problem with compatibility is related to
- disk I/O and custom disk drive routines. Custom disk drive routines "Fast
- Loaders" are extremely time critical and must run at exactly 100% speed in
- order to function properly. "Fast Loaders" vary from program to program. The
- only way to emulate "Fast Loaders" is to write a custom loader for each
- program which is impossible since there are hundreds of variations. A64 V3.0
- supports some "Fast Loaders" using Patch Files. There are Patch Files for
- ISEPICed archived programs, SID/PIC V3.4, SIDPlayer, and GEOS. (GEOS is
- supported only on 68000 Amigas and 1541/1571 disk drives because of the
- time-critical nature of the GEOS operating system.)
- One method of speeding up A64 emulation is to convert the C64
- program from 6510 opcodes to 68000 opcodes. This has the potential to double
- your emulation speed. This is accomplished with a utility called "CONVERT".
- The CONVERT utility converts C64 machine language into Amiga machine
- language. This conversion process eliminates a lot of work the A64 has do
- while running the emulation.
- A64Tools is the file transfer and file conversion utility. It allows
- you to copy, convert and print files using any combination of Amiga and C64
- disk drives and printers. Text files can easily be converted between
- PetASCII and ASCII. Amiga drives only support PRG and SEQ files under A64
- emulation. ":" and "/" are illegal characters for Amiga filenames. When
- A64Tools encounters on of these characters in a filename, the character will
- automatically be changed to a "-".
- As an original A64 V2.0 registered user, I am impressed with the
- enhanced SID chip support, increased speed and compatibility. I also welcome
- the addition of Patch Files for "Fast Loader" support along with support for
- GEOS. It was worth the $25 upgrade fee.
- Documentations consists of a professionally printed softbound
- manual. It has an extensive index and table of contents. The manual assumes
- that you are familiar with the basic operation of the Amiga and the terms
- used to describe it. The manual also assumes you are familiar with the basic
- use of the Commodore 64.
- I like the professionally bound manual.
- I like the patch file support.
- I like the improved SID support.
- I dislike the software not working in native AGA graphic mode.
- I would like to see 1581 emulation using native Amiga disk drives.
- This product has evolved over several years. I was first introduced
- to this product as the GO-64.
- None at this time.
- I have not tried contacting the vendor.
- 90 day limited warranty.
- I enjoy the ability to emulate other computers. As Newsletter Editor
- the ABCUG user group which supports the Amiga and Commodore 64/128 computer
- users, I find A64 a valuable tool for reviewing C64 public domain software
- and writing tutorials for the monthly newsletter. Understanding the
- limitations of software emulation, I give this product **** (4 out of 5
- stars).
- Copyright 1994 Joseph F. Korczynski. All rights reserved.
- ---
- Daniel Barrett, Moderator, comp.sys.amiga.reviews
- Send reviews to: amiga-reviews-submissions@math.uh.edu
- Request information: amiga-reviews-requests@math.uh.edu
- Moderator mail: amiga-reviews@math.uh.edu
- Anonymous ftp site: math.uh.edu, in /pub/Amiga/comp.sys.amiga.reviews