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Documents for BootUte v1.2
BootUte was written by Paul Toyne
Released on 24-Apr-94.
1) What is bootute ?
2) BootUte's Options
3) Error Messages
4) Disclaimer
5) Distribution
6) A1200 Compatability
7) Greetings
8) Future Versions
9) Testing
10) Contacting Me
11) History
BootUte was written in 100% assembler.
What is BootUte ?
BootUte is a program that enables the loading, saving and executing
of bootblocks.
BootUte requires Kickstart and Workbench 2.0 or above, it also
requires any version of reqtools.library.
reqtools.library is © Nico Francois.
My main aim in producing this program was to make games and demos
that wouldn't work on my 1200 work.
I have expanded somewhat on my original idea so that it will be
useful to all people with accelerators, or with kickstart 2.0 and
BootUte was written over a period of a couple of months on-off work.
It was written in 100% assembler using Devpac 3.
Why kickstart 2.0 and above only ?
I have two reasons for that :
1) It is a lot easier to provide a good user interface under 2.0+.
2) If you are an acclerator owner you should have at least 2.0, and
if you don't I would suggest upgrading.
BootUte's options
BootUte can be opened in any of the following screen-modes by setting
the 'BootUte' environment variable from the shell/CLI.
eg SetEnv BootUte=PAL
Screen mode | Dimensions | Environment variable text
PAL:High Res | 640 x 256 | PAL
PAL:High Res Laced | 640 x 512 | PALL
NTSC:High Res | 640 x 200 | NTSC
NTSC:High Res Laced | 640 x 400 | NTSCL
DBLPAL:High Res | 640 x 256 | DBLPAL
DBLPAL:High Res No Flicker | 640 x 512 | DBLPALN
DBLNTSC:High Res | 640 x 200 | DBLNTSC
DBLNTSC:High Res No Flicker | 640 x 400 | DBLNTSCN
EURO72:640 x 200 | 640 x 200 | EURO72
EURO72:Productivity | 640 x 400 | EURO72P
EURO:36Hz High Res | 640 x 200 | EURO36
EURO:36Hz High Res Laced | 640 x 400 | EURO36L
MULTISCAN:640 x 240 | 640 x 240 | VGA
MULTISCAN:Productivity | 640 x 480 | VGAP
SUPER72:Super-High Res | 800 x 300 | SUPER72
If the screen-mode isn't available then BootUte will display a requester
saying that it can't open the screen, also if the screen mode is not a
640 x 256 mode, the screen will be opened as an auto-scrolling 640 x 256
** The text in the environment variable is NOT case sensitive **
Bootblock operations
Read bootblock from DF0:
Reads the bootblock from drive DF0: to the buffer.
Write bootblock to DF0:
Writes the bootblock from the buffer to drive DF0:,
re-calculating the checksum so that it is correct.
File operations
Load bootblock to buffer
Loads a file from disk to the buffer.
The file must be one of the following :
·Raw data (1024 bytes long)
·Executable with only 1 code hunk
(1052 bytes long)
·An executable with a BootUte header.
(1220 bytes long)
The checksum can be invalid, because BootUte corrects it
automatically when the file is loaded.
Save from buffer
Saves the buffer to a file, using the file type specified in
the preferences section.
Buffer Operations
Executes the file in the buffer using the options specified
in the General Preferences section.
Clears the bootblock from the buffer.
Displays the following information about the bootblock
that is in the buffer :
·Bootblock type (OFS, FFS etc.)
·Correct checksum.
·Whether the current checksum is valid.
·An ASCII dump of the bootblock.
Quit BootUte
Exits BootUte.
About BootUte
This displays information about the current version of
BootUte being used, and information about your Amiga
The preferences section is a set of six check boxes, split into two
sections, where options are either on or off.
General Preferences
Disable CPU Caches
This option disables the Instruction and Data caches found
on the 68020 processor and above.
It is only selectable if a 68020 or above is present in the
Trap MOVE SR,<ea>
This option traps the assembler command MOVE SR,<ea> because
it is a 'Supervisor Mode' instruction on the 68010 and
above, whereas on the 68000 it can be used in 'User Mode'
and 'Supervisor Mode'.
It is only selectable if a 68010 or above is present in the
VBR Zero
This option moves the systems current Vector Base Register
to zero, as many old, and some new (Andromeda Sequential)
demos assume that it is zero.
It is only selectable if a 68010 or above is present in the
Save Preferences
NOTE : Only one of the below, or neither can be selected at the same
time, both cannot be selected at the same time.
Raw Binary
This option makes the 'Save bootblock from buffer' option
save the data as a binary file, so that it can't be run.
BootUte Header
This option makes the 'Save bootblock from buffer' option
save the data using a special header that enables demo's
to be run from the CLI.
This is a list of the possible error messages BootUte can give
If BootUte quits straight away, without displaying any error
messages, it means that it couldn't allocate the memory that it
needs to function.
Alert number 0003 8004
BootUte was unable to open v36 or above of the intuition.library,
this should only ever appear if you are running less than
kickstart 2.0 (v36)
You must be running Kickstart 2.0 or above
BootUte was unable to open all of the libraries it needs as
v36 or better, this should only appear if you have a mixture
of pre 2.0 libraries and post 2.0 libraries in your libs:
Unable to open reqtools.library
BootUte was unable to open the 'reqtools.library', it needs this
file in the libs: directory for all of it's requesters.
Unable to open screen.
BootUte was unable to open it's screen, this may be due to the
fact that the selected monitor file hasn't been run.
Unable to open window.
BootUte was unable to open the window that it uses.
Unable to open trackdisk.device.
BootUte was unable to open the 'trackdisk.device' that it needs
for the reading and writing of the bootblocks.
Unable to allocate ReqTools file requester.
BootUte was unable to allocate the structure necessary for the
'reqtools.library' file requester, this may be due to low
memory conditions.
Unable to read the bootblock
BootUte was unable to read the bootblock of the disk in DF0:
A possible cause is that there wasn't actually a disk in DF0:
Unable to write the buffer because it is empty.
BootUte was unable to write the bootblock buffer to DF0: because
the buffer was empty.
Unable to save the buffer because it is empty.
BootUte was unable to save the bootblock buffer to disk because
the buffer was empty.
Unable to e