Fresh Fish 9
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Text File
619 lines
--------------------------------------- 0.91 ----------------------------------
+ asynchronous memory management
+ menu help available
+ localized (English/German); WB2.1+ required
+ columnar shifting
+ ASCII table faster
+ file requesters: multi selection supported
+ SCREEN/CONFIG keywords introduced
+ fall back on SlowLoad, if there are TABs at the beginning of a file
+ unlimited number of windows (shared message port)
+ unlimited number of folds
+ iconify available
+ online parenthesis checks (optional)
+ online case checks (optional)
+ automatic phrase completion (APC) based on user's dictionary
+ QuickFunc tables (C, BASIC, PASCAOL, ASSEMBLER, ...)
+ requester management faster
+ SmartIndention after keywords
+ new maximum line length: 512 characters
+ CUT/PASTE use the clipboard device
+ time/date strings according to default format of locale library
+ XPK compression support
+ internal command management improved (hashing: faster)
+ external MakeRefs utility built into the editor
+ solid/light TAB's
+ columnar insertion of text
+ text windows turned into AppWindows
+ pick/push implemented
+ temporary shanghai available (menu item requester)
+ UNDO for current line
+ layout functions (block format, ...)
+ user keyboard mapping
+ backward search implemented
+ former Hyper-based help management replaced by AmigaGuide support
+ screen is centered
+ absolute GOTO (unfolding automatically)
+ character set remap
+ WordWrap
+ go-to-last-change command
+ block-based appending of text
+ access to environment variables
+ saving of settings considerably faster
+ ARexx-Port implemented, several examples included
+ user file extensions of QuickFunc scanner
+ QuickStarter ED
+ unlock utility
+ installer script
--------------------------------------- v0.92 ---------------------------------
+ searching faster (ToUpper()/ToLower() replaced by tables)
+ string gadget edit hook
+ new gadget look: requester images, default gadgets emphasized
+ new ARexx commands/options:
+ command: FREEZE
+ command: PROJECT
+ command: MACRO
+ command: COLON
+ command: REFRESH
+ option: NONAME (NEW)
+ option: HIDE (BLOCK)
+ option: STATUS (REQUEST)
+ option: STICKY (UNLOCK)
+ option: ORDINAL (WINDOW)
+ option: STEP (GOTO)
+ option: AUTO (FORMAT)
+ option: TOF (GOTO)
+ option: BOF (GOTO)
+ references requester offers GENERATE option
+ proportional flag supported by printer configuration
+ command requester: list of available commands
+ context-sensitive outdention
+ project requester
+ XPK: password/efficiency supported
+ freezing of windows
+ new 'magic code' \HOST
+ macro recording
+ startup macro available
+ improved QuickStarter
+ automatic usage of current left margin (format)
+ CANCEL button added to several requesters
+ removed faulty string from MISC requester
+ REPLACE/USE in ARexx mode: display refresh was missing
+ removed 'GOTO EOL' bug
+ PICK command renamed to POP
+ renamed ARexx port from GoldED.1 to GOLDED.1
+ backup counter set to 0 if user cancels backup request
+ handling of several 'magic codes' (\n \t \b) was broken
+ improved German catalog (AutoBak: file name now is displayed)
+ ARexx: changes of current line were lost after performing the SAVE command
+ fixed memory loss
+ additional med-res icon set
+ improved UnLock utility
---------------------------------- 0.93 ---------------------------------------
+ HotKey commodity support
+ new ARexx commands/options:
+ option: CLOSE (SCREEN)
+ option: UNLOAD (QUIT)
+ command: UJUMP
+ command: DJUMP
+ command: RX
+ command: EVENT
+ option: DEBUG (TASK)
+ option: LIST (PROJECT)
+ option: CURRENT (FUNC)
+ option: QUIET (LOCK)
+ option: FIRST (FIND)
+ option: MATCH (BRACKET)
+ option: CR (TEXT)
+ option: BUFFER (QUERY)
+ option: TOGGLE (CODE)
+ option: SMART (SAVE)
+ option: DYNAMIC (TAB, TABS)
+ option: REGULAR (TAB, TABS)
+ option: FORCE (WINDOW)
+ added new HIDE Option to GoldED & QuickStarter
+ Rico's GUIMake now part of GoldED distribution
+ REQUEST command supports underscores
+ keyboard cursor control within listviews (OS3.0 required)
+ new menu item: matching parenthesis
+ each menu item may be linked to a diffent AmigaGuide database (@ qualifier)
+ new macros
+ insert C function body
+ fold marked lines
+ revisions management
+ execute line of text as DOS command
+ dynamic TABs
+ command help: templates are listed
+ Reformat may be turned of while in WordWrap mode
+ user may adjust pens (menu color and more)
+ now user may type while marking a block
+ case conversion used to fail if national characters were involved
+ REQUEST command supports multiple lines sparated by | or linefeed
+ removed potential enforcer hit from WordWrap code
+ internal commands now may be lowercase
+ national characters (e.g. "ä") used to confuse the COUNT command
+ LOAD missed last line of a text if line didn't contain a LF code
+ '#' no longer considered as white space character
+ keyboard requester: LOAD/SAVE gadgets repositioned
+ AutoBackup requester: OK/CANCEL gadgets repositioned
+ conversion table MSDOS->Amiga was broken
+ improved doubleclick handling within listviews
+ view is refreshed after performing a TEXT command
+ '\"' no longer considered as string by parenthesis check
+ 'width' gadget of layout requester replayed by 'right border' gadget
+ RX command fixed
+ 'fold all' didn't fold inner folds
+ added body text support to string/number requests (REQUEST command)
---------------------------------- 0.94 ---------------------------------------
+ user may set default tool of icons created by GoldED
+ SORT faster (2000 lines: 3 seconds instead of several minutes)
+ global search across several files
+ new ARexx commands/options:
+ command: GREP
+ current string gadget is highlighted
+ control codes available within string gadgets
+ external scan handlers may be added to the QuickFunc requester
+ fold markers: quotation marks obsolete
+ borderless display mode support dropped
+ MACRO command: MACRO PLAY LOOPS was broken
+ WordWrap: empty lines at end of paragraphe are kept
+ keyboard requester: improved keyboard listview control
--------------------------------- 0.95 ----------------------------------------
+ sub menus are available
+ "*" flag indicates changes
+ user may select scroller type (2D, 3D, simple)
+ new ARexx commands/options:
+ option: RENAME (FILE)
+ option: NEWDIR (FILE)
+ option: CURRENT (LAYOUT)
+ option: ARRANGE (WINDOW): argument expected
+ option: LOAD/S (SCREEN)
+ option: SAVE/S (SCREEN)
+ option: BYTE/N (GOTO)
+ option: KEY/S (REQUEST)
+ command: EXTRACT
+ command: HUNTER
+ command: SEARCH (FILE)
+ FastScroll mode
+ ChunkyPixel option offered by display mode requester
+ new pens: user may set menu text and menu border to different colors
+ memory usage estimation before loading a text (will give warnings)
+ automatic usage of SlowLoad, if insufficient continuous memory
+ shortcut of symbol gadgets without label text defaults to space
+ most requester may be canceled by ESC
+ menu requester: list of unused shortcuts
+ horizontal window arrangement
+ file hunter (move cursor over file name to make GoldED search that file)
+ search/replace history
+ event requester supports assignement of multiple commands
+ HiSpeed: 'faces down' option
+ HiSpeed: US-letter/US-legal available
+ faster startup
+ global search (FGREP) faster: Boyer-Moore algorithm
+ improved dictionary requester
+ user may specify clipboard unit
+ files menu (rename, delete): multiselect supported
+ improved low-memory handling (delayed 'another try' option)
+ fixed handling of file comments
+ SCREEN command: CONFIG/K option renamed to FILE/K
+ national characters used to confuse QuickFunc handler
+ QuickStarter accepts STICKY as well as CED's -STICKY
+ CapsLock no longer considered as SHIFT qualifier
+ improved FUNC skript
+ faster gadget update
+ added ghosting to GENERIC-KIND ("symbol") gadgets
+ QUIT sent to GoldED by RX returns immediately
+ HiSpeed: u