home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- --------------------------------------- 0.91 ----------------------------------
- + asynchronous memory management
- + menu help available
- + localized (English/German); WB2.1+ required
- + columnar shifting
- + ASCII table faster
- + file requesters: multi selection supported
- + SCREEN/CONFIG keywords introduced
- + fall back on SlowLoad, if there are TABs at the beginning of a file
- + unlimited number of windows (shared message port)
- + unlimited number of folds
- + iconify available
- + online parenthesis checks (optional)
- + online case checks (optional)
- + automatic phrase completion (APC) based on user's dictionary
- + QuickFunc tables (C, BASIC, PASCAOL, ASSEMBLER, ...)
- + requester management faster
- + SmartIndention after keywords
- + new maximum line length: 512 characters
- + CUT/PASTE use the clipboard device
- + time/date strings according to default format of locale library
- + XPK compression support
- + internal command management improved (hashing: faster)
- + external MakeRefs utility built into the editor
- + solid/light TAB's
- + columnar insertion of text
- + text windows turned into AppWindows
- + pick/push implemented
- + temporary shanghai available (menu item requester)
- + UNDO for current line
- + layout functions (block format, ...)
- + user keyboard mapping
- + backward search implemented
- + former Hyper-based help management replaced by AmigaGuide support
- + screen is centered
- + absolute GOTO (unfolding automatically)
- + character set remap
- + WordWrap
- + go-to-last-change command
- + block-based appending of text
- + access to environment variables
- + saving of settings considerably faster
- + ARexx-Port implemented, several examples included
- + user file extensions of QuickFunc scanner
- + QuickStarter ED
- + unlock utility
- + installer script
- --------------------------------------- v0.92 ---------------------------------
- + searching faster (ToUpper()/ToLower() replaced by tables)
- + string gadget edit hook
- + new gadget look: requester images, default gadgets emphasized
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + command: FREEZE
- + command: PROJECT
- + command: MACRO
- + command: COLON
- + command: REFRESH
- + option: NONAME (NEW)
- + option: HIDE (BLOCK)
- + option: STATUS (REQUEST)
- + option: STICKY (UNLOCK)
- + option: ORDINAL (WINDOW)
- + option: STEP (GOTO)
- + option: AUTO (FORMAT)
- + option: TOF (GOTO)
- + option: BOF (GOTO)
- + references requester offers GENERATE option
- + proportional flag supported by printer configuration
- + command requester: list of available commands
- + context-sensitive outdention
- + project requester
- + XPK: password/efficiency supported
- + freezing of windows
- + new 'magic code' \HOST
- + macro recording
- + startup macro available
- + improved QuickStarter
- + automatic usage of current left margin (format)
- + CANCEL button added to several requesters
- + removed faulty string from MISC requester
- + REPLACE/USE in ARexx mode: display refresh was missing
- + removed 'GOTO EOL' bug
- + PICK command renamed to POP
- + renamed ARexx port from GoldED.1 to GOLDED.1
- + backup counter set to 0 if user cancels backup request
- + handling of several 'magic codes' (\n \t \b) was broken
- + improved German catalog (AutoBak: file name now is displayed)
- + ARexx: changes of current line were lost after performing the SAVE command
- + fixed memory loss
- + additional med-res icon set
- + improved UnLock utility
- ---------------------------------- 0.93 ---------------------------------------
- + HotKey commodity support
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + option: CLOSE (SCREEN)
- + option: UNLOAD (QUIT)
- + command: UJUMP
- + command: DJUMP
- + command: RX
- + command: EVENT
- + option: DEBUG (TASK)
- + option: LIST (PROJECT)
- + option: CURRENT (FUNC)
- + option: QUIET (LOCK)
- + option: FIRST (FIND)
- + option: MATCH (BRACKET)
- + option: CR (TEXT)
- + option: BUFFER (QUERY)
- + option: TOGGLE (CODE)
- + option: SMART (SAVE)
- + option: DYNAMIC (TAB, TABS)
- + option: REGULAR (TAB, TABS)
- + option: FORCE (WINDOW)
- + added new HIDE Option to GoldED & QuickStarter
- + Rico's GUIMake now part of GoldED distribution
- + REQUEST command supports underscores
- + keyboard cursor control within listviews (OS3.0 required)
- + new menu item: matching parenthesis
- + each menu item may be linked to a diffent AmigaGuide database (@ qualifier)
- + new macros
- + insert C function body
- + fold marked lines
- + revisions management
- + execute line of text as DOS command
- + dynamic TABs
- + command help: templates are listed
- + Reformat may be turned of while in WordWrap mode
- + user may adjust pens (menu color and more)
- + now user may type while marking a block
- + case conversion used to fail if national characters were involved
- + REQUEST command supports multiple lines sparated by | or linefeed
- + removed potential enforcer hit from WordWrap code
- + internal commands now may be lowercase
- + national characters (e.g. "ä") used to confuse the COUNT command
- + LOAD missed last line of a text if line didn't contain a LF code
- + '#' no longer considered as white space character
- + keyboard requester: LOAD/SAVE gadgets repositioned
- + AutoBackup requester: OK/CANCEL gadgets repositioned
- + conversion table MSDOS->Amiga was broken
- + improved doubleclick handling within listviews
- + view is refreshed after performing a TEXT command
- + '\"' no longer considered as string by parenthesis check
- + 'width' gadget of layout requester replayed by 'right border' gadget
- + RX command fixed
- + 'fold all' didn't fold inner folds
- + added body text support to string/number requests (REQUEST command)
- ---------------------------------- 0.94 ---------------------------------------
- + user may set default tool of icons created by GoldED
- + SORT faster (2000 lines: 3 seconds instead of several minutes)
- + global search across several files
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + command: GREP
- + current string gadget is highlighted
- + control codes available within string gadgets
- + external scan handlers may be added to the QuickFunc requester
- + fold markers: quotation marks obsolete
- + borderless display mode support dropped
- + MACRO command: MACRO PLAY LOOPS was broken
- + WordWrap: empty lines at end of paragraphe are kept
- + keyboard requester: improved keyboard listview control
- --------------------------------- 0.95 ----------------------------------------
- + sub menus are available
- + "*" flag indicates changes
- + user may select scroller type (2D, 3D, simple)
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + option: RENAME (FILE)
- + option: NEWDIR (FILE)
- + option: CURRENT (LAYOUT)
- + option: ARRANGE (WINDOW): argument expected
- + option: LOAD/S (SCREEN)
- + option: SAVE/S (SCREEN)
- + option: BYTE/N (GOTO)
- + option: KEY/S (REQUEST)
- + command: EXTRACT
- + command: HUNTER
- + command: SEARCH (FILE)
- + FastScroll mode
- + ChunkyPixel option offered by display mode requester
- + new pens: user may set menu text and menu border to different colors
- + memory usage estimation before loading a text (will give warnings)
- + automatic usage of SlowLoad, if insufficient continuous memory
- + shortcut of symbol gadgets without label text defaults to space
- + most requester may be canceled by ESC
- + menu requester: list of unused shortcuts
- + horizontal window arrangement
- + file hunter (move cursor over file name to make GoldED search that file)
- + search/replace history
- + event requester supports assignement of multiple commands
- + HiSpeed: 'faces down' option
- + HiSpeed: US-letter/US-legal available
- + faster startup
- + global search (FGREP) faster: Boyer-Moore algorithm
- + improved dictionary requester
- + user may specify clipboard unit
- + files menu (rename, delete): multiselect supported
- + improved low-memory handling (delayed 'another try' option)
- + fixed handling of file comments
- + SCREEN command: CONFIG/K option renamed to FILE/K
- + national characters used to confuse QuickFunc handler
- + QuickStarter accepts STICKY as well as CED's -STICKY
- + CapsLock no longer considered as SHIFT qualifier
- + improved FUNC skript
- + faster gadget update
- + added ghosting to GENERIC-KIND ("symbol") gadgets
- + QUIT sent to GoldED by RX returns immediately
- + HiSpeed: user interface didn't adjust to new font after loading a preset file
- + HiSpeed: pens of custom screens are respected
- + menu pen selection restricted to OS.0 users
- + removed Mungwall hit from GoldED's printer handling
- + output didn't stop after 'printer trouble' panic of OS
- + AutoCase now performed before SmartIndent
- + improved PUSH handling (line insertion) at end of text
- --------------------------------- 0.96 ----------------------------------------
- + translated manual to German
- + separating line between menu items may be turned off
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + option: PASS (SAVE)
- + option: WORD (INSERT)
- + option: USERx (MODE)
- + option: SPLIT (PREFS)
- + option: NUMPAD (MODE)
- + option: LEFT (DELETE)
- + option: WORDS (FIND/REPLACE)
- + option: CONFIRM (REPLACE)
- + option: SWAP (FREEZE)
- + added 'average line width' to statistics display
- + QuickFunc scanners will consider folded lines (optional)
- + added pick/push cache to DELETED WORD (ALT-SHIFT-DELETE)
- + SmartIndention: optional keyword line indention
- + checkmarks may be attached to menus
- + several new external scan handlers (e.g. #defines)
- + GEDRefs utility: list men/keyboard bindings
- + horizontal scrolling faster
- + added clock within screen's title bar (optional)
- + user may assign commands to numeric keypad
- + printer output: optional line numbers
- + asynchronous printing available
- + external AppIcon starter
- + *.*-gadget of file hunter supports directory-independant search-suffix
- + find/replace: words-only option
- + interactive replace mode available
- + improved window freezing (exchange option)
- + LEFT/NEXT/PREV (cursor movements) won't stop at end/start of line
- + shanghai setting of display mode requester respected
- + improved block format
- + REQUEST command offers string length limitation
- + non-ASCII character handling of COUNT command fixed
- + cursor-right + del + backspace in last line caused task-held if line was empty
- + internal commands: leading spaces are ignored
- + cursor positioning after a replace operation fixed
- + QUERY WORD: used to fail if last word of a line was requested
- + scroll bar handling can cope with more than 65535 lines
- + inerpreation of printer init string fixed
- + QuickStarter: used to ignore 'current directory' if no file name was given
- + user's settings of reqtools requester are respected
- + 'left border' gadget of layout requester sometimes lost last changes
- + format engine failed on extremely long lines
- --------------------------------- 0.97 ----------------------------------------
- + user defined gadgets within window's title bar
- + AmigaGuide will run asynchonously (OS3.1 required)
- + HiSpeed: new mode supports printing of AmigaGuide files
- + file hunter: scanning of subdirectories may be turned off
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + option: DEEP (HUNT)
- + option: QUIET (WINDOW)
- + option: SMART (FUNC)
- + option: SNAP (WINDOW)
- + option: SPC (QUERY)
- + command: GUI
- + command: FIX
- + option: WEIGHT (GUI)
- + option: DATE (GUI)
- + option: ASK (MENU)
- + option: FILE (MENU)
- + option: LOAD (MENU)
- + option: SAVE (MENU)
- + improved format: lines consisting of spaces are treated as empty lines
- + multiselect within project files listview; OS3.0 required
- + long file names within listviews are abbreviated ("..."); OS3.0 required
- + QuickFunc scanner defaults to search mode depending on file name (e.g. "*.c")
- + GUI requester
- + scroll borders
- + automatic window arrangement
- + overwrite warnings
- + use status line to display error messages
- + white space definition; WARNING: some commands (e.g. QUERY WORD) will change
- their behaviour depending on white space settings; update your macros
- + horizontal FastScroll
- + NEXT, PREV, QUERY WORD consider white space settings
- + HiSpeed: setup supports shifting of output
- + HiSpeed localized (English/German)
- + installer script translated to German
- + new, faster searching
- + window arrangement:
- + user may specify weights
- + borders supported (useful to keep ToolManager dock visible)
- + new QuickStarter option: L=LINE/N (direct line access)
- + user defined date format (GUI DATE)
- + menu requesters supports appending of menu presets
- + '-/+' gadgets replaced by arrow gadgets
- + new, highly optimized scrolling
- + improved color scheme of clock and user gadgets on public screens
- + repeated flag handling of cursor keys within sequenzes was broken
- + 'archived' bits are updated
- + AutoIndention: return within empty line won't change column
- + AmigaGuide help forced to be synchronous unless OS3.0+ is used (due to OS bug)
- + gadgets within window titles replaced by boopsi gadgets
- + improved menu requester; shortcut list includes current shortcut
- + ghosting of 'add' gadget (event requester) didn't work under OS2.x
- + moved several gadgets from the MISC requester to the GUI requester
- + HiSpeed: VMI is used instead of LPI (improved laser compatibility)
- + revision macro made to respect white space settings
- + bugfix: calculation of statistics fixed
- + bugfix: events of type text couldn't insert ASCII code 0
- + bugfix: AutoCase failed if line contained the ASCII code 0
- + faster refresh after menu has been changed (without closing window)
- + memory loss of config requester fixed
- --------------------------------- 0.98 ----------------------------------------
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + option: MASK (REQUEST FILE)
- + option: VERSION (QUERY)
- + command: BEEP
- + command: API
- + option: ASK
- + option: PORT
- + option: RIGHT (GUI)
- + option: OVERWRITE (GUI, replaces ASKOVER)
- + command: SET
- + option: PREV (WINDOW)
- + option: ADD (FREEZE)
- + command: VLEFT (replaces VIEW LEFT)
- + command: VRIGHT (replaces VIEW RIGHT)
- + option: SYNC (RX)
- + option: CHECK (XREF)
- + option: PREVIEW (QUERY)
- + option: SCREENW (QUERY)
- + option: SCREENH (QUERY)
- + option: PREVIEW (VIEW)
- + option: EVENT/K (KEY)
- + option: DATE (QUERY)
- + option: TIME (QUERY)
- + option: VPASTE (PASTE)
- + option: CON (RX)
- + command: NOTIFY
- + option: ADD (API)
- + option: LOAD (API)
- + option: SAVE (API)
- + option: FILE (API)
- + option: PROBLEM (REQUEST)
- + option: VAR/K (TEXT)
- + option: FIND/K (API)
- + option: ASK/S (BIND)
- + option: ASK/S (PATH)
- + option: CONFIG/K (BIND)
- + option: CONFIG/K (PATH)
- + option: CONFIG/K (TABS)
- + option: CONFIG/K (MISC)
- + option: CONFIG/K (GUI)
- + API (Application Interface); new API requester
- + API client "dock" allows GoldED to offer a ToolManager dock
- + old config is split into presets during installation
- + optional audio error beep
- + loading: check if text is present already (optional)
- + MAXDOWN and MAXUP (CTRL + cursor up/down) considerably faster
- + HiSpeed v6.0
- + finer linefeed control (13 steps)
- + portrait and landscape shifting may be set independently
- + HP LaserJet 4L presets
- + editor asks for name if user attempts to save unnamed text for the first time
- + HELP command: the main node is accessed if no TOPIC is given
- + GEDDock reads configuration from file
- + API client 'Spell' adds online spell checking capability to GoldED
- + frozen list: files may be added directly to list without having to open a window
- + EOL wrap: <cursor right> at end of line will move cursor to new line (optional)
- + horizontal scroll bar (optional)
- + new API class API_CLASS_REXX (see example client 'rexx')
- + user may set volume of error beep
- + control codes within a text (e.g.ESC) are visualized as inverted characters
- + Preview (fast font switching)
- + new API client SpellIT v1.0
- + HiSpeed 6.1: new menu item "use sceen font"
- + commands added by API clients appear within list of supported internal commands
- + vertical paste
- + window arrangement: top border may be specified
- + menu and keyboard requesters support copy & paste
- + automatic parenthesis check will try to give better advice
- + WINDOW USE recognizes symbolic file names ("sys:c" = "c:" = "system:c")
- + NOTIFY command offers access to the notification mechanism of AmigaDOS
- + menus: embedding of command sequences (e.g. CTRL-V); OS3.0 required
- + new reference requester (includes history)
- + width and height of scroll bars may be set by user
- + API requester rewritten: list of active clients, info gadget
- + GX command provides AutoConfig script execution
- + HiSpeed: manuals converted into AmigaGuide files
- + more pens: user may change color of status line, screen background & user gadgets
- + phrase completion: improved algorithm
- + AutoBackup of unnamed files: user is asked for a name
- + BRACKET MATCH recognizes « »
- + increased number of USER variables (20); MODE command replaced by SET
- + menu <matching bracket> now is TeX compatible: \{ is ignored
- + REQUEST command: string requester used to cause Enforcer hits if canceled
- + REPLACE operation didn't set 'changed' flag "*"
- + display mode 'Night': deleting lines trashed window border
- + menu checkmarks are updated after using a config requester
- + priority of clock and spooler set to -1 (used to be 0)
- + dictionary: improved ghosting
- + border units of GUI requester changed from [%] to [pixel]
- + cursor simultanously within upper & lower scoll border: no scrolling
- + no automatic ()-check unless cursor leaves line
- + AutoLoad enabled: editor won't complain about missing preset file
- + exended API specifications
- + WINDOW USE didn't recognize frozen buffers
- + BITS command didn't set bits unless a requester was used
- + improved border handling (GUI requester) on AutoScroll screens
- + spell checker didn't recognize national characters
- + GOTO EOL jumps after last character of line (used to be on last character)
- + GUI requester: gadget "don't overwrite" replaced by 'overwrite'
- + client startup: GoldED's port name is passed as HOST=<port>
- + editor will search list of open files if file is selected from the project list
- + QUERY VAR/K won't open a requester (even if there is no prior LOCK)
- + editor didn't respect words-only flag if looking for single characters
- + API: NAME/K option obsolete
- + KEY command: EVENT/K option replaces CODE/N, ALT/S, CTRL/S and SHIFT/S
- + SpellIT client: removed potential deadlock of NEXT/S option
- + improved message handling of example API clients
- + Dock and ARexx macros aren't allowed to open a single requester twice anymore
- + AmigaGuide won't hang if a non-existant database is specified
- + CLIP command caused editor to loose changes within current line if assigned to a key
- + there was no date display if the locale library was missing
- + TABs & references requesters redesigned
- + GoldED:Tools/GEDRefs sometimes caused Enforcer hits
- + palette limitations (4 colors) removed
- + SCREEN command & MENU command: CONFIG/K option renamed to FILE/K
- + SpellIT: TEX/K support was broken
- --------------------------------- 0.99 ----------------------------------------
- + usage of keyfiles
- + faster reference function
- + reference index kept resident (optional)
- + improved statistics:
- + line number of longest line
- + number of pages (FF codes)
- + number of ESC sequences
- + average word width
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + command: RUN
- + option: UNFOLD (FUNC)
- + option: USER (QUERY)
- + command: SUFFIX
- + option: WAITPORT (RUN)
- + option: SECONDS (RUN)
- + option: LINE/S (RUN)
- + option: EOW/S (DELETE)
- + option: SMART/S (DELETE)
- + display requester: BorderBlank available
- + French translations of most files (FFD); French catalog
- + Describe presentation during installation
- + scoll arrows below scoll bar
- + SpellIT: « » are recognized as white space characters
- + SAS/C API-Client 'DebugIT'
- + block/indent: finer control
- + further improvements of scrolling speed
- + improved calculation of user gadget width if screen font is proportional
- + improved event loop of example API clients
- + TEXT/T within fold headers disabled
- + new installer script
- + OUTPUT option of RUN command used to work with interactive handles only
- + editor won't crash if locale library of OS2.1 is used in pre-OS2.1 environment
- + dictionary entries beginning with \ confused dictionary handler
- + AutoBackups won't reset "*" flag anymore
- + GUIDE scanner fixed: unnamed nodes are listed as "(unnamed)"
- + work-around to fix bug of AmigaLib function SetRexxVar
- + \NAME in printer init caused redirection of output to the text file
- + WARNING: DELETE WORD has been improved; you might have to update old macros
- --------------------------------- 1.0 -----------------------------------------
- + marker handling rewritten; available resolutions: line/character
- + doubleclick selects word under cursor
- + screen scrolls while marking if cursor reaches end of screen
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + option: SMART/S (BACK)
- + option: COLUMN/S (MARK)
- + option: LINE/S (MARK)
- + option: WORD/S (MARK)
- + option: STRICT/S (MARK)
- + option: SAVE/S (REQUEST)
- + option: BLOCK (QUERY)
- + option: BLOCKX (QUERY)
- + option: BLOCKY (QUERY)
- + option: BLOCKR (QUERY)
- + option: BLOCKB (QUERY)
- + option: INBLOCK (QUERY)
- + command: MOUSE
- + QuickFunc setup: external scan handlers highlighted (OS3.0+)
- + backspace over highlighted word deletes word
- + optional use of ASL file requester
- + user may map functions to mouse keys (config/mouse)
- + new NeXTStep dock package (available at support BBS)
- + SpellIT offers a RESIDENT option
- + GOTO command faster
- + GREP used to block the editor if search pattern was empty
- + display refresh in word wrap mode fixed
- + DELETE EOL fixed
- + patterns of QuickRef setup are parsed by ParsePatternNoCase()
- + resident XREF index is updated after creation of new index
- + no longer possible to move cursor beyond maxium column using mouse
- + locale library has not been used in an exec 37 environment (including OS2.1)
- ------------------------------------ 1.1 --------------------------------------
- + templates; new requester: config/templates
- + right-to-left input mode available (layout menu)
- + new ARexx commands/options:
- + command: TEMPLATES
- + option: TEMPLATES (QUERY)
- + option: REVERSED (QUERY)
- + option: REVERSED (GUI)
- + option: RAW (OPEN)
- + option: TWINS/K (BRACKET)
- + FAX Hotline (Germany: 0241-81665, International: +49-(0)241-81665)
- + command list: external commands provided by API clients are highlighted (OS3.0+)
- + API & PREFS command: replaced FILE/K by CONFIG/K
- + revision macro fixed
- + improved sequence recording (now based on actions; used to be event-based)
- + menus have been cleaned up
- + a few options have been moved from config/GUI to config/misc
- + block marker: last line of block has always been copied completely
- + mark last line(s) of text, delete block, hit return: 1.0 used to guru
- + TAB requester used to reset TAB values to 4/8 after repeated usage
- + sysihack compliant
- + GoldED DEMO was unable to save