Fresh Fish 9
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156 lines
MCP History
The coders: {z}:Zerocom, {o}:Oxygene, {f}:Fox
>>USER<< is the name of the user who had found the bug.
FIXED = Fixed
ADDED = Added
REMOV = Removed
REWRI = Rewritten
OVERW = Overworked
PatchControl V1.0 was added to the archive! Sorry, it's not in the install-
MCP V1.02
- {z} FIXED FastReset to be a A1200 reset (without HD-Off). Sorry, we
couldn't test it.
- {z} ADDED to Change WBTitle: Worbenchversion, real Kickstartversion and
real Workbenchversion (e.g. 39.106 and 39.29)
- {z} ADDED Crunchmania support for Crunchpatch
- {o} FIXED ClickToFront doesn't work with the 'rawkey lbutton'
Please use 'double rawmouse lbutton' (Doubleclick)
because it's better then only the left mousebutton
>>Zachary Powell<<
- {o} FIXED MoveWindow hang if you press the right mousebutton while
moving the window
- {o} FIXED CycleScreens, ClickToFront, ClickToback doesn't work full
with few programs
>>Volker Remuss<<
- {o} FIXED CycleScreens doesn't work with 'rawmouse lbutton rbutton'
>>Volker Remuss<<
- {z} REWRI Init and Remove routines (There are now shorter and safer)
- {z} FIXED systemlock when a library can't be opened
- {z} REMOV Openscreen-routine (now MCP works fine with RetinaEmu)
- {o} FIXED CopyMem doesn't work on 68040 or higher
- {o} FIXED Tooltype 'MCPNOVBR' causes the computer to crash
- {o} FIXED Windowfunctions (MoveWindow, ClickToFront, ClickToBack)
wasn't compatible with MagicMenu (selectable Popup Menu)
>>Volker Remuss<<
- {o} FIXED Tasksearching was to slow (now 600% faster)
>>Volker Remuss<<
- {o} ADDED new MCP.gurudat
- {o} ADDED ToolType 'MCPNOCYBER' (switch to AmigaScreen)
MCPPrefs V1.02
- {z} FIXED MCPPrefs needs now muimaster.library V8 (MUI 2.1) instead of
V10. It's only tested with V10, so there are no waranties.
- {z} ADDED support of new MCP features
- {z} OVERW Userinterface:
o Select Hotkey Commands now with a double click in Hotkey-
o Global 2 is now Global Page 1
o Autoscroll is selectable in Promote-Size and DisplayID
- {z} ADDED "Test" Button
- {z} FIXED It was impossible to edit Promote-Size
- {z} FIXED crash with the demo-config when euro72 and multiscan monitors
wasn't started
>>Philip Manning<<
- {z} FIXED some memory-eating bugs
>>Zachary Powell<<
- {z} FIXED reopening of the prefswindow while clicking the closegadget
MCP V1.01
- {z} ADDED CopyMem-patch
- {z} FIXED CacheFont didn't work with Fed
- {o} FIXED disable of MoveWindow didn't work
- {z} FIXED systemcrash when MoveWindow is disabled
- {z} FIXED errorsprite with PointerPatch disabled
- {z} FIXED Mousepointer-queue with 16 Colorpointer on 68030
MCPPrefs V1.01
- {z} ADDED More security
- {z} OVERW memory-managment
- {z} ADDED full MUI-Cyclechain support (with a new version of MUIB-
- {z} FIXED filename error with 16 Colorpointer
- {z} FIXED Hotkey disables itself automaticly
- {z} FIXED config-trashing while 16 Colorpointer generation
- {z} FIXED Borderblank now disabled on OCS/ECS