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@database PaletteTool.guide
@node Main "PaletteTool"
PaletteTool - A Public Screen palette for 8 or more colors
1994 by Timothy B. Kreuzer. All rights reserved.
Version: 1.4
Author: Tim Kreuzer (and the KreuzerSoft support team)
Language: SAC/C V6.5
@{"Features" link features}
@{"Limitations" link limitations}
@{"Release Notes" link releasenotes}
@{"Notes from the Author" link notesfromtheauthor}
@{"Why PaletteTool?" link whypalettetool}
@{"Terminology Disclaimer" link terminologydisclaimer}
@{"Starting PaletteTool" link startingpt}
@{"Main PaletteTool Window Description" link mainptwindowdescription}
@{"Palette Window Description" link palettewindowdescription}
@{"ColorByName Window Description" link cbnwindowdescription}
@{"Iconified Window Description" link iconwindowdescription}
@{"Basic PaletteTool Operation" link basicptoperation}
@{"Icon Tooltypes" link icontooltypes}
@{"Credits" link credits}
@{"Contacting the Author" link contactingtheauthor}
@{"Legal Stuff" link legalstuff}
@{"KreuzerSoft Products" link kreuzersoftproducts}
@node features "Features"
Opens and operates on the default public screen
Gadtools-based user interface, with keyboard equivalents for
many of the program functions
Full 8 bit RGB support
Full AmigaDOS 3.0-compliant locked pen "protect" mode as well
as standard "free" mode
Fully integrated "color by name" selection, with a built-in
database of 507 colors
Supports the follow actions:
- color spread (multi-directional)
- individual color copy
- individual color exchange
- rotation of palette in both direction
- cycling of entire palette in both directions
with adjustable cycle speed
- individual color "show" (flash selected color)
User interface consists of separately controllable windows for:
- main functions
- color palette (2 sizes)
- "color by name" selection
Features a single-level "undo" capability
Iconifiable, with color cycling controls also available from
the programs iconified state
Features ability of pick a pen/color from anywhere on the
current screen (using the mouse pointer and either the space
bar or middle-mouse-button). This type of color "pick" can
also be used with the copy, spread, and exchange actions
Freatures a "panic" restore button (and key equivalent) so
you can restore the palette to where it was at program start
"Smart" iconify function
Help text (displayed on screen banner) for the copy, spread,
exchange, and pick actions
Upon exit, restores palette to where it was at start-up
Single version for 68020 and up CPUs (all AGA Amigas)
Tested OK using the Enforcer
@node limitations "Limitations"
Can only be used from the Workbench (start via Icon)
Requires AmigaDOS 3.0(+) and the AGA chipset
Requires a 68020(+) CPU
Designed for use with higher-resolution screen modes (640x400 and
higher). Note that this does NOT mean the program will not work
on lower-resolution screens. What it DOES mean is that you may
find the programs windows take up a lot of screen "real estate"
on lower-resolution screens
For some reason, the "pick" capability (using the space bar and/or
middle-mouse-button) does not work correctly when using any of
the screen modes supplied by EGS Spectrum graphics boards. I'm
guessing this is a problem with the EGS "Amiga screen" emulation
@node releasenotes "Release Notes"
Version 1.4 Notes
Completed reworked the user interface:
- Moved the palette display to a separate window
- Palette window can be displayed in two (user selectable) sizes
- Added keyboard equivalents
- Palette cycling controls now available on the iconify window
as well as the main control window
Added the (incremental) palette rotation capability
Added the color exchange capability
Added the keyboard equivalents
Reworked major sections of the source code
Version 1.3b Notes
Fixed bug which caused inaccurate color "Spread" to occur while in the
"Protect" palette mode
Version 1.3a Notes
Fixed bug which caused the 3 pointer colors to be skipped on a Spread
action in "Free" mode (would only see this on screens with 32 or more
pens). I really apologize for this, as I am very picky about only
uploading fully tested programs!
Version 1.3 Notes
Screens with a minimum of 8 colors now supported
Added "color by name", "panic restore", "pick from screen", full
AmigaDOS 3.0 palette "protect" mode, and "free" mode capabilities.
Note that "protect" mode takes the place of the old "hardcoded"
method of avoiding pens/colors used by the system
Fixed bug in "Iconify", where the previous positions of the main PaletteTool
window and the inconified window were not restored when they (re)opened.
Windows were opening at a fixed location (yech!)
The currently selected pen/color in the main palette display is now
recessed, allowing for easier visual confirmation
Main palette gadget is no longer disabled during cycling
Miscellaneous code and user interface cleanup
Version 1.2 Notes
Added full 8-bit RGB support (Hurray!)
Added Iconify ("I" button) support
Added About ("?" button)
Added support for "X" and "Y" icon tooltypes to determine position
of PaletteTool window at startup
Corrected the Spread function's math to allow "smoother" spreads
PaletteTool will no longer open on a screen that supports less than
32 colors; a nice requester will pop up to remind you of this if you try
Fixed problem where original palette was not correctly restored upon
quiting following certain types of Undo actions
Fixed problem where the currently selected color's RGB slider values were
not correctly reset after an Undo action
All other features operate the same as in version 1.1
Version 1.1 Notes
Added the Copy, Undo, and Spread capabilities
Added the "restore palette at exit" capability
All other features operate the same as in initial release version
The loading and unloading of the palettes at the beginning and end of
cycling can lock up your Amiga for 1 second or so
@node notesfromtheauthor "Notes from the Author"
Upon release of V1.3 of PaletteTool, the program grew in size by about
100%. The biggest reason for the size increase was the addition of
the color-name database. With this version (V1.4) I've managed to keep
the program size roughly the same as before (approx 46K bytes) while
adding a lot of new features.
I'd like the get the program "smaller" if possible, and will continue
looking for ways to do this.
I decided a few versions ago that separate executables for 68020/30/40
CPUs were really not needed, as the most "intensive" thing PaletteTool
does is cycling.
I really didn't want to use the "space bar" for the "pick" action, but I
don't know any other method (short of middle or right mouse button).
I ran into weird system-lockup problems trying to trap an IDCMP window
inactiviate (and update the gadgets) when the left mouse button was
pressed outside the PaletteTool window. I also didn't want to use the
right mouse button because of their standard use with menus.
The creation and evolution of PaletteTool has served as a wonderful
introduction-to and expansion-of my learning more about both the "C"
programming language and the Amiga. It's a real joy developing code
on such a wonderful machine (and operating system).
@node whypalettetool "Why did I create PaletteTool?"
18 months ago, after deciding to take the plunge and buy an A4000
(which, by the way, is a fantastic machine!), I was disappointed in
the lack of applications which exploited t