Fresh Fish 9
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C/C++ Source or Header
302 lines
/* zSample.c
* Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Reality Check, Inc.
* Written by David N. Junod
* This is a sample of how a C program can interface to the
* same library that the ZedREXX REXX Language Extension uses.
* This requires the header files that are included with
* the ZedREXX SDK. The SDK does NOT come with the ZedREXX
* registration, but is instead an additional product
* available through Reality Check, Inc. Direct inquiries
* to David N. Junod.
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/execbase.h>
#include <exec/libraries.h>
#include <graphics/text.h>
#include <libraries/diskfont.h>
#include <rci/rciface.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/diskfont_protos.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/utility_protos.h>
#include <clib/rciface_protos.h>
#include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/diskfont_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/rciface_pragmas.h>
struct Library *SysBase, *DOSBase, *GfxBase, *DiskfontBase, *UtilityBase;
struct Library *RCIFaceBase;
struct TextAttr topazAttr = {"topaz.font", 8,};
struct TextAttr helvAttr = {"helvetica.font", 13,};
/* This is our user interface description, the exact same as in a ZedREXX
* script. In fact, usually you would prototype your user interface in
* ZedREXX and then convert it to C. */
STRPTR data[] =
"zInterface zSample",
"zWindow Main Label=\"zSample\" Open Centered Vertical CloseEvent Justification=Center Alignment=Center",
"zMenu Project",
"zObject Button IconM Label=\"&Iconify\" Cause=\"zDoMethod zSample Deactivate\"",
"zObject Line",
"zObject Button Quit Label=\"&Quit\" SelectEvent",
"zObject TextDisplay Value=\"zHello zSilly zWorld\" Justification=Center",
"zObject Line",
"zObject Button OK Label=\"&OK\" SelectEvent",
/* Functions used by our user interface */
ULONG HOOK QuitF (PA0 struct zHook *h, PA1 CmdP c, PA2 struct EventMsg *em);
ULONG HOOK DefaultF (PA0 struct zHook *h, PA1 CmdP c, PA2 struct EventMsg *em);
/* The function table used by our user interface */
static struct Cmd cmdArray[] =
/* The following is sent when the Quit menu item is selected */
{"Quit_Select", QuitF, NULL, ",", 1,},
/* The following is sent when the Main window is closed */
{"Main_Close", QuitF, NULL, ",", 1,},
/* The following is sent when closed by Exchange */
{"zSample_Quit", QuitF, NULL, ",", 1,},
static struct Cmd DefaultCmd = {"Default", DefaultF, NULL, "ATTRS/F", 1,};
/* Global data used by our application */
typedef struct GlobalData
ULONG gd_Going;
} GlobalData, *GlobalDataP;
/* The "main" function should be the only function that contains
* direct OS calls. ZedREXX applications are portable to OS/2, Windows
* and MS-DOS. ZedREXX is the simplistic multi-platform toolkit that
* Reality Check has to offer. For larger products, the Viper Toolkit
* is recommended. */
LONG main (void)
LONG failureLevel = RETURN_FAIL;
struct WBStartup *wbm = NULL;
LONG failureCode = 0;
struct Process *pr;
ULONG error, res, res2;
struct EventMsg *em;
ULONG zsig, sigr;
GlobalDataP gd;
APTR ih;
struct TextAttr *ta = &topazAttr;
struct TextFont *tf;
SysBase = (*((struct Library **) 4));
/* I don't like using compiler startup code */
pr = (struct Process *) ((struct ExecBase *)SysBase)->ThisTask;
if (!(pr->pr_CLI))
WaitPort (&pr->pr_MsgPort);
wbm = (struct WBStartup *) GetMsg (&pr->pr_MsgPort);
if (SysBase->lib_Version < 37)
else if (gd = AllocVec (sizeof (struct GlobalData), MEMF_CLEAR))
/* Open ROM libraries */
DOSBase = OpenLibrary ("dos.library", 37);
GfxBase = OpenLibrary ("graphics.library", 37);
DiskfontBase = OpenLibrary ("diskfont.library", 37);
UtilityBase = OpenLibrary ("utility.library", 37);
/* Open the RCI user interface library */
if (RCIFaceBase = OpenLibrary ("rciface.library", 0))
/* The font must be loaded into RAM before it can be used. */
if ((tf = OpenFont (&helvAttr)) == NULL)
tf = OpenDiskFont (&helvAttr);
if (tf)
ta = &helvAttr;
/* Open the user interface */
if (ih = zOpenInterface (
ZIA_Interface, (ULONG) data,
ZIA_Functions, (ULONG) cmdArray,
ZIA_DefaultFunction, (ULONG) & DefaultCmd,
ZIA_FunctionData, gd,
ZIA_TextAttr, ta,
failureLevel = RETURN_OK;
/* Initialize our global variables. */
gd->gd_IH = ih;
gd->gd_Going = TRUE;
/* Get the signal bit for the user interface */
zsig = 1L << zInterfaceSignal (ih);
/* Activate the user interface */
res = zSendCommand (ih, "zDoMethod zSample Activate", &res2);
/* Clear a few necessaries */
res = res2 = 0;
Printf ("Activate the shell that started this example and press ^F\n");
/* Look until there is no reason to continue */
while (gd->gd_Going)
/* Wait for something to happen */
/* Was it a RCI message */
if (sigr & zsig)
/* Pull the message */
while (em = zGetEventMsg (ih))
/* Handle the message */
zInterpret (ih, em, &error);
/* Reply to the message */
zReplyEventMsg (ih, em, res, res2);
/* Was it a ^C */
if (sigr & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
gd->gd_Going = FALSE;
/* Was it a ^E */
if (sigr & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E)
res = zSendCommand (ih, "zDoMethod zSample Activate", &res2);
/* Was it a ^F */
if (sigr & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F)
UBYTE otitle[64], buffer[32];
/* Get the current title */
zGetAttr (ih, "Main", "Label", otitle, sizeof (otitle));
Printf ("Click on the OK button to return to the main loop\n");
i = 1;
while (i)
/* Wait around for a little while */
Delay (10);
/* Change the window title bar to show the current value */
sprintf (buffer, "%06ld", i++);
zSetAttr (ih, "Main", "Label", buffer);
/* See if anything has happened */
if (zCheckForEvent (ih))
i = 0;
/* Restore the original title */
zSetAttr (ih, "Main", "Label", otitle);
/* Close the user interface */
zCloseInterface (ih);
CloseFont (tf);
CloseLibrary (RCIFaceBase);
Printf ("couldn't open rciface.library\n");
/* Close libraries */
CloseLibrary (UtilityBase);
CloseLibrary (DiskfontBase);
CloseLibrary (GfxBase);
CloseLibrary (DOSBase);
FreeVec (gd);
failureCode = ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE;
if (wbm)
Forbid ();
ReplyMsg ((struct Message *) wbm);
pr->pr_Result2 = failureCode;
return (failureLevel);
ULONG HOOK QuitF (PA0 struct zHook * h, PA1 CmdP c, PA2 struct EventMsg * em)
GlobalDataP gd = (GlobalDataP) h->h_UserData;
/* Tell peoples what is going on around here */
Printf ("quit : win=