Richard Gwyn, Smallwood: The Unlikely Revolutionary (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, revised edition, 1972). This penetrating biography offers a unique insight into the political sociology of post-Confederation Newfoundland. Available in paperback.
Rex A. Lucas, Minetown, Milltown, Railtown (Toronto; University of Toronto Press, 1971). This highly original study is an indispensable work for anyone attempting to understand the history of "single enterprise communities" in Canada. Available in paperback.
Peter Neary, (ed.), The Political Economy of Newfoundland, 1929-1972 (Toronto: Copp Clark Ltd., 1973). This collection of readings attempts to illustrate the manner in which the forces of industrialization and urbanization have altered the character of Newfoundland life since the start of the Great Depression. Available in paperback.
Peter Neary, and Patrick O'Flaherty, (eds.), By Great Waters: A Newfoundland and Labrador Anthology (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974). This collection illustrates the unfolding of Newfoundland's history and culture. Many of the readings in it show the interplay of pre-industrial and industrial elements in Newfoundland life.
Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland. This excellent series, which is exploring many aspects of Newfoundland life, was started in 1966. Two volumes in the series are of particular interest here. They are:
No. 1: Tom Philbrook, Fisherman, Logger, Merchant, Miner: Social Change and Industrialism in Three Newfoundland Communities
No. 9: Ottar Brox, Newfoundland and Fishermen in the Age of Dualism: A Sociology of Economic Dualism, 1972 (Previously titled Maintenance of Economic Dualism in Newfoundland).
S.J.R. Noel, Politics in Newfoundland (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971). This is the most comprehensive account of Newfoundland's twentieth-century history and one of the best accouts on the Canadian book market of the politics of any province. Available in paperback.