There are many general works on the French regime such as Marcel Trudel, Initiation a la Nouvelle France; histoire et institutions (MontrÄal: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1968) and The Beginnings of New France,1524-1663 (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, c1973), Emile Salone, La Colonisation de la Nouvelle-France; etude sur les origines de la nation canadienne-franìaise (Paris: E. Guilmoto, 1906; Trois-RiviÅres: BorÄal Express, 1970), W.J Eccles, The Canadian Frontier: 1534-1760 (MontrÄal: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1969) and Canada under Louis XIV (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart c1964, 1968) and S.B. Ryerson, The Founding of Canada: Beginnings to 1815 (Toronto: Progress Books,1960). For a briefer view of this colonial society Guy FrÄgault, Canadian Society in the French Regime (Ottawa: The Canadian Historical Association, 1971; The Canadian Historical Booklets, no. 3) and the chapter "The French Impact in Canada and Acadia" in Cole Harris and J. Warkentin, Canada Before Confederation (New York: Oxford University Press,1974) are recommended.
Another approach to this period of our history is to look at contemporary descriptions of the country and at travellers' accounts. Useful in this regard are Pierre Boucher, Histoire veritable et naturelle des Moeurs et Productions du Pays de la Nouvelle France, vulgairement dite le Canada (Paris, 1664; reprinted Boucherville: SocietÄ historique de Boucherville, 1964), Louis Franquet. Voyages et Memoires sur le Canada en 1752-1753 (Toronto: Canadiana House, 1968), Voyage de Pehr Kalm au Canada en 1749, an annotated translation by Jacques Rousseau and Guy BÄthume of the travel account of the Swedish botanist Peter Kalm (Adolph B. Benson's 1937 English translation, The America of 1750: Peter Kalm's travels in North America is available in larger librairies), and Nouveaux Voyages de M. Ie baron de Lahontan dans l'AmÄrique septentrionale (La Haye: 1703; MontrÄal: âditions ElysÄe, 1974) most recently published in English, New Voyages to North America..., in an edition edited by R.G Thwaites (Chicago: 1905). For the fascinating experiences and perceptions of an intelligent and sensitive female member of MontrÄal's colonial elite read Lettres au cher fils: correspondance d'Elizabeth Begon avec son gendre, 1718-1753 (MontrÄal: Hurtubise HMH,1972).
Specialized works on the period include R.C. Harris, The Seigneurial System in Early Canada; a geographical study (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, Quebec City: Presses de l'UniversitÄ Laval, 1966), the best study on land occupation; it is illustrated with many maps and graphs. Information on immigration, the fur trade, farming and the colonial society can be obtained in Jean Hamelin, âconomie et SocietÄ en Nouvelle-France (Quebec City: Presses universitaires Laval,1960: UniversitÄ Laval, Institut d'histoire, cahier no. 3) and Louise DechÉne, Habitants et marchands de MontrÄal au XVlle siecle (Paris-MontrÄal: Plon, 1974).
The study by Jacques Henripin, La population canadienne au debut du XVlle siecle: nuptialitÄ, fÄconditÄ, mortalitÄ infantile (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1954; Institut national d'Ätudes dÄmographiques, Travaux et documents, cahier no. 22) is the basic work on demographic aspects of Canada under the French regime. Two useful articles on the same subject have been published by Le Programme de recherche en dÄmographie historique (PRDH) at the University of MontrÄal, headed by Hubert Charbonneau: Jacques LÄgarÄ, AndrÄ LaRose and Raymond Roy, "Reconstitution de la population canadienne au XVIIe siecle: mÄthodes et bilan d'une recherche", Recherches sociographiques, XIV (1973), pp 383-400 and Raymond Roy, Yves Landry et Hubert Charbonneau, "Quelques comportements des Canadiens au XVIIe siecle d'aprÅs les registres paroissiaux", Revue d'histoire de l'AmÄrique franìaise, 31 (1977), pp 49-73.
There are many works available which consider various aspects of the material culture of New France. For information on various professions and methods of production consult the following: J.-P Hardy and D.T. Ruddell, Les apprentis-artisans a QuÄbec, 1660-1815 (MontrÄal: Les presses de l'universitÄ du QuÄbec, 1977; Histoire des travailleurs quÄbÄcois); Peter N. Moogk, Building a House in New France: An Account of the Perplexities of Client and Craftmen in Early Canada (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, c1977); Jacques Mathieu, La construction navale royale ê QuÄbec, 1739-1759 (Quebec City: SocietÄ historique de QuÄbec. 1971; Cahiers d'histoirien 23); Mgr Albert Tessier, Les Forges Saint-Maurice 1729-1883 (Trois-RiviÅres: Editions du Bien public, 1952; Collection L'Histoire rÄgionale no. 10); Jean Trudel, Silver in New France (Ottawa: The National Gallery of Canada, National Museums of Canada. c1974) and Jean-Pierre Hardy, Le forgeron et le ferblantier (MontrÄal: Les âditions du BorÄal Express, c1978) Dale Miquelon, Dugard of Rouen; French trade to Canada and the West Indies (MontrÄal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1978) illustrates remarkably well the lives and business affairs of the period's leading merchants. Although it is outdated and very incomplete Joseph Noæl's Essai sur l'industrie au Canada sous le rÄgime franìais (Quebec City: ImprimÄ par Ls.-A Proulx, 1927) in two volumes is still a useful inventory of various economic activities. Additional sources can be found in Barbara Alexandrin and Robert Bothwell, Bibliography of the Material Culture of New France (Ottawa: National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada, 1970; Publications in History, no. 4), and in the bibliographical section of Robert Lahaise, Civilisation et vie quotidienne en Nouvelle-France en 1000 diapositives commentaires et bibliographie (MontrÄal: GuÄrin, c1973). The QuÄbec Ministry of Cultural Affairs has published many useful volumes in its Collection Civilisation du QuÄbec series, and some of the volumes are listed in the bibliography of the French-language version of this volume. For regional and local histories one should consult La Province de QuÄbec (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971: Histoires locales et rÄgionales canadiennes des origines ê 1950, volume 2) by William Felix E. Morley and AndrÄ Beaulieu with the assistance of Benoit Bernier and Agathe Garon.