Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | field | grass | person | reckoner | road | sky | vegetarianism | water OCR: abedefghijk Imnapgrs stuhturus ABC AT FOH JJETANOHON STHHINAUZ 01234567895 ~1@#A*( +=>,<[=/? The gurirk brofpn for jmps ofer ife hay dag. The quick hrotn fox jumps aher the lany dag. 24 The quick hraton fox jumprs aagu the lazy dag. The qutick hrafm fax jumps afer thre dag. The quick hrotn fax jumps ofer the lazy dog. The muick hrum fax jumps aher the lazy don. The yainh hrafm fax tumns aher the lazy dag. 0123456789 brofvn quich hratn hratm juups uher guick hram hralun ther aber