Labels:bulletin board | earth | grass | paper | person | plant | reckoner | sky | stairs OCR: abedefgh.ijkltnn.opqrstuvWxyz 1BC DEFGHi7K1 MNOFQRSTUVWXYZ 012.315'6789 1@NS%) / The quick, bien fex Jutitps ever the :lazy deg. The quick brewn fox jutinp ever the hz1 deg. The quick brown fox jutnps over the dog. The quick. brown fox jumps over the dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the dog. The quick. brown ox jumps oyer the dog The quick brow n fox jumps over the hze1 dog abedefgl ijkltinop DEFG HiJK1 MNOFQR STUVWXYZ 01231 50789 tuthps brewr