Labels:bottle | box | bulletin board | door | fence | grass | person | shelf | sky | vegetarianism OCR: abcdefghijklmn9p(rstuvuxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 +$T&()- +><. I"/? Thek hrnp er thelizyg The quick brOun f0x jumps Over the ldzy 499. quick brOwn F9x jumps Qver the Ldzy d99. ayi quick brOwn f?x jumps Over the Ldzy do9 ayi quick brOwn fOx jumps Over the Lazy d99. ayi quick brOwn FQx jumps Over the dog. ayI quick br!wn f!x jumps the Lazy d99 Thernser thelizydg