Labels:bulletin board | person | sky | web site OCR: abcdefghijhimnopgrstuvwHya ABCOEFGHIJHLMNOPORS TUUWHYE 0123456789 #$% 60 +=2, 80N/? The gtch broil foH jUmOs OVEY the laay dng The quicH brown fOH iUmos over the tazy dog. The quich brown fOH jUmps over the lazy dog The quich broWn fOH iumps oYer the tazy dog. The quich brown fOx iumps over the laay dog. The quich UmOJq fox iUmOs over the laay bop The quich brown fOx iUmps over the laay do 0123056 laall ouer laau taay