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Command: Options/Graphpaper/Graphpaper Background < OGG >
Purpose: SWITCH--Turn graphpaper background on/off
This same switch is accessible from the Print/Text Options
menu. It now controls both text mode and graphics mode
graphpaper. However the other options on this menu control
the graphpaper for graphics modes ONLY.
Graphpaper Background is NOT available for warp- and weft-
face weave modes; this switch has no effect on printouts in
those modes.
If this switch is OFF, the other settings have no affect on
the printout.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper/other options
Command: Options/Graphpaper/Highlight Lines < OGH >
Purpose: SWITCH--Toggle inclusion of highlighted lines.
When ON, grid lines are "bold" by size and color at the
interval of the Ruler Increment set with the next option.
Bold lines also separate the data components and frame the
overall draft.
If the range being printed begins above 1, the first
highlight line is adjusted by thread number, so the pattern
always prints in the same place relative to highlight lines
regardless of the range selected.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper/Ruler Increment
Command: Options/Graphpaper/Ruler Increment < OGR >
Purpose: SETTING--Control interval of highlight lines
This setting determines the number of blocks between bold
graphpaper lines.
If you adjust pattern and graphpaper magnification to
produce 8 blocks per inch, you will probably want to set the
Ruler Increment to 8.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper/Highlight Lines
Command: Options/Graphpaper/Line Mag Horizontal < OGL >
Purpose: SETTING--Control thickness of vertical grid lines
While it might seem confusing at first, the graphpaper
horizontal magnification settings affect the SAME axis as
the pattern magnification factors, i.e. the WIDTH of the
overall pattern draft. Contrary to what you might at first
think, therefore, this setting affects the thickness of the
VERTICAL grid lines, since the thicker the vertical grid
lines, the wider the overall draft.
The standard settings are Line=1, Bold=2, Space=1.
The optimum settings for graphpaper are determined by your
printer's graphics resolution and current graphics mode. If
you select a mode which is twice as dense horizontally as
vertically, you would set the horizontal magnification
factors for twice as much as the vertical settings to
achieve lines of the same thickness.
Another alternative is available for 24-pin printers; see
Bold Mag Horizontal.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper/all options
Command: Options/Graphpaper/Space Mag Horizontal < OGS >
Purpose: SETTING--Control thickness of vertical spaces
The pattern draft is generally more pleasing if the pattern
blocks don't touch the grid lines. The space between the
vertical grid lines and the pattern blocks is controlled by
this setting. Standard setting is 1 dot's width. You may
choose to have no space by selecting 0; this is more
acceptable for color printers than B&W since the grid lines
can still be seen between two blocks.
This setting controls the vertical lines' spacing and
affects the overall width of the draft. Another setting
separately controls the horizontal lines' spacing and
overall height of the draft. Two settings are necessary to
adjust for printers' modes that don't have a 1:1 horizontal
to vertical ratio.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper/all options
Command: Options/Graphpaper/Bold Mag Horizontal < OGB >
Purpose: SETTING/SWITCH--Thickness of bold verticals/24-pin
This option serves double duty. Normally it adjusts the
thickness of vertical bold grid lines. Standard setting is
2 dots' width. You may choose to have bold lines the same
thickness as regular grid lines; this is more acceptable for
color printers than B&W since the bold lines can still be
distinguished if set to a different color than regular
With 24-pin dot matrix printers in the 24-pin graphics modes
5 and 6, a setting of ZERO triggers "internal" logic for
both the vertical and horizontal regular and bold grid
lines' thickness. Patternland Modes 5 and 6 actually
translate each printable "dot" into a 3x3 matrix of 9 high-
density 24-pin graphics dots. When this setting is 0, the
24-pin "internal" matrix is altered for grid lines as
follows (x=dot, 0=space):
Regular Lines Bold Lines Pattern Block
o x o x x o x x x
Verticals: o x o x x o x x x
o x o x x o x x x
o o o x x x x x x
Horizontals: x x x x x x x x x
o o o o o o x x x
If Highlight Lines is OFF, all lines are printed as regular
grid lines.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper
Command: Options/Graphpaper/L[i]ne Mag Vertical < OGI >
Purpose: SETTING--Control thickness of horizontal grid lines
While it might seem confusing at first, the graphpaper
vertical magnification settings affect the SAME axis as the
pattern magnification factors, i.e. the HEIGHT of the
overall pattern draft. Contrary to what you might at first
think, therefore, this setting affects the thickness of the
HORIZONTAL grid lines, since the thicker the horizontal grid
lines, the greater the height of the overall draft.
The standard settings are Line=1, Bold=2, Space=1.
The optimum settings for graphpaper are determined by your
printer's graphics resolution and current graphics mode. If
you select a mode which is twice as dense horizontally as
vertically, you would set the vertical magnification
factors for HALF as much as the horizontal settings to
achieve lines of the same thickness.
Another alternative is available for 24-pin printers; see
Bold Mag Horizontal.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper/all options
Command: Options/Graphpaper/S[p]ace Mag Vertical < OGP >
Purpose: SETTING--Control thickness of horizontal spaces
The pattern draft is generally more pleasing if the pattern
blocks don't touch the grid lines. The space between the
horizontal grid lines and the pattern blocks is controlled by
this setting. Standard setting is 1 dot's width. You may
choose to have no space by selecting 0; this is more
acceptable for color printers than B&W since the grid lines
can still be seen between two blocks.
This setting controls the horizontal lines' spacing and
affects the overall height of the draft. Another setting
separately controls the vertical lines' spacing and
overall width of the draft. Two settings are necessary to
adjust for printers' modes that don't have a 1:1 horizontal
to vertical ratio.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper/all options
Command: Options/Graphpaper/B[o]ld Mag Vertical < OGO >
Purpose: SETTING--Thickness of bold horizontals
Unlike Bold Mag Horizontal, this option is a simple setting.
It adjusts the thickness of horizontal bold grid lines.
Standard setting is 2 dots' width. You may choose to have
bold lines the same thickness as regular grid lines; this is
more acceptable for color printers than B&W since the bold
lines can still be distinguished if set to a different color
than regular lines.
See Options/Graphpaper/Bold Mag Horizontal for details on an
alternative mode for 24-pin printers.
If Highlight Lines is OFF, all lines are printed as regular
grid lines.
See Also: Options/Graphpaper
Command: Options/Graphpaper/Colors of lines/data < WGC >
Purpose: COLOR CONTROL--Graphpaper and data colors
The standard color selection screen is presented for
Graphpaper regular Line color, Bold Line color, Data Block
color, and PaintJet Paper (background) color.
Data Block Color is the same color as the Data Color
accessible from the Color Palette menu and used for mixed
color printing.
The PaintJet Paper color is used only by the HP Paintjet.
The PaintJet REQUIRES that the background "Paper" color
be one of the 16 colors in the PaintJet palette. It is
highly recommended that you NOT adjust the video palette
color 15 (white). If you do, you may want to select an
alternative Paper color for the background.
With dot matrix mixed color printing, you can mix "white"
for use in the pattern itself by selecting NO ribbon
strikes; however, the background is always "non-printing"
and therefore is never one of the 16 palette colors.
See Also: