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Command: Options/Loom/Weave < OLW >
Purpose: Commence weaving with the CAW loom interface
This provides a dual window display showing the current
weaving and a weaving pointer in a second window.
Arrow keys, a mouse, and activating the CAW device switches
controls the weaving pointer and the lifting of harnesses.
Available keys and CAW inputs are given on the help screen
when you press the help key <?> during weaving.
In simulation mode, you can use the CAW Recorder to create a
new weft pattern sequence, and then a new weft, whether or
not you have a CAW interface to the loom.
See Also: Options/Loom/Record Rows
Options/Loom/Setup/Simulation with sound
Command: Options/Loom/CAWeave Editor < OLC >
Purpose: SWITCH--control availability of CAW window
With this switch ON, the CAW control window appears in the
editor when you request Edit/Weaving or Edit/Weft/Edit.
This allows you to edit the weaving design concurrently with
weaving it to the loom.
Available keys and CAW inputs are given on the help screen
when you press the help key <?> during weaving.
Simulation mode works with the integrated CAWeaver window as
well as Options/Loom/Weave.
See Also: Options/Loom/Record Rows
Options/Loom/Setup/Simulation with sound
Command: Options/Loom/Begin with Row < OLB >
Purpose: SETTING--maintains record of next row to weave
You can reset your starting row with this option.
You can also select which row to begin with simply by moving
the pointer with the arrow keys and/or scrolling the CAW
The last row woven is stored in the weaving file. By
resaving your weaving after each weaving session, this value
can be updated.
See Also: help key during weaving
Command: Options/Loom/Direction < OLD >
Purpose: SETTING--Control current "Gear" of CAWeaving
Three gears are available: Forward, Reverse, and Neutral.
As you might think, Forward causes the pointer to advance
after weaving each row; Reverse moves the pointer backwards;
and Neutral leaves the pointer stationary.
The Direction is controlled during CAWeaving by the CAW
device Gear switch.
During Simulation, the Gear switch is the keyboard Shift
See Also: help key during weaving
Command: Options/Loom/Record Rows < OLR >
Purpose: SWITCH--Control CAW Recorder of Weft Seqence
When the switch is ON, the CAW Recorder stores the sequence
of weft rows woven to the Loom or in Simulation.
If OFF, no rows are recorded.
By saving and reloading the .PSQ file of the recorded weft
sequence, you can create a revised Pattern draft of what was
actually woven to the loom. Simply use File/Save/Recording
at the end of each weaving session, and File/Load/Recording
when you resume weaving.
To create the revised draft when the weaving is complete,
use File/Save/Loom Weft followed by File/Load/Weft with the
same name--then File/Save/Weaving to resave the revised
pattern as a whole weaving file with a new name.
To create a revised weft pattern with Simulation mode, the
process is identical to the above. You create a new
weft pattern by simulating weaving a sequence of rows you
select, then save the sequence as a Recording and as Loom
Weft. Reload the Loom Weft file with File/Load/Weft and a
new weaving is created.
See Also: File/Save/Recording
File/Save/Loom Weft
<?> help key during weaving/simulation
Command: Options/Loom/New Record < OLN >
Purpose: Reset and erase the CAW Recorder
The only way to undo this is to save the sequence with
File/Save/Recording BEFORE selecting New Record.
The last row recorded is shown on the menu, but you cannot
adjust this value except by starting over.
See Also: Options/Loom/Record Rows
Command: Options/Loom/Setup < OLS >
Purpose: MENU--Configure the CAW device and Simulation
This menu provides access to the Simulation switch as well
as the various configuration options for the loom interface.
Leave Simulation mode ON if you don't have a CAW device.
Turning simulation OFF can hang up the program without a CAW
device; usually disconnecting the printer cable will return
you to the menu--or you can reboot.
See Also: Options/Loom/Setup/all options
Command: Options/Loom/Setup/Parallel Port < OLSP >
Purpose: SETTING--Select port for CAW device cable
IBM compatible computers can have up to three parallel
ports. If you have two ports, you can use one for your
printer and LPT2 for the CAW device.
If you have only one port, leave this set for LPT1.
An additional parallel port can be purchased for well under
50 dollars.
See Also: your computer documentation
Command: Options/Loom/Setup/CAW Harnesses < OLSC >
Purpose: SETTING--Select maximum harnesses for CAW device
The CAW device is available in models capable of controlling
8, 16, 24, or 32 harnesses.
You must set the configuration correctly for your interface
or it will not work.
The CAW harnesses setting is different from the current
harness limit for any particular weaving.
See Also: your CAW device documentation
Command: Options/Loom/Setup/Negative CAW bits < OLSN >
Purpose: SWITCH--Reverse the harness lifting signals
Some mechanical CAW configurations require that all UNlifted
harnesses be signaled as opposed to Lifted harnesses.
With this switch ON, CAW interface reverses all data bit
signals for this type of loom mechanics.
See Also: your CAW device documentation
Command: Options/Loom/Setup/Simulation with Sound < WLSS >
Purpose: SWITCH--Select Simulation or CAW weaving
WARNING: Leave Simulation ON UNLESS you have a CAW
interface attached. In this mode, the space bar or mouse
button "weave" the row, and the Shift key is the direction
Gear switch. As each row is weave simulated by pressing
the space bar, the computer makes a sound pattern determined
by the harness combinations for the row.
Turning Simulation OFF activates the CAW interface. Control
of the CAW pointer's Lift and Shift functions must come from
the CAW device. Weft rows to weave can be selected with the
keyboard arrows. In this state, Patternland MUST interact
correctly through the parallel port with the CAW device or
the program will hang up. Disconnecting the printer cable
or rebooting are the only options if Simulation is turned
OFF without a CAW device.
Simulation with Sound ON is the program default.
See Also: Options/Loom/Setup/Add Switch Simulation
Command: Options/Loom/Setup/BIOS Test of LPT Port < WLSB >
Purpose: TESTING--Report current status of parallel port
This facility continuously monitors the status of six
parallel port pins and allows you to fire the eight data
pins individually or by sending a bit pattern as a byte.
The currently configured CAW parallel port is used.
This is a feedback testing feature designed to provide
diagnostic information on the functioning of the CAW device.
See Also: Options/Loom/Setup/Parallel Port
Command: Options/Loom/Setup/Frequency or Time< OLSF or OLST >
Purpose: SETTINGS--control pitch and duration of beeps
Patternland warns you when you are nearing the end of a
screen of weaving while controlling the loom. These
settings allow you to control the pitch and duration
of the warning beep.
Frequency in Hertz=Setting X 10. Except: 0=Bell.
Time in milliseconds=Setting X 10. Except: 0=50ms
See Also: your CAW device documentation