NeedleCraft Plus
Text File
137 lines
StitchView 1.5 Demonstration
Copyright (c) 1994-1995 by Roger Smith and Margueritta Brigance
This is a demonstration of StitchView 1.5 for Windows. StitchView
displays and prints Pfaff stitch designs from binary and text .PCD
and .PCQ files.
This demonstration has most of the features of the full version. The
main limitation is that the demonstration does not allow you to print
the designs. The full version allows you to print designs in several
formats including a format for .PCD designs which matches the size
and format of a Creative Designer Programming Sheet. The full version
also imports and exports designs in the text format used to exchange
designs on Prodigy and other online services.
The full version of StitchView with a manual is available from Roger
Smith Software for $15 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling (Florida
residents please add 6% sales tax). Send a check or money order to:
Roger Smith Sofware
P.O. Box 3745
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Please specify 3.5" or 5.25" disk size.
If you received the demonstration in an archive file, unpack all of
the files to a blank disk. If you received the demonstration from
Roger Smith Software, the files are already on a disk and are not
in an archive.
Insert the disk in drive A or drive B. Start Windows. Select the
"Run" option from the Program Manager's "File" menu. Type "A:\SETUP"
(if you put the disk in drive A) or "B:\SETUP" (if you put the disk
in drive B). Press return or click the OK button then follow the
directions on the screen.
If you have any problems installing StitchView, please see the
Troubleshooting section at the end of this file.
Using the StitchView Demonstration
The full version of StitchView includes a User Manual. You will
discover, however, that the demonstration is very easy to use without
the complete manual. To run the StitchView demonstration, select the
StitchView icon and press return or double-click the icon using the
Load a design to be display by pressing the "Open" button (or selecting
"Open" fron the "File" menu. After the design is loaded, you may use
the "View" and "Options" menus to change the display. The StitchView
window may be resized like most windows. For example, click on the
Maximize button in the upper-right corner of the window to enlarge the
window to fill the screen.
Help is available any time while StitchView is running. Select an
option from the "Help" menu or press the F1 function key to get help.
Small Print
The information in this file is furnished for informational use only.
Roger Smith, Margueritta Brigance, and Roger Smith Software assume no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may
appear in this file. The software described in this file is furnished
under license and may only be used and copied in accordance with the
terms of the license.
License and Warranty Information
The StitchView Demonstration is copyrighted. The StitchView
Demonstration is owned by Roger Smith and Margueritta Brigance and
is protected by copyright laws and treaties. The StitchView
Demonstration is offered with no warranty.
The StitchView Demonstration is freely available. You may make copies
and distribute StitchView Demonstration as long as you follow this
license agreement. Under this license you may:
o use the StitchView Demonstration
o make unmodified copies of the StitchView Demonstration for use by
another party
You may not:
o use, copy, modify, or transfer copies of the StitchView
Demonstration except as provided in this license
o reverse engineer or decompile the StitchView Demonstration
executable files
o sublicense, rent, lease, or assign the StitchView Demonstration
o sell the StitchView Demonstration (although a nominal charge for
copying or online access may be charged as long as the recipient
is aware that the charge is not for the purchase of the
StitchView Demonstration or StitchView).
Pfaff and PC-Designer are trademarks of Pfaff. StitchView is a
trademark of Roger Smith Software. RSBBS and RSBBS/Oratorio are
service marks of Roger Smith Software. Other product names are
trademarks of their respective companies.
Copyright (c) 1994 by Roger Smith and Margueritta Brigance.
Published by Roger Smith Software, P.O. Box 3745, Winter Springs,
FL 32708. All Rights Reserved.
Installation Problems
If the installation program continually prompts you to insert the
installation disk and the proper disk is the one in the drive, try
selecting "Cancel" to exit the install. Then select "Run" from the
Program Manager's "File" manager. Type "SETUP1.EXE" and press return
or click the OK button. This installation program will restart.
Display Problems
The most likely cause of display problems (i.e. broken lines, random
spots in the display, or black lines running through the display) is
a bad or outdated display driver. If you have any of these problems,
please contact the manufacturer of your display card for updated
Windows drivers.