ocr: Seite 12 Ausgabe 54 Ausgabe: 54 Seite 13 -rr glide.c- -- From: Frank Andrew Stevenson USERNAME.. wpwpMPMPMPMPWPNP #include estdio.h> dfrank@funcom.no> #include <string.h> To: cypherpunks@tosd.com Subject: Cracked: WINDOWS,PWL wpwp unsigned char Data(100001) Date: Mon, 41 Dec 1995 17:51:36 +0100 rs?????7? unsigned char keystream/1001); (MET) TS int Fpoint300) IS Afew days ago Peter Gutmann posted a 187777777?7?? main (int argc,char "argvli description on how Windows 95 produces rs??77777 FILE *fd; RC41 keys of 32 bits size to protect the pwl int ijk; fiks. I verified the information and wrote a ...