Labels:text | screenshot | font | black and white | circle OCR: In April of 1966, as the government was escalating the Vietnam war, Congress IN NEED passed a law raising the Federal tax on telephone service to 10%. "It is How do we communicate with our people clear, " said Rep. Wilbur Mills, Chair- serving time in Nam? WPAX has a way. man of the House Ways and Means Comm- They're putting rock and soul and ittee, "that Vietnam and only the Viet- rap and education tapes on the air nam operation makes this bill necessary". through Radio Hanoi, who is donating -Congressional Record, February 23, 1966. free air time to broadcast these "subversive" sounds, now banned by The War Tax Resistance is showing people our government's stations. But WPAX how to refuse to pay this war tax. In needs your blank and recorded tapes, most cases, the IRS will come to collec ...