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Graphics Interchange Format  |  1997-02-28  |  121KB  |  2111x2957
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OCR: THE AT&T PAPERS subject: Toll Fraud - Y.I.P.L. Publications AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph Company date: October 13, 1972 195 Broadway New York, N. Y. 10007 Phone (212) 393-9800 fixe no. Lother: RESTRICTED BELL SYSTEM to: Security Managers SECURITY INFORMATION From: Director-Corporate Security synopsis: Requests that signed statements be secured from fraud perpetrators who admit that their fraudulent activities were based on information appear- ing in a Y.I.P.L. newsletter. * ** If any of you still have doubts about Ma Bell, J. F. As you are aware, efforts are continuing to effectuate deterrent actions Doherty and his merry band of infected pork, this against publications which print detailed instructions regarding methods should clear them up. The above document was re- to commit tol ...