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OCR: i'm sorry i can't say anything now Fucking father is listening on the line detector light heard that. Hi! I'm m I.T.T. hostage cupcaked c'll me to tay here MEMPHIS! It's not just the rate increases that burn me up about Bell. It's those local calls that sound like there's an atomic war How to get out of paying deposit on, after you've dialed a wrong number three times in a row. Feel Free! to lie to phone co. They don't have time to check It's that lousy Bell service. · your answers, especially in spring and fall in college towns. Lousy service comes from rotten equiptment and asinine When they ask, "Are you married?' say YES, When they employees. The equiptment is rotten because Bell doesn't ask where you work, NEVER say, "I'm a student. " Tell them feel like buying new equiptment. It cost ...