Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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10 ~HE
3e ar pl~re e'- ~,
T t--~ ~ ~ree`:= ii: ;~eed of i'~ for;.~tio~i,
so I ca~ balai~ce J~l-~e score 'oe t~.,een tl~e
~,ell l~or,~any ~ the peonlee 1 e~;close
a dollar. ~rour l~rother in the r~o~:e-
~en t-ii . l; ., J c~:,e ~ to,.;~:, ~. . ~ .
I,~r dearest 5lrs:
i. o thin: pleasure ~ rn.e r~ore than ripping
off Iioll~er Bell. ?lease send ne.,s-
letter. ~'nclosed is ~1 13.S. Also-a
auestion...A fe;: fr~ds of ~ine ~a}:e
long dis ~ance calls free fror~ pay
phone bootl~s ':: y holdin~ the riouth-
~ece of the pl~one they ~ re ~sing up to
ihe nhone ne~rt to it so the o~?erator
~ears the c]~ange ji:~l e a~d mal~es t::e
connection. I ~ve tried ~ t here in D.C.
and the operator says the cash hasn ~ t
regFistered(r,F}~ic1~ of cour~e i ~ hasn ~ t) .
I,lease te ll `;rhy . Tl~ar~= a lo t . ~ ~ ~ .,
DuBois, Pa.
In our natioi~ ~ s l~apital there are
the sI~iny. new pay phones tha~ ~ro r,: ele-
ctronicall~, instead of the din~ (~╜),
din~-ding ( 1 0c ) or donp; (25╜ ) .iTe,:' o:~es
have only one slot for depos' t, c~nd on
old ones ",~our tricl~ v!ori~s, but hold
the hand~et close to that phone!
~d~ tor
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FSe.nd ~le tlie ~l~it and don f t rip le off
(please) S.;.., lirc3~ester,Pa.
Dear Y.I.~'.IJ.,
~ tl~ou ,l~t you r,i, l~t be i~terested in
a r~ove~en t ~tarted l~ere in Lancaster.
r~he r.~overnen t is to h~ve people ~rho
v~rish to see our troo?'s out of Vietn~n
this year call then r local phone com-
pany r~ana£er and have their pl~one re-
moved . Tl~e r~anap;er -~us t l~e told ~rhy
if it is ~co have any effect.~-Topefnlly
enou~;h people will feel strongly Ec ci~e
u~ phone service to begin showi ng up
on the profits of the phone company.
This would push the phone lobbies to
speak out(Bell especially) to end our
cont:rnued invol~ren~ent there. I f you
cen assist i n any way by encouragi ng
this to take place in other areas it
would be apprec'ated. Thanks! J.G.,
Lancaster, Pa.
Hi People,
Here ~ s my bill, send me shit on fuck-
ing the Bell System. l;Ian do I need
info on this kinda shit thanI<s D.B.,
State College, Pa.
ne ex~,le of eavesc~roppi n`~ that toucl~es a v~st nt~r,~ber of A~nericans was
relatec. ~o tl~e Su~corni:~ittee 1oy Joseph 3eirne, Fresident of the Cor!~munic~tions
'or'~-ers of Ar.~erica. I;e re~realed ti~at tl~e pho~,e co.,~.n~r does not li~it its
inva~ions of T'rivac'~ to asr;isti-ll`~ flie F2I an o'-her ,overn;.,ent ta~pers. He
~ointed out ~'-~at " a~ ~ar t of its tr~i~,in`, prograr., ~ anr] as part of ~t" cont-
int~in ~ clo~e -~.~ervi.»ion of its e~-lplo~ees, the telephone indll:5try l~as de~relo~oed
eo ni~t~re~)t for i:~onitorir ~ its o~erators, its service assi:;tant.s, it., cor~n~ercial
Office er.~lo~ees-il1 sl~cr~, all of its e,~lplo~ees `.ho deal '.~:itl: the custor~er. ~u~f
:o~:i tori~`, !: eans, of cour~e, that tl~e custo:-.,er is, in effect, ~onitored at tl~e
sa:.~e tii;~e . "
"In aler~v ~nooper is ~o~.~eti~-.~es a;~Ie to obtai~ tl~e infor~-. ation l~e needs sir.lply
1~- ca~ lin,, tlie ~eler~:one of ~ice a~'d posinL; as ~ telephone repairrnan. Or, if
tl~e tap~er ~ _ ~ ~ a~-en~o:rce,- en' of[ice~, her nay be able to secure the outrigl~t
cooperation of the telepi~one cor,~nany in the placi nr of his ta~In l~ansas
C~t~r, t ~e e::'s~ence of j~st sucl~ an arrangerl~ent between the telephone cor.~pa'~y
~:d ~l~e ch~ef of police was revealed."
Tl~e aDove t`:ro quotes were r.'ade by .~enator l~d`:`ard V. Long.
In the ol fice ~re call it "The System", and use of the ~rord "the" means dog-
matic finality. Ti~e wall co~es u~ pretty fast v!hen you start tampering with
the `~,ay tI~ n ~ -. are done ~ntl~ n Tl~e System, and you either slow do~m and do
th~ngs Bel~'s ,;'ay or knoc,~ your bra~ns out,-AT<'T junior executive,spring,1967