Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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Dear Russel (Baker that 1 s ):
I «lust read your letter and was aurprised you even saw
Steal Thls Book slnce no ma.jar newspaper, lneluding that well
known sp~ke:3man for free speeeh, the New York Tlmes, wll1
aeeept an ad for the bock, None-the-less, the boys d~wn at
AT5cT must be happy to know they hsve a friend at the Times.
It ' s true even us y~ ppies don' t wl~h to hatch our eoast-to-
coast conspiracies using dixie eups wi~h waxed strlng stretehed
between them But lf our efforts to sabotage the phone eompany
by teaehing people how to make ealls free are the 'duT best rlp
off" then AT&T itself must be engaged in the amartest rip off.
~st year thetr revenues amounted to about 17 billlan dollar~,
give ar take a few dimes. They made a 7.6,g rate of return an
their bread, which in a reeession i~ pretty damn good. To sey
they function as a cut throat monopoly would be understating
the case. I refer you to the exeellent book called ''Monopoly"
by Joseph C. G~ulden ~ $. 95 Poeket Booke ~ for a deYastating
account of the world's largest corporation. Witnese their central
role in the military-industrial complex! Laugh off thelr deflance
of citizens and governmental attempts to hold down phone rates2
Smile courteously wLen waiting three hour~ to complete your next
long-dlatance call! Nod like a robot the next time they explaln
how they are eontrolled by their shareholders and customers! To
defend thetr effieieney onTy leads me to believe you never use
the phone. It's a bit unfair to eompare the system here to Bul-
garia or Greece or even an underdeveloped nation such as England.
AT8eT'a eurrent assets are estimated at 50 billlon dollar~l whleh
ie not exaetly pocket change for most countries in the world. Even
so, the systems of Sweden and Denrnark seem to funetion better,
espee ially with the speed in whleh they phase out obsolete equtpt-
ment. I should also paint out that Cuba ha~ an entirely free
phone system; and that, RusseI1' is the point of the whole monkey
business of Steal This Book in general. Yippies think you Judge
the go~dness of nations by their goaln. As the level of the tech-
nologieal development inereases, the costs should deerease wlth
the goal being to make everyttlng prodoced in a soe iety free to
all the people, eome who may. Neat, huh? Unti1 AT&T and the
other corporations really become publie servlees rather than power
and profit gobblers, we'11 conti~ue to rip them off every ehanee
we get. If you wand to discuss this [urther., eall me up sometlme.
Becau~e of' all the ageneies clairnin,~ to have me under surveillanee,
it's one of the fastest ways to speak dlreetly to your governrient.
Your volee with a srntle,
Dear folks,
I read your letter that was
passed around on May Day. Please
start sending me more, It~ very
interested in fucking the fucking
phone company. I'm mad.Well anyway,
I've enclosed a cheque of 3 dollars;
please find and send those little
shaats as soon as possible. Thank
you kindly. up the revo, K.O.,Piver-
dale, bId.
Enclosed is S1. Could you tell me the
sigus of a wire tsp~hollowness &
clicks?~.A}so,do you have the plans
for a device that allows yo~ to r: ake
long distance calls free? R.F.,~Tor-
folk, Va.
My friend, there is no sure ~ray o f
detecting a tap. ~ vie~r the telepho~e
as a hot line to the pork factory. As
far as plans, one guy did supply thei.
until he got busted. U-ing info in
this issue, consult a friend on ~ower
supplies(re~ulated? and oscillators.
Abb ie Hof fma n
`:lhile I Y~as in D.C. for 1.ayda`,, I pic'.e~l
~p sonle info on ho`~ to fuc1: the Bell sys-
te:n. I'm really interested in this because
I know ho`Y true tl~is all is because I ,~:ort
in the computer roo'~. of tlle phone co,~.pany.
I'~ sending 81 so that I can receive your
newsletters. And if there is anything I
can do for Y.I.P. just let me ~mo~. And if
there~s any way of fac'cins up tlle _ovt. in
any other ~ray, let me ':no~v. J.ir., la.
Richard ii. Ilixon-~l Presidente
202 456- 1444
Spiro T. Agnev,-El Toro
202 265-2000 Ext. 6400
John Il. ,litchell-~l Butcher
202 965-29()0
i,elvin R. Laird- ~.1 De fenc~o
301 652-4449
Henry A. I`issinger-r2l ~xigente
202 337-0042
';iilliam P. 7-1~oE;ers-El Crapper
301 654-7125
General Farl G. .']heeler-.T2l Joi1~t !30sso
7~13 527-6119
Call collec t, fror,~ a p~y phone, people.