Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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y. {.p.~.:
Rip offs that what you are, I send
you a check,you cashed it and never
send me anyth~ng.
I hate getting rip off by anyone,
and Itm going to do all that I can
to let the poople know what you are.
Th~s is the fourth letter tbat I
haved send you, you had haved more
that enough t~me to fix everyth~ng.
Well this the last letter that I will
send you, and I hope you enjoy all your
going to get.Rip off' R.N.,Bronx,N.Y.
I'm ~ high school student in N.J. and
one day last week they herded us all
~nto the aud~torium were this very
straight dude from N.J. Bell proceed-
~d to give us ~ speech about all the
wonderful things we have to thank them
for(Better living thru Ma Bell). The
only reason I c~n see for this propog-
anda is that they realized how bad kids
are fucking them and they have decided
~o n~p this conspiracy in the bud. But
e real reason I wrote this is that I
ent up to the stage and askad this robot
to say a few words about a real scient~fi
advancement, the blue box. He said that hecOde to his listeners.
d~dn't want to hear it and started to walkI ~us: had qu~te a good night of
~way so I started to tell people about ~ t. phreaking. After some of the best
This got h~m very uptight and he came baclcMexican I ever had I called info
and told everyone that the blue box wouid in Hous~on. The operator was real
soon be obsolete because Ma Bell was plan-nice. She answered my questions wi~h
ning to vary the tone frequencies from "surely" and I told her that the
.area to area and make it impossible to operators in N,Y. said that too
kreak out of the area. I don't really it was just a catchy phrase that
~nderstand this but I thought I'd tell youthem yankees were into. She said it
to see if it is bullshit or not because was ~n the operator's manual and
those fackers have me worried that the toyI told her she sounded like a very
organ I'm bnilding will soon be of limitednice girl and I was sorry that the
usefuiness,Yours truly a hopelessly para- establishment had made a robot out
noid reader. of her. Then she admitted to what's
-Our opinion of this statement by N.J.Bellin the guts of every true american.
is that to vary tone frequenc~es wi~1 costShe hates the phone co. Dig it!
~n incredible amount' require that all em- I believe that if you have the
ployees be back at work to m~ke the changeright tension bar and pick you can
would necessitate changing every single open up the cash box on a pay phone.
~ultifrequency sender in the country. In See what YIPL readers can f~nd out
other words, it's possible, but to try to about this. Does opening the lock
do it with~ut raising rates and spending trigger an alarm in the phone co?
time, poss~bly years, is not.' So build your Drop a dime or a washer in one
rgan and the,fact that you will no longer of the old coke machines(red and
contrib~te to their treasury will serve
prolong the changeover.-Ed.
dear yipl; you should know that
the check I'm sending cost nothing
to write. No charges for printing
checks, deposits, writing checks,
monthly statements. Just watch the
overdrafts and postdated checks-
they cost $3 each. Write for account
information to UNB,461 Forbes,
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213(that's The
Union National Bank of Pittsburgh).
-Your friend in New York.
Dear YIPL;
If any phreaks would like to
visit Atlanta this way there is a
pay phone on the strip near Roy
Rogers drive Inn(876-9639area code
404). Its busy a lot, but if you
call a dope dealing freak will
probably answer. A good phone is
at the U of Ga. at Atlanta, 404-
543-9224. Call a student and turn
him on th the credit card code!
Skinny Bobby Harper, a very cool
D. J . at WI IN would like to hear
from phone phreaks. Call him and
talk on the air 6 am. - 9 am.Mon.
thru Fri ., 6am. - 10 am. Sat. 404-
~ 892-3777. Relate the credit card
- to snorl' ana press ~n~ 1ltillUtU UUWl1 ~ ~ ~
the way and get your soda, then lift
up half way and presS down again and
out comes another coke. The whole
fucking machine can be emptied for a
washer or a filed-down penny.
The Cheif of Security of Southern
Bell here is Gerald E. McDaniels and
he seems to like to talk to phone
freaks. So why don't some of you
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