Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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When you call someo'~e long distance, you are billed from the moment they
answer. The phone company knows you answer- when ~ certain amount of electric
current flows through the phone. However, the resistor cuts down the amount
of carrent below the point of b~lling,yet lets enough go by to operate the
mouthpiece. Inside the phone, connected across the F and RR terminals, is
a capacitor, a device which allows more volume for your YoiCe w~thout using
any more electric current.
Answer~ng the phone normally for a fraction of a second stops the rings
but does not let enough current flow to start the billing. If you answer
normally for even one fnll second, hawever, billing will start. Therefore,
hanging up and switch~ng to free w~ll cut yo~ off.
To render the device ineffect~ve, the phone company would have to spend
billions of dollars and .nany years of changing the country's phone systems.
Using this device is illega] ~n some places, and we strongly urge ycu to
inspect all phones you see for the device. If you see it, rip it out and
=~t it immediately.
By the way, you cannot use an ext-~`on phone during a free call unless
it too is mod~fied and the switch is in "Free'~.
YIPL ~s $2 for a year's issues, if you TECkU!Cfl ~ Dfl TA g5╜~4
can afford it. If you can' send stamps - lL~ ~ 8OX lN Fo + ~36~
or bread to pay ~or those who cen't,F7 C ~ ~
turn someone on to YIPL today! - RFOIT C4RD ALL"
This art~cle ~s essentially the same as publ~shed in Ramparts, who has
been suppressed by the Phone Company. Ramparts has taken" apart the State
Dept.,the Defense Dept. and the whole fucking government and no hassles
but the article about the phone company and POW! Which is why YIPL ex~st
to get the vital ~nformation to the people if there's no other way to ge
it to them. You supply the information, and you get more back. Send us
~deas, tell your friends to write to us, and get phone ,:o. people to ge
~n tonch with us . See lya in Miami, phreaks '
As some of you might know from ~
recent Roll~ng Stone artiele, the
FBI and the phone co. has arrested
the supposed Cap'n Crunch of Blue
Box fame for allegedly mak~ng a
few Box calls. We are now sett~ng
up the Cap'n Crunch Defense Fund,
for the benefit of such obviously
political telephone busts. The
money will go for support of those
harrasod and busted for phone co.
specials, and for legal and hail
r _I
~ ~o~
+~e '~
fees. Please contribute what you c~n,
It might be you next. If you learn of
people needing support of this kind,
w~ite to YIPL at once with details.
Make checks to Cap'n Crunch Defense
Fund,c/o YIPL, Th~s is needed to
show our solidarity against facist
Ma Bell, so do it today. We will
try to have a statement by Cap'n in
the next issue.
Nab Students tiaued t~, :\lay .1 hV Ru>~bur,
Distriet C`,urt Jud~c F:l``ood
t~ ~L.I D ·1~. Sgt. blatthew ~ughlin and
`< '' ~llle ~ ulluino Pat'»h,~en Albert Bo;`zi and
5t ~1tobert Yasselian found a
\( n~anhole c'~`er out of pl;~ce
Phone System~In,~.fnont ot the Bencc~n st.
'l1`e,, scized one ~,t the
>~,utils nutsWe the n, n~h`,le
and th~ other insid`` `` l~ere
Ihe\ said ~ ~ninialore ^~`ilch-
Ix.;lr d had bec~n set ul,
Th. ~oulh~ uo re ~ har~,ed
``ilh injuling lules of ~he Ho~-
1~"` t;`lison Cu. .\ C43lllIll'~liCR-
tions honkup ~ i~h a Jo. ~ni-
l~v acros5 the street ``ns in
pro~resc. Ilolite sai~l.
Tu n MIT students, ~ l~on~
~lice seid were setliu'~, t'13
tl~eir o~,n telephone s, stc~nu
v~ere arreste`t )esteril;;N lJ~e
cause nt an open manh~Ie.
Julian West, 1 R. of 51 P~
Aeuron st.. 13ack 1li.~-. an
MIT darmitory, and lKes in ['.
Knch, 19. `!f Ames st'. (~;lm-
hrid'~,e. hall Iheir c,rses c',n-