Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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BUIID R"~'IIETWORN l08 ~un ~ r~orl~
If you li~ or work near a p~y phone, then you might have
an excellent opportunity waiting for you. It's caUeQ he
T network, and it gives you back your money after a
phone call. There a,re mally v~riations, but r~ght now we'll
explain how it works and tLe su~nplest way to do ~t.
Ihe p~y phone stores your ~noney, either to return it or
to deposit it, degending Jpon wLether a + or a - pulse of
130 volts is sent to the phone. Ihe pulse is sent down both
the red and green wir~es and re~rns to graund through the
yollow or the black wires, sorretirr.es both. These wlres
are in a thin cable us~ally runnir.g along the wall near the
phone. In an inconspicuous way, care~lly slice alon~ the
wire, exposing the 4 wires. k~ove the red and green wires
amount she ask:; for. While taLking to your friend, discon-
nect the two pairs, because after appro~mately 2 -~inutes
and 40 seconds, the ~se wi~ come to collect yo~ :.itial
deposit. However, the pulse will no longer be able [o flo~
throuqh the ~one because you disconnechod the ~round wlres.
It's best to hang up wLen the operator comes on after 3 minh ~
tes and says 'tEnd of initial perlod, sigTal wLen tErough''. Now
wa~t to rr.ake sure another pulze doesn't collecE your money,
for at least ten seconds. Then pick up the pbone a~in, and
re-connoct the wires, You will get a dial tone, so här. - up
and JACK ~OT, all your money will come down ag~in.
Since the phone comFany us~y kr~s-'vs how much the re
should be in the phone at collection time, they'~ notice
out of the way, and cut the black and yellow wires, then stripS°methin] amiss. However, you cen pull ~i~ off for a few
off 3/4~' of insulation frorn all four cut ends. Tie the Y & B months and up to a few hundred dollars in calls and then- be
on the phone side together, ar.d do the sam.e for the other pair.ure never to do it agair~ because if they find your broken
Totlch the ~vo t~visted pairs tegether now, and dial d~rect a wlres, they'll stakeout the phone to c~tch you. Best to dc it
long distance call. When the operator comes on,depos~t the for orlly 4 weeks and then stop for 6 months.
Keep wires securely twisted toge~er
when not ~ use, so phone work~ :. ic.
~ ) ~ ~
~sh Phone System
R;gged For Free Calis
~ (AP) ~ e ~ oel the hmB d as p~d01 ~o
rigg«l ~ Brtt" d~e "p_ ~ - ~ that 2 ~ ~b
c~dd ~ ~ a. o~ 1he ~ tor bee.
n t~td the ~errd wirbg i
~Ih_ E~ ~ d 8~1h 1 - m~lh.
Ibel t - 71~ t~ p─_ lat ä1~ ~d op otber ~n
1. llee ~ f~t a" a~ the Pact Ollice, "id operat"
Bril - 'e Idap_ ~. ~ rarb~ in bst rcve~.
A" ~, ~q bdi~e t~e ma, be more tBas ~ p~
~ aa~ ~ We a" ~ ~ga~ ia ~ ~ aß
_─~e «~7 te F1 t° ~e I─d this fn~ ~
"t Bd. a~r ~ the ~t "dial c dild)e' ~had in-
v~ - 1 en~d
f_ ~t lhe Kin~ exchenge In Use hid~ tit,,
~d dc~ ~ to Rom" ~ntes, had been d~pB7 ~d ced
at ~ I.Ut ~ c~ ~ "iverch'tbee lu.. abo~ h.
~0 ~─a _« Lhat ~b~ Uara to b~ce
the mee~l ~h a~ trap 8─e ~ E&ch ~ fi~ 8 ~i-
"l ~ r_. er ~, ~ ~k tor ~ _~ ob.~ g
dee~7 b~ as P« - Off.ce "
ael 1 - cciw~t,'' ~' a" m~r 1~k tsc"
L" ~ial di~ `=le t~l ~alvated ~k l~p to oblalc In
~ ~ to cc~ ~ ~ ~d ei~ocL Use eeß b~qg
te~ Polie. ~ the cerm dmit ~ ·'cde~ oxd '
l~ar ~ e1 ~e ~Ny~s SI~L ot U~ Bill Ho6er
~: ·'J - I ~1 e~ ~ "w tbe cede.
·'11-e _ ~ _ f_ ~ b" (ime ~1 it ~ the Post
011─1eR 11 ~ te b~ to calch the paaple res~ lur
11~. B" - 7 tol t" ~rong pa - .'.
P_~ t~m was '_Hk~ et ~e at 11~ ~ge to
_~ ~ ~'d tla pmon ·'r persons responable.~,
John Draper, ~lleged to be Cap~in Crunch, pleaded no contest
to Toll F!raud char~es on Noverr.ber 28 and received a $1000 fine
ana 5 years probation. John's glad the whole thing is over, even
thongh the plea bnrgaining was a little uni~irly balanced. Anyway
the real Captain Crunch informs us that the busy test for San
Jose is l999, and that i! any of our readers geKing an overseas
trunk by dialing KP 011 ~X ST they should realize that 011 will
c.ly work on IO1C accessable lines, such as N. Y. or Callfornia
information. Most 800 numbers will not accept 011. The Captain
also says t~at stacking ~ is now too dangerous and has "o
useful purposes.
Cancel my sons subscript~on to your paper
immediately, please He is 14 years cf age and
has no interest in i'. He orly subscribed to your
paper just to see if ~t ac~ally existed. Anyrr.ore
papers malled to our address wil1 be returned to
sender. Thank you. -KH, N. Y.-
Dear YIPL,
For pract~ce dialing overseas: London
weather: KP 044 1 246 8091 ST, Australia
weather (Sidney): KP 0Gl 3 6064 ST, Australia
time: .KP 061 2 2074 ST, E`ree Telephone Co. News
Wire Service any wLere ~n the U. S. and Canada
(direct di~led): 212 394-1212. L~sten to Xelen Bar~cs
(sounds like Shirley Booth) and Marran W~rsh~w `~ive
top secret (~) telephone company news ~vice a day.
-L. A. -BKLYN, N, Y.
~'~ -
Model 2s0 Universal Telephone
Decoder features automatic
printout of both Touch-Tone and
rotary dial si~als. [nstrument
records date of call, off-haot time,
on~oolc turne, and responds to
ssterisk and keyboard symbols
whenever these sperial f~ctions
are utilized. Printed indication of
the presence of 2600 Hz tones is
available oplionally.
Spacial Features: Model has
polarity-independent input cir-
cuitry, negible line loading and is
internally protected against high
voltage line transients.