Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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This issue of TAP goes out to the town of Waterville, Mainel
rou CAN HELP rAp ~
If you can contribute any information tbat you think other
readers would be interested in, please do so. TAP readers
are the main source of our information. You c~n help by
meeting employees of phone and power companies, alarm
places, etc., and asking the~n about questions other people
raise in the newsletter. Be sure to get details and maintain
contact in case you hsve additional questions. Most empl-
oyees of those companies would be glad to screw their boss
and they'd probably be interested in TAP, too. We hope
that a lot of you wi~ gather information so we know what
the scene is ~und the country and Canada.
We also need info on the following:
Automatic Blue Boxes-With info about where they're nec-
Vendinq h~achines-Locks, getting stu~, etc.
Locks- New code books, picking Medeco, Sargent Keso,
tricks, etc.
Radio- Setting up your own Station, Schematics, legal
stuff, jammers, etc.
Burglar Alarms-Ho}mes and other central station alarms,
bypassing, electronic keys and picking, etc.
Also, Maquets, Overseas Pnreal~ a, and Chemistrv.
Pa~ Phones- How tEky work, operator's consoles and pro-
cedures, bypassing, using boxes on, co~n relay info, etc.
We need a digital genins to develop a 74161 pro~rammable
divider circuit tbat needs work. Can someone do it?
Are you ~nterested in building projects in TAP but afrsid
that you don't have the know-how? If so, you should know
tbst our Electronics Correspondence courses are designed
to give you a i~st introduction to electricity and to get you
started building projects.We're try~ng to put out 6 courses
that will allow beginners to build ar~ pro~ect in TAP by
the time they're done reading them and doing the experi-
ments. Four courses are ready now and they're 50╜ each
(free if you can't afford i0. The newest one ~s Amplifiers,
Course D. Also A. n~ic ElectricitY. B.Alternatino Cur-
rent, and C-Basic Phone Oneration.
Dear TAP,
Unlon Oil Co. is reportedly salting away gasoline in its
dead service stations. Next time you find such an ostensibly
folded station, it wouldn't hurt to see if the storage tanlcs
are really empty(Union may not be ~one in the use of the
tactic); if there's g~as there, feel free to indulge in the
"sp~rit of '76".
Dear TAP,
I have heard a rumor tbat operators in Boston have been
giving only minor hassles to C. C. c~ers, the usual ploy
being a question as to wLether the caller is using the 1974
nu~nber or last years. This has proven to scare off only
the most nervous of customers.
, ─ ~
MARCH 1974
The Benevolent Association of Relentiess Exhtbition~sts
association with the American Streaking Society, better
known as B. A. R. E. A. S. S., annonnced in Daytona Bea~
Florida tbat the world's i~rst streaking championship will
take place on the world's most famous beach during the
Easter Holidays. Champion streakers from all over the
U. S. A. are expected to compete as well as a large contin-
gent oI foriegn competitors. For fur~her information wr~te
General Delivery, Peninsula Station, Daytona Beach, Fla.
32018. .. B~ in London publishes the best guide aronnd to
going to or through any conntry-$6. 00 airmall and it's cal-
led Overland throuqh AIrica. H~s methods and tips for get-
ting through cheaply. Ihey also publish stuff tbat you should
see if you're heading to Europe. Write BIT, 146 Great Wes-
tern Rd., London Wllitel. 012298219 alias KP0441229 8219
ST). Send Int'l Money orders only, no checks please. . .N. J.
Bell is replacing glass phone bootEs with Kayrex, a rigid
vinyl, as part of their Coin Patrol programfQuackl). Doors
are being rewoved from booths and they'11 convert all the
phones to single-slotters by 197B. Finally, they're instal-
ling curved pieces of sheet metal at the appropr~ate level
inside the bootEs so that liquids directed at the sides of the
booth are deILected to the customer's feet. . . ParanoLd?
Aren~t we all! RESIST, 763 Massachussetts Ave. #4, Cam-
bridge, Mass. 02139 publishes a Movement Securi~ Kit
which tells what to do to keep your cool with police, agents
and grand juries and even has some true stories about a
few sicko agent-typos who give radicals a bad name. Send
a stamped, self-addressed 8xll envelope and $1 to them..
Ihis month TAP salutes Detrolt, Michigan, home of tlie un-
employed big car workers and the pollution-causing comp-
anies tbat had the foresight to build 10 mile-per-gallon cars
for the last decade. General Motors (556 4651 083S) helped
make this country what it is today. And v~ith April 15 com-
ing up, the IRS (226 7220083X) and (226 7340 083Z) and
{226 7727 083Q)is looking forward to spending your dollars
in freedom-lovir~g enterprises aronnd the world. Detroit
is area code 313.
Dear I~AP,
There is a ~pe of sandwich machine, with 13 tiers of 10
compartTnents, which cycle past a column of sliding doors
Ln chain f~shion at the push of a button. Cycle the sandwich
you want to the door for tbat tier, pay your mo'-.ey, ~nd
tzLke your chances. If, instead of sliding ╜he door to the
right, one slides it up against tbe track, pries the bottom
of the door slightly outward ~na the crack at the bottom, &
then puUs the door down and slightly outward, enough space
is left at the top to squeeze ~ sandwich past (or maybe more
than one);no deposit, no re~rn. Don't do this; some glut-
tonaus foo} may observe your technique, emp~y the machine
and infLict a serious case of indigestion upon themselves. It
is considered lacking in strle to cave in the front panel of
this (or any ~endor) with a hammer, or to remove it with a
glass cutter (or chemic~, in the ~e of plastic panels).
When the man comes to refill the vending machines, and
leaves his keys in the lock with his back turned, do not
take the key ring away; this will get him in trouble.
@) Youth Hot Line Reports, ~c. 1974
Movement groups may reprint with TAP's address, and
please send us copy of reprinted work.