Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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NO. 27
NOVEMBER 1974- ~
Yes, after 6 montEs in the pits we're backl Cur
unannounced vacation took place for several reasons
the main one bemg a shortage of help and a surplus
of work. By now we h~ve sold alot of back i~ssues &
the mcome has helped to put us solidly in the black.
We will try to come out-jairty reg~larly from now
on, but th~s depends also on reader contr~butions &
printing costs. We are also planning a 1975 Conven-
tion and need ideas for the convention from everyone.
Possibly contests and exhibits and such. Please
write to us if you've got saggestions.
In addition, we wi}1 be having techr~cal seminars
as al~rays. If you are wen-versed in any phase of
phrea~ing covered in TAP or otherwise, please get
in teuch with us to teach at the convention.
Dear TAP,
Checking the guide to Sub~ersive Organizations and
Publications (lIouse document 398) I noticed the
absence of TAP or YIPL-Ihen I noticed th" date
was 1961. Did you make the new list?
Anyway, tell your readers that it's illeg~l to re-
move the dialing instruction plate on payphones
tbelow ~) if they were planning on using a high
carbon bit on a hand drill to drill a hole exactly
2 3/4" to the right and 5/8r' down.
Not onty is it ~egal, but if
someone were ~Q acciden~lly pake
the end of a paperclip throngh the hole, it would do
all sorts of terrible things l~e releasing al1 the
money chey had ~ust put in to make a ior~ dis~nce
call, preventing them from supporting the wonder-
ful phone company. (Note- drill wilJ "ut through
cast iron case, though r~ot steel lock or coin box
-And the d~ ing instructi:on pla~e could be put
back in, obscuring the hole and allowing nefarious
indi~nduals to cor~tinue their plunderlng-TAP.
Dear TAP'
On a recent trip to Paris I was able to m~ke free
calls to any point in the U. S. (except Hawaii) and
Europe i~om a speeia1 yellow public telephone booth
situated al1 over Paris c~ed "Interurbain". Ihe
only catch was that the called party had to be muted
othenvise a lond tone makes con~ersation impos-
sible. As you know7the m~te prevents supervision,
on oversaas trunks this is accomplishod by sending
2400 Hz to the ~lling party C. O., indicating that
the n~lled par~ has answered. It is the lack of the
2400 lIz tone which prevents the loud bloc~ng tone
from coming on the Paris phone.
W~t for dial tone, d;~ 19, wait for a second
dia1 tone, then dia1 1 + area code + nurnber. I tried.
to oEf a 800 or 555 number, but you can't r9;?1 them
nor odY any number for that matter with an SF. I'm
not sure, but you might be ~ble to do this from other
European cities. I believe tbat the black box is in-
ternational, sirce most Europaan telephone systems
are still step or crosstar.
~ _
-1--- x
We've gotten feeiback on the New Blue Box Cir-
cuit (Issue 26). ~ne problem of the circuit is that
all the diodes for one frequency must be matched.
The Mctorola Silicon dual diode MSD 6150 (co~rn~r~
anode) saves P C board space and is a matched pair.
25╜ each in- 100 quantity. Tf re~lar diodes are to be
used, use only silicoa. Though we said germa~um
diodes are ok, they usu~y ha~re too much leakage
current and the pots will cross-affect each other.
In fact, you can eliminate the hassle and match-
ing of diodes altogether by using double-pole push-
bottons. Polypaks sells a $6. 88 General Telept~one
Data en~y keyboard with 10 buttons. Yourll need
2 more DP3T and a SPSI. for 2600, but you~ sa~re
money on diades. Ihe same 10 trimpots are n$ed.
And keep the wiring to the po~; and switches go~d
and secare electrically. A loose cormection is a
changing frequency. We also ha~re an unchecked
report that eliminating diodes with double pole
switches makos the requlator unnecessary.
Dear TAP,
As for picking Medeco and Keso locks you can for~
get iL Medeco is a sidebar type of lock like the
Briggs and Stratton loc~cs G. M. uses in their cars.
Locksmi~s usually use codes for auto locks as
they can't pick them. A more efflc~ent method for
vending machines would be to use an awl & 5 lb.
hammer to make a hole in the sheet me~ of the
cabinet and then-a n~bbling tool (for electronic con-
struction) to enlarge the hole enough to.reach in and
disengage ~e lock cylinder from the locking bolts.
The m~bler can be bought at T~f~yette or Radio
Shack but may not cut through ~1 thicknesses of
machine doors.
Dear TAP,
Accordirig- to the N. E. T. news line, you people are
brealcing the state law of MAss. wLen you published
the- 1975 Credit Card Code. Upon contnetion you can
be fin~d $2000 and ~et a year in t~e slammer. When
I heard ih1.~ ~ ~lled the head of Security in Boston
wi~ a phoney c. c. number and told h~m w~at I was
doing. Then I asked him what he was going to do
about it. Was he ever ptssed off. Yours in conspir-
acy- S~nless-Steel Rat
'~~i ~
._~ -
Dcvic. coteh" obac~ r~llen
·nd other phone crlmina/e
A nc~ ~y~lem frorn Telident Inc. con-
nect~ ~o :,ny telcphone and display~
thc im:oming calicr's numher. Its pur-
po~ is to help catch obs~ene and
olher obiectionable phone callert. ll~e
caller s nt~mber and exchange remain
visihic thraughout thc c;Jh this pin-
paint~ any phone being used for ihe
obscenc call. whe~her h's ~ pnvate or
pa~ phone. The rnaker ssys the sys-
t~i~. -- tem will al50 discoarage those mating
~ _ _ ~t bomb threals or ransom demands. i'
Contact Telident, [RC., 304 S. Bro~d- you are - 'her" whh t~ probiems.
~ray, Los /~ngeles (or ir,~to~ mation. Di
~ Youth Hot Line Reports, InG 1974
Mcvement groups may reprint with TAPts adÜress,
and please send us a copy of repr~nted work.
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