Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: OKRATKY FILM PRAHA A.S. @Sublicensed by BLV Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag Gutersloh, Munchen 1996 1968, and In Focus - Fall of Communism: Soviets invading Czechoslo vak ia @ LIZENZIERT DURCH DEUTSCHES RUNDFUNKARCHIV @Sublicensed by BLV Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag Gutersloh, Munchen 1996 1961, and In Focus - Space Exploration: Yuri Gagarin taking off in Vostock 1 @LOBSTER FILMS @Sublicensed by BLV Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag Gutersloh, Munchen 1996 In Focus - America Between the Wars: Rudolph Valentino in "The Sheik"