Labels:text | font | screenshot | document | black and white OCR: 1936: Rudyard Kipling . Hitler inspecting a Volkswagen . Charlie Chaplin in "Modern Times" . Stone carving of Mussolini's head - Francisco Franco reviewing troops in Toledo (UPI) . Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in "Swing Time" . Franco's Nationalist soldiers firing cannon 1937: FDR in office . Ernest Hemingway (Springer) . Benny Goodman playing clarinet . Leon Trotsky . Guernica after German bombing " Frank Hawks flying speed plane over New York . Duke and Duchess of Windsor on their wedding day " Amelia Earhart . Abandoned baby in train station, Shanghai 1938: W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood . Franco's troops at Port Bou . Hughes monoplane over New York . Constantin Stanislavsky . Crowd saluting Nazi soldiers, Sudetenland . Orson Welles . New York women and anti-Hitler poster 1939: William Butler Yeats . Nazis rally in New York . it ler and Mussolini signing pact (UPI) . Jewish family leaving Germany