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Text File  |  1993-07-20  |  6.6 KB  |  93 lines

  1. FROM THE MANAGING EDITOR                             ;2\MOY\042092\0420990.000
  2. GRAPEVINE                                            ;9
  3.  Buchanan:Going for the Gold                         ;2\MOY\042092\0420550.000
  4.  Don't Underestimate Perot                           ;2\MOY\042092\0420551.000
  5.  Trouble in the Ranks                                ;2\MOY\042092\0420552.000
  6.  A Worrisome Brand of Japanese Investor              ;2\MOY\042092\0420553.000
  7.  Word Watch                                          ;2\MOY\042092\0420554.000
  8.  .10 Cents a Dance:Just Call 1-800-426 . . .         ;2\MOY\042092\0420555.000
  9. THE WEEK: APRIL 5-11, 1992                           ;9
  10.  NATION                                              ;9
  11.   Clinton Edges Closer, But Doubts Persist           ;2\MOY\042092\0420991.000
  12.   Go Directly to Jail                                ;2\MOY\042092\0420992.000
  13.   Was Gulf War Hardware Oversold?                    ;2\MOY\042092\0420994.000
  14.   The Bums Throw Themselves Out                      ;2\MOY\042092\0420995.000
  15.  WORLD                                               ;9
  16.   From Britain's Voters:A Major Surprise             ;2\MOY\042092\0420996.000
  17.   The Ultimate Survivor                              ;2\MOY\042092\0420998.000
  18.   Fujimori Takes Over                                ;2\MOY\042092\0420999.000
  19.   What's Left of Yugoslavia?                         ;2\MOY\042092\04209910.000
  20.   Miscellany                                         ;2\MOY\042092\04209911.000
  21.   Et Cetera                                          ;2\MOY\042092\04209912.000
  22.  BUSINESS                                            ;9
  23.   Showdown on Labor's Front Line                     ;2\MOY\042092\04209913.000
  24.   Big Recall at GM                                   ;2\MOY\042092\04209914.000
  25.   Et Cetera                                          ;2\MOY\042092\04209915.000
  26.  SOCIETY                                             ;9
  27.   Ashe's Sad, Stunning AIDS Announcement             ;2\MOY\042092\04209916.000
  28.   Not-So-Dumb Jocks                                  ;2\MOY\042092\04209917.000
  29.   Two Years in the Life of An "Unwary Innocent"      ;2\MOY\042092\04209920.000
  30.  HEALTH & SCIENCE                                    ;9
  31.   Whence Beer Bellies?                               ;2\MOY\042092\04209921.000
  32.   Farewell to the Angel Of Death                     ;2\MOY\042092\04209922.000
  33.   Look, Ma, No Wheels!                               ;2\MOY\042092\04209923.000
  34.  ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT                                ;9
  35.   The Way We Live Now                                ;2\MOY\042092\04209924.000
  36. MILESTONES                                           ;9
  37.  Separation Reported:Nelson & Winnie Mandela         ;2\MOY\042092\0420540.000
  38.                 Died:Sam Kinison                     ;2\MOY\042092\0420541.000
  39.                      Issac Asimov                    ;2\MOY\042092\0420542.000
  40.                      Sam Walton                      ;2\MOY\042092\0420543.000
  41.                      Gale McGee                      ;2\MOY\042092\0420544.000
  42.                      Molly Picon                     ;2\MOY\042092\0420545.000
  43. COVER STORIES                                        ;9
  44.  Clinton:Questions, Questions, Questions             ;2\MOY\042092\04209925.000
  45.  Shifting with the Wind                              ;2\MOY\042092\04209926.000
  46.  Anatomy of a Smear                                  ;2\MOY\042092\04209927.000
  47.  The Political Interest:It's Not Going to Be Pretty  ;2\MOY\042092\04209928.000
  48. THE CAMPAIGN                                         ;9
  49.  Perot's Army                                        ;2\MOY\042092\04209929.000
  50. IDEAS                                                ;9
  51.  How to Simplify the Crazy Tax Code                  ;2\MOY\042092\0420630.000
  52. AMERICAN SCENE                                       ;9
  53.  The Two Sides of the Sam Walton Leagacy             ;2\MOY\042092\0420170.000
  54. INTERVIEW                                            ;9
  55.  Robert Gates:"We See a World of More Mysteries"     ;2\MOY\042092\0420510.000
  56. AMERICA ABROAD                                       ;9
  57.  Hot Issues Turn Cold                                ;2\MOY\042092\0420unk.000
  58. DRUGS                                                ;9
  59.  Panama -- Just Saying No                            ;2\MOY\042092\04209930.000
  60. YUGOSLAVIA                                           ;9
  61.  The Killing Goes On                                 ;2\MOY\042092\04209931.000
  62. BRITAIN                                              ;9
  63.  By a Nose                                           ;2\MOY\042092\04209932.000
  64. SOCIETY                                              ;9
  65.  Fair Game?                                          ;2\MOY\042092\04209933.000
  66. ENVIRONMENT                                          ;9
  67.  The Beef Against . . . Beef                         ;2\MOY\042092\0420330.000
  68. PROFILE                                              ;9
  69.  Robert Altman:A Player Once Again                   ;2\MOY\042092\0420520.000
  70. EDUCATION                                            ;9
  71.  (Is That Correct?)                                  ;2\MOY\042092\0420120.000
  72. LIVING                                               ;9
  73.  Voila!                                              ;2\MOY\042092\0420140.000
  74. CULTURE                                              ;9
  75.  Want to See Some Secret Pictures?                   ;2\MOY\042092\04209934.000
  76. REVIEWS                                              ;9
  77.  Art:Dada for the Valley Girl                        ;2\MOY\042092\04209935.000
  78.  Cinema:Superbly in Synch with Shakespeare           ;2\MOY\042092\04209936.000
  79.  Theater:Folksy Funk                                 ;2\MOY\042092\04209937.000
  80.  Theater:More Heat Than Desire                       ;2\MOY\042092\04209938.000
  81.  Music:Singular Act                                  ;2\MOY\042092\04209939.000
  82.  Television:Kindly Cuts                              ;2\MOY\042092\04209940.000
  83.  Books:Dancing on Graves                             ;2\MOY\042092\04209941.000
  84.  Short Takes                                         ;2\MOY\042092\04209942.000
  85. PEOPLE                                               ;9
  86.  Andy Rooney's Forked Tongue                         ;2\MOY\042092\0420500.000
  87.  A Tale of Two Tomes                                 ;2\MOY\042092\0420501.000
  88.  paR drawkcaB                                        ;2\MOY\042092\0420502.000
  89.  The Queen Checks In                                 ;2\MOY\042092\0420503.000
  90.  Island Cruise                                       ;2\MOY\042092\0420504.000
  91. ESSAY                                                ;9
  92.  Let Them Eat Tax Forms                              ;2\MOY\042092\0420640.000