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- In the waltz of love, where do bisexuals fit in? Are they really
- straight or gay, or a category unto themselves?
- By ANASTASIA TOUFEXIS -- With reporting by Hannah Bloch/New
- York, Michele Donley/Chicago and Elaine Lafferty/Los Angeles
- Happily married for 10 years, Richard Sharrard, a dance
- instructor, and Tina Tessina, a psychotherapist and writer,
- blend in nicely enough with their neighbors in the middle-class
- community of Long Beach, Calif. But the couple's life-style is
- far from ordinary: Sharrard and Tessina are openly and
- unapologetically bisexual. During their unusually flexible
- marriage, Sharrard has enjoyed liaisons with half a dozen men,
- while Tessina has taken two female lovers. "It's the best of
- both worlds," declares Sharrard, who thinks nothing could be
- more natural than bisexuality.
- In a world where sexual orientation is polarized into
- heterosexuality and homosexuality, bisexuality comes as a
- disturbing challenge, at once a riddle and a discomfort. "It
- threatens rigidity," says Lani Kaahumanu, a bisexual activist
- in San Francisco. "It threatens both sides of the framework."
- Bisexuals often inspire nervousness, distaste and hostility in
- both straights and gays and are all but ignored by scholars.
- Lately, however, bisexuality has been hard to overlook.
- Bisexual characters are the newest twist in movies and TV shows,
- most notably Basic Instinct and L.A. Law. PBS recently
- broadcast a drama based on the lives of writers Vita
- Sackville-West and her husband Harold Nicolson, both bisexuals.
- Authors Camille Paglia and the late John Cheever have confessed
- their sexual duality; recent biographies claim that Laurence
- Olivier, Cary Grant and Eleanor Roosevelt had affairs with both
- men and women.
- But the issue has been more than fodder for gossip
- columns. The advent of AIDS has made bisexuality a matter of
- medical concern. Bisexual men who practice unsafe sex with male
- and female partners may help speed the spread of HIV through
- the heterosexual community. "Up until the time of AIDS, the
- term bisexual was hardly even used," says anthropologist Carmen
- Dora Guimaraes of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
- "but with the spread of AIDS, we are now trying to flush out
- this enigmatic character."
- Fearful of stigma and discrimination, bisexuals across the
- U.S. and Europe are becoming more organized and politically
- active, networking in such groups as BiNet and BiPAC. They are
- also challenging gay organizations, with which they have had an
- uneasy alliance, to focus more on bisexuality.
- The activism has sparked a new debate about sexuality in
- general. Are people essentially either straight or gay, with
- bisexuality being merely the unnatural by-product of confusion
- and repression among some homosexuals? Or is bisexuality a third
- distinct orientation? Is sexuality governed by biology or
- culture? Is it fixed, an identity that is set early and endures
- through life? Or is it fluid, shifting with time and temptation?
- In truth, sexual identity is a complex weave spun of
- desire, fantasy, conduct and belief; pulling on any one thread
- distorts the fabric. Even defining one's own sexual orientation
- can be difficult. Avowed lesbians sometimes sleep with men, and
- men who describe themselves as straight engage in sex with
- other men. In many Latin societies, men do not consider
- themselves bisexual or gay unless they take the
- passive-receptive role during sex. Moreover, sexuality is as
- much a state of mind as an act of body. People may be attracted
- to someone but unwilling to act on their desires out of guilt
- or shame; conversely, others may act contrary to their true
- feelings.
- Statistics on the number of bisexuals are unreliable since
- people who engage in such behavior often do not call themselves
- bisexual. But the ability to respond erotically to both sexes
- seems to be a common human trait. Bisexuality frequently occurs
- among male and female adolescents in many cultures and is an
- entrenched though unspoken practice among men in some Latin and
- Muslim societies. Alfred Kinsey's classic surveys in the '40s
- and '50s of American middle-class sexual mores found that about
- 46% of the men that were interviewed and 12% of the women
- admitted to sexual experiences with both sexes.
- Despite its prevalence, bisexuality traditionally has not
- been granted independent status as a category of sexuality.
- Instead, the behavior has been explained away as a phase. For
- instance, teenagers sometimes experiment with both male and
- female partners on the way to establishing their sexual
- identity. Among Sambia Highlanders in Papua New Guinea, boys
- practice oral sex with one another as a formal rite of passage
- toward manhood and adult heterosexuality. Dual sexuality has
- also been seen as a pragmatic response, a way to fill a sexual
- need when passion is thwarted by culture and circumstance, such
- as imprisonment. Mixing between men and women before marriage
- is strictly limited in some Muslim societies.
- The most common perception is that bisexuals are basically
- straights with a taste for exotic adventure or essentially gays
- who are unable or unwilling to acknowledge their true
- orientation. To growing numbers of bisexuals, however, as well
- as therapists and researchers, this is nonsense. They insist
- that bisexuality is not a walk on the wild side or a run from
- reality but has a legitimate identity of its own. Explains John
- Craig, a 40-year-old writer in Amherst, Mass., who organizes
- weekend retreats for bisexual men: "I want to experience contact
- with a man's body and with a woman's body. That's just a basic
- part of who I am."
- Because of society's reluctance to recognize their
- existence, bisexuals often face an even more torturous struggle
- than gays in coming to terms with their identity. Unlike gays,
- bisexuals lack an established community or culture to help ease
- the process. For men, the confusion seems to surface during
- adolescence and early adulthood. Al, 38, of Chicago, recalls
- that during his troubled college years "there was almost no
- place I could go where bisexuality was part of the norm." Having
- "bought into the myth that bisexuality was a political cop-out,"
- he swung between describing himself as straight and gay. But his
- distress was so great that "I went though a period of a year or
- two where I called myself `unlabeled.' "
- Some bisexual women travel a similar path. Sarah Listerud,
- a member of a large Catholic family, arrived at Oberlin College
- believing marriage for her was a "given." During her sophomore
- year, she fell in love with a woman. She had subsequent lesbian
- liaisons but remained attracted to men. "I thought bisexuality
- was a phase I was going through before joining the lesbian
- community," recalls Listerud, now 29 and living in Chicago. But
- then, she would "bump into a guy in the cafeteria who was really
- cute or get a crush on a guy. Finally, it was like a little
- light bulb went off. I thought maybe bisexuality is real. I was
- absolutely terrified. It was undesirable; it was not politically
- correct. I was sure to be ostracized from the lesbian
- community."
- For other women, bisexuality is a late discovery. "Many
- never had any sexual attraction to other women," notes
- psychiatrist Tim Wolf of San Diego. "But now they are in their
- 30s or 50s, and they fall in love with a particular woman." Lani
- Kaahumanu was a typical San Mateo, Calif., housewife, wed to her
- high school sweetheart for 11 years and the mother of two
- children. With the women's movement of the '70s, "all of a
- sudden there was this freedom to love women," says Kaahumanu,
- 48. She divorced and for four years lived what she calls a "very
- public lesbian life." But by 1980 Kaahumanu had fallen in love
- with a man. Wolf speculates that women come to a realization of
- their bisexuality later than men do because women tend to be
- more physically affectionate with each other throughout their
- lives and this closeness camouflages the sexual desire. Women
- also seem to show more sexual flexibility than men and switch
- their sexual focus more often, he adds.
- What causes the duality of desire? Most experts believe
- sexual orientation develops from a mix of nature and nurture,
- but the recipe remains a mystery. Gender may be fixed prenatally
- by a chromosome and a wash of hormones, but does a flood of
- chemicals prime the fetus for a particular sexual preference?
- Scientists are discovering differences in brain structure
- -- at least between straight and gay men. UCLA researchers
- reported this month that autopsies showed that the anterior
- commissure -- a bundle of nerves that connects the left and
- right hemispheres of the brain -- appears to be about a third
- larger in homosexuals than in heterosexuals. Another study,
- published last year, revealed that a segment of the
- hypothalamus, which influences sexual activity, seems to be half
- as large in gay men as it is in straight men. A recent survey
- found that when one twin is gay, an identical sibling is three
- times as likely as a fraternal twin to be gay as well.
- Although such findings suggest a strong biological
- influence, they are hardly conclusive. One problem: Are the
- differences in brain tissue the cause or the result of
- differences in behavior? "You've always got to keep in mind that
- experience changes the brain," stresses June Reinisch, director
- of the Kinsey Institute. And if nature is paramount, why don't
- identical twins always have the same sexual orientation?
- Freud believed that human beings are bisexual to begin
- with -- polymorphous perverse, as he put it -- but become
- heterosexual or homosexual because of their early experiences
- of love and sensation. Bisexual as well as gay men often report
- having distant, aloof fathers, leading to speculation that
- homosexual behavior is in some aspect a search for male
- nurturing that has become eroticized. Researcher John Money of
- Johns Hopkins University compares the acquisition of sexual
- orientation to learning to speak. "You did not have a native
- language on the day you were born," he explains. "But by the age
- of five, you'd got it. When it's set, it's set, and there's
- nothing you can do about it."
- Culture is undoubtedly important as well. "It's a lot like
- eating," says Richard Parker, professor of medical anthropology
- and human sexuality at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.
- "We all have an urge to feed ourselves. But whether we like Thai
- food or American meat and potatoes depends on where our tastes
- and appetites develop. Some cultures develop a taste for spicy
- food, and it is largely the same for sexuality."
- According to Kinsey, sexuality is a continuum. On the
- heterosexual-to-homosexual scale of 0 to 6 that he devised, only
- 50% of male subjects can be classified as exclusively straight
- and 4% exclusively gay. Sharrard falls right in the middle of
- the Kinsey scale, equally attracted to men and women, but such
- balance is rare. Tessina calls herself a 2, mostly heterosexual.
- Some bisexuals have a stronger physical passion or
- romantic longing for one sex. Eric, 31, a journalist in San
- Francisco, has sex with women and men, but "I experience more
- emotional intensity with men." Other bisexuals, like John Craig
- or Sarah Listerud, find that attraction varies over time, even
- taking on an almost cyclical quality.
- To Eric, bisexuality "enhances the human experience. You
- get a fuller, richer sexual life. Other men plow through life
- without understanding the parts of themselves that are
- feminine." Bisexuals often claim to be more sensitive and
- empathic lovers. "There is some truth in that," says
- psychologist William Wedin, director of New York City's Bisexual
- Information and Counseling Service. "Part of being bisexual
- means that you see things from more than one perspective. You
- can't be comfortable in stereotypical ways of thinking and
- reacting."
- Still, many bisexuals, especially men, are racked by
- discomfort and conflict. About two-thirds of bisexual men are
- married, notes Wedin, and discovery that a husband is involved
- with other men can easily wreck a marriage. The husband feels
- humiliated, and the wife betrayed, not so much by his having sex
- with men as by his having gone outside the marriage.
- Jason, 37, a Seattle architect, avoided deceit by
- disclosing his bisexuality before his marriage. "We talked about
- our marriage vows because I did not want to say `I will forsake
- all others.' I couldn't vow monogamy." But he is faithful to his
- wife in one sense: his outside liaisons are limited to men, and
- only one at a time. "Besides, I can't handle too many emotional
- relationships at a time. You can get burned out."
- That is a common complaint. "Your feet are in both camps,
- but your heart is in neither," observes Eric. "You have the
- opportunity to experience a kind of richness, but you constantly
- feel you have to make a choice." But forcing a selection may not
- be the wisest course. "You create a sexual neuter if you attempt
- to wipe out one set of feelings over the other," warns Wedin.
- "The more you attempt to repress it, the greater the disruption
- it tends to cause in the other set of feelings."
- Answers to the puzzle of bisexuality are becoming more
- urgent. As the threat of AIDS intensifies, more precise
- information regarding bisexuals' prevalence and practices is
- desperately needed. As agitation for bisexual rights increases,
- a clearer understanding of sexuality's origins is pivotal to the
- debate. One thing is already evident: more even than gays,
- bisexuals used to live in the shadows. Now they are entering the
- spotlight.